Masters Running


Wed Oct 1 Runs and Workouts (Read 582 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    At work? What kind of work do you do? Big grin
    I operate heavy machinery. Ha! I'm an office manager - not much to do though and the bosses are out for opening day of hunting. Smile


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



      alcoholic beverages in the fridge . . . . sounds like our office fridge Big grin


      Marathon Maniac #3309

        In our refrigerator here at work, we have a few alcoholic beverages to choose from. I said to co-worker, "that looks so good I am tempted to have one with my lunch!" Being the bad influence that she is, she rinsed out a couple of coffee cups and we treated ourselves. I'm going to need a nap pretty soon.....
        Mary's picture of her and a Friend drinking beer...and now there something you would like to share with us Big grin And, are you doing any hiring there Wink Tim

        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

          I had a co-op job once at a large brewery. All the free beer you wanted for lunch!! I often had one, sometimes two, but that made for a long sleepy afternoon. Anyone could just help themselves, even the guys operating the heavy machinery and the line workers. I wonder if they still do that. 8 miles on the trails. Lots of marine fog, coolish temperatures (55 to 60) and freshness all around. Was planning on 10, but I did the last 4 mile loop a bit too fast so I really need to back off now and rest up for Sunday.

          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

            I once had an interview with a company that had a vending machine stocked with beer for 10 cents each. They told me no one drank during the day but once 5:00 came around ... It was a really pleasant interview. Evil grin (I did end up taking a job with them years later, but by then the beer machine was gone - no doubt for liability reasons.) Bill

            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              10 cent beer ...... how old are you Bill??? Wink My daughter was just in. She got a big promotion at work today and is on cloud 9. I'll be taking her out for dinner to celebrate - might have to have a cocktail to toast the occasion. I'd hire you in a heartbeat Tim - but unfortunately we are laying off like everyone else....


              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                when Apple was really struggling (pre iPod days), I bought several hundred shares at 13... still have 'em! I have a few gems like that in my IRA...
                Erika, good for you. I generally don't buy individual stocks because it takes so much research, and I generally don't try to time the market because (a) it is a theoretically discredited (though popular) approach; and (b) I like to buy for the long term. Dark Horse
                I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                  Dicky—I was raised Catholic in a nearly-all Christian town but went to Brandeis...................I keep meaning to ask where exactly you live. So Martinsville, huh? I wouldn’t imagine there’s a big Jewish community there.
                  Tramps.... Jeez...Brandeis...certainly one of the premier Universities in the country. And being approximately 65% Jewish, I can see where you really got a crash course in Judaism. In other colleges...and some major cities, especially New York (which has a Jewish population of about 2 million), things can come to a complete stop during the holidays. There's a joke going around that because Congress broke for Rosh Hashanah, Jews will now be blamed for the bailout package stalling. Yeah...I live about 5-6 miles from Martinsville...on the way to Danville. We have a small Jewish community...about 25-30 families...but we have a Synagogue, Rabbi & Cantor. I don't know of anyone who keeps kosher..I think you'd go broke having to order food from New York or Baltimore. just not practical. Like all Jewish moms, mine wanted me to go to Brandeis. Dad simply said "you can apply to any school you want, but if you get into UVA, that's where you're going." I'm a Wahoo. Dicky "the other dg" G

                  One day at a time

                    Dicky - thanks for mentioning DS. Yep, 16:40, and he was upset! He REALLY wants to go sub-16 this year. It wouldn't surprise me if he did. Last year, in outdoor track, he told me he wanted to break 9:40 in the 3200. I thought he was nuts, since his PR was 10:00 or so, but he ended up at 9:39 at the New England meet. He really goes after goals in a big way! DH's sister converted to Judaism when she got married, so we get to celebrate Jewish holidays with her family. Her husband is quite a scholar, so he and DH enjoy talking about Jewish history. They are on opposite ends of the political and religious spectrum, so it's neat they have this in common. We got to go to their three sons' Bar Mitzvahs, too. My kids are each about 10 years younger than them, so my main memory is sitting outside the synagogue with one of my little ones for long lengths of time! Good parties afterwards, though. Smile My right arch is STILL sore, even though I keep icing it. After my 8.7-mile run yesterday, I decided to take today off to give it a rest.

                    Renee the dog

                      Thanks, Holly. Yes, there are always runs available, but I made a resolution to take the whole year off.
                      You know, there's a variety of "years" to be had concurrently, esp. with Rosh Hashanah right now to remind us. In addition to the Jewish New Year, how 'bout a fiscal year, school year? Does any fit? Evil grin I just made the call to enjoy my ankle and calf still not hurting by resting it from running tonight. I'll still get my mileage in for the week, but I want to give it a bit more time to feel "right." Good runs to all!

                      GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                      GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                        Tramps.... Jcertainly one of the premier Universities in the country. [...] Yeah...I live about 5-6 miles from Martinsville... [...] I'm a Wahoo.
                        That’s funny. I thought it was the back-up school for kids who didn’t get into an Ivy? That’s how many students thought of it. (It never occurred to me to apply to an Ivy, since those were places for kids of the rich.) Seriously, though, I had no idea what I was doing going there; I had never heard of it and knew nothing about schools. No one in my family had ever gone to college and my high school was a regional vo-tech school (auto shop, welding, etc) so I got zero guidance. I ended up there, as I said, entirely because they gave me the best aid package. Look up “fish out of water” in the dictionary; it has a picture of me at Brandeis. Since I had no experience with college, I assumed it was college; I didn’t realize at the time what a unique place it was. But I found a niche, made friends (often with similarly alienated foreign students), learned a lot, and met my (now) DW. Lucky guy. Smile I don’t know it well, but the general area you live in seems like really pretty country. And UVA’s certainly a flagship school.

                        Be safe. Be kind.

                          Wednesday - 5.01 easy miles - 42:05 (8:24) Avg HR 129 Max HR 138 - 61 degrees, and light rain.

                            October already! Going a bit crazy with my taper efforts and trying to size up my sore sciatica. I did not run today ; swam a mile instead. I am more nervous than usual and work has been stressful and I need more exercise than I am getting. AHHHHHHH Good luck to all taperers...
                              a picture of me at Brandeis
                              Back in the day, Tramps and I used to go to concerts together at Brandeis. Rainy day here in Newburyport, but the sun shone brightly on my stock portfolio. My paper profits are now embarrassingly large. However, it is quite possible that bad things could still happen, especially since some of these stocks are not exactly what you would recommend to your grandmother. It would be nice to make lots of money, but if it all goes south, I won't jump out the window. Even if I did, my home is a bungalow. 4 miles on the treadmill at 8:56 mile pace. I started at 6.0 mph, and to keep it interesting, increased the pace by 0.1 mph every quarter-mile. A tenth of a mile per hour here, a tenth of a mile per hour there, and pretty soon you're talking about real speed. Dark Horse
                              I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.


                                That’s funny. I thought it was the back-up school for kids who didn’t get into an Ivy? That’s how many students thought of it. (It never occurred to me to apply to an Ivy, since those were places for kids of the rich.) ... I ended up there, as I said, entirely because they gave me the best aid package.
                                Tramps, I went to an Ivy (Penn) because it was free! My dad was an engineering professor there, so I got a full faculty scholarship. I, too, felt kind of like a fish out of water there, but I got a good edukayshun and made some lifelong friends.

                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
