Masters Running


Friday Racing excitement is building - Master Runs and whatever (Read 550 times)

    A big (and long) racing weekend!  We have a big list of participants.  Good Luck to all.  We'll be watching and cheering everyone on.


    04/16 rasmussenmp - Wenatchee Marathon, Wenatchee WA

    04/16 evanflein - Beat Beethoven 5k

    04/16 bobev - Vern's No Frills 5K, Georgetown, TX

    04/16 Mariposai - Wenatchee Half Marahon, Wenatchee WA


    04/18 CNYrunner - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

    04/18 mainerunnah - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

    04/18 Ileneforward - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

    04/18 pfriese - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

    04/18 WillRunForBeer - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

    04/18 predawnrunner - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

    04/18 Spareribs - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

    04/18 nonoruns - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

    04/18 rtravers - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

    04/18 bhearn - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

    04/18 Daddyo - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

    04/18 Lamerunner - Boston Marathon, Boston MA


    I ran 3.75 easy-paced miles this morning.  Getting ready to leave town for the weekend to do some prep work for Bayshore weekend.  Don't know how much running I'll do the next 4 days but we'll try to get something in.



    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


      At the finish line, the staging has been started - across the street for the timer and most of the seats for the spectators.  The med tent is up (which no one will need), the sign at the Expo is up, and LIR Irish Pub is looking for thirsty boomers.  See y'all tomorrow, marj


        Woo Hoo....Go Racers ! Good Luck Boston Peepes !


        Friggin Windy here !  We've dodged the storms so far but it sounds like from here on out it's going to be a soggy weekend. Might be a good time to start on that down stairs bathroom project.


        No run for me this morning. I figured if I'm gonna come up short on my training goals I might as well get my moneys worth so I slept in. We've got company this afternoon so ther'll be no running for me today.


        Enjoy !

          Woo hoo!  Great racing this weekend.  Good luck everyone!

          I’m gonna try to arrange my work schedule so I can watch Boston on Universal Sports.  Does that count as cross-training?


          IRC, easy 5.4 miles that were not at all taxing. Smile

          Be safe. Be kind.

            I don't post on the daily very often, but, lurk most days.


            Good racing to all this weekend, especially all the Boston runners.  Looks like Nancy, Dave and I are leading it off tomorrow morning. 

            3 easy miles this morning before I loaded up the SUV to head to Wenatchee.  Looks like its snowing lightly in the mountain passes so driving will be fun. 


            This training cycle I used the "Hanson Less is More Plan" as a change of pace from Pfitzinger plan I had been using for the past four years..  Though I added some additional easy paced miles.  I was able to hit all the planned runs both in distance and pace.  As advertised the plan does have you run alot on tired legs.  I trained to PR this spring, so we shall see how tomorrow turns out. 

            Marathon Maniac #530 Mike (My Indian name is "Runs for Beer")



              Racers, have fun this weekend.


              4 miles for me this morning.  Not much else to say about it.  No plans for the weekend.  If the wind dies down, maybe some more spring cleaning in the yard.




                Was windy in MN too SLO


                2.5 leisurely miles with Miss Rosie.  Will get in 3 or so tonight to get ready for 20 or so tomorrow during my pacing duties.


                Sooooo glad it's Friday!!!

                And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



                Mike E

                MM #5615


                  This training cycle I used the "Hanson Less is More Plan" as a change of pace from Pfitzinger plan I had been using for the past four years..  Though I added some additional easy paced miles.  I was able to hit all the planned runs both in distance and pace.  As advertised the plan does have you run alot on tired legs.  I trained to PR this spring, so we shall see how tomorrow turns out. 

                  I would be very interested to hear your feelings about this training plan after your race.  I have another friend who's using it, as well, but he has made a bunch of adjustments to it, so I don't think it will be as good of an indicator as yours.  GOOD LUCK, tomorrow!


                  GOOD LUCK to all of you racing this weekend...oh, and those on Monday, too.


                    A big (and long) racing weekend!  We have a big list of participants.  Good Luck to all.  We'll be watching and cheering everyone on.


                    04/16 rasmussenmp - Wenatchee Marathon, Wenatchee WA

                    04/16 evanflein - Beat Beethoven 5k

                    04/16 bobev - Vern's No Frills 5K, Georgetown, TX

                    04/16 Mariposai - Wenatchee Half Marahon, Wenatchee WA


                    04/18 CNYrunner - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

                    04/18 mainerunnah - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

                    04/18 Ileneforward - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

                    04/18 pfriese - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

                    04/18 WillRunForBeer - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

                    04/18 predawnrunner - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

                    04/18 Spareribs - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

                    04/18 nonoruns - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

                    04/18 rtravers - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

                    04/18 bhearn - Boston Marathon, Boston MA

                    04/18 Daddyo - Boston Marathon, Boston MA


                    I ran 3.75 easy-paced miles this morning.  Getting ready to leave town for the weekend to do some prep work for Bayshore weekend.  Don't know how much running I'll do the next 4 days but we'll try to get something in.





                    Bib numbers.     We need bib numbers.   pretty please. 

                    Mike E

                    MM #5615

                      Bib numbers.     We need bib numbers.   pretty please. 

                       Oh, yeah--good thinking!  That would be really cool.  I won't get a single thing done on Monday, now!


                        Good morning. Sunny cool day today.. Just an easy 4 miler this morning in chilly temps. The shorts were not such a great idea.  Lower back/sciatic bothering a bit; hope it stays under control.


                        Looks like lots of racers tihs weekend!

                        Maniac 505

                          I plan on 4 today before I brave the mountain pass. 


                          Mike R,  do you have plans for dinner tonight?   feel free to call or text me at 360-545-3483 (I don't mind puttting that number out to the world since it is a google voice number.  I can easily block spam to that number.)   If you have my older number feel free to use it.   I have an old mobile number for you that starts with 757-  If I don't hear from you I will try it.

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Go Weekend Racers! 


                            Tramps - great links yesterday.


                            Byll – Lamerunner’s on that list, too.


                            Mariposai – I printed out that bourbon chicken recipe – looks yummy!


                            Those track meets are exciting, but boy do they take a long time.  Last night DD and I got there about 5:35 p.m.  DS’s first event was about 7:20, and his second event around 9:25.  Surprised     By 8pm, I was tired and cold, DD was antsy, and I was tempted to leave before the end, and let him ride home with our neighbor, but DS told me he was in the very last event, a 4-man 400m relay, and he was the last leg.  “There’s a good chance I’ll be the very last person on the field, Mom,” he said.  I had seen that before, the lone runner coming in while people were already leaving.  Sad   I couldn’t leave him alone to that.  And, unfortunately, it was true, although not at all his fault.  The first boy on the team got a bad start, and ended his lap very far in the rear.  The next two boys just couldn’t make up the distance lost in that first leg.  So DD gets his baton and takes off, 150m behind the next-to-last runner, but he gave it his best effort anyway, finishing strong even though it was hopeless, and came in fully 100m in the rear.  There were still some cheers, though, when he came in, mine and DD’s being the loudest, of course…..Smile  And that "not a girlfriend" girl told him she thought he did a great job afterward.....Wink 


                            8.4 easy-paced miles for me this morning in a very windy 47°.  I’m taking off a little early so the Easter Bunny can stock up on basket-fillers, so maybe I’ll get in another run this afternoon.  The weather this weekend looks to be kind of yucky.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              Byll – Lamerunner’s on that list, too.


                              True!  I just "stole" Ilene's list from her great thread.  I'll go update my posting to add Lamerunner.


                              Anyone else racing that Ilene doesn't know about?  I'll add them too, if so.



                              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                                Holly - Congrats to your son it giving it his all.  "Not a girlfriend," huh? Wink


                                GOOD LUCK, RACERS!!!!!!!




                                30 min of stationary cycling, followed by 30 min core.  I leave for the foot doc in about half an hour.  Keep your fingers crossed I get to ditch the crutches.


                                Happy Friday, folks ~

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

