Masters Running


Wednesday's Daily from half-way around the world (Read 47 times)

    Looks like I beat Jay to the keyboard.


    Nice racing by all, rest up ole broken ones (listen to your bodies), puzzling puzzles, terse words, not to mention the great recaps. I have been looking in and reading all the comments and getting motivated prior to doing my workouts.


    I think the last time I posted was around New Year’s when I talked about doing a 24 day challenge to basically clean out my body and change my diet. In a nut shell, I quit drinking soda, eating potatoes (starch), pasta, cookies, processed foods, candy (chocolate), snacks (chips, pretzles, gold fish), ice cream and ate lots of proteins, salads, fruits and multi-vitamins . In the first 21 days I lost 13 pounds and my energy levels went through the roof. Since then I’ve added in some cheat nights (beers, pizza, cookies) and have lost another 5 pounds.


    I was hopeful that with the changes I would still be able to run at least some miles. I set a goal of doing 50 miles per week (Dec I had averaged 40). The very first day I was able to run 7 miles and my legs actually felt good and that they weren’t ready to fall off. After the first week I kept the pace very easy with a HR around 130 and just ran until my legs were pleasantly tired (2nd week 58 miles, 3rd week 57, 4th week 59). Things were looking up. Finished off January averaging 8 miles per day.


    So I raised the bar up a little to average 9 miles per day for February and also started my training cycle for AofGM. I increased my pace a little and added some intervals to increase my turnover rate. Though most of the miles were still holding my HR around 130. Week end 2/2 – 61 miles, 2/9 – 68 miles, 2/16 – 71.5 miles (plus traveling to Bahrain), 2/23 – 74.5 miles. I still have only done what my legs are allowing me to do, I haven’t pushed through any fatigue. Two days ago I did my first tempo run in over a year. Planned was 4 mile @ 8:00 or HR around 155 and a total of 7 miles. Actual was 7 miles @ 7:37 pace and 8.5 miles.


    I was never one to diet and really ate what I wanted to, though as I am getting older I now have to eat my words as well as my change in diet. Looking back at the CR days when I talked about my running being an experiment of one, it sure has taken another leap.


    (It really is 3pm here)

    Marathon Maniac #530 Mike (My Indian name is "Runs for Beer")


    Mike E

    MM #5615

      Wow, ras--that is really awesome.  Congratulations!  And it's nice to hear from you again!


      I was actually coming on here to see how Jay described the moon and Venus, this morning.  I watched them the whole way into work and thought how cool it is that all of my friends see the same thing.


      Okay--I guess I'd better start working.


        Mornin' everyone!


        Rasmussenmp, your dedication and progress is outstanding! Congrats on some smart training and an impressive tempo run. Keep up the good work - and get some sleep.


        Mike, no moon and Venus for me this morning, but I did see them in close proximity yesterday morning, and it was awesome! At first, I thought I was seeing an approaching plane in the sky, because it was so bright. But it held it's position, so I knew it was Venus. With the sliver of moon and the bright ball of Venus, it was an impressive combination. It must have been gorgeous this morning.


        Have we solved the puzzle about how many boys or girls are behind which door??


        Tselbes, that's one cute little future runner!


        Wonderful photos, Wildchild. I believe that is the first time I've ever seen you with your feet on the ground...


        Yikes, Leslie! I hope your headache is gone, and that your eye didn't pop out.


        Tuesdays are like that sometimes, BTY - glad yours was a good one.


        70 degrees, Tammy? My house isn't that warm!


        Mariposai hitchhiked home from a run? Yowsa! That must have been some nasty weather.


        Welcome back, RTravers! I'm glad you took advantage of the mild weather in Mexico. It's a little cooler here...


        I intended to get up and out for a workout this morning, but I just wasn't ready to get up when I woke at a few ticks past 4. So I fed the cat, and then rolled over for a few more zzzs before getting up closer to 5 for some stretching and core work. Speaking of the cat - she almost stays in the bathroom when I take a shower. She must like the warm air from the hot water. I've also noticed that she uses the time to wash while I'm showering almost every day. Does she think that as long as I'm getting clean, she might as well do the same?


        Mariposai and Evanflein said today is going to be a good Wednesday, so I hope you all enjoy it!



        Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

          I am not going to run today since I ran yesterday and hope to do 18 tomorrow.  Later on I will probably hit the elliptical.  No not literally you silly people!


          bhearn you are quite good at puzzles but I think you have the daily thing a bit off.  Daily replies are in the daily not the daily.  So my response to your puzzle had to be in the daily daily not the daily prior daily.  Got it? 


          Dave59, bhearn and breger1 my fist crack at writing code was in the fall of 1973.  But job?  Not until college when I was a research assistant in the summer of 1981.  So I may be tied on the who was first with Dave59 and bhearn.  But breger1 you win with that 37 years ago start!  In case anybody cares, they way I got my first job programming was due to a mini summer job crisis I ended up with.  I had lined up a summer job that disappeared a few weeks before it was supposed to begin due to the recession.  The guy that hired me was an adjunct professor that I had taken a course with and he recommended me to a professor on campus who had a research grant that he could hire research assistants with (a RA in academic code).  I offered to work for free and then if he thought I was useful to pay me.  Best deal I ever cut!  Within a month I was his full time RA, he arranged for me to get paid from the start, turned into my honors thesis supervisor and is likely how I wound up in a good graduate program!  All because I could write code back when nobody else could!

          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

          Sayhey! MM#130

            Mike and Mike, hiya!  I was very much enjoying the pre-dawn sky this morning.  Got in 7.5 slow ones; can't blame the moon and Venus for being pokey.  More likely it was the double I ran yesterday.  (O, didn't post as I was in court* all day where cell phones have to be off or else!)

            I ran 9 slow ones in the morning yesterday, considering it sort of recovery from the 18 total (the half and the 8K) I ran Sunday.

            Then, it was such a beautiful day here, I stopped at the bridge on my way home, found a friend (her name is Carolyn, wildchild--and she's a super person, so I think of you often when I'm with her) and did about 5.5 there.  (We have no hills here so frequent bridges.)

            THEN, she introduced me to a local running group, known as the speedsters , and I had to run a fast one (for me, a that is)  with them.


            Dummy Amos, so here I was this morning running slowly again.  7.5 for me.

            Say, we have a half here in town Sunday.  How much and how do you taper for a half, it you do that


            Holly, really hope that gets better soon.  Mari, HITCH-HIKING?  Loved the photos, Carolyn--made me lonesome for  hills.  I'm going back to South Dakota to run Leading Ladies in August--it's the 10th year for it  and I was at the first (and others)  so seems like the thing to do.





            *not a lawyer any longer, just part of the judicial team at the Dept of Revenue in Child Support Enforcement.

    (for a piece or two of my mind)

               Since then I’ve added in some cheat nights (beers, pizza, cookies) and have lost another 5 pounds.

              My takeaway: drink more beer and eat more pizza and cookies to lose weight.  Sweet.

              Seriously, glad to hear from you and interesting experiment of one!


              Jay, sleeping in til 5, eh?  Half the day's gone by then!


              Missing being here regularly but enjoying the job enormously.  bhearn's around here now?  Cool.


              7 miles this morning at a bit faster than EZ.


              ETA: and Amy too!

              Be safe. Be kind.

              Sayhey! MM#130

                Well Tramps, didn't know you'd been a bit AWOL, so I'll repeat a query.

                Am visiting my college roomie the last weekend in March in Reston and running the marathon there; you anywhere near there?

        (for a piece or two of my mind)


                  4 miles under 19F and 12 mph wind.


                  Happy birthday twocat!

                  "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard



                    Happy birthday, Twocat!   



                    Mike R - thanks for starting us off from halfway around the world!  Your training sounds like it's really going well - looking forward to seeing you and your DW again at the Avenue.


                    Mike E - not all your friends were seeing the moon and Venus - some of us were still asleep...


                    For those who commented that they would need O2 to run here - Saturday's run wasn't high elevation - the summit of Horsetooth Mtn is only 7200 ft.


                    Hiya Amy!

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                    King of PhotoShop

                      So Amy, does this job mean you chase down deadbeat husbands who don't pay their support?  Good for you!


                      Mike, that is some plan. I hope there is a cutback week plugged into it somewhere.


                      Tselbs, sorry I forgot to mention what a great pic.  Grandpa business is a fun gig huh?


                      2.2 miles with my RP this morning on a chilly, windy day.  I ran almost all of it, so it's safe to say I'm back. Tomorrow I expect to do a normal run, which makes me very pleased.


                      Monday's Dallas Morning News had a big story about Cowtown with all the results, and the people at Starbucks posted it on the bulletin board and highlighted my name for my AG win in the ultra.  Made me realize how much coffee I drink as I am a fixture there every morning.  Spareribs


                        I'll have some of what Rasmussen is having please! I'm excited to see how well you run the Ave! Since I'm running the HM this time, I am looking forward to watching the marathoners finish up, but I'm thinking I won't have much down time between my finish and your finish. Looks like we might be the first ones to crack open the beers! sweeeet!


                        after a 72 degree yesterday (crazy I know!), we are more normal today. drizzling off and on and upper 50's. depending on my productivity today (or lack thereof), I may leave early and get in a run with David and a few of the track kids he's been practicing with after school.


                          For those who commented that they would need O2 to run here - Saturday's run wasn't high elevation - the summit of Horsetooth Mtn is only 7200 ft.



                          "Only," she says.  Only!!  SOB in Ashland starts at around 6900 and goes up to 7200.  I always feel like I'm dying when I run that race.


                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TWOKITTY!!!


                          Nicely done on the diet change and weight loss, Ras.


                          Nancy - If you're going to hitchhike, don't forget to carry some $$ to help pay for the gas.


                          Holly - I love my trainer.  Cycling is a great x-training, but and the open road are not a good combination.  You can really get your heart going and give your legs a running break, which is always a good idea.  I used mine extensively when I was on crutches a couple of years ago and recently when I was deal with the tendinitis. A new trainer runs around $100, but you might be able to find a used one.  They are well worth the money, IMHO.


                          Jay - When Mr. was  younger, he would get on the edge of the tub, between the shower curtain and liner and just wait whenever one of us would shower.  When done, he'd want to jump into the tub and lap up the water around the drain.  Yuck!  Crazy cat.


                          Oh what a difference a day, the right drug, and a good night's sleep make!!!  My eye did not pop out (thankfully), but I left work at 2:00 yesterday, and while I was driving home, I could feel every muscle in my neck and up into my head tightening up.  (What?)  Only on very rare occasions do I take narcotics, but I took a muscle relaxer when I got home and then last night was able to get a good night's sleep for the first time in 3 nights, and I actually feel human today.  Am suppose to get in 4-6 miles, but decided to do them tonight in the rain and slept in this morning for some extra ZZZ's.

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                          New skirt in town

                            13 lb?  Rasmussen is on fi-yuh!  I called it a success when I gained only 1 lb last week on vacation.  I got 58 miles in that week, but a lot of that good work was undone with donuts at breakfast and margaritas in the afternoon.  Now I'm back to reality, in the hopes of shedding a few more pounds before Boston.


                            6.1 easy miles this AM, on my way to my 5th 50+-mile week this training cycle.  I went to my ART session last night with my chiropractor, and my gluteus medius complained only a little.



                            NO  MO MELANOMA! Help me run 26.2 miles and raise $5000 for the Melanoma Foundation of NE.  Visit this page to learn more:

                            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                              I’m back!  It took Venus lined up with the moon’s crescent out here in the PNW too, to say nothing of a windless 40-degrees, for all the incentive I needed for the first training run of the year:  4 miles.
                              mikemp - a sad commentary of the aging process is what happens to those of us who could eat anything we wanted without adverse consequences for the bulk of our lives. However, you’ve found the secret, especially if you can stay away from the greasy base food and take advantage of the hundreds of species of seasonal fresh fish in the local markets over there, get to like ocean vegetables, preparations of tofu, etc. to say nothing of running a couple of marathons a week with the Japan 100-Marathon Joyful Running Club. Smile
                              Will you be there for Tomio Watanabe’s 1,000th marathon in April?
                              Give 1,000 goddess noriko sakota a hug for me, to say nothing of all the other Joyful goddesses..
                              ps enke - if you haven’t run your 50th birthday 50K yet, maybe check out the 5mi / 10mi / half-mary options in this weekend’s 5-mile loops around the Redmond Watershed in the Spring-Run-for-Fun Marathon. Perfect preparation for a 50K in the Redmond Watershed 12-hour run out there in May.   Mariposie too, if not dove and francesca. 

                              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                                ...HAPPY B'DAY two cat//...............and good running to ya




                                but I digress.......




                                ..........................good running guys

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
