Masters Running


Thus 2/26 Daily (Read 502 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    Good Morning.... Whats new, at work early again...been here since 5:00 am. Have a one on one meeting with the owner today discussing financial predictions and "stuff", and spent hours last night and this morning getting ready. Plus, the shop is absolutely PACKED right now with wrecked vehicles, and the average repair cost on these vehicles is around $7500.00...lots of pretty serious accidents. Recovery run last night - 4 miles - 36:30 - 9:08 ave pace - IRC....feels kewl to have recovery runs again Smile Just realized that I only need 15.8 miles to hit 100 for the month....kewl, coming back from my injuries. But looking forward to running 200 miles or more a month, to get 2000 miles again this year. Have a Greta Day Everyone. TimBo

    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Good Morning! Nice recovery run last night Tim! I have to have some "financial discussions" with my boss today too and not looking forward to it. Good luck! Out for 4 slippery miles with Brinkley this morning. The first and last .75 miles were like running on an ice skating rink. Even Brinkley took it easy. 10:38 avg. pace - 165 avg. hr. My legs were feeling pretty tired this morning right from the get go which probably helped attribute the higher heart rate. I also did a long stability ball workout last night. Happy Thursday!


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


        Good morning, everyone! So busy at work haven't had time to stop by here, sorry. 11 miles yesterday and 3 recovery miles today. I love the GPS import function, although PDR was having a hard time making it work this morning. It keeps getting stuck in the middle of the upload.

        Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

        Hill Runner

          Good morning everyone, Boy, it sure does make a difference when you're running with temps in the 40's instead of 20' much easier! I haven had a chance to check out the GPS upload function yet,,,will look at it tonight. 10.5 miles of hills @ 9:15 pace, I really enjoyed the run today. I know you don't clean your computer screen very often and it is hard to do the inside, so go to the link below to get it clean. Good runs today everyone.... Smile

          Upcoming Races:

          Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
          Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
          Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13


          Marathon Iowa 2014

            Still running indoors. Started with some fizzy lifting, then did 11 while watching The Fight Club. That was a disturbing movie. I'm going for the Brad Pitt look. (I added the sideburns, now I need the tinted shades and the red velvet jacket).

              Good morning Masters ! Great weather yesterday.......I got out and ran in shorts ! 1st interval session I did outside since early November. Intervals are so much harder outside than they are on a treadmill ! Today they are calling for heavy rains followed by low 20's tomorrow. Cry .....Such a tease ! Looks like it'll be the treadmill tonight and likely tomorrow because everything will be ice. Best get busy.....I've been off for a Day and a Half so it's time to pay the piper. Good running all.
                Tim- I think there are lots of financial discussions happening across the country. I know that my school district will be affected by the economy, Good to see you making recovery runs again, and nice pace too. 6 easy miles for me this morning. I agree with 40º feeling better to run in.
                  Good morning, all! Tim - good recovery run, and it sounds like you have job security - a good thing these days. dg - sorry to hear your pool run wasn't good. Were you doing it in deep water with an aquajog belt?? DH is in Boston, so Jesse and I had the house to ourselves last night. Unfortunately, I am taking care of a friends dogs, so I had to get up at 4:30 in order to get her dogs pottied and fed and still make it to the gym at a decent hour. MLR this morning - 9 miles on the TM, and the hip is feeling OK. Good runs to all!

                  Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    I still have those blue stripes on my work computer, although not at home. And when I tried to upload my GPS data, like PDR, I kept getting an error message in the middle. Peter - Smile We all know that there are good running days and bad running days, sometimes for no reason we can fathom. Lately I’ve had several low-energy runs that have been slightly demoralizing at this stage in my training, but today, well, Today Was A Good Day. Smile 11.10 miles today, including 8 x 1-mile repeats @ BQMP with 2 minute recoveries (Timbo's suggestion). Repeats were thus (goal pace 8:47): 8:44 8:33 8:37 8:41 8:40 8:41 8:35 8:40 I know, I know, you’re prolly thinking, how hard could it be, with 2 minutes of recovery in between each repeat, but when I tried this a week and a half ago I could BARELY do 7 repeats, and felt like I was going to DIE on nearly all of them. Today they were still challenging, but do-able, and the more I did the faster I got. I kept having to slow myself down. I think it was just the warmer temps (45°!) lending me sproink today, but whatever it was, I’ll take it. A good day. Oh, and btw, my hearing tested perfectly normal. They REALLY ARE mumbling.... Big grin

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                      Good morning everyone. I have the day off today so had the freedom to wait for the weather to warm up a little. 6 miles in 19° this morning. Lots of slippery spots so it was slow going - around a 9:51 pace. Still felt good to be outside instead of on the dreadmill. Supposedly there's a big storm headed this way so the clear streets won't be clear much longer. Tim - I hope your boss appreciates what a gem of an employee you are. Nice recovery run last night. Any special plans for the weekend? Mary - did Brinkley have his skates on this morning? Is it still dark when you run? How do you watch your footing? Cranium - did you see Top Chef last night? I was SO disappointed that Carla didn't win. She let her sous chef do her thinking for her and it cost her the $100,000. I didn't like Stefan or Hosea, but I thought Stefan was the better chef of the two. Hosea lost me when he cheated on his girlfriend with Leah. It was nice to see Fabio as a judge - I see big things in his future. Peter - great picture of the "screen cleaner." Wish I had one of those! Have a great day Masters.
                        Holly, Two minutes recovery between mile repeats is very appropriate. Especially for so many repeats. 8 is a whole bunch of 'em! And the recovery proved to be perfect in that you could complete the full set and you got faster as you went along. Very.Well.Done. Bill

                        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                        Marathon Maniac #3309

                          Very well done indeed....great job Holly Smile Sue, "do I have any special plans this weekend"...why, ya wanna hook up Wink Big grin TimBo

                          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                            Peter thanks... LOL (I forwarded that to Tory's Dog Park friends Nice running.. Tim keep it up you're progressing well! Holly.. that is a good way of measuring progress. It is funny how the more you run the repeats the faster or easier they get. Same thing happens to me when I run loops for my MP runs, each one gets better. If it gets worse, time to stop.
                            Perch, I don't know how you run so fast on steep hills, and for 13 miles, too! I run hills all the time, but I can't do them fast, and usually have to walk on the steeper parts. After all these years of hills you'd think I'd be good at them. Sad
                            wildchild The steep parts were not fast at all but were definitely hard. So my paces probably ranged from 12 min/mi up the steep parts to 6's min/mi on the steep downhills. I just try to keep an even effort with short periods of high effort on parts of the uphills. Some hills I just picture that I'm climbing the steps to the Philly Art Museum 4 Magical healing Miles with Tory in 37:15 (9:19 pace, AHR 141 with 5 x 20 sec strides) then X-Training

                            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                              Geez, Peter, nothing like grossing me out in the morning! Tongue Go Holly, glad you had a good day. I loaded today’s Garmin data to the site. It seemed to work, though I couldn’t get any elevation data. It’s all very neat but I think I’ve hit the TMI wall. I’m not sure I’ll keep using it. 13.5 miles with 12@ MP(7:52).

                              Be safe. Be kind.

                              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                                Mary - did Brinkley have his skates on this morning? Is it still dark when you run? How do you watch your footing?
                                Nope, I don't have any doggie skates .... maybe I should get him some of those doggie boots tough! Yes, it is still very dark in the morning, so my headlamp helps to light my way! Good job getting outside today JLynne!


                                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


