Masters Running


12-20-11 Anyone run? (Read 567 times)


Marathon Iowa 2014

    Still no running for me.  Lifting and stepperfication this morning.  I thought running with this injury was painful, but the lack of running hurts even worse.  My weight has ballooned up to 176.  Meh. 


    I don't like the tone of this (too whiny), so let me start again.  Tonight is tae kwon do, and PBJster #1 gets her yellow belt.  PBJ Jr. and I already received ours on Saturday.  My yellow belt testing assessment was that my endurance is good (no shocker there), but my fexibility needs improvement.  How true.  Time to work on it.


    Have a terrific Tuesday everyone.


      Day off from running, after running 3 days straight.  Biked in the freezing cold this morning. 


      today's NY times has an article on Garmin's and their inaccuracies - a good morning start for those addicted (I just started using and questioned it's accuracy (but i'm a severe undercounter as Henrun will attest to)




      Mike E

      MM #5615

        Good morning!  Well, no run for me, yet.  I might go out for a short 3 to 4 miler later on, we'll see.  Since I'm not working, I get to go to my grandson's and granddaughter's preschool Christmas party.  Then I get to come home and be Santa Clause for my DW's daycare kids.  Yeah--all 130 pounds of me playing Santa Clause.  I don't know why they just can't wait for the real one--he'll  be here in a few days. 


        I also picked up a part-time job writing test papers for 4th graders in Texas.  I write a little story and then ask 2 questions.  the questions depend on the subject they're being tested on.  I've done two, already, and they were pretty fun.  But this one is on Similies and Metaphores.  I'm okay with similies but the metaphores are driving me nuts for some reason.


        Okay--that's it for now.  I gotta go practice my Ho Ho Ho-ing.

        Renee the dog

          Mornin' PBJ!  Just talking myself into getting on the TM in a few minutes. Wink  I did do a 15 min. warm-up on the slideboard, though, so I thought I'd take a rest. Evil


          So, I'll bore the whole thread today with my photos from the Christmas pageant.  One of my dd after her lines and one blurry one of my ds.  Oh, and since this is a running thread, I'll finish with one of Renee, recovering on the couch yesterday afternoon.





          GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

          GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

          Mike E

          MM #5615

            Thanks for that link, Marj.  I have all of my routes mapped out on this RA's mapping feature but I've always wanted to get a GPS so I could venture off on different trails that I come to or go off in a different direction because of how the wind is blowing.  But, after reading that, I might just save my money.  I had a Timex-two piece-thing a long time ago that worked for about a month and even during that time was terrible.  I thought they had all the bugs worked out of them by now.


            Hey!  Cool pictures!  Really cute kids!  That reindeer dosn't look like he's enjoying himself though.


            Rose Colored Glasses

              0532. 45F. 5.3 miles. There were two stars above the crescent moon which smiled below them. They were eyes peering out of the pre-dawn darkness. And when a few thin clouds rolled by and paused by the moon, they became a beard for the face in the sky.

              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                I RAN THIS MORNING!!!   Only 3 miles and they were slow ..... negative splits though!!   Smile     It was all I could do to get out of bed and Brinkley was anxiously hoping he could go with me.   That part is harder than getting out of bed.   Well....sort of .....   Before I left I turned my leg lamp on in the front window so I could find my way home.


                Nono - your pictures are adorable!!  


                MikeE - you are not working?   Oh, I have missed so much.    Your part time writing story sounds like fun though.   Ho-Ho-Ho.


                Tim - you are now certifiable.....nuts that is.


                Karin - so happy that the J's are all improving.   Here's to a happy and healthy 2012!!


                Rose - I believe I saw that same man in the sky this morning.




                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                  Mike, get a Garmin.  You won't regret it.  I won't run without one.


                  Our Sunday School held their Christmas Pageant last Sunday and as you might imagine with a bunch of preschoolers and elementary aged kids, there were a number of funny flubs, missed lines, and happy waves to Mom and Dad in the audience, etc.


                  At one point, after King Herrod had been killed, the plan was to drag his body across the stage and off stage-left so to speak.  But King Herrod was a big kig weighing at least 150 pounds and the soldier who was supposed to do the dragging was a little kid weighing at most 60 pounds.  So, right on cue, the little soldier grabs the king by the ankles and pulls and pulls.  The King won't budge.  The King can't help 'cause he's supposed to be dead.  At this point the audience is trying unsuccessfully to stifle their laughs and snickers.  Eventually the Three Wise Men come over and assist.


                  5.5 easy paced miles this morning.



                  "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                    A solid track work out this morning. I must take advantage of this weather. It's not often that you can still get an outdoor track workout in this time of year. I have a 4 mile race targeted for the first weekend in Feb.


                    7.5 miles total. 6x800 intervals on 300m rest.


                      Ho Ho Ho! How did that sound Mike? Good luck and have fun today


                      (((PBJ))) From someone who went through what you're going through now, I know how hard it is not to be able to run - and how wicked it is on the weight thing. What's your prognosis?


                      Wow Nono - the kids have grown in leaps and bounds since I saw them last! Especially your daughter. Great pictures.


                      Take care of that back Timbo.


                      You gotta be kidding me Steve - what a day you had yesterday!


                      6.75 miles this morning, 9:45 pace, 29°, no wind, no snow. This winter has been a runner's dream so far, knock on wood. Hope Santa can still land on rooftops - his landings might be a little rough with no snow cover Smile 


                      4 more days 'till Christmas - any procrastinators still making their lists???



                        4 more days 'till Christmas - any procrastinators still making their lists???


                        Any chance you can buzz over to the pro shop and pick me up a Clay Matthews Jersey for my wife?


                          Mike, get a Garmin.  You won't regret it.  I CAN'T run without one.








                          And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx




                            I've been garmin free for well over a year now. I broke free from the chains !


                            Mike...The garmin has a way of turning you into it's slave. I have literally bagged runs because I forgot to put the Garmin on the charger. There is no sense in running if you can't measure it. I have also cut runs short because the battery died in the middle of a run. This is most likely to happen on the days of your planned long run. 1 1/2 hours into it...It dies. The screen goes blank and there you sit. The only thought weaving thru your brain is how are you possibly going to log this run. You don't even know how long the screen has been blank. Now your log is totally screwed.


                            You have to allow extra minutes for the satellite link. It links faster if it's stationary so you lay it on the ground and pace back and forth in your driveway checking occasionally  to see if it's linked up yet...all this time your nieghbor is peering out the window trying to figure out what the hell your doing.


                            Then you'll find that you set out to run 7 miles...You turn down your block on the tail end of your run, check your distance...carp, your off .12 so you run down to the end of your block, turn around and come back...dang it, need another .08. So that's another trip to the other end of your block. (The nieghbor is watching again)


                            You'll learn that you can custom set the splits so you set it to beep every mile. Every mile it beeps and you obediently turn your wrist to check your split.


                            Even though this thing takes over your running you'll love having it.

                              I have a Garmin - an old one that I bought years ago - but I haven't used it in years now.  I often run without my Timex on routes where I know the mileage more or less.  I kind of like not being tied to the watch or the Garmin and just running by feel as long as I have some reasonable guesstimate on the distance.  That's why my log doesn't reflect any runs that are something .2 or .3.  


                              Anyway, out for 6 easy miles (more or less) this morning. My legs are still feeling the weekend's mileage, even after a day off yesterday.  Bostons are now over 700 miles so perhaps they need to be replaced soon, but I'm reserving judgment for another week or so. 


                              Nono, great pics of your kids.  They are adorable.  Mine played Mary and Joseph in a church play a few years ago, but now are too old to want to volunteer to do any such thing. 


                              Byll, funny story about King Herrod.  Those are the moments, though, that you remember later! 


                              Mike, enjoy the preschool play! 


                              PBJ, cool about the yellow belt.  I have no flexibility either - definitely need to work on that. 


                              Had my work review today and it appears I am going to be employed for another year.  Hallelujah!  Even got a small raise.  Amazing. 

                              Once a runner . . .

                              King of PhotoShop

                                Sometimes with the Garmin, sometimes without it.  I'd use it more often if I had more confidence in its accuracy.  You recall I wrote an article about this some time ago.  We've been through this before.  I wear mine out of town when I don't know the route and I want an APPROXIMATE distance run.


                                5 miles this morning at the park with my RP, crisp, windy day, and the first day I felt as if I had any energy after Saturday's poor race. 


                                Mike, think of a metaphor as being the same as a simile but without the "like".  Remember Alfred Noyes' famous poem "The Highwayman," was always used as a great way to show a metaphor:  "the moon was a ghostly galleon upon a starlit sea."  So there the moon is a metaphor for a ship on a sea.  Were it a simile, it would have said, "the moon was like a ghostly galleon..."


                                Nono, you know how I love those kids.  Great pics.


                                My sister, Joe the Streak's wife, sent this to me today:


                                A TOUCHING CHRISTMAS STORY

                                A couple was Christmas shopping at the mall on Christmas Eve and the
                                mall was packed.
                                Walking through the mall the surprised wife looked up and noticed her
                                husband was nowhere around and she was very upset because they had a lot to do.
                                She used her cell phone to call her husband because she was so upset,
                                to ask him where he was.
                                The husband in a calm voice said, honey remember the jewlery store we went into
                                5 years ago where you fell in love with that diamond necklace that we
                                could not afford and I told you that I would get it for you one day.
                                His wife said crying, yes I remember that jewlery store.
                                He said, well I'm in the bar next to it.


                                I'm shooting a training film in Pittsburgh tomorrow and all packed to fly out this afternoon.  See you all on Friday.  Spareribs
