Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)

Chasing the bus

    Wow, Demaris...that's a long way. I dunno 'bout batteries, mines a Wahoo for my iphone. Some day the chest transmitter will need batt.'s.


    6 miles this morning, at 10:30, under MAF HR, after a 6 mile tempo run 36 hrs earlier? I dunno, nice morning for a run anyway...


    Merry Christmas!

    “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
    Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


    Consistently Slow

      Morning!  I did 20 at 145HR and 11:25mm.  I think there was a slight malfunction of the HRM because the first 10 miles had me at below 140HR and the last 10 at close to 160HR.  That's almost my HM heart rate.  Very weird.  Still, not far from my average HR (143) for Maf, but I bet it was really 140 or thereabouts.


      Which brings me to my question: How often to do change the batteries of your HRM?  This one is two months old.  They usually don't start malfunctioning on me until it's time to change the battery.



      Change the battery? 405 two hrs old. Maybe I need a battery change.

      Run until the trail runs out.

       SCHEDULE 2016--

       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

      unsolicited chatter



      Consistently Slow

        5 miles HR 128 /138

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter


        Chasing the bus

          4 miles for me today! Feels sooo good to finish runs without wondering about or wrecking my knee. Been running exclusively in my brooks glycerines, looking for max cushioning. Something is working anyway. Above MAF a bit, 10:20/m


          Merry Christmas!


          “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
          Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


          Former Bad Ass

            I did 5 yesterday but forgot the Garmin (gasp) and I don't know my MAF.  It felt easy so I assume I stayed near the appropriate number.



              TM 1%  5 miles.  Looked outside this morning and saw the ground covered with a little white stuff so decided to keep it indoors on the TM.


              After a slow 1 mile WU, did a MAF test to check-in on how training is going.  Have not done a test in 4-6 weeks and was pleased to see more than a 30 second per mile increase.  I'm not going to account for the full change as I know a few test results can fluctuate, however the results indicate things are improving.   Good news.



              Consistently Slow

                11 miles   HR 123 /142     MAFF 123          35F wind gust 25mph WF 26F

                Run until the trail runs out.

                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                unsolicited chatter



                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning!  I did my weights and 5 miles yesterday.  I knew there was something wrong with the HRM.  I was having high readings so halfway through the run I switched to my other HRM.  Immediately, the rest of the run was 10bpms lower than the first one was recording.


                  5 miles tonight with the running group.



                    5:20am - 26F (15mph winds and WC around 15F), light snow and ice last night, black ice on roadways.


                    10.14miles at 136bmp ave.


                    The HH training plan called for a 10mile pace/ tempo run today.  I ran the first 4.6 miles as a traditional MAF run, starting at sub 114 and slowly building towards MAF by about mile 3 (slow progression - start).  For the second half I started to push the pace a little by climbing towards 145, then 150, 155 and topping off in the 155-160 range for the last mile +/-.  Ran the last 5.4 miles at an average HR of 150 bmp and a blistering speed of 9:30!  Other than cold hands I had no complaints and felt very comfortable at this rather controlled faster pace.


                    While at the higher HRs I felt to urge to accelerate at times however am working on controlling the pace.


                    Hope to finish the last week of 2012 with 50 miles.



                    Former Bad Ass



                      Last night, 5 miles @ 142 HR (11:31mm).  Shakeout run or resting today.


                      Chasing the bus

                        Well...after three days off, where I just could not make myself get out of the house (lets call it taper, and assume I'm going to run that 10K at 6:30 AM on new years day, after arriving in Honolulu at 7pm, getting to the house and to sleep at midnightthirty), I did 4 miles, at well above MAF, at well below a pace I could consider tempo...not sure why HR was so high, after so much rest., surely NOT the two glasses of merlot the night before...? Oh, yeah, raining over ice, super slippery, temp almost 40F...crazy weather. Lots of screws in the shoes, but they needed more. How much time for the extra slip of each step? Hoping to get one last run in tomorrow, just so I can say I ran new years eve.


                        Oh well, Happy new year, all!

                        “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                        Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Morning!  And Happy New Year!


                          I did a 5K this weekend and had some issues with the asthma so it was not a nice and fast one.  Still, ran by the HR I wanted to of 175.  Last night I did 7 miles and I felt pretty good.  Effortless 7 @ 10:51mm and 146HR (I did two MP miles which is the reason for the slightly higher HR).


                          I've been wondering whether I should finally give myself the +5 points Maffetone allows, and, although I've had asthma attacks this year, I've been running and improving for years, so not sure if it is time to make my Maf 148.  Thoughts?


                          Hope your day goes great!


                          Chasing the bus

                            Finally! Short story, 3 miles, no HRM, 'bout 10:30, hilly, rain, 70f.


                            Long story; got to HI with no shoes or HRM. Yesterday, hit The Running Room in Honolulu,, came home with a pair of Brooks Pure Drift...ehr mah gerd! Ah lerve mah nu sheooz! (Sorry bout  that, I'm ok now).  Still raining here, third day.

                            “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                            Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Well, you needed shoes to be able to run, no?  I lived in Honolulu and didn't want to leave.


                              This week has been weird.  I did my 5K and got an asthma attack. Did 7 miles that day at 145 and super fast.  Did 15 on Tuesday at 148 and they went well.  Then I had to do my allergy shot and could barely eek out 5 miles at 141 and almost hyperventilated.  Hoping for some consistency in my HR tonight with my 9 miles.


                              Finally! Short story, 3 miles, no HRM, 'bout 10:30, hilly, rain, 70f.


                              Long story; got to HI with no shoes or HRM. Yesterday, hit The Running Room in Honolulu,, came home with a pair of Brooks Pure Drift...ehr mah gerd! Ah lerve mah nu sheooz! (Sorry bout  that, I'm ok now).  Still raining here, third day.


                              Chasing the bus

                                Yeah, I did need shoes to run. My feets been too long in shoes to go without.


                                Another 4 miles in the new Brooks, still starry eyed for them. Need a good long run to really shake them out. Four aloha miles at 10:40, no HRM, running with sister-in-law, first time ever running "socially" for me...it's different,  but ok. Her pace is close enough to mine to work out well, though.


                                Have a great weekend, everyone!


                                PS; just logged my first zero points winter running contest run...hehe, not even disappointed!

                                “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                                Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test