Masters Running


Monday 12/4 (Read 38 times)


    You actually got on a jury, Tammy?  Have fun!  The 2 I've been on, I found it interesting.



    not yet. I got a jury summons but whether or not I actually get selected for a jury is unknown.  All I know for sure at this point is that I have to attend a 2 hr orientation on Tuesday morning. Our jury duty is from Tues- Fri, because trials are not held on Mondays. And because I have insider info though, I can see there are MANY trials scheduled for next week - 11 in total and 7 of them do not involve attorneys from our office, so I could get selected. In our county, you call in the night before and see if you juror number is selected to show up the next morning. So, you are kind of "on call" for whole week. There are a couple 3 day trials, a few 2 day trials and several 1 day trials.



      Morning (barely), masters.


      Bio - nice half marathon

      Jlynne - we also got sucked into watching the entire Packer game. Even though it seemed like the game (timing wise) was moving along, I knew it would slow down as it was close. I actually said... dammit, I did not want to stay up until 10:30 watching this game (but of course did)  There were some questionable calls and non-calls towards the end.


      I have (potential) jury duty coming up next week also. Like Tammy, I have to call in the night before (for 12/12). But even then (if I have to go to court), I don't know if I will get picked for something or just have to stay for the day. It's been awhile since I've been called, so I suppose I was due.


      Good luck to everyone who has various surgeries/procedures coming up. Do we need a calendar for that? 


        That's the way jury selection is here, too.  The thing that I think is stupid is if you show up and aren't available for what they have going that week, then you've fulfilled your obligation for the year.  The complaint here is that we don't have enough butts in the seats to fill juries, yet if I show up for jury duty and it turns out I'm not available for one day of potential day of a jury, I've fulfilled my obligation for the year? Stupid.  And yes, that happened to me a few months ago.

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance


          Thanks for the start, bioguy. Nice half with no training!

          How nice to read posts from Mariposai and Stumpy yesterday, and to read that both are doing well.


          Doug--hope it all goes well today. I may be heading down that road some day.


          Our long ride was rained out yesterday, so it was a make-up ride today. 41+ miles in mild near-50F weather with intermittent clouds/sun.

          Be safe. Be kind.

          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            Though I don't know anything about it, and it's probably the first time I've ever posted about something I don't know anything about, letting one loss Alabama (12-1) and Texas (12-1) keep Florida's perfect record out of the national championships (along with Michigan (13-0) and Washington (13-0)) just doesn't make sense no matter what criteria might make the losers be "better" teams than the teams with perfect records.   A perfect record is a perfect record, very had to get and should be rewarded no matter what; otherwise, "goodbye.'.

            I guess the issue is that FSU is not the same team they were when amassing most of that record before losing their star quarterback. They also had a much weaker season schedule than Alabama. That said, I'd much rather have seen Michigan play FSU in the first round than Saban-led Alabama! And the Rose Bowl is traditionally the venue where Michigan's dreams go to die...


            KSA - unfortunately, even though Alabama's a less-than-perfect,  one game "losers," Michigan probably has about as good a chance against them as I would against Frank Shorter or Boston Billy.  Too bad as I'd've really liked to have seen a Michigan-Washington final. .


             Nice job with so little prep. A reminder of how you can do OK in an HM undertrained at the cost of a bit of extra soreness the next day as opposed to trying to do a full marathon that way. DAMHIK.

            Doug - marathons too, . . . except for all the more motivated marathon runners (ed note: everyone except him) who have actual personal or competitive race goals in mind instead of like the unmotivateds just trying to finish and get the benefit of 26.2 miles of good exercise they otherwise would never get if they had to do it on their own. .

            ps - happy DAMHIK to you and bio.

            pps - have fun on the prostrate.

            I guess it's surgery, not just an exam.

            Good luck.

            ppps - trade you.


            Ala enke's post, the current deluge is causing flood warnings and more of the same for the rest of the week but, for me, it allowed me to get to go over to one of the hillside parks for my third from surgery morning circuit in the kind of deluge my Arctic deck shoes have been waiting for, along with rain poncho and rain pants just like out on the deck of a Bering Sea trawler that us walkers get to wear too to stay dry as a bone instead of all wet and hypothermic from running it it days.

            ps Jeanne/anneb/Doug - I can't even make it past half time on PST.


            ppps - fortunately, even my tired eyes at midnight once kept me out of infamy as a foot note in the court's decision that resulted by catching an "e" in a brief on Alaska's 6 member juries

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


              I just got off an hour long conversation with "Johnny" for those from the old days that remember him. We hadn't chatted in a LONG time, well over a year, so it was nice to catch-up.  He passes along his hello's to anyone that remembers him. He's no longer a runner, but says he's closing in on walking 1000 miles this year and is otherwise in good health and plugging along.


              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                Tammy - thanks!

                Johnny - I probably still can't keep up with you but, depending on what happens on Thursday, would love to walk with you sometime. 1,000 miles is fantastic! Any trails?

                ps - walkers are welcome in RA, . . . I think.



                . . . I got in 5 miles at Headwaters. 

                . . .

                Yep, there was walking involved. 

                . . . 

                So I might be pacing my buddy for a portion of Western States in June.  How far is yet to be determine.  The thought makes me sweat a bit . . .

                Leslie - if there isn't any walking involved, it's not a trail enough run.

                ps - enjoy the pacing.

                I'd be afraid any poor showing'd blamed on me.

                Good luck.

                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                  Erika - what do you think about Alaska Airlines merging with Hawaiian? Maybe a non-stop from Fairbanks to Honolulu? Well, probably not but at least your mileage points will be in one account. I forgot that I actually have an Alaska Air account from when we flew a couple of their flights last year.


                  A perfect record is a perfect record, very had to get and should be rewarded no matter what; otherwise, "goodbye.'.


                  The way I saw it stated is that the powers that be are supposed to select the four "best" teams, not the "most deserving". Hmm... So next year when 12 teams get into the playoffs, will the 13th ranked team kick up a fuss? 


                  As you can tell, I'm back from my procedure and the whole thing certainly went very quickly. It wasn't unbearable -- not painful in the usual sense -- but not something I'd repeat if I didn't really have to. Among other things, I got to experience what it's like to lay on my back, exposed, with my knees up and feet in stirrups while people I don't know are watching and working on me down there. I'm glad that I opted for the nitrous oxide to at least give me a bit of a buzz for the few minutes that the procedure itself took. No serious discomfort now but I'm not sure if the local anesthetics have completely worn off.


                  I can supposedly get back to "normal" activities pretty soon but no vigorous exercise for a week or two. I'll have to see how I feel about actually going out anywhere while I still have the catheter in though.


                  OK, Tet -- you're next...

                  Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                  "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                    So I braved the rain. Actually, it had petered down to a light drizzle/thick cloud blanket for my run, and since it was about 50 F with no wind, it turned out to be a rather pleasant experience. Yes, pleasant. Except my toes were wet by the first 1/4 mile.


                    4 miles with the middle 3.1 at a continuous slow jog. I only had to walk once up a short steep hill, and stop twice to stretch out my lower back, otherwise no walking. It takes some forced effort to run slow enough so that I can go continuously without walking, IYKWIM. Otherwise my instinct is to run faster, but then I need walk breaks because I am out of shape. Tomorrow will be much heavier rain, so glad I got other there today.


                    Hope everyone's surgeries go well!

                    Nice to hear Johnny is doing well!

                    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                      Tet-  It's Florida STATE- not the Gators of Florida.  Big difference.   Also, I believe Michigan is favored over Alabama.

                      Just Saying....    And over 550 players have entered the transfer portal.  Don't buy the jerseys.....

                      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                        Among other things, I got to experience what it's like to lay on my back, exposed, with my knees up and feet in stirrups while people I don't know are watching and working on me down there.


                        Welcome to the ladies' world.   Glad everything went well.

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                          Roch, glad it went well and was quick.

                          Leslie, SO TRUE!

                          Lots of exposed stirrup situations in my life, like the usual pap tests, vaginal probe ultrasounds (performed by men) for pregnancies/miscarriages, hysterosalpingogram (very painful), egg retrieval from ovaries via a thick needle through vaginal wall (possibly the most painful thing I've ever experienced, awake and no real painkillers the first time, general anesthesia for the second and third retrieval), embryo implantation (easy), and then childbirth of course.

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                            Doug- glad you are on the other side of that and that all went well!

                            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                              Doug - good job.

                              You should have gotten some attire from Steve.

                              Leslie - good comment, . . . I guess.


                              Tet- It's Florida STATE- not the Gators of Florida.  Big difference.   Also, I believe Michigan is favored over Alabama.

                              Just Saying....    And over 550 players have entered the transfer portal.  Don't buy the jerseys.....

                              KSA - favoring Alabama over Michigan is like me over Mike, . . .

                              but, I hope not, . . . and sure don't want to wait

                              until January 1 to find out.

                              Does "transfer portal" mean all the Florida State players

                              are transfering to one of the schools that made it in?
                              Either way, there's all-of-a-sudden an abundance of Michigan jackets,

                              sweaters, caps, etc. coming out of closets out here for the first time

                              in 20 or 30 years.


                              OK, Tet -- you're next...

                              Doug - AAAaaaaagh!

                              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                                Roch, glad your procedure went so well. Hoepfully the recovery is just as smooth.

                                Enke, we share similar stirrup experiences! Though I just had one egg retrieval (for which I, too, was awake ).


                                No run for me in yesterday's rain, so I was happy to wake up to temps in the mid 40s and no more rain. I left early enough to do 5+ miles, but sadly, some pressing digestive issues slowed me down. I ended up with 4.1 miles running, not sure how much walking.
