Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Consistently Slow

    9 miles  hr 120 / 134

    Run until the trail runs out.

     SCHEDULE 2016--

     The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

    unsolicited chatter




      December's 100 will be close to 32 hours Smile


      I am planning on doing a 6 hour run end of this month with 51 km goal But I am not sure since I am running almost everyday here and cover aprox 13 miles or more every day. Body needs rest wen I am home I guess :-)


        Hi, guys.  back from Chicago where hubby and I ran the 13.1 Chicago. I paced him so I was well below MAF.  I did 8 miles yesterday after a day of smoke from the fires making Miami, Broward, and Palm Beach counties unbreathable.  HR was 150.


        Read your blog and looked at the images. You seem to have a good time :-) And euh... powerbreathe? I am sure it will help your asthma since it is bothering you so much. I am still happy with my progress


        Consistently Slow

          HR 125 /135.

          The math goblin tricked me.

              Goal 40  



          10* 5:40 AM

          1.4* 2:20 PM


          done 41.1

          Run until the trail runs out.

           SCHEDULE 2016--

           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

          unsolicited chatter



            Hey gang,


            Back from vacation and a LOT of walking. Did my first run in about a month. Since April 1st, I've only run about 10 miles total, while walking about 130. I did a 1 mile MAF test and my running pace at MAF has improved significantly.



            2.25 miles


            1 mile MAF test



            1.25 miles



            Here we go into the dog days of summer.

              coool, running again!! 


              Hey gang,


              Back from vacation and a LOT of walking. Did my first run in about a month. Since April 1st, I've only run about 10 miles total, while walking about 130. I did a 1 mile MAF test and my running pace at MAF has improved significantly.



              2.25 miles


              1 mile MAF test



              1.25 miles



              Here we go into the dog days of summer.

                may I ask why you're only doing 1mile long MAF tests lately?


                  Hey gang,


                  Back from vacation and a LOT of walking. Did my first run in about a month. Since April 1st, I've only run about 10 miles total, while walking about 130. I did a 1 mile MAF test and my running pace at MAF has improved significantly.



                  2.25 miles


                  1 mile MAF test



                  1.25 miles



                  Here we go into the dog days of summer.


                  Sounds like a good holiday :-) I am still on holiday, amost ran 130 miles I guess :-) Still enjoying myself here.

                  But... why 1 mile MAFF? The strength lies IMHO in more miles to see what HF does on the long run (literally)


                    may I ask why you're only doing 1mile long MAF tests lately?


                    It all started in my dark, dark childhood on the rough streets of Central Falls...


                    But seriously, because I was in a walking phase, and I haven't wanted to run more than that. I get a good enough idea from the first mile whether or not aerobic speed is improving.


                    I think the improvement is partly from the walking,  and partly from the rest from running. Whatever the reason, I'm on the right track.


                    (gained some weight in Italy, but that's to be expected)


                    Former Bad Ass


                      Read your blog and looked at the images. You seem to have a good time :-) And euh... powerbreathe? I am sure it will help your asthma since it is bothering you so much. I am still happy with my progress


                      Haha (I need to check it out!).  Thanks!


                      Hi, guys.  17 miles on Sunday at 145HR and barely breaking 12mm.  It was a hot and humid morning.  6 miles last night still super slow and yes, it's the asthma.  "powerbreathe"




                        Sounds like a good holiday :-) I am still on holiday, amost ran 130 miles I guess :-) Still enjoying myself here.

                        But... why 1 mile MAFF? The strength lies IMHO in more miles to see what HF does on the long run (literally)


                        I do long tests and short tests. The first mile is a good enough gauge for aerobic speed, and the added miles shows if you're drift is improving—slowing down less over a period of time at MAF or the same HR.


                        Doing short tests now because I haven't wanted to run longer than that.



                          Haha (I need to check it out!).  Thanks!


                          Hi, guys.  17 miles on Sunday at 145HR and barely breaking 12mm.  It was a hot and humid morning.  6 miles last night still super slow and yes, it's the asthma.  "powerbreathe"


                          That's tough!    getting humid here too.   6 miles yesterday morning with the wife.   She was in zone 3 and I was struggling to stay in MAF, walking several times.  9:45's, my slowest MAF run of that distance  in a while.   The kicker is that I was coming off of a rest day and had no beer the night before.   To be fair,  2 nights prior was a rough one.   Our 4 year old was with the in-laws so my wife got me drunk and took advantage of me.  Smile


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Morning!  I didn't do my speedwork yesterday due to the lungs but still did 9 miles.  First 4 @ 150HR, the next 2.5 with hubby (below MAF) and the last 2.5 at 153HR.  Call it my MAF + day.



                            Consistently Slow

                              13 miles HR 125 / 143. Really good run. It two miles at 10:45 with HR AVG 132 on downhill. 11:48 on the uphill.

                              Run until the trail runs out.

                               SCHEDULE 2016--

                               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                              unsolicited chatter



                                40:00 run

                                25:00 walk