Masters Running


Monday, 9.8.14 (Read 38 times)


    Mornin' everyone!


    Great weekend racing by Starr, Holly, BTY (and Happy Birthday!), Wildchild, Ribs & (especially) The Saint. Good runs by everyone else, especially in some challenging weather.


    BTY, I don't go to other forums, so I can't comment on what people do there. But everyone who is here, while they're here, is courteous, supportive, friendly, and gracious. I'd be very surprised and sad to know that someone wears a different face in a different place.


    DW and I went kayaking on a tidal inlet late yesterday morning, and it was as gorgeous as the weather for Saturday's race was unpleasant; sunny, mild (about 70F), and dry. We paddled, we floated, we enjoyed the scenery and the quiet, and we talked (for the 800th time) about how lucky we are to live where we live. The local seafood festival ended yesterday, most of the summer folk are gone, and now we have our town and beach back (well, except for those pesky Reach The Beach folks who will invade next weekend ).


    6.5 easy RW miles this morning, in delightful 54º dry air, and under the bright light of a fool moon that was still hanging high above the trees. It sure did feel good to be out on the roads again!


    Have a greta Monday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Good morning.  I ran 6.48 miles this morning.  I left the windows open last night so it is 59° in my office this morning.  I am sitting here working with a sweatshirt on and waiting for the sun to clear the trees and start warming up the place.


      I have a project meeting at 10:30 and I didn't finish what I said I would.  I hate going to meetings when that happens.  I'm trying to decide whether to call in sick or just take my lumps and move on.  Maybe I'll think of a creative reason by then which will make it less painful.  I was going to finish things up over the weekend, but then I got busy doing stuff around the house and never did any work-work.


      I went "kayaking" this morning.  Meaning I went to to check flight prices for my trip to Tallahassee.


      For you non-Facebookers, here is Annabelle with Riley yesterday:




        Conrats Dave !


        No run this am...letting the legs recover from yesterday 112 mile bike ride.


        They actually feel pretty good this morning...just might have to test this this evening for a quick 4 miler.

        Sayhey! MM#130



          ...head still reeling...took some sick time this morning to take the cats in for their wellness check and shots.  Sheesh, the bill was huge!  Seriously, being a responsible pet owner surely does hit you where it hurts sometimes.  I got Coco in 2012 and Caroline last year, so this is the first time I've coordinated their care so as to bring them in together.  And there's nothing wrong with them, no meds, they're young, etc. etc.


          OK, and since I'm venting, I'll switch over to confessional mode: don't know if I got a tapeworm myownself, but last night I just before bed I got a case of the "hungries" and just basically had a 4th meal and then some.  And I CUT BACk on my running this weekend!   Maybe I need to go to the vet.  Certainly made the run this am interesting.


          And as for the Brian post, my feeling is "don't feed the monkeys."  In other words, don't fuel nonsense.  If it isn't nonsense, anyone who feels they have been hurt or someway treated poorly here needs to be an adult and state why they feel that so we can respond.  Innuendo and insults, I just ignore.


          Wow, lots going on here!  Holly, congrats and that's a handsome medal (it was on FB).  You have such a measured outlook, always enjoy your race reports.


          Great intervals twocat.  You do those on your own?  I can't do anything like that unless I'm in a group.  No spine.


          Hiya mari, good morning still, and to you enke, out there leftward.  (That was a clue in my crossword this weekend--it's on the left on a map: answer, "blue state."  You do that one Ribs?  Congrats to Saint!


          Such a lovely photo of your girls, Dave.  Love that.  Looks as if A is up to the task of being a big sister.


          Dh's racewalking chum is thinking of doing a RW clinic or 2 at our Wed night fun run store, Jay.   Good luck with yours!


          Vermont is looking good.  Really sorry you got soaked, wild.  I only did 31 all weekend, MIke.  Good running.


          And 112 miles on the bike    geez Slo.  Impressive.


          Oh, Erika, if you're out running and the eye tearing starts, I've used the chapstick I usually carry to put on below the eyes and on the sides.  Helps with the tears running down the face a bit.  (Also, running a line above your brows helps keep the sweat out of your eyes, which can add to the irritation, especially if they're a little sensitive to start out.)


          Anyone hear how the Tough Mudder wentt for Jlynne?


          Belated happy birthday, BTW and nice running your 10K.  Staying steady takes perseverance.


          Hiya tet!  How's it going, Tammy?


          Wowzer, Starr!   That's so great; super hard work but it paid off for you two!


          Glad you got the truth there, eventually, Taggie.  You're very patient with that human of yours, not to mention Marley.


          Ran the bridge both Saturday and Sunday.  Nine shuffling miles this morning.

  (for a piece or two of my mind)

          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803



            two-cat has no business running
            by himself if butterly goddess is in the area.

            Bad cat! Bad Cat
            BTY - the last time I ran that fast was in 2002
            but I’m still having just as much fun.
            Those were the days, . . . these are too.
            lynne/wild - you can get wet doing that up here anytime.
            It’s called the “Seattle Marathon.”.
            I have an excuse for tapering this week.
            It’s called the “Tunnel-Lite” marathon.
            Did stump's cycling 112 miles have anything to do with IM training?
            The Ironman bike leg is the 112 miles because of the underlying
            Around-Oahu Bike Race, . . . the 2.4 mile swim is from the Waikiki
            Rough Water Swim and then the Honolulu Marathon’s 26.2 miles.
            Too bad they didn’t have an in-line skating event in 1977, . . .
            or if Hawaii had a bridge tournament. 
            ps amy - thank your teeth for every bite and don’t worry about it, . .
            . . . until you’d rather eat instead of run, . . . or anything else..


            pps jay - were you born there?

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


              Greetings.  Sorry to have been MIA.  I have been lurking...a lot of great racing here lately. Great half marathon for Starr! and great job to Holly and Carolyn on their marathon and 55k.  You two at least ( and Mike and Karin) will be ready for Vermont. not so sure about myself.   I have been running, moderate mileage of 40-50 per week, but nothing longer than a couple of hours at a time.  I have been concerned about how much my knee can take, partly mentally buried in a carpy work situation and also worried about how DD is doing back at school, etc. Just not able to focus on  it enough. I think I will still go and just tell them to not print my time...I don't know what my knee will say about it, but I guess I will find out.


              We have had pretty decent weekends; with nice weather and DS's sports schedule mostly during the week, we have gone north to the family camp  on  Silver Lake, and no one else has been there, so it has been pretty nice. Our lake neighbors have a good ski boat and take DS out every morning they go.  He willingly gets up early and keeps getting better and better; our neighbor skis competitively so can coach DS a bit.  I have been getting out to hike one day of the weekend usually and starting to use DH's kayak more. This past Friday night we got there late after DS's soccer game and it was still very warm and humid, so we launched the kayak and took turns paddling around in a nearly full moon.  We had a headlamp but barely needed it.


              Yesterday I went with DS on the ski boat; it is fun to watch him! Then I ran 9 or so hilly miles on a dirt road and some trails. It was so nice out I decided I had to go hike also ( and after DH assured me it was really ok if I went). I did an afternoon hike up Mt Whiteface, a low 4000 footer in the Sandwich Range wilderness not far from the lake. About 8 miles of  mostly decent trail, but there is a long section of rock climbing/scrambling, which is fun but not fast. My knee was whining by the end but it was a very nice day! Sunny, dry, cooler!


              Most likely rest or swim today.


              I am not always fully in the loop, but I don't know quite what BTY is talking about. Kind of reminds me of a similar cryptic post by Tim a while back.  I don't go on other running forums  much either but I have not heard trash talking-- but maybe they are talking about me??  I have met several RA-ers, but plenty are still imaginary.  I guess if imaginary people want to trash talk me, I can live with that.  Around here, though, people seem supportive and friendly, each of us with our quirks.   There are plenty of less friendly spaces on the internet!


              Happy Monday.  It is another beauty here.


              P.S. Thanks for Aamos for the tip about eye tearing/chapstick.  My eyes tear in cold weather and sometimes also the day after swimming. In dry winter air especially, the skin around my eyes can get irritated.

              King of PhotoShop

                Yes Aamos, I did, and there was another clue in the same puzzle about the kind of person who gets elected in a blue state.  For a Saturday, that puzzle was pretty simple.  and go check your messages here. I wrote you offline.


                Quick stop by for me as I'm swamped.  5 miles at the Park with the Saint and I labeled this one "recovery run" as I did yesterday. Still tired.


                A friend of mine who does the same kind of work that I do, except she does it for credit unions, wrote me today because she is stumped.  Last year she gave me a client because their needs were beyond what she is used to do.  So I'm spending the afternoon helping her deal with her new problem.  Super busy day.


                Sad to hear about your grandma's injury CNY, and hoping she recovers well.


                Great photo Dave.



                  BTY, happy birthday.  Steve, I like the pictures of Tag and the scenery.  Dave, good news on the new granddaughter.  Based on the picture, Annabelle is thrilled.  BTY, nice 10K, Starr, congrats on your half and beating your goal.  Holly, nice marathon.  wild, good job on your (long) 50K.  Steve, good job in your 5K with Tag.


                  Nice long runs for Mike and deez.  Good job on the speedwork for Twocat.


                  This morning, it was in the low 50s and almost calm.  I got in 5 miles at an 11:09 pace.


                  A good day and good runs for all.



                    Hey Guys.


                    Work pretty much did me in last week. Low miles and minor lurking in here. Did notice some great pictures and runs. You guys run in some nice locations. I could send photos but corn fields and soy bean fields just don't hold the same allure as say the Rockies or what not.


                    Nice kayaking Jay. Would love to do that sometime.


                    Dave - late congrats on the new addition.


                    Wow Slo. I think you got this across Iowa in a day thing covered.


                    That's why I like Amy. Straight to the point. Oh and an awesome runner.


                    Hi lame. Glad your posting.


                    Tet still cracks me up although I understand less than 10%


                    BTY - don't know the details but this is as welcoming of a group as I've encountered in this forum and outside in other RA places. I don't have many I watch but the three or four I do its consistent. Hope it resolves itself. Good people in here.


                    Ran a quick 7 at lunch. Well quick is relative of course. Time to get some miles under my belt. I'm losing distance to the kid. He ran another PR last week.



                    "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                    "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                    Marathon Maniac #957

                       I could send photos but corn fields and soy bean fields just don't hold the same allure as say the Rockies or what not.



                      Maybe not, but my drive to work each day is along country roads lined with soybean and corn fields and intermittent patches of dark woods and I think they are quite lovely all spring and summer.


                      Amy - I took both dogs and the cat in at the same time for their annual shots and check-ups and it was a bit of a blow, and I go to a fairly low-priced vet.  I shudder to think what people pay when they have large dogs - smaller animals are much less expensive when it comes to shots and heartworm meds.


                      Rest day for me today.


                      ETA - Dave - great picture!

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        I'm behind as usual, but . . .


                        Happy 50th to BTY ~


                        Congrats to Dave and family on the new grandbaby.


                        And HUGE congrats to Starr!  I loved the before and after pics of you and your DH's weight loss.  What an incredible accomplishment, and to see the picture proof is very cool.


                        Aamos - We have 5 cats.  Suffice to say, we have large yearly vet bills.  Flea stuff alone costs us about $100 a month.  Wilson has to go in Wednesday for a tooth extraction, so we'll go ahead and have his teeth cleaned while he's under.  I don't even want to guess what the cost will be.  The other thing that will suck is having to lock him in another room Wednesday morning while I feed the rest of the hoard.  Wilson loves his food, and he has the gut to prove it.


                        Chapstick above the brow line?  I'll have to give that a try!  I wear a hat when I run, but eventually it gets so drenched in sweat, it stops doing it's job in that regard.  . . . . could also be that it's my favorite hat so I wear it all the time, so it's just disgusting and worn out (washing only helps so much.)


                        I am so pooped.  Got in 41 miles between Fri and Sun, with Saturday being the hardest - 24.5 miles with 4693 feet of elevation change.  My legs are just pooped, so I am embracing this week's cutback.  It's hard to complain at home, though, when The Hub has been working 6 to 7 days a week for the past few months.  He's tired because he's working his butt off.  I'm tired 'cause I'm doing this to myself.  We were both kind of zombie like yesterday and groaned when the alarm when off this a.m.  Ah, such is life!


                        Have a great week, peeps ~

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance



                          And as for the Brian post, my feeling is "don't feed the monkeys."  In other words, don't fuel nonsense.  If it isn't nonsense, anyone who feels they have been hurt or someway treated poorly here needs to be an adult and state why they feel that so we can respond.  Innuendo and insults, I just ignore.''







                          it's ok if they pick on ME, but just mail tet some yellow shoes.....



                          ,,,,,,,,,,er,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NEVER MIND

                          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                            Why would we pick on Maine? Seemed like a nice place when I visited.


                            Tet wears shoes now. Man miss a week and miss alot.

                            "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                            "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                              Flyby on my way home - 5 mile recovery jog that got better and more smooth as it progressed.  Nice and easy at 8:55/mi for 3 miles, plus a one-mile warm up in 11:00 and a one mile cool down in 10:30.


                              MTA thanks for the birthday wishes. Actual big day is the 22nd.


                              I checked my results from last year's 10k, which was actually on my birthday and again the day after the birthday celebration, and was very surprised to find that last year's time was exactly :0.9 faster than this year according to the official site, chip timed. However on my watch, mat to mat, I was 2 seconds faster this year. I'll take it! Smile


                              I forgot that I'm suppoed to be experimenting with doing just a walk cool down to keep my HR from spiking again after stretching.   Good news was that it didnt get very high during the jogging cool down. I was conscious about going nice and slow.  Hopefully I'll be more alert Wednesday when I run again.  I got distriacted because I was employed as pace bunny for a couple of co-workers.  It helped me to stay disciplined during their 3-mile tempo workout, but my brain derailed at the end of it.


                              BTY (Better than Yesterday)









                                Anyone hear how the Tough Mudder wentt for Jlynne?




                                It went quite well, thanks for asking! I'll put a recap in a separate post so I don't take up space in the daily. I have a whole new respect for you folks who run hills and elevations on a regular basis.


                                Great picture of your new arrival Dave!


                                Welcome back Lamerunner - nice to hear from you.


                                Corn fields boring? Isn't one of the best lines from "Field of Dreams' the one where Ray Liotta asks if he's in heaven, and Kevin Costner says "No - this is Iowa"


                                Tried to do my normal run this morning, but my quads (and bruises and scrapes) said "not so fast." Only 3 miles, just to try to get things stretched out.
