Masters Running


Natural Law Tuesday ~ 10 January 2012 (Read 508 times)

    Mike E. great key story!


    Dave59 I actually like stories like yours of people leaving.  Keeps employers honest.  Nothing like competition for good employees to get salaries up!


    I am procrastinating so this will be short.  This was a 5 mile day for me.  I figured I would run just before lunch and my timing was impeccable!  First thing in the morning it was cold, damp and raw out.  Same thing right now.  But at 11:30 when I headed out it was bright and sunny!


    This was also only my second run on my new Mizuno Wave Ronins.  So far I quite like them.  They seem like a good compromise between a true minimalist sneaker and a standard one.  When I pay attention I notice that  when I wear them I am not landing on my heels which is part of the whole point of wearing them.

    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

      Mike, happy birthday to Eric. Also, nice pictures. RCG, happy birthday to LMRS, fatozzig, glad to hear you're having a good day, a good start to the week, and a good start to the year. marj, sorry to hear about the bike mishap on the "black ice". I'm all in favor of biking, but not when it's icy. Be careful.

      Nice long runs for Mike, Skip, and mtnchk.

      This morning, it was in the low 30s and there was a light wind. I got in 8 miles at something like a 10:55 pace. I'm sure happy with the lack of snow and the roads without ice. I know it can't last but I'll take all I can get.

      Good runs and a good day to all.


      Marathon Maniac #957

        my younger son, with his size 16 feet,


        Where do you buy shoes for him?   DH bought some shoes for DS, age 14, that were on clearance at Dick's that were Men's Size 14, brought them home and found they were too small......Surprised   But he's not terribly tall, 5'10", so he may just end up being a big-footed, normal-height man someday.


        4 easy-paced miles for me this morning, listening to disc 5 of Stephen King's The Drawing of the Three.


        Got fitted for my new night guard at the dentist this morning.  I'll be interested to see if it helps with the neck and jaw pain I wake up with most nights.  Hopefully I won't crack any more teeth anytime soon, either....

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        Marathon Maniac #957

           DD came to the race and also skiied a bit with us on Saturday.  Nice to have her around.


          Smile  I liked this.

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            I redid the height predictor with my DD's current age and height and it now says she will be 5'8'' to 5'9".  You just never know.


            2 easy miles on the TM, for the sake of my streak.  I will try to do a "real" run tomorrow.


            There is a new place here called "Indoor Skydiving".  Oxymoron?

            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

            Mike E

            MM #5615

              I went for 10.2 miles, today, at about 11:30.  It was sunny and 44o on it's way to 52!  It was just beautiful out!  I ran it in a very comfortable 1:14:46...and, of course, in shorts.  I've had more runs in shorts that treadmill runs, this winter!  I'll take it.  Tomorrow is an off day.


              Hey--has anybody heard from Tim?  I was just wondering how his back held up at the Bandera 100k.


              So, I got an answer from the place I interviewed with last Friday.  It was a "no".  Oh, well.  I'm sure I'll get a few more no's before I get something, so I won't get down, too much. 


              So, anyway--that's about all I've got.  See ya.  Oh--hey--wild--are you still planning on the Wyoming Marathon?

                First opportunity to pop in here, but it has to be a quick flyby as I have to get out of here to a meeting this evening.


                Answer to Mary's Question: We'll go in separate cars.  If she quits, I keep going. Big grin


                This morning I did 45 min of TRX-ing, 15 min of extra core, and 30 min of stationary cycling.  I like the TRX for upper body and core workouts, but not so much for lower body.  Think I'll stick with my free weights in that regard.



                Okay.  Gotta go.  Forgot I need to get gas to make it to McKinleyville.


                Later, friends ~

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  Hi all!  Busy week here but enjoying a no snow Michigan winter so far.


                  Wow was the full moon bright this morning before dawn.  I thought a foot bridge ahead on the trail was covered in snow because I could see two dark bands looking like foot paths with bright white on either side. As I got to the bridge the white was moonlight on the wood and the dark was shadows of the railings. Amazing. 8 miles GA



                  A bit late, but a big ^5 to OM!!


                  Erika and Jay.. heal up soon!


                  I saw that cordOVA snow.... WoW

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova



                    hey--wild--are you still planning on the Wyoming Marathon?


                    Yep.  I don't think it's one where you have to worry about it selling out - I think 86 people ran it last year - so if you're interested, you could sign up later once you know your job situation.  Sorry you didn't get the job you interviewed for last week but I'm sure something good will come along.


                    Twocat - I won a pair of Mizunos at a race in September, and I got the Wave Ronins. I like them but somehow they hit the top of my 2nd toe and I've lost both of those toenails.  Now that the toenails are gone they feel great, and toenails are overrated anyway.


                    The full moon has been nice - last night DD and I went for a walk on the beach, and it was beautiful.  Today we had a looong drive to the house we're renting for the next week, near Lake Arenal and the Arenal Volcano.  Got here just as it was getting dark, so no time for a run, but I'm looking  forward to running tomorrow.  All dirt roads around here, and hills/mountains - very different from the beach running the past week. Will post pictures soon.

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                      Ok, polls are closed. quite the production!   Like Erika, I am on the other side of the fence from the primary activity, but I did show up and vote. And on the Democratic ballot,  there is actually more of a cast of characters than expected. ... including Vermin Supreme from Massachusetts. He wears a boot on his head and promises a pony to every voter... where is my pony???  My DD pulled up a You tube of last weekend's debate and one of my law partners was there questioning him. Crazy, yes and a distraction but hey, it is America.  and we  Dems come up with some crazies...


                      And in NH Ron Paul got 25%... that is crazy too.


                      OK, enough politics. I added a swim at lunch 1500 yards. DD has wisdom teeth surgery tomorrow so I will maybe sneak in a longer run beforehand and work from home mostly.


                      Hugs to all who need them!


                      And as for Cordova, it is kind of like Berlin NH. Emphasis on the BER unlike the German city..

                      aka FlyingFinn


                         I thought a foot bridge ahead on the trail was covered in snow because I could see two dark bands looking like foot paths with bright white on either side. As I got to the bridge the white was moonlight on the wood and the dark was shadows of the railings. Amazing.


                         Beautiful, Perch.


                        Sorry about your fall, marj. I hope your leg feels better.


                        7.2 after work in glorious sunshine.


                        I saw the moon rising tonight and thought of everyone here who mentioned their glorious predawn runs, and wished you great runs tomorrow.

                        Instructions for living a life:

                        Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.   ~~~Mary Oliver

                          10 min after I got home my ladies group, I got The Call.  Will be leaving around 11:30 or so go pick up my husband.  Smile

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            10 min after I got home my ladies group, I got The Call.  Will be leaving around 11:30 or so go pick up my husband.  Smile



                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            Avenger Doggie

                            protector of my dad

                              Everything I loose, Dave, I find again! Sometimes it's all dirty, wet and great. Every day Dad play's, "Where the **** are my keys?". It's very fun for him and sometimes Mom plays too.


                              I like going run run run when it's dark too Mary. All different critters are out!


                              Lot's of snow sounds fun. Too many people just dig and dig in it though.


                              Enke, I will like to chase an "Oxymoron".


                              Yeah Shorty! I will lick his face!


                              Mom and Dad got home from work. Then Honey and her mom came over came over and we all went run run run! Mom and Dad and Honey's mom all went too slow.. Honey was a pest and followed me every where I went.




                              You can see one the side of her. She has a black heart.




                              She thinks she is a big dog because she has a stick.



                              This is a stick.







                              That little brat tries to take it from me too.







                              A stick that nice though, Dad can hit it with his snow blower and my stick will be just fine.

                              Sniffing Butts, Tag


                                Honey has a "black heart". Big grin  When I read, "you can see the side of her", I thought it was a typo and you meant, "if you could see inside of her".  Then I saw the picture and cracked up.


                                Leslie - Great news. 


