Masters Running


Friday, June 27th Daily (Read 511 times)

    Well......I managed to post first. The last few days have provided a number of double starts for the Daily and I have changed mine into a Closed thread. We have had fun with those. I think it is called "taking a lemon and making lemonade". Yesterday's 5.25 mile run is giving me plenty of miles for the week and allowing me to take today off from running. I am going on a day trip today, just to get out of the office/house. Work has been pretty tense over the last couple of weeks (longer actually, I am being kind to myself), so this will be a great break. I wonder what Bernie the puppy will be thinking this morning as he wakes up in a new home? I am sure there is a very happy family. What a picture that was of him yesterday. I think the caption might have been...."Are you going to miss me?" Thanks for sharing the pictures Mary. DickyG......That is a neat picture of the Virginia Ten Miler memorabilia. Thanks for sharing it. This has certainly been a great race for this part of the state. I think there are still 5 runners who have participated in all 35 runners. This year will be my 6th year. Biketm......Your mention of the Garmin and how you are discovering new aspects of it reminds me that I need to re-read the manual on mine. When I bought it 15 months ago I learned the basics and have been happy with what it does. Now that I know how to use it better, a fresh reading of the manual would probably glean a number of features that I could now make use of. Where is Enke? We haven't heard from her in a few days. We do miss some of the runners who are taking a break. I think of Soundie......Running in a few. Life gets busy for all of us, but these folk need to know that they are missed. jlynne.....stuffed sausages look darn good and the right time of day. You just have to wear the skirt at the right time. Quote from Wildchild......"I can't wait to hear about your new dimension, Vista! It wouldn't be "too many significant figures" would it? (sorry, bad engineer joke)" Ummm......I run in a cemetary. The figures in there are pretty boney and NOT the dimension I was thinking of. Finish your week strong at work, at play, and with your running. Those nursing injuries, you have put in another day and you are closer to being able to run again. HAVE A GREAT DAY !!!!

    Marathon Maniac #3309

      Morning everyone and HAPPY TGIF. Thanks again Joey for a great start off. Yeah, the more I learn about my new Garmin, the more I can see the benefits...especially with speed and tempo work. 3.5 mile recovery run for me last night. This is really the first week I have found the healing benefits of such runs. As Ribs is helping me out with my Marathon training, he preaches about being ready for the next big quality workout...which will be this Sat. I have to admit before my new plan, I just ran - and ran - and ran, till basically worn out , then would have to take a break and not run for a couple of I can easily run 6 to 7 days a week. I have a question about resting HR's. My lowest resting HR is always late in the afternoon vs first thing in the morning like most other runners. Last night I was waiting out a thunderstorm before going out to run, and could feel my HR was super was 42 BPM. I asked my doctor who is my best friend and runner too about this, and he said it is probably because you run so much at night, that by afternoon your body is recovered vs the one's who run in the AM and have 24 hours to recover from their run......any one else like me in that regard? Hey should have got those pretty intense storms last night, that passed through Indiana into Ohio...I sneaked my run in between storm fronts. At work early this morning, so I better get with it. Hope all my dear friends here have a wonderful day Smile Tim

      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

        Morning Vista. TGIF!! Nice warm 70F at 5 for 6.6 mi GA run in 54:54 (8:19 pace, AHR 154). First (of 3) hilly 2.2 mi loops with Tory. We saw deer and bunnies this morning. Then 4.4 miles at 8:00 pace (AHR160). Felt great. Have great runs! Steve

        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

          Good Morning, 8.6 happy humid miles at 8:41/8:42 pace on the apple orchard loop (5:45 AM). My legs feel fresher after yesterday's day off. Exercise on Thursday consisted of walking from the low number A gates in the Detroit airport to the ground transportation area. I waved to all you RAers in the area....quick trip and home last night. Today's run was an iPOD and thinking run. The original plan called for a pace run today, but I am moving that to tomorrow by doing a 10 mile race in VT. I'll do it as a pace test and try to hold it right on 7:30-7:40 pace no matter what the prize swag might be. Thanks for the start Vista and the closed threads are fun too. Sounds like the training is going well Tim and that you are focusing well. Keep it up. Go Perch...can't wait to hear about the Grandfather Mountain marathon (I know it's not for awhile, but you are ready to conquer those hills!). Conference call day today and a lunch date with the kiddo on tap. He goes to a hiking and climbing day camp next week. I am envious and want to go with him. TGIF and healing vibes to all with injuries and aches Karin
            Easy 4 miles for me last night. We'd just gotten back from a week and a half vamily vacation to Niagara Falls and New York City and I hadn't run at all in that time. I brought my running gear with the best of intentions, but I think all of the walking from sunrise to sunset on most days compensated. The Falls were spectacular and NYC was amazing. My daughter is 13 and quite a good but reluctant runner, much to the chagrin of the high school coach who has his eye on her since her first mile run when she was in second grade. She accompanied me yesterday...what a treat. It was nice to have her along and sure provides a nice long time with nothing better to do than talk. I hope she sticks with it throughout the summer.

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Vista – instead of making it a closed thread, you should start a “thought for the day” or a “question of the day” thread. Just think up a couple in advance and you can be at the ready. CNY/Karin – so where are you taking DS for lunch? I suited up and ran on the treadmill in the garage a whole 2 minutes at about 13:00 pace before I decided that it was not yet time to run. (sigh) Sad Truth is, even walking is very painful. There is a good sports medicine center not far from here, and I have made an appointment for this afternoon. I should probably just wait a week and see, but I am too impatient. I want to know NOW if this is something that will go away quickly or keep me off my feet for weeks. Besides, it’s always nice to get a specific diagnosis, and know the name of the muscle you damaged, rather than saying, my butt hurts. My boss is still gone, so DD is begging me to take her with me to work today, with many assurances that she will bring a bag of toys, books, and coloring material and stay out of my hair while I work. Hmmmm… The princess at her most persuasive is hard to resist. Wish me luck!

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                Okay let’s see if I can join in the daily thread again and try to keep it going, it is just so hard to keep up with everything going on…but running is still a priority for me short of my family which seems to be constantly growing, we’re up to 9 grand kids now! Here’s this week so far: Monday – Off Tuesday – Speed Work w/Joel (a 64 year old runner who is still pretty speedy and is so knowledgeable when it comes to running) 8 x .47 mile intervals w/ one minute recovery jogs in a local cemetery (one of Joel’s old workouts that he thought was a half mile) … Garmin says it is .47 miles consistently! 2.4 mile warm up – 21:39 – intervals – 2:58 – 2:58 – 2:56 – 2:55 – 2:52 – 2:53 – 2:54 – 2:39 – (Joel worked me hard on that last one as I gave him a 20 second head start and then worked to catch him…almost did too, but he said he picked it up towards the end to get me under 2:40 and it worked!) That last one equates to a 5:39 pace and I felt no residual effects from the Mt. Washington run this past weekend and good and strong as I finished. .59 mile cool down – 5:41 Wednesday – Recovery – 5.02 miles – 44:07 (8:48 pace) Thursday – 6 miles progressive – 6.17 miles – 48:11 (7:49 pace) Joel and I are working to do speed workouts on Tuesday’s and Saturday’s with our running group…I’ll get that sub 19 5K and sub 40 10K someday! Holly – don’t rush it just pay close attention to what your body tells you as well as a few of those wise posters on this forum who have suggested rest. I have a very good friend (also very fast) who is currently suffering through a hamstring problem that he tried running through and now he is sidelined for the better part of the summer racing season. One thing that I have done to help eliminate my overall tightness was to start taking Power Yoga, so far so good…we’ll see at the end of the summer how I’m doing. I know that I haven’t been feeling the tightness in my hamstrings that I had been feeling all the time so I am cautiously optimistic. Biketm – I have found that my heart rate tends to be at its lowest rate in the late afternoon as well usually just before I am preparing to go for a run…then just before I head out it starts to head up a little (I think it knows what’s in store)! My lowest hear rate tends to be in the low to mid 40’s and then gets up into the low 60’s as I prep for my runs in the afternoon….I’m not sure about my weekend morning runs because I’ve never really checked….too tired to bother with that in the morning.
                  Smart move Holly. Both on stopping your TM run right away and with getting a Dr's appointment quickly. You definitely have something going on - I'd guess either the hamstring or the groin. Good Luck and do what is right! Preaching about doing what is right ... I'm trying to take my own advice. I've really scaled back on the running the last couple of weeks. Keeping some quality but ditching the quantity. Only running 4 days a week - not on schedule but when the fancy strikes me. Tomorrow is a local fun run put on by the running club of 9 miles with coffee and bagels at the end. Sort of an annual meeting, but really it's just about the bagels and the other runners. So rest day today and I'll do that one tomorrow. I don't know when the spark will return but when it does I'll be well rested that's for sure. Bill

                  "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                    Nice to see mainerunnah back here! Hurray and congrats on the grandkids (as well as the good running and yoga) Holly, I am glad you made an appointment to see what's going on. Hang in there. Hugs to you! Lunch is the kiddo's treat and will be at Moshi Moshi---a sushi place in town. Small town here, but 48 incredible restaurants not including fast food joints. I was surprised at his choice and he must be buttering me up for something since he knows I love sushi. hmmmm? He received a $10 gift card for any restaurant in town for getting straight As all year (a PTO initiative). I must be cranky, because I wasn't happy about "paying for grades", but then realized that the kids don't know until the very end of the year). Anyway, sweet that he wants to do lunch with mom and use his award this way. Little does he know that he'll get what I got after I graduated from high school----a hand shake. Wink Bill, tomorrow's group run sounds like fun More coffee now.... Karin
                      Kicked off my summer vacation with a nice 9 miler this morning in 1:15:00. Not blazing fast by any means but it didn't need to be. I used to run a couple of volleyball camps over the summer but this year I am taking a break from even that. If my name were George Costanza it would be the summer of George. DW has said there are plenty of projects around the house to keep me busy for the summer, I sure hope they don't involve wiring. Dead Holly- good luck with your hamstring and more so with your daughter at work today. But mom I promise... Just reading some other posts and it got me wondering. Other than sometimes running with DW, running in races (which is rare for me) is the only time I have run in groups. Would be interested to see how many others do group runs and how many train mostly solo.

                        Early morning PT (back stretching in the traction machine), and then an easy 3 mile ("no watch") run along the rail trail.
                        Would be interested to see how many others do group runs and how many train mostly solo.
                        I'm all solo. I did join a group back in 2002 training for the Chicago marathon. Since I lived the furthest away, I only ran with them on the weekend long runs. It made those 20 milers a lot more bearable running with other people.




                          Good morning Boomers. Realy warm and muggy here today, so I opted for 5 miles on the eliptical trainer at the Y followed by weights and ab work. The Zoomba class I took yesterday was fun as well as a great workout. Everyone was pretty tired and sweaty by the end of the hour. Holly - good luck with your doctor's appt today. Whatever it is, I hope it's something that will heal quickly. Good for you for being smart enough to stop running right away instead of trying to run through the pain. CNY Runner - enjoy your lunch with your DS. It's nice he wants to spend time with his mother. Enjoy these little events with your kids, time passes too quickly and then they're grown and gone. Speaking of high school graduation gifts, mine was a used typewriter to take to college. Now, kids are getting new cars. Go figure... Vista, thanks for another good start and enjoy your rest day! Tim - that does seem unusual to have your resting heart rate so low in the afternoon. It could be that you're in such great physical condition that it's just naturally low all the time. What is it in the morning? I'll bet it's low then as well. Welcome back, Handymom. It sounds like you had a great vacation. Even if you didn't run you still got a lot of exercise just walking NYC and the Falls. In response to Cranium's question, I always run alone unless it's a race. I tried running with a group but it's really hard to keep someone else's pace, or vice versa. I also really enjoy the alone time to just think about stuff. As usual, good runs by Perch and Tim. Breger - I think you've finally figured out what works for you. Good Friday runs, everyone. Jeanne

                            Morning, most southern cities, the weather stinks around here...I think the high yesterday was about 300. Holly: I know I'm about the 99th person to say this, but you certainly made a wise decision to back off & see a professional. (Note to self: Try following your own advice). Dave 59: You must be so proud of daughter & some pix...and since you're done with your basement repairs, I've got some work for you to do around my house. Ribs: Great (but frightening) story...did you see any lightning? Looks like the weather followed you home. Bruce: Great post! I remember my good friend Stan who recently passed away. He could crank out 7-8 minute miles well into his 70's, then go out and beat my butt in tennis. Mary: Little Bernie is absolutely beautiful. I many were in the litter? I got an idea...set him up with a d-mail account so he can keep up with Brinkley. Vista: Have a great can probably make it up to Wintergreen in about an hour or's wonderful up there. Bill: A 9-mile "fun" run? That's a lot, man. Glad to hear you're getting smart in your old age. Craneium: 35 years ago, we had lots of runners around here..also a club. No more...there's only about 4 of us old-timers left from that group, so I'm usually alone. I usually run at the track on Saturday's and there are usually othere there. Took a veg day yesterday...back out on the hills today. Actually cut 24 seconds off my Wednesday time and I must have luckily bandaged my groin area correctly because it didn't hurt all that much except on the steeper hills. I got worn down by the four H's: Heat, Humidity, Hills, & Fatigue. DickyG

                              Dave 59: You must be so proud of daughter & some pix...and since you're done with your basement repairs, I've got some work for you to do around my house.
                              The basement saga continues. Today was the 2nd day in a row that I expected it to be wrapped up but all the contractor did was "put on another coat". I guess it's better to be done right than fast. Today the landscapers have finally arrive to fix up our front yard. I do need to get some new pictures. Yesterday I put some videos out on Flickr for the aunts, uncles and great grandparents. You're welcome to bore yourself with those if you're a glutton for punishment. Annabelle slept almost 9 hours last night which breaks all previous records by a couple hours at least.




                              One day at a time

                                Holly, you are definitely smart to go right away. The one thing I wish I'd done differently when my achilles tendonitis was diagnosed was to ask for PT from the start. I guess I was hoping my ankle would get better quickly on its own, but I just lost two weeks doing nothing. If there's a next time, I will get started with PT as soon as the doctor will let me. Good luck!!! I know how frustrating it is.