Masters Running


Monday, July 25th posts (Read 615 times)

    Congratulations, Sweet Posie Friend!!


    Way to go, Erika!


    Tet - Your time with Posie's son sounds wonderful, sans the bear episode, of course.


    Tammy - Everything I've read about running with dogs goes along with what Mary says, however, your vet is your best resource.  I do know we see a huge difference in how Charlie deals with running off leash and on leash.  He wears out much faster on leash as he is unable to change up his gait, do his own thing.


    45 min of core/strength training this morning, with an anticipated stationary ride tonight.  I won't be stopping in much the rest of the week as I am taking the next four days off to spend with Shorty before he commits to jail on Saturday.  Had a very therapeutic session with my counselor today.  One Day At A Time.  One Day At A Time.  One Day At A Time.


    Later ~

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance



       let's not get carried away here........



      I'm just repeating what people are telling me, that I don't look 50!

      "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

         I always read with interest what Karin is doing with Hudson. B&B run like wild banshee's around the yard when they are playing 



        FWIW, We asked the vet right away for her recommendations and also asked the director of the dog school that Hudson goes to on Saturdays.

        My garbled writing syle probably makes it sound like Hudson is running with us and he's not, not even on a leash---and he won't for quite awhile. He is learnng to walk on a leash with my husband and they go at a casual pace with lots of stops. We'll be careful of course. The sprint loops are around the house and he chases us---we don't chase him since that's a big non-no. The total distances there are maybe 100 yards each time and just a few times. He's actually a pretty mellow puppy and sleeps most of the day. He loves to snuggle and leans into us wherever we are standing or sitting. He's also learned to bring us his ball and wait patiently until we throw it for him. It's all good.


        I was just saying that today he saw all of us come and go like a revolvng door.

        No worries.


        I don't imagine that he'll come on a run with me until he's at least a one year-old and just short runs at that point if he likes it.  


          and I'll attest that Opie doesn't look (nor does he act) even close to age!


          Thanks for your input Karin!


          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

            I wasn't worried Karin - I know that our big dogs couldn't even keep up with the likes of you, let alone a puppy!   Smile    Oh, he is a leaner, just like his daddy.    Wasn't Huntley leaning on you the whole time you were at the house?    Too cute!


            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




              7 miles at the Gym on the T.M today, My knee is still a little sore after Fridays 10 miler at the reservoir. Gonna try and take it easy this week


                Much  Joking  Belated Happy 29th Opie!


                Today I was told I looked too young to have kids already!  Nearly spewed my coffee.  Confused  I guess she was a bit senile or something.


                I didn't even realize Mariposai had BQ'd, she didn't say anything about it until I asked.


                Catching up on laundry, shopping etc.  Nice thunderstorm today, we don't get many of those here.

                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."




                  I'd sure love to do some puppy fartleks, but I'd need to borrow one. Don't want another dog just yet...


                  Not acting your age is important. Opie has his priorities right.


                  Easy does it there, Oogly. And glad to see you here in the daily!


                  I hope the heat is moderating a bit for those of you in the oven lately. Would sure love to send some of our cool weather to you guys. Would be kind of neat if you could do that, don't you think? But then you'd have to be careful... I'd start packing up some -40° days and sending them down to Byll in January!! Big grin


                  Enke, it doesn't surprise me that Mariposai didn't say anything at first. That's so her! Not one to toot her own horn, as my mom would say. How fun that you got to go meet them at the end though!


                  I'm having sort of a blah day. Was going to go run at lunch, but just wasn't in the mood (much to DH's surprise). So got a ride down to the gym to meet him for a short workout, just elliptical and abs/core. That seemed just about right. I might run a bit after work, but after yesterday I'm feeling a little beat up so maybe not. Took a look at my calendar and I guess I need to get with the program... should do a 20 miler this weekend. *sigh* I think right now I need to go find some coffee....

                       Oh, he is a leaner, just like his daddy.    Wasn't Huntley leaning on you the whole time you were at the house?    Too cute!


                    Like father---like son! Yep, Huntley came over and leaned on me and that was so cool. Hudson is sitting on my bare feet right now and will lean on sit right next to whoever might be in the room. He's an equal opportunity doggie though and will spend equal time snuggling. He fell asleep with his head in my lap while I was on a conference call and it was one of the rare times I didn't want the call to end! 


                    Heat wave broken here today----steady rain and 66 degrees right now. The flowers and trees are grinning at present. 


                    Double run tomorrow and medium long run on Wednesday so while I don't mind running in the rain at all, I am hoping the heavy rain happens today and tonight!


                    I'll hit 2,000 miles of running for the year in August.




                       {{Leslie}}}   That is a lot to handle; hang tough. Was the embezzlement to fuel the alcohol??  It is great that Shorty is serous about the sobriety.


                      Great race Erika and you may just be tired you know...


                      Mariposai, many congratulations!! I will have to join the 2012 meet up in Boston!


                      Busy few days with the conference and picking up Ds from camp. He had a wonderful time, seemed to especially like the three day hike/backpack with 10 peaks.   It  is so nice to have him back though.


                      The heat is gone for now; air changed yesterday morning and rain this evening. yesterday i ran about 12 miles on hilly dirt road and trails then played light tennis in the afternoon. Saturday was about 8.5 miles near a beach in RI in awful humidity and 83 degrees. Friday was a hot 23-25 mile bike ride then a quick 5 miles. Again very hot day but I did the run on Ocean Drive in Newport so i found the coolest place at least.


                      Today ended up a rest day. I planned to swim per usual Monday routine but just no time.   


                      I am behind so sorry to all those I missed!

                        I'm just repeating what people are telling me, that I don't look 50!







                        yes, opie actually looks like he's 10




                         have to Card Him before the Races

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                        Marathon Maniac #957


                          "When people say...that your dream is impossible, don't believe in them!!!. Today my long time dream of qualifying for the Boston Marathon at last came in to my grasp by finishing the Light at the end of the tunnel marathon in 3:57' (3 minutes faster than my needed time to qualify! Dreams do came true, but you have to be willing to work hard to achieve it!"





                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            I'd start packing up some -40° days and sending them down to Byll in January!! Big grin

                            I'll take your August weather down here, but you can keep the January.  Our January is just fine, thanks!  Wink



                            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                              Many congrats to Posie on the BQ!!!


                              Y'know, Opie.... if you haven't grown up by the time you hit 50, you don't have to!!


                              Erika, I think you're entitled to a blah day.... maybe your body is telling you to take a break?


                              5 miles on the work TM this afternoon.  Tested out a new pair of trail shoes I got at the LRS summer sale.... Montrail Fairhavens, which are sort of a trail/road hybrid, with some motion control.  Very roomy toebox for my tender metatarsals, and very comfy thru the forefoot... probably not that good for the technical trails, but I like!!!!

                              .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!

                                Hey All!  Reporting in from Charlotte NC...


                                SUPER CONGRATS to Posie!  Just delighted for you!


                                Big congrats to Erika too in the big PR!


                                Followed my game plan and ran another little of the Appalachian Trail this morning, today in Great Smokies Natl Park.  The weather tried to be a spoiler but I waited it out a bit and had a great run north from Newfound Gap to Charlie's Bunion.  About 58 min out and 52 back.  Mileage listed as 8 miles total  - sounds awfully slow but gives you some idea of the steepness and rockiness of the trail.  Running solo makes me very cautious as a fall could have some serious implications.  At Charlie's Bunion, the drop off seemed to be a shear drop for at least several hundred feet disappearing in the mist.  I met two other trail runners during the run and turned out they are friends of Triple J and had run with him a week ago - mind you I was 250 miles away from JJs today.  Made it to my SILs in time for dinner with the family and games afterward.  Fun day.



