Beginners and Beyond


The DAILIES: Like a Rock (Read 46 times)


    That is how I slept last night, so needless to say I did not do jack in the way of a workout this morning!


    It was a running off day as it was but I would have like to have gotten some core and strength work in.  Nope.  I barely had enough time to brew a cup of Pike's.


    I am off to wok, see ya!


      Enjoy your day, LRB!


      Should be an SRD, but I'm trying to prepare for running 7 days a week when I start marathon training, so I'll run 4 recovery tonight. I really should stretch a bit too because I'm sore all over from running only 16 miles yesterday. I'm back at work as well, but only for today. Off tomorrow (unpaid) and Wednesday (paid).


      Have a nice day!

      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

      Hip Redux

        Woke up at 4am to wicked sciatica pain and an unhappy piriformis.   So that was fun.  That kinda screws with my plans a bit for today.



        delicate flower

          Happy Monday and there are two days left in this year!  HAHAHAHAHA rofl rofl


          7 on the treadmill yesterday at 7:23 avg pace.  Half mile intervals progressively faster.  Good first speedwork in six weeks.  Boy when you lay off speedwork for a while, it hurts the first time you get back at it.  6:10 pace was hard that last interval, while I was banging out 5:30 pace intervals two months ago.


          Easy run planned after work today.  I'd like to run outside if the roads are not too icy.  21 weeks until marathon!



          Former Bad Ass

            Morning!  Some miles tonight, depending on the time.  Daisy is at the vet and hoping for good news, although she is not eating and is losing weight.  Kitties!  Anyway, depending on what time I get to pick her up, do grocery shopping, send dad some $ and get my allergy shot, I'll try to get a run in.


            I wish I could sleep like a rock, but I wake up every 30min or so.  Sometimes I wonder if I should just stay awake, ha.



            Run to live; live to run

              Zelanie from yesterday. Hammy had a ruptured dIsk. Actually thoracic in his case. Yep. We started the pool 6 weeks after his surgery. He goes every Saturday (With a few misses.  It helps keep him strong and helped in the rehab of his legs after the surgery to regain strength).



                No run today. Planning on yoga later.


                Interrupting today's edition of veterinary hospital for a running-related question for people. Fuel/hydration for LR's - what do you do?

                I never like to carry anything with me & I don't own any kind of fuel belt. I have rarely worried about it for anything ~14-15 & under. I had nothing for yesterday's 17 miler & was fine. (Well I was feeling pretty rough later in the run for sure, but I didn't feel like I was going to pass out or anything.) I imagine the water is more critical when it's warm out (although I missed pretty much the whole warm-weather running season this year due to injury). When I have brought a water bottle I typically stash it along the route somewhere, as I usually do multiple loops, although lately have been venturing out farther & wouldn't necessarily come back to the same spot as often. I don't think I've ever used Gu for anything less than 20.

                Just curious what others do. I always think i should be doing more.



                Run to live; live to run

                  Today is a running rest day. I really want to run, but I know I really shouldn't. Pilates later.


                  Dave  I don't  take fuel with me, but I'm odd. Now in the summer I will stop sometimes for water on my longer runs if I need it. I do have a water fuel belt. I just don't use it very often. All you can do is experiment and see if you perform better and recover better if you fuel during the longer runs. Every person is different on what they need.



                    Dave, for me, no GU or any type of food for anything less than 18 miles. One GU, or maybe nothing, if 18 miles (it depends on how much I ate the night before, if I'm feeling hungry already by mile 10...). One, or two GUs for 19 and up, depending on intensity (if I'm trying to maintain MP during a LR of 20 miles, I'll allow myself some help in the form of an extra gel). In general, learning to train with no fueling is supposedly good for us. As for water, right now, I can pretty much run up to 20 miles without it (it's about 35-50F in the garage, where the TM is). Last summer, when I was running outside, it was hot of course, and running 14 miles without water was real tough, but I could manage it (but my pace really suffered from it). I guess if I had to run 14-20 miles in warm temperatures outside, I would hide a bottle somewhere, or loop back to the house for a few minutes rest to hydrate. I do not like carrying anything on me. That's just my way, but I live in a colder climate and rely less on hydration. And gels are a very individual thing and are also based on size and weight. The bigger you are, the more calories you will need during a LR.

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                    delicate flower

                      run question


                      I only do long runs when I am training for marathons.  As such, I fuel my LR as I would my marathon.  I carry Perpetuem in a handheld, and water in a fuel belt.  Generally speaking, this applies to runs of 18+ miles.  For runs of 10-18 miles, I carry water in a handheld and maybe a gel or two.  Anything shorter than that, I carry nothing unless it's warm outside. 



                      Former Bad Ass

                        I don't carry any water with me.  Just stop every 5 miles to eat a gel and drink water at a water fountain.  Even if it's 100F I don't drink any more any longer.  I used to but I think my body can handle that small amount of water during runs.  Otherwise, if I carry a bottle, it would go over my head instead of inside my body.


                        Just B.S.

                          Hello dailies! 12 more inches yesterday and overnight for hubby to snowblow. 11th  snow or ice storm in 3 weeks.

                          People still without power here after 8 days.Sad


                          Did 6 on the mill yesterday during the storm, really hoping the roads get plowed , we don't have sidewalks

                          So the streets become very narrow and constantly jumping into snowbanks to avoid traffic gets old fast.


                          Any warm weather people want to do a houseswap for the next 4 months.Smile


                          LRB, sup?

                          Lily, did you get snow?


                          Dave i am like lily in that I don't use food unless I am planning at least 18-19   miles or more. Hubby and I

                          also drop Water bottles on our route for long runs as we have no fountains or stores on our routes and I

                          detest waist belts. Will Wear one when necessary but prefer not to.


                          Back in 2002  when  I started running halfs and longer nobody around here used gels etc but when they

                          became mainstream I started  using them but realized my performance  was no different up to the 19

                          mile mark with or without.


                          Now if I feel my nutritiion prior to the run was sub par I will tuck a fig newton or two in my pocket, much cheaper

                          than a gel and work just as well for me.


                          Hoping for 10 miles today weather dependant as more snow is coming.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Yum, fig newtons, my favorites.




                              My sleep sucked, I've got sinus congestion and am sore. I didn't run this morning and I think I am going to go ahead and move my Monday runs to Tuesday, since I plan on doing that eventually in 2014. Hopefully I will have better luck tomorrow morning, today will hopefully consist of ab and core workouts along with foam rolling and stretching.

                              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                                Beth, more snow? Holy cow! And 8 days without power sounds like a nightmare... :-( No, we did not get any snow the last couple of days. In fact, we were lucky. I heard that Toronto also lost power a few days ago. The ice storm then moved south of us (Eastern Townships), before it reached you, guys. Yesterday, it was +1C here... But it's much colder now and we expect it to get even colder in the coming days. Very sunny, though. Very smart of you to use the TM. I bet those hilly roads of yours are still very slippery.

                                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010
