Masters Running


Tuesday 11/21/23 Short Work Week Runs and Adventures (Read 41 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good morning!


    Why is it that short work weeks seem so long?


    I wasn't entirely happy with my tattoo re the coloring, so I have an appointment with a different tattoo shop after work to brighten up the colors.  Hopefully he will do it to my liking.  After all, I only have to wear this forever....


    DH is off today (because he called in sick yesterday, and with the county employee, if you take off one day, you may as well take off two), so I gave him a shopping list and sent him off with some errands to run.


    3.2 miles for me today in 47 degrees, between the rain storms.



    May be an image of wine, piano and text that says 'Special Wines Pino Noir Pino Blanco Pino Grigio The Wine of the Month WINE THE MONTH You'll like this one! rt's made from an anti-diuretic hybrid grape and reduces the number of trips people your age go to the toilet during the night. It's called PINo MORE!'

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      LOL Holly.  Thanks for starting us off.


      Raining outside so 3.5 reluctant treadmill miles.  Hope to get outside later for a couple more miles.


      Centex-  I was on the Board of Directors for White Rock Marathon for over 20 years.  I ran it a bunch of times and Cowtown a few times.  We were afraid of hills back then.  Moving to Tennessee brought THAT into perspective!  I lived right in North Dallas but certainly ran in Austin a bunch.  Never raced Houston Marathon but my husband did and had a 2:38.  Ran the Capitol 10000 a bunch of times (speaking of hills).

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



        3.11 miles in the rain this morning. 47°. 

        Since it was raining, I ran without my glasses. I can see pretty good without them. I can see the numbers on my watch and hazards on the road. They're a little fuzzy but still legible. But lights at certain distances can be real fuzzy or even doubled up. My Tuesday run is on the hills around the neighborhood and it includes a section where I get a view of the City of Huntington from up on a ridge. When I looked out over the city, all the street lights were distorted in such a way that the looked like there were Christmas trees everywhere. Thousands of tree shaped triangles. Very cool except for the fact that I knew it was caused by poor vision. 



          Nice to see lamerunner checking in.........

          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

          Marathon Maniac #957

            3.11 miles in the rain this morning


            OOOOhhhhhh, I'm telling Twocat!    

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

              Holly - whew, no wonder i'm glad I don't imbibe.


              KSA - I figured cycling but didn't know your DS's IM (and other) running prowess takes after your DH too. I guess he got his swimming from you?

              ps - I've eaten some old foods but year old turkey's a new definition for leftovers. Good luck..


              Dave- are the lights not doubled up, fuzzy and many-faceted with your glasses?  Don't ask me how I know but, otherwise, cataracts usually cause glare issues.


              As if my spill on the sidewalk yesterday morning wasn't enough comeuppance about any inadvertent comments in the past about falling on sidewalks vs more worthy trail running face plants, it left both shoulders in so much constant, pulsing pain like some have posted their reactions to flu, covid, shingrex, etc. shots, that last up to three days for DW, but have never bothered me that I had to take an ibuprofen to get to sleep and am sincerely sorry for any inadvertent comments I might have posted in the past about everyone else's shot sensitivities.  Right shoulder is okay this morning but left side is still sore, . . .  just in time for today's PCP pre-op exam authorization that I'll try to keep from saying anything about it as much as possible.

              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Tet - ouch!  No falling!  You know you can take both Tylenol and Ibuprophen at the same time, if you really need some heavy duty pain relief.


                Dave - years ago I rode my bicycle to work without my contact lenses one day (can't remember why).  I got to work having carefully navigated two traffic lights/intersections to cross. Too bad there were actually three traffic light/intersections on that commute.  Must have ridden right through one of them without seeing the light and/or intersection.  I should mention that I have been wearing glasses since I was five and am technically legally blind...


                Leslie - what is the name of your ginger cat?

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Howdy Do -


                  Cute comic!


                  "Bless his heart" was something my MIL used to say about The Hub . . . until he got in trouble and my SIL took her to task on always making things easy for him.


                  3 chilly predawn run/walk this a.m. Little by little I'm adding in more running. Had to reup on the inhaler about halfway through, but other than that I felt good.  I talked to my physio about them tackling my hammies (I stopped going to the chiro), so that started yesterday with a solid massage on them and extra stretching my the masseuse, which I'm feeling today.  Fingers crossed I start getting more improvement 'cause this is taking too frigging long.


                  So our neighbor proposed to his long-time (8 yrs together!) live-in (4 yrs.!) girlfriend 2 weeks ago.  It's unofficially official because only we know, but she doesn't know we know.  He told The Hub 'cause he was just about to bust and needed to tell someone the day before he proposed.  They went agate hunting, and he was handing her rocks to look at and one of the "rocks" was the ring.  The ring is being sized and they want to redo the proposal at the beach and get pics before they tell anyone.  Anyway, she and I were leaving for work at the same time this a.m. and we tried to get info out of her, but there's no ring on the finger and she said nothing new is happening.  Dang it!


                  Then I get to work and the first email I open up I want to reach through the screen and slap the woman I'm dealing with.  Sometimes it doesn't pay to come to work. 

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance


                    Short work week?!


                    Thursday alone equals at least 2-3 work days. Maybe 4.

                    60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Short work week?!


                      Thursday alone equals at least 2-3 work days. Maybe 4.


                      Well, for those of us who are cooking, yes...good thing I am up at 4am every morning these days.  Today it was actually 3:17am.  BUT, I did go back to bed at 4:45 until 5:30am, so that sort of counts as an afternoon nap....What are YOU doing on Thursday, SB?

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        Hey friends!! Nice to see you lamerunner!!

                        Welcome centex!!

                        Tet - hope your pains heal quickly

                        Holly - good luck with all your cooking!!

                        KSA - I though 6 months was the time for meat and fish to stay frozen, but I know dh has cooked summer striper that he froze long after 6 mo

                        I'm working Thanksgiving this year, dh really just wants to stay home alone and do some cooking even tho he has had invites. He may go to our youngest son's house for desserts


                        Monday - 30 minute Peloton ride, 30 minutes density strength training then went into work for 4 hours on call to help someone out. The traffic driving out of Boston at 3:30pm is horrendous, but it was worth it to help out this co-worker plus I made OT for the 4 hours I worked and was technically getting on call pay while I was driving home (which isn't much). The beauty of it is I was home, finished dinner and reading a book long before I would have been if I worked until 7p


                        Today - 5 miles with a friend who also didn't want to run early with the 6:30am group. It was nice to wait until 8:45 when the temps at least hit 30degrees. I am so not ready for the cold!! Also did a core strength for runners


                        To the Masters on Peloton -- I am doing my 500th ride Friday morning with Jenn Sherman live at 9am (New England time)  Would love to have you join me on the leaderboard. My Peloton name is OneStrongNonna 


                          We seem to eat frozen stuff that's been around for a bit.  He vacuum seals it.  I don't think we'll die, and with gravy etc it should taste fine.  I had to get a bigger Cracker Barrel meal last year for Thanksgiving than we could handle- even with our son here.


                          Tet- I missed that you fell yesterday!  It sounds pretty bad.  I hope the aches and pains resolve quickly.


                          Our son did get athletic talents from both of us.  When he was 10 or so people would come up to Ken and say, "Boy, Kiley sure has Karen's endurance."  And come up to me and say, "Kiley sure has Ken's speed!"   I'm probably a better swimmer, but Ken did OK in the tris that we did.  Kiley had extremely good swim coaching, as did our daughter.  They swam USS swimming through middle school.   Ken and I met through running- we were both on the Texas Instruments national team.  We wouldn't have necessarily met through our work there.

                          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                            Centex, you must be a hard-core roadie if you can refer to RAGBRAI as just some ride you might do while you're in the area! 


                            KSA, my parents were both very good athletes who managed to produce three non-athletic sons. 


                            How often does this happen? Yesterday was the first time I ever heard of Hasselback potatoes, and then today there's a recipe in the NY Times for Cheesy Hasselback Potato Gratin, apparently a "mash-up" of Hasselback and Au Gratin. Anyway, since the NYT cooking section has a paywall I made a PDF and linked it above. Someone let me know how it turns out; this is one of the few recipes in the NYT that I feel we could actually make.


                            Raining all day here. I would have gone out in it except for feeling Twocat's eyes on me...

                            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                              Karen, I know how you feel, it'll be TM time soon. You still got in a 3.5 miler and that still counts. A group of us from the Running Room may be heading stateside for a marathon in Fargo in June. We are looking at this as a fun activity with some running on the top!

                              Dave, you got 3.11 miles in the rain, well done. My answer to running in the rain with glasses is to wear a ball cap. Providing the rain isn't sheeting down at an angle it's not bad.

                              Tets, I'm sorry about your spill and I know exactly how you feel. I took a spill in my first HM this year and had to get 2 fingers splinted before finishing the run... cost me 10 minutes!

                              Leslie, slow but sure gets it done.

                              Denise good 5 mile run, we twinned today! Cheers!


                              Got out there for a hard paced 5 miler in 39 F temp but with a nasty NW wind. I hate wind...oh well, what can you do? Have a greight day Masters.



                                ...............30-min ARC Trainer........

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
