Beginners and Beyond


Slow, hot and humid SaturDAILIES (Read 55 times)



    Anyone and everyone can post your runs, cross-training, abdominal work, rest days, race plans, training questions, etc.. The only stupid question is the one you did not post. There’s a great mix of beginners and veterans, runners and walkers, and maniacs and returners, from injury  to running. We're all a little crazy here, too! While this thread is a terrific source of motivation for runners and serves as outstanding accountability, you’ll quickly find this remarkable group to be highly supportive of all life experiences. So, come on in, put your feet up, and stay a while (not literally)! And whoever is up first is welcome to start the thread and we definitely keep some weird hours.


      Mornin' Peeplets!


      Did a slow, tired, humid, dragging my ass 10 miles this morning.


      Almost got hit by a car. Obviously I scared him as he came barrelling down the road, as he jammed on his brakes and fishtailed a little bit. I had to jump in the grass on the side of the road. Made my heart rate go way up. But it didn't make me run any faster.


      Have a great day and weekend everyone! Stay safe! Good racing to all the racers this weekend.


        Supp Flo!


        Glad you got out of that alright.  A guy slammed on his brakes and pull off the road slightly ahead of me once, I am guessing he drop the hots from his cigarette, but it scared the living shit outta me.


        I got some kind of speed work on tap, just gotta decide where to do it.


        Need coffee....


          Good morning fla, that's sounds scary. After a close call like that, I would probably have to call it quits for the day.


          I'm hoping for my long run when I get off work of 10+ miles. These 65-75 hour work weeks play havoc on trying to get decent miles for the week. Have a great day Dailies!


            What up Rick, getting the coffee now.


              Supp Mitch!  I am feeling betta already!


              Run to live; live to run

                Morning. Off to run in a few minutes.


                Hammy better today. He took the meds this am no problem. Got to examine the wound better this am. Will do some wound care later.  It needs some cleaning and the PT in me has come out. I used to do tons of wound care as a therapist years ago. PTs don't  do as much now a days but I loved it. So I will be off to the store today to get some basic supplies to make him feel better.


                Flat how scary. Maybe it will make the driver slow down some going forward!


                Heya Mitch and LRB


                Hip Redux

                  I had two kids on go-carts or ATVs or something come flying around the corner as I was running and one kid took his hand off the steering to wave at me... and he started driving RIGHT AT ME.    Hey, two hands on the wheel buddy and keep an eye on the road!


                  Nothing planned today.  RD and it looks like it will be another really nice day weather-wise for New England!  I'll take it.



                  delicate flower

                    GOOD MORNING IF YOU WANT MY OPINION!  Cool


                    I already hit the gym today.  4.88 jog/walk treadmill miles.  8 minute jog/2 minute walk repeats.  I went behind the gym after and did an easy mile on the rail trail.  The knee felt great.  Maybe next week I'll try to take the running outdoors.  I did some light PT as well.


                    Lots of stuff to do today, including sushi lunch!  You all have a great Saturday!


                      Back to the ho hum weather of central Illinois.......why does vacation have to ge by so quickly?


                      3 run/walk miles this morning with DW. The graduation party ths afternoon for a niece and lots of yard work to get done.


                      have a great Saturday everyone!

                      First Race

                      Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

                      Second Race

                      Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08



                        Good stuff Boon, you're almost up to mile repeats!


                        As for me, I was not mentally ready to do speed work this morning.  I just wasn't feeling it, but I went through my usual pre-run routine anyway, then headed slowly towards the track.


                        Turns out I had one of my most productive workouts to date, averaging my fastest pace overall, and I did not stop running (from the time I left my front yard) until I got back.


                        "R" pace workout:

                        4 X 200's w/200 recoveries
                        2 X 400's w/400 recoveries
                        1 X 800 w/3:00 min recovery
                        2 X 400's w/400 recoveries
                        4 X 200's w/200 recoveries


                        That was 2.5 miles at an average pace of 6:04.  9.3 miles total.


                        Up next, yard work.  Fuck.


                        rather be sprinting

                          Jesus, LRB, that's like the equivalent to a 19:00 5k IN INTERVALS, whoa.  2.5 average pace 6:04? congrats.


                          Not sure what I'm doing today, I have some sorta stomach illness thingy that kept me up all night and also the strength training has my legs a tiny bit trashed. Smile  Not that I mind.  Easy miles today, just a shakeout.


                          Good stuff Boon, you're almost up to mile repeats!


                          As for me, I was not mentally ready to do speed work this morning.  I just wasn't feeling it, but I went through my usual pre-run routine anyway, then headed slowly towards the track.


                          Turns out I had one of my most productive workouts to date, averaging my fastest pace overall, and I did not stop running (from the time I left my front yard) until I got back.


                          "R" pace workout:

                          4 X 200's w/200 recoveries
                          2 X 400's w/400 recoveries
                          1 X 800 w/3:00 min recovery
                          2 X 400's w/400 recoveries
                          4 X 200's w/200 recoveries


                          That was 2.5 miles at an average pace of 6:04.  9.3 miles total.


                          Up next, yard work.  Fuck.

                          PRs: 5k 19:25, mile 5:38, HM 1:30:56

                          Lifting PRs: bench press 125lb, back squat 205 lb, deadlift 245lb

                          Hip Redux

                            Another bad ass workout LRB!   Do you have another mile attempt coming up?

                            There's actually a mile race not too far from my house Memorial Day.  Contemplating trying it, just to see what it's all about!  (I have no real speed, so it would be more for the experience than bragging rights lol)


                            Ball of Fury

                              Ran 3 miles today....first run in 2 weeks!  I was hungover, it was raining, and it was hot/humid, but I loved every second of it!!  Hip started to hurt quite a bit at mile 3 though so called it steps!!


                              Flarunner:  Glad you are ok...scary!!


                              LRB:  Seriously...that is some fast, fast running!!

                              PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                                 Contemplating trying it, just to see what it's all about!


                                You should do that!


                                There are cardiovascular benefits to racing the mile, along with knowing your mile time.  It's nice to be able to say, "I run the mile in (fill in the blank)" whatever time that is, it's cool!


                                Unless some miracle happens, I will miss the one here on Memorial Day, and likely will not race it again until the week of July 4 I think.
