Beginners and Beyond

What were you doing the year Kristin was born? (Read 110 times)


Barking Mad To Run

    This is fun.


    Bluerun and meaghan I'm younger than both of you and I have plenty of grey hairs!


    Umm, yeah, uh huh....on your rabbits, right? 

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

    old Dave

    I'm your huckleberry


      scottydawg and I are older than both of you.


      The only concert I remember regretting was The Grateful Dead in 1993. Jerry was not well and they were AWFUL.


      It's likely I saw Little Feat the year Kristin was born, though. I think I saw them once a year for many years.


      Yeah, but you're smokin' hot



        You were a senior in college?  Ugh, we're the same age, you just must be smarter than me because  I was only a sophomore in College.  I also was got married the year, Kristin was born.


        But you are fastervthan me.


        I was a senior in October when Kristen was born, so only a junior in the first half of 1985. I was younger than many students; I didn't turn 18 until midway through second semester freshman year.



          But you are fastervthan me.


          I was a senior in October when Kristen was born, so only a junior in the first half of 1985. I was younger than many students; I didn't turn 18 until midway through second semester freshman year.


          So I guess we are of pretty similar vintage.

          +1 on being a senior in fall 1985

          +1 on turning 18 late freshman year (April). Which was totally sucky because it also meant not turning 21 till shortly before graduating.



          Are we there, yet?


            +1 on turning 18 late freshman year (April). Which was totally sucky because it also meant not turning 21 till shortly before graduating.

            When did that ever deter a college student from doing what I assume you had in mind?

             2024 Races:

                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





              When did that ever deter a college student from doing what I assume you had in mind?


              Um, yeah, it didn't. Just had to get more creative sometimes. I probably drank more before turning 21 than over the rest of my life since.


              Hip Redux


                Um, yeah, it didn't. Just had to get more creative sometimes. I probably drank more before turning 21 than over the rest of my life since.




                I probably drank more freshman year in college than any other time in my life.   



                  Um, yeah, it didn't. Just had to get more creative sometimes. I probably drank more before turning 21 than over the rest of my life since.




                  I could not tell you how much I drank in that period, but it was enough to make the rest of my life look pretty damn tame.  lol


                    Since this is a running forum - 1985 was the year I set my 15K PR, and the year I stopped running for 23 years.


                    Come to think of it, that was probably about the time I had my first introduction to running. There was a gal who was probably 18 or so working for the ranch we lived on who had run the mile and two-mile in high school, and I think I went with her on a couple of runs, maybe a mile or two at time was all. But it started me thinking I might be able to run those events when I got to high school. I did (slowly).

                    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.