Masters Running


It is Friday!!! we survived the week!!!!!! (Read 408 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Amy – sending thoughts and prayers for you and DH today, for a healthy outcome with a minimum of discomfort. My kids and I don’t even get Veteran’s Day off. WRFB – I, too, will be at work on January 2.... {{{sending healthy vibes to Breger}}} Mary - hang in there... Friday is normally a rest/x-training day for me, but my low resistance to the Halloween candy this week, together with the balmy 55 degree temps, talked me out the door for 4.4 slow and easy recovery miles (ave pace 11:06). I just wanted to get moving a little, but still be rested for tomorrow's LR. Plus 45 push-ups and 200 crunches with the time I had left. I work on the 12th floor, 240 steps up (yes I AM that anal that I have counted them). Today I walked down to the ground floor to mail a letter, then walked up the steps, 2-steps at a time, slowly. I think this counts as 60 bench step-ups on each leg. So, a little mix-it-up day. Taking off a little early this afternoon to get a flu shot...I do this every year, since I have this (misguided) vision of the world, or at least my household, coming to a crashing halt if I managed to get sick..... Smile

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Thanks, chums. I told D. you all were wishing him well and thinking of him, and he was touched, even got a smile Smile out of him on that. I think it's a bit like a race--the pre-admission anxiety is in many ways the worst. Now that we're underway, it feels at least as if we are making progress. We want to come out on the other end with him getting back to running (he'd gotten up to 5+ miles and ran a 5K in late October when the docs stopped him again) and not being afraid of SCA. Dead As you might imagine, the folks with ICDs are not at all lacking in a sense of humour. Many have suffered SCA (sudden cardiac arrest) and that helps give you a perspective on life, or so it seems. They have their own sayings and jokes. One of them is "Death. Been there, done that. Got the t-shirt." Another one is a shirt with the outline of the chest anatomy with an ICD with the phrase "Batteries Included." Being a Tweek fan, I like the one that reads: "Careful, I'm Wired." You can check this if you are so inclined for more ICD humour: Paper today said total of 46 inches in Lead-Deadwood. grins, A
      Masters 2000 miles
        Took a personal day to avoid a mind-numbing in-service and enjoyed a rare morning run on a school day. Set out without much of a plan other than to see how far I could run without taking a walk break. Ran 5 miles with only one 0.1-mile walk (right before a rather urgent trip back home to the bathroom Embarrassed) at a decent pace for moi. Now off to stretch and shower before some long-overdue self-pampering at the salon. Haven't had my hair cut since late July, so I'm going all out and getting some highlights, too. Then off to the shore for tonight's rehearsal and a weekend of more paper-writing and hopefully more relaxing than last weekend. Healing vibes to recovering runners and spouses. Good luck weekend racers. I definitely spoke too soon about the Christmas shopping commercials yesterday - they're ba-ack! Just when I could stop racing to the mute button to minimize the noise from political ads . . . Roll eyes Have a greta weekend, everyone! Eliz

          Amy, I loved those quotes. Pretty funny. I hope his recovery is swift and painless, or as little discomfort as possible. I am still dealing with this messed up back. I guess once I can run again, it wil feel joyous. Might have to lurk for awhile instead. You know how it is.

          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


            ((Amy & DH)) YAY it's friday and I'm only working a few hrs today. We have our company bowling tournament this afternoon, so I'll be doing that for cross training. And then I have a 9 mile race tomorrow a.m. which I think will absolutely qualify as a GRG run - since it'll likely be in the rain. Gnarly running girls love the rain - makes us even more gnarly. I have next Tuesday off, but not Monday, so don't get a 4 day wknd. I suppose I could have just taken the day off, but I got too much work going on. In addition to all my normal cases I'm working on - possession of drugs, a few DUII's, etc. I have two murder cases I'm doing a buttload of research on also. In fact, I plan on just printing out a ton of cases that I can read over the weekend. Glad I could provide a few chuckles yesterday Tim. My husband seems to laugh at me alot too. Oh, wait, . . . he says "no, honey, I'm laughing WITH you, not AT you" . . . Roll eyes


            Marathon Maniac #3309

              I just got back from the Foot Doctor, and I am really far behind with my work duties. I don't have time for the full details right now....but it was really bad news. Bummed right now, but will give more details later in the day when I have more time, ok. Lets just say draining the blood out of my ankle so the x rays would show up, was NOT a pleasant experience. Thanks for the well wishes. I now have Twocat and tet beat easily. Tim

              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                Morning Folks ~ Best wishes to those folks who are feeling less than healthy. Hope you're back on your feet soon. Except for Tim, of course - who will do exactly what the doctor tells him. Right? Evil grin Good luck to those with LRs, and to Bill with his HM on Sunday (keeping fingers crossed you're not getting sick). After a sucky 6 hilly miles yesterday that left me feeling all day like I'd been drug through the mud and then some, I decided to sleep in today. (Not Eating Right The Day Before = Sucky Run) I actually feel human this morning and can climb the stairs at work without feeling like I need to stop every 4th step. Plenty of good eating is planned for the day, and hopefully I won't fall apart on my 14-mile trail run tomorrow. Veterans Day - We're closed Tuesday. Then Thursday I and two buds fly out for a conference in Riverside. I'll be working two whole days next week. I'm already working on gearing myself up for the stress. Smile Have a great Friday ~ MTA: Tim - Undecided Good luck, Tammy!

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                  5 miles today along the shores of Lake Erie in Dunkirk, NY. It is a beautiful fall day here with the temp at 70 with a very gentle breeze. I am in Dunkirk for the SUNYAC Conference Volleyball Championships. We won our quarterfinal last night after a shaky start now face the top seed from the other division tonight at 6. Last night was career victory 199 for me at Brockport, so it is an exciting time. I always love the post season when things get just a little more exciting.

                    aww Tim - I'm sorry to hear this wasn't a good appointment. Update us with more details when you can. Forgot to mention - I told DH last night about all the folks that are coming from near and far to run the Seattle R&R next June. I also told him about the possibility of renting a house for some people to stay in. He said "well, then you should definitely plan on going up there for that". . . . I guess I forgot to tell him that I WAS planning on going to that. Tongue



                      Yeah Tammy! DH asked me how many people he should be looking to accommodate, and by the time I got done rattling off the confirmed and the possibles (including you!) we were up to 8 or 9 I think. Should be fun! Healing vibes to Aamos' DH... hope he comes through this and is cleared to resume his running and keeping up with you! Oh Tim.... please share what you can when you can. Sorry it wasn't good news, and no that procedure does not sound fun. Hey, btw, I checked out your log... what ARE you doing these days? Remember, just because the cross training stuff doesn't show on the running graph, it does go on the calendar view and is good for keeping track of your workouts. You do need to work to keep your fitness up there! Tim, did you go to a podiatrist or orthopedist? I've been to the podiatrist a couple times, but seem to get non-definitive results. Not sure what I'm looking for, but might see if I can get in to an orthopedist soon (not easy to do around here). {{Enke's back}} Don't be a stranger... 50 minutes on the stationary bike last night, including over half hour of 2-hard/2-easy intervals. Really worked up a sweat. Then to the weight room for over half hour of upperbody/abs/arms work. Can feel it this morning! I love that feeling... like I DID something (for a change). Today I think I'll check out our new "Express" club that opened nearby ("express" as in "no showers") to see if they have a rowing machine. If not, I'll do more bike miles at lunchtime. Don't know about Twocat and Tim, but this non-running business is incredibly difficult for me. Really have to work at keeping my attitude positive...

                      Marathon Iowa 2014

                        Okay, I'm back from Renfrew, Ontario, Canada, North America, Earth (for now). Unfortunately, while I was there, we were working until 8 pm or later each night, so I couldn't get together with Tall. I do go back the second week in December, so I'm hoping it won't be as crazy then. No running today, but at the age of 47, I took my first ever spin class. I thought I was crazy to run marathons, but spin people are NUTZ! There was a lake of sweat under my bike when I was done. Jeesh. Oh - I did break the hotel treadmill when I was in Renfrew. It was a narrow, flimsy model, and I guess it didn't want to work through a PBJ Special™. It just shut down on mile 2. Either 8 miles an hour was too fast, or I've eaten a few too many Halloween goodies (or both)! Next stop - the Manchester turkey day race in full costume, with PBJster #2 and PBJ Jr. He has already run 4 miles at the track, and he's faster than PBJster #2. He's 7 years old, and 44 pounds of twisted steel. He exists on a bread, water and sugar diet. "In every family, there's one child who just won't eat..."

                          Aamos, my thoughts and prayers for positive results are with your DH and you. Please keep us posted on the progress. Enkie, dear sistahh sorry to hear about your back Black eye. Please don't lurk, being active here is healing to the mind also Tim, timbo, tim...sorry to hear about the result. Yes, have been an interpreter for procedures like the one you have. Must say, take it easy, follow your DR's orders and you will be back in the game soon. Remember time is healing and healing takes time. Erika, hang in there. Go to the ortho as soon as you can. Call the office and tell them to call you if there is any cancellation. 9 people in Seattle for the R&R marathon, yepeee....this is going to be fun. Raking the yard this morning, then for a spin this afternoon.

                          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                            biketm I am so sorry to hear your report! I wish you all the best. FWIW after I torched my Achilles tendon I had to take a three month hiatus from running, biking or anything else that involved my ankle. After the layoff I did come back and not only that but eventually faster and in better shape than before. So I am hoping you will, in the end, do even better than I did. With biketm's news, logging in my zero miles for today seems, alas, somewhat less entertaining than yesterday. Sad But there it is, my zero miles for the day. Good runs to all out there.

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              Not much time to post, but Tim gave me some of the details to post for him: Diagnosis: Stress fracture – Bottom of Foot / heel Achilles Tendonitis Bad Heel Spur – Worst one of 3 Sprained ankle – which is almost healed, but bleeding inside of my foot and back of leg, Yuck Bummer!! Sad They want him to wear a boot. For a long time. Sad

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Next stop - the Manchester turkey day race in full costume, with PBJster #2 and PBJ Jr.
                                PBJ! I still have a photo of "The Faraenator" on my home computer have such great costumes... Smile

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
