Masters Running


Tuesday's Daily, 4.14.15 (Read 28 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Good for you for keeping a wheel on the track, Dave.


    Aamos, you've got a good crew of women walkers down there, starting with Sharon Haley. It's pretty rare that someone gets called out for good racewalking form, so I'm glad you shouted out to Sharon. Great job by DH to finish 2nd male and 7th overall! The last time I went to the Somerville race, I picked up my bib on race morning, and am planning on doing that again on Sunday.


    Good job on the 5K taper, Stumpy. 


    Nice run and ride, Roch, but do take care of that knee.


    It's good to see Marj & Henrun out there, enjoying some (finally) Spring weather in Boston.


    I had a busy day yesterday, topped off with some more yard work when I got home from work. I only had about an hour, but got a fair amount done, and my back held up OK. This morning, I overslept till 4:45, which made it too late to get in a worthwhile workout. So I couched and read for a while, and then got up and got the day going. I'm counting on being up on time tomorrow 'cause it's finally shorts weather, and I'm looking forward to it. The only problem with shorts is that I usually wear reflective bands (to help me be seen in the pre-dawn) around my mid-calf, and they are secured with Velcro on either end. They are fine over tights, but they itch on bare legs. Oh, the problems I have...


    Have a greta Tuesday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Thanks for the start, Jay. I'd put up with some discomfort with the bands in exchange for the good weather that's arriving!


      Tammy, that is really cool about your son. Maybe you can get one of those pre-paid plans. They have some decent phones for about $30 and  some cheap plans, especially if all you don't need a data plan (they can still access data over Wifi).


      And here I sit waiting for a phone call from the guys who are coming to deliver and install our new stove 2.0. I say "2.0" because we had the same stove delivered a couple months ago only to find out that our gas hookup had to be relocated. Now that that's been done, we re-ordered it and should be cookin' by the end of the day. In the meanwhile, I'll have to find some minor chores to do around the house until things show up.


      I hope that the rest of you aren't stuck at home today!

      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

      Mike E

      MM #5615

        Good morning everybody!  Thanks, again, for starting us off, do a great job.


        I don't know what's wrong with me--I'm on vacation and I'm awake at 5:00 am.  It's 7 at home, though, that's probably the deal...which brings up a stupide question...


        Debbie and I like watching The Voice...although, this year, neither of us have a real clear favorite...but they are supposed to be doing their live performances, now.  The show comes on at 7:00 at home...which is 5:00 on the west coast...but the show comes on at 8:00 out here...what am I missing?


        Our first full day in San Francisco, was fun...but very tiring.  We went to breakfast with all of our tourist attraction brochures.  All I really cared about doing here was walking across the Golden Gate Bridge.  Debbie is into movies and movie stars so, when she found a brochure that advertised a bus ride showing all the places that different movies were made, she got really excited.  She called and found out that they were all booked up until tomorrow (which is today)  so that's what we planned on doing.  But, after reading the different movies they were going to show, Mrs. Doubtfire was the only one she had seen, so that's the only one she cared about.  I googled the address and discovered that we were about 6 blocks away from the house that was shown in the movie.  We walked over there--saw the house--took a picture of Debbie standing on the steps (I forbid her from knocking on their door) and that was all she needed to be happy for the day.  Plus she liked saving $150 .

        So, after that, we decided to head on over to the Golden Gate Bridge.  We really didn't know exactly where to go or how far it was, but we had a general idea and we headed that way.  Once we got to the Marina, we could see the, it looked cool.  And then we realized Alcotraz was right there, too...which is another thing I was interested in seeing.  So...we made our way along the shore toward the was a little further away than we thought....but we made it.  It was kind of exciting walking across...but I couldn't help thinking about all the people who have jumped off of it over the years...including my cousin.  I never knew the guy, but still, it was kind of sad.  I was kind of surprised at how easy it would be for somebody to just hop over the rail and jump.  I started imagining myself doing it and the fear that swept through my body was...well...frightening.  I had to really work at keeping my mind off of it and just concentrate on getting across.  Well...we made it across, looked back...saw the city in the distance...and sudden,y realized...we have to back, now.


        When we we finally got back to our room, I did a quick check on the RA course map and figured we walked at least 12 miles.  Poor Debbie is so dang sore, she could barely walk...her hip is really bothering her.  I'm not much better. Like I told her, I don't have to recover from my marathon, I have to recover from that walk.


        So, that we've really done and seen everything we wanted to see and do here...I'm not sure what we're going to do today.  Although, I made the mistake of telling Debbie that I read the scene where they had dinner (in Mrs. Doubtfire) at was in a restaurant in Oakland.  I lied and told her Oakland was 1000 miles away, but when she gave me "that look" I fessed up and told her was just up the road a little ways.  So...we might be heading over there for dinner.  But we ain't walking!


        Oaky--I'll leave you all alone--I should get going anyways.  Have a great day!  See ya!


        Oh--hi roch!  I didn't see you there.

        Sayhey! MM#130

          Thanks, Jay!  So looking forward to seeing you.   That's neat you know of Sharon.  The fellow who finished just ahead of DH, Steve S., is from the next town over, so I think we're going to try and look him up soon.  He's 58, as per his race results.


          Mike, if it's not too late, the Embarcadero is a fun place to walk along and get free food samples (aren't you still sort of hungry??) and of course I usually pop over to Berkeley and to City Lights bookstore (back in SF).  Have fun!   Oh, and it's fun to take pictures of tourists taking pictures of Lombard Street (then you can watch Steve McQueen in Bullitt again).  And sourdough bread!  (OK, will stop now, or else I'll be signing up for the SF marathon again and that's not in the plan this year.)


          May the delivery folks get to you soon, Doug.


          So we're working on getting Craig to Somerville.  Kevin and I might have to run the kid's mile as a 3 legged race to do so. 


          8+ this morning--anyone else enjoy a crescent moon??     May do the bridges for a short bit tonight.  People here are all: "I'm tapering; no more bridges for me!"  I think, "I had more (and steeper) hills on my normal run route in Rapid City."


          Looking forward to more on David's on FB very neat, Tammy.




  (for a piece or two of my mind)

          Sayhey! MM#130

            Marj & henrun--just sent you a message here as the email I sent bounced back.  Nothing urgent, just my soon-to-be-whereabouts.

    (for a piece or two of my mind)


              I slept in and skipped the morning hill workout, then work got busy and I was going to take the day off, but I had moment to steal so I went out for a quick little 2.57 miles.  60° and sunny if you can believe it.  I even saw a couple plants peeking out of the dirt.


              I am packing up my closet today.  Everytime I take a bathroom break and pack a few more things.  I have been instructed to pack as much as possible so the house isn't cluttered when we put it on the market.  Cindy has gone a little overboard and packed a lot, like all the towels for example, so now I have to just keep rewashing and reusing the one I already had out.  Which is what I have been doing for a long time anyway but it feels different now that I have to do it that way.


              Got to get my office stuff packed up too I guess.  Luckily I am not a pack rat so it isn't a lot.




                Marj & henrun--just sent you a message here as the email I sent bounced back.  Nothing urgent, just my soon-to-be-whereabouts.


                Aamos - I sent you an email and a message - one should get through.


                No runs for me today, I came down with the sore throat/cold that's going around and the couch has become my friend!



                  I posted on Monday's thread my mistake.  So if you're just dying to see what I wrote, you'll have to venture over there.


                  Mike - Re Oakland - just be sure you don't get stuck in the wrong neighborhood at the wrong time of the evening.  Jack London Square in Oakland is a neat place.  Also, a good place to eat in San Fran - absolutely not fancy, but good food - is Tommy's Joynt. It's an SF icon.

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance




                    Alcatraz at night is a spooky experience and fun. I love sour dough!

                    God, my Lord, is my strength;
                    he makes my feet swift as those of hinds
                    and enables me to go upon the heights.
                    Hb 3:19

                    Marathon Maniac #957


                      This morning, I overslept till 4:45


                      Words you don't often hear....


                      Mike - make sure you get back home with some time to rest up from your vacation.


                      My boss went to San Francisco last year, and he had three things to say about it:

                      1.  It is a beautiful city.

                      2.  It is a dirty city.

                      3.  There are lots and lots of homeless people there.  He said that in the evening, after the businesses close, their doorways fill up with homeless people hanging out and playing on their smartphones.  


                      I have never been there myself, so have no opinion about it.  Other than that I would love to walk across the Golden Gate Bridge.


                      3 miles for me this morning, plus lower body weights.  I wanted to run farther, but my tummy was upset, possibly from the antibiotics I am still on.  Oh well.

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                      Sayhey! MM#130

                        Holly, I had the same observation as your boss re: homeless people in SF.  For a  beautiful, world class city, there is a huge problem there.  So many apartments have mega-security fences, bolts, etc.  I stopped saying it as it seemed to me most of friends thought it was just my politics again, but I truly was stunned by the people living hand to mouth there.


                        Marj, got the message (on my aol account, so we're good!), and will be ready to go--there are two entrances, as I recall, so I'll be in touch once I'm there to be sure I'm on the street where you'll be looking for me.


                        OK, Robin?  I will be listening to the game Friday and I can be available by phone/text if you get into a bind.  You all know I love and revere Jay, and you are most charming,  but this is the Red Sox.   And Joanie knows her Red Sox.  You know the story about Joan and the 1979 marathon and her red Sox hat?  Legend has it that she was concerned that she might go out in front (you think??) but blow the lead......much like the Red Sox in o-so-many-years, who would start promisingly only to go into a tailspin in September.  SO Joan had a friend planted somewhere along the course (maybe she'll tell you, if she confirms this) with a Sox hat.  Friends hands her the hat to remind her to keep the lead, she does, and legend is made.


                        And PLEASE do not wear a pink Red Sox hat.  

                (for a piece or two of my mind)

                        an amazing likeness

                          Mike E...some off-the-cuff SF suggestions which I've enjoyed as a tourist:


                          - japanese tea garden (near GG park)

                          - did you know there are buffalo (bison?) in the GG park?  Yes, there are.  Very cool.

                          - next to the Japanese tea garden is a nice art musuem

                          - take the California St cable car into Chinatown and eat lunch

                          - cable car museum (easily accessible guessed it, cable car)

                          - see the sea lions on Pier 39  (then get the heck out of that area!)

                          - murals (and houses) on Telegraph Hill & Coit tower. Oh and wild parrots live in the area...very odd

                          - ride historic trolly F line from Embarcadero to the Castro ($2)

                          Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

                          Sayhey! MM#130

                            THIS IS THE CAP

                    (for a piece or two of my mind)

                              The homeless problem in SF and in our area is growing, mostly because of the temperate weather year-round.  We've seen a HUGE uptick of the "homeless" in Humboldt County because of the expanding marijuana cultivation and the upswing in meth labs.  Also, our county pays higher general aid per capita than other counties in CA.  And I say "homeless" in quotes because although there are definitely people living on the streets due to bad circumstances, a lot of the folks have chosen the lifestyle, especially those who come through during the marijuana harvest time and advertise themselves on Craigslist as pruners. Panhandling is a big problem, as is the number of break-in crimes by people looking to steal items they can pawn.  The panhandling has gotten so bad that various charitable organizations in the area are actually asking people to NOT give the panhandlers money; instead, contribute to an organization that is trying to help the homeless who really want assistance to get out of their situation, as opposed to just begging for money.


                              Case in Point - There's a guy who every single day stands at the stoplight on the corner of the parking lot where I park, panhandling with a sign that says "Y Lie?  I Need a Beer" . . . and people stop and give him money.

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance



                                We've been to San Francisco several times. Lots of awesome things to do there, many of which have been mentioned by our friendly RA tour guides. We went to a service at the Glide Church in the Tenderloin District. A very moving service with several people getting up and telling their stories about how they turned their lives around. Also, the Haight-Asbury (spelling??) district was pretty cool. Like going back to the 60's on an LSD trip. Cool head shops, incense, Jim Morrison t-shirts and posters with some neat little bistros that sell awesome sangria.  But the homeless population is tremendous, and you have to have will power to not feel bad (and give money to) all of the sad people who truly look down on their luck.  Enjoy the rest of your time there Mike.


                                That's some "taper" you've got going there, Amos


                                Good luck with the packing Dave.


                                Like Marj and Holly, I was unable to fight off the "grandsons crud" and have been down for the last two days. I tried going to the Y yesterday thinking that doing something would make me feel better. NOT. Like the line from The Devil Wears Prada - "I'm just one stomach flu away from my ideal weight".  But it was too nice here today to not do something, so I played 18 holes of golf with DH. Shot a 52-53.  Not bad for my first time out.


                                Hope everyone's Tuesday is going well.  Have a great evening!
