Low HR Training

Losing the Blubber...cooling the core... (Read 2314 times)


Consistently Slow

     The Pizza or the piece???  For me, it's the pizza.

    Finished the last 3 slices of a large one after 10 mile bike ride. Breakfast.

    Run until the trail runs out.

     SCHEDULE 2016--

     The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

    unsolicited chatter



      Sunday Weigh-in

      181 lbs.  (start184 lbs.)

      waist 41"  (start 42")

      neck 15"  (start 15")

      bodyfat  29.2% (start 31%)

      fat lbs. 52.85  (start 57.04 lbs.)  loss=4.19 lbs. of lard

      lean lbs. 128.15 (start 126.96)  gain=1.19 ibs. of boof



      Losing a pound a week on average thus far, with about 1.4 pounds of fat loss and gaining .4 pounds of boof (muscle).


      Looks like the calorie deficit I'm using is about right. An average of 700 calories a day. I haven't felt abnormally hungry or deprived. I think the 30% fat (55%carb/30fat/15protein) is keeping me sated. Most of my fat is coming from tablespoons of uncooked extra virgin olive oil, 6000 mg of fish oil per day, and almond butter.


      I'm glad I'm building some muscle at age 49. I've been religious with yoga and strength work on a weekly basis (2-3 per week). The yoga really helps strengthen the core, ankles, feet, and is great for balance. The strengthening (other than the yoga ones that strengthen the back, legs, and core like the cobra, the tree, etc.) that I insert into the workout is:

      --a few arm exercises with 10 pound weights

      --pushups (up to 31)

      --wall-sits (up to 0:02:35)

      --yoga sit-ups (100)

      --leg raises in all directions (lying on back, both sides, and prone) for 2 minutes each leg in all positions. I plan to add ankle weights as I get stronger as I don't want to have to hold my leg up 5 minutes to get a benefit.

      --side to side stepping

      --I created this exercise where I stand, then lift my knee toward my chest as high as possible, then slowly bring it back down and through in back of me into a running pose as if I were slow motion running, but exaggerated. 35 each side.

      --yardwork (raking, sweeping the driveway, digging, lifting)


      That's what I've been doing for strength, range of motion, and balance.

      In twelve weeks I hope to report that, at the very least, I am back to my former weight when I ran my PR's, which

      was 170-175 pounds. But I would like to surpass that, as I think that range was running a bit lardy as well.




      Consistently Slow

        Sunday Weigh-in

        181 lbs.  (start184 lbs.)

        waist 40"  (start 42")

        neck 15"  (start 15")

        bodyfat  29.2% (start 31%)

        fat lbs. 52.85  (start 57.04 lbs.)  loss=4.19 lbs. of lard

        lean lbs. 128.15 (start 126.96)  gain=1.19 ibs. of boof



        Losing a pound a week on average thus far, with about 1.4 pounds of fat loss and gaining .4 pounds of boof (muscle).


        Looks like the calorie deficit I'm using is about right. An average of 700 calories a day. I haven't felt abnormally hungry or deprived. I think the 30% fat (55%carb/30fat/15protein) is keeping me sated. Most of my fat is coming from tablespoons of uncooked extra virgin olive oil, 6000 mg of fish oil per day, and almond butter.


        I'm glad I'm building some muscle at age 49. I've been religious with yoga and strength work on a weekly basis (2-3 per week). The yoga really helps strengthen the core, ankles, feet, and is great for balance. The strengthening (other than the yoga ones that strengthen the back, legs, and core like the cobra, the tree, etc.) that I insert into the workout is:

        --a few arm exercises with 10 pound weights

        --pushups (up to 31)

        --wall-sits (up to 0:02:35)

        --yoga sit-ups (100)

        --leg raises in all directions (lying on back, both sides, and prone) for 2 minutes each leg in all positions. I plan to add ankle weights as I get stronger as I don't want to have to hold my leg up 5 minutes to get a benefit.

        --side to side stepping

        --I created this exercise where I stand, then lift my knee toward my chest as high as possible, then slowly bring it back down and through in back of me into a running pose as if I were slow motion running, but exaggerated. 35 each side.

        --yardwork (raking, sweeping the driveway, digging, lifting)


        That's what I've been doing for strength, range of motion, and balance.

        In twelve weeks I hope to report that, at the very least, I am back to my former weight when I ran my PR's, which

        was 170-175 pounds. But I would like to surpass that, as I think that range was running a bit lardy as well.



         Man, I just can not get myself to do the core or weight training. I guess i am waiting for a pill!

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter


          --pushups (up to 31)




          aren't pushups anaerobic according to maffetone?


          I know that when I did pushups back in february, they were not doing me good in my running - I did get stronger muscles in my arms but it was the kind of extra load/stress for my body on top of running that was all above MAF (such runs for 5 times a week!) that it just did not like and that had me stop the pushups. looking back, I have a feeling that it contributed to the regression in running.



            aren't pushups anaerobic according to maffetone?


            I know that when I did pushups back in february, they were not doing me good in my running - I did get stronger muscles in my arms but it was the kind of extra load/stress for my body on top of running that was all above MAF (such runs for 5 times a week!) that it just did not like and that had me stop the pushups. looking back, I have a feeling that it contributed to the regression in running.



            Yes.  Pushups are anaerobic exercise.



              Monday -5/15/10

              Weight- 199


              I gained a few lbs over the weekend.  Water probably, but I did manage to make a turkey dinner for my wife on mothers day.  I am sore today from a strenght workout on Friday.  I ran 60 minutes on Saturday.  Avg HR 123.  Sorry about not keeping am online log, but I barrely have five minutes to get on line somedays. I do keep a wrtten journal.  The run was first in the morning, no food.


              I have not counted calories.  I just figured that it would take care of itself with more running.  4 weeks post marathon and I am planning to ramp up some minutes of training.


              Runnerclay,  would you do a core workout if it took 10min. and kicked your arse?


              Strenght circuit for runners


              This is Eric Ortons message board web site.  Eric Orton is the trainer of Christopher Mcdougall, author of "Born to Run".  Lots of insite into the mind of a trainer who got someone to run an ultra on the toughest looking terian I have ever seen. (I would not hike it, let alone run it)  Eric has pictures posted and a blog about his journey with the Taramahara.


              This is a very deceptive circuit.  When I first did it I was dissapointed with the reps.  The single leg squat is very challenging  If you watch how to do the exercises,  he has video explainations, and do them slowly you will feel them the next couple to three days!  They are done with an excercise ball and designed to engage dormant running muscles.



                Monday, 5/10/10 (Week 1)

                182.4 lbs (start - 184.8)


                Loosely staying in Weight Watcher rules, had more cheat days than expected due to post work celebrations.  Water weight is starting to be shed.  Expect another 3 easy pounds, then it's going to get hard. 

                Started focusing on swimming last week, with dedicating at least 3 days per week so I don't drown in the river at the end of June.  Making it a goal to bike to work twice per week plus hit my three cycling workouts.  Today is a running day, hoping to hit three of them per week (gave my running legs a rest last week to start healing the knee/muscles from the 10-mile race last Sunday).


                  Started off at 164 when I posted 4 weeks ago.  Weighed in at 161.8 tonight.

                  Beginner all over again

                     Man, I just can not get myself to do the core or weight training. I guess i am waiting for a pill!


                    I'm with you....

                    But I hope I get motivated soon!




                      I'm with you....

                      But I hope I get motivated soon!



                      if it bores you too much then don't do it, will add too much stress Smile nice excuse eh? that's mine for not doing them. oh another excuse I just thought of: (I assume you are female too) women don't need big muscles. :P


                      Consistently Slow

                        Pilates 20:00 

                        Run until the trail runs out.

                         SCHEDULE 2016--

                         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                        unsolicited chatter



                          Started off at 164 when I posted 4 weeks ago.  Weighed in at 161.8 tonight.

                            I thought yesterday might have been an anomaly since I hadn't weighed in in a week.  Weighed again tonight and was at 160.5(!) so it looks like I was actually at the high end of the day-to-day variation.  3.5 pounds in 4 weeks seems like a good rate.  Getting from 165->160 has always been very tough and just cutting way back on sugar seems to have really helped.


                            Monday, 5/17/10 (Week 2)

                            181.2 lbs (start - 184.8)


                            Down 1.2 from last week.  Not too bad considering there was a beer festival on Saturday...  Got my three runs and three bikes in this week, but only commuted once to work and missed a swim workout.  I'll throw another swim in this week to make up for it.  All in all, everything seems to be on track.


                              weekly weigh-in

                              180 lbs.  (start184 lbs.)

                              waist 40"  (start 42")

                              neck 15"  (start 15")

                              bodyfat  27.7% (start 31%)

                              fat lbs. 49.86  (start 57.04 lbs.)  loss=7.18 lbs. of lard

                              lean lbs. 130.14 (start 126.96)  gain=3.18 ibs. of boof



                              Losing about 1.8 lbs of fat per week and gaining about .8 lbs. of muscle from the yoga/strength workouts and the constant yardwork (lots of digging, lifting, raking, sweeping). All for a net weight loss of a pound per week.





                              P.S. Here's a link to a page about rates, limits of and maintaining fat loss


                                May 17

                                200 lbs


                                Time to starter up again. Ran very little last week. Got up early last two days to run.  4.5 miles today. 40 minutes, avg hr 123 max 136.  Trying to keep my zone 125-135 for now.  Week 6 of LHR training.



                                    1. Run 6 days a week.

                                    2. Weight under 190.

                                    3. Get my milage up to 60 miles week.