Low HR Training

"Anaerobic" Phase HRT (over MAF) Reports & Discussion (Read 6050 times)


    Hope this removes the horrid image for your memory Jimmy. Big grin
    Yes, it does, thank you. I also sense that it is bringing balance and peace to your body. Run on the wind! --Jimmy
      Yesterday's log iced - showered- ate breakfast w/ ibuprofin - iced - ate lunch w/ ibuprofin - pumped gas - bought eggs - iced - played Wii bowling - iced - ate dinner w/ ibuprofin - full legs foam roller massage - iced - back of knee & calf massage w/ arnica gel (somewhere in there I was at work for 10 hours). Things are better today- knee/calf does not really feel any worse than it did the past month after long runs, so I think I have reduced the inflammation. When I move my leg a certain way or go up/down stairs, I get a jolt of pain that reminds me a did a little more damage this past weekend. I may mix in some foot circles, balancing and elliptical tonight.

      Master of Inconsistency

        2/29/08 Sunny 27F 12 Miles Pace= 9:15 AHR=153 Max=166 Kept the HR around 145 for the first 2 miles , in the 150's the next 9 and finished off the last mile at around 162 avg. Never felt the least bit tired but my legs are still a bit fatigued. My knee didn't hurt while running, but it's not exactly 100% . I still feel a little weakness present and mild soreness afterward. Will do a Maf run tomorrow on the treadmill at work. Waiting impatiently for my Garmin to come. should be able to use it on Sunday. Big grin Ace, wishing you the best, that sucks ! Greg BTW : newgen, where are you? getting any runs in?

        Ain't  Wastin' Time No More !


          Finishing up a recovery week today with a day of rest. Did 40 on the week (cut down by 42%) with two rest days and only one real hard day. Did a ten miler yesterday, but only did the last mile over 70% HRR. Start a new 4 week cycle tomorrow (3 weeks hard, 1 recovery). Encouraging thing is my paces are dropping at all HR's including sub MAF. My Resting HR has dropped 4 beats. Onward we go. Stay healthy! --Jimmy

          Master of Inconsistency

            Ran 4 Maf miles yesterday at work , Planned on 14 today but decided to scale back due to nagging aches. Today 37F and Bright sunshine , great weather Just wanted to go out and run today , not really think about HR and try out the new Garmin. Well it ended up being one of those runs that you feel off from the start, and instead of warming up, things just get progressively worse. My knee felt fine today but out of nowhere my right AT was hurting. My wind has been great lately but my legs just feel like garbage. Well here are my splits. Undecided 8.25 miles AHR= 158 Max =183 Pace= 8:41 Mile AHR Max Pace 1 143 157 9:35 2 158 167 8:58 3 156 159 8:58 4 158 163 8:52 5 160 165 8:31 6 161 166 8:17 7 162 168 8:21 8 172 179 7:27 .25 170 183 9:01 This was a mixture of a sprint and jog at the end as I didn't shut off the Garmin! Here's the link if interested :http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/5080644 MTA ; Must proof read Wink

            Ain't  Wastin' Time No More !


              Greg, What's up? --Jimmy

                5 mile MAF TEST today. 2 mile warm-up Test: tm 1% 64ยบ/40% humidity 8:53 141 9:05 141 9:13 141 9:22 141 9:31 141 46:04 9:13 ave pace last three MAF Tests (ave paces): 9:58 9:25 9:13 Still showing aerobic progress. I still have a long way to go to get to my PR MAF test. Starting a new 4 week cycle this week (3 hard weeks, 1 recovery). --Jimmy

                Master of Inconsistency

                  Nice job on the Maf test Jimmy, always great when you see improvement. As for myself , I think I'm in need of a good 3 day rest in order to clear my legs of all these aches and pains. My body is yelling at me and it's about time I listened. Right now my body is telling me to take another sip of wine as that seems to be killing some of the pain. Yes Greg

                  Ain't  Wastin' Time No More !


                    I just took a quick look at your log. You hopped from 12 to 16 miles for a long run, then followed up with an 18 and a 20 miler. All within 15 days. Plus you've added in Pfitzinger type aerobic runs and tempos. Now wonder your trashed! You've level-hopped in a major way.I suggest taking at least two-three weeks between your long runs (sometimes 2, sometimes 3). Keep the every other week long run to 2 hours, and less on a recovery week. When you've built your base for a number of years, you might be able to tolerate an occasional back-back 20, or what I do. Pfitzinger's 55 week or less schedule rarely has the runner only sometimes doing an every other week 20, and sometimes every third week. You have to consider your base mileage. Take it or leave it of course. I just don't want to see you go down before you make it to the race! --Jimmy
                      This may not be what you want to hear, but why not cross train? Ride a bike (or stationary bike), swim, do the elliptical....whatever. If you're not sure if you should run, you probably shouldn't. I was planning on running 10 miles today, but due to some minor soreness in a couple spots, I decided to hop on the stationary bike for 75 minutes. I would have preferred to run, but I may have prevented injury by skipping the 10 miler....and I still got some work in. After I took up running a little more than a year ago, I soon discovered that there was going to be some down time. I took up swimming and off-road cycling to not only fill in that downtime, but to supplement my running. Look at Formationflier's log. I think he took up swimming and biking a few years ago as a result of an injury.

                      Master of Inconsistency

                        Thanks for the advice guys , I'm not going to run until these things clear up . Bdags, I was thinking about hopping on my bike since the next couple of days are supposed to be warm. There is no way I'm getting on that thing in 20 degree weather though ! For the next few days I'll have live vicariously through this forum, Greg Wink

                        Ain't  Wastin' Time No More !

                          Hey jimmy, top work as always - so good to see the constant improvement continue. Good luck with the injuries Greg and Ace. I'm in recovery week this week so will put in a nice sub-MAF 10km tonight. Hank

                          Just running for the fun of it!

                            Decided to pick up the pace a bit today. I may do one of these every two weeks or so to start. I may do a half marathon on June 7th. Sometime between now and then, I need to figure out a race pace. Indoor track 5 miles Avg HR(including warm-up & cool down miles: 148 (MAF+6) 10:53 126 Warm up mile 8:50 148 8:46 157 8:44 162 10:39 151 Cool down mile

                            Master of Inconsistency

                              After no runs for the past 3 days today I ran 8 miles General Aerobic, On Tuesday I took advantage of the warmer temps and rode 13 miles on the bike. Besides my butt hurting none of the other pains I had been experiencing showed up. Today it was 44F and sunny so I rode 5 miles to a park ran my 8 & rode home. AHR for bike ride there 140/ 13+ mph Home 143 /12+mph The run was AHR=162 Max=172 Pace=8:43 I ran the first 6 at around 8:20 or so then the last 2 cool down at almost 10 pace Here's the motionbased link for the curious. http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/5107409 It was nice running on fresh legs for a change and I'm happy to report that besides a slight discomfort in the knee well after the run everything seems good. Smile Greg Jimmy thanks for the spread sheet I'll make sure to utilize it

                              Ain't  Wastin' Time No More !


                                After no runs for the past 3 days today I ran 8 miles General Aerobic, On Tuesday I took advantage of the warmer temps and rode 13 miles on the bike. Besides my butt hurting none of the other pains I had been experiencing showed up. Today it was 44F and sunny so I rode 5 miles to a park ran my 8 & rode home. AHR for bike ride there 140/ 13+ mph Home 143 /12+mph The run was AHR=162 Max=172 Pace=8:43 I ran the first 6 at around 8:20 or so then the last 2 cool down at almost 10 pace Here's the motionbased link for the curious. http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/5107409 It was nice running on fresh legs for a change and I'm happy to report that besides a slight discomfort in the knee well after the run everything seems good. Smile Greg Jimmy thanks for the spread sheet I'll make sure to utilize it
                                Yay! --Jimmy