Masters Running


Tick Taco Tuesday, 12.5.23 (Read 38 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    Let it suffice to say that it is not often that one day's posts here range from football to (successful) prostate procedures to IVF (some of which sounded pretty dang scary/painful). And we even squeezed some talk about runs and other workouts! This group is always surprising, always informative, always entertaining.


    Last night, we went with neighbors to see and vote on a collection of gingerbread houses (and other structures) created by youth, adults, teams, and companies. Some of the work in all categories was outstanding. One of our neighbors constructed a gingerbread gundalow, a type of sailing barge that used to ply the rivers in this region. She probably didn't win an award, but she had fun working on it, and what else really matters? Afterward, we went to a local restaurant for dinner (someone had made a model of the restaurant building out of gingerbread too). Including some driveway crutching, I covered 0.8 miles yesterday.


    Today marks 4 of the 6 weeks that my knee surgery recovery is scheduled to take, so 2/3 of the way done! I got an early start on my exercises this morning, and did 60 minutes of stretching, knee exercises, core work, and some weights. I have my annual dermatological check-up this morning, and then another PT session before an afternoon work session to try to write up sufficient detail for a substantial grant proposal. So it won't be a boring day today...


    Have a greta Tuesday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

    Marathon Maniac #957

      Jay - you are doing great on your recovery!


       Lots of exposed stirrup situations in my life, like the usual pap tests, vaginal probe ultrasounds (performed by men) for pregnancies/miscarriages, hysterosalpingogram (very painful), egg retrieval from ovaries via a thick needle through vaginal wall (possibly the most painful thing I've ever experienced, awake and no real painkillers the first time, general anesthesia for the second and third retrieval), embryo implantation (easy), and then childbirth of course.


      I truly believe that if men had to get that procedure, they would make it painless, or very nearly so.  In the (still) male-dominated medical profession, there are a lot of things I believe women are just expected to deal with as a matter of course, whereas if men had to deal with them, there would be some changes.  Just my $.02.


      Doug - I'm glad you came through your procedure okay and that it was relatively painless.  I hope the recovery goes well.


      Steve - beautiful picture!


      DD and her BF went to Gatlinburg with friends over the weekend, and got to see one of their rare snow events (nothing stuck to the ground). I swear these pics look like they came from a Hallmark Christmas movie (except for the claws).  She is such a ham...


      May be an image of 6 people and christmas tree


      May be an image of 7 people



      Raining and blustery out there today. I just did two slow miles on the TM this morning.

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


        Holly - Some very cool pictures from Gatlinburg.


        I ran an easy 3 this morning around the neighborhood this morning.


        Dave59 - This was the view the from Gaylord on the 1st.



         I love it up there. With my father-in-law's failing health I don't see making it up there this winter. Cindy handles everything with her father but I can't take off and leave her with no support (especially in the winter.)






        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

          Jay - happy 2/3's of the way to full recovery.

          Will you be back to usual then or still take it easy for a while?


          Nice snow pics but none in Seattle, that's for sure, but, with the first big Atmospheric  River / Pineapple Express some stations are calling it again of the season even more robust than yesterday, I put on my Arctic deck shoes though another the test of 1.5 miles in the sloppy, squishy with accumulated soppy leaves the Seattle leaf blower blowers seem content to leave where they are just as I like it that, though it soaked me through and through above the ankles, feet remained comfy warm and dry all the way.  "T" minus 2 days today before I become like Jay but this morning was so much fun getting soaking wet at a balmy 56F that I might even forego tomorrow to keep today's memory fresh as possible. .

          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

            Thanks for the start, Jay. 2/3 done! Woo hoo!.

            Holly-- Very Hallmarky, indeed

            Steve--is that Northern Lights? Unfiltered? Beautiful.


            In the spirit of yesterday's thread's journey through the nether regions (you've been warned)....I wonder how long until Garmin works this technology into its lineup?


            5 miles in IRC: 38F, calm, a little sun. I was reminded, though, about why the day after a long ride is usually a rest day. The legs were definitely tired and heavy.

            Be safe. Be kind.

              Thanks, Jay, and good progress.  Steve and Holly- wonderful pictures.  Your daughter is so cute, Holly.


              Went over to the path for 8 mile Tuesday but I was only planning to do either the Strava 10K for December or maybe 7.  Somehow I got to 8.  My super special wear test shoes from Brooks will arrive today.  I've seen some pictures that a couple other folks put up on our wear test Facebook group and I already know I'm going to love them.


              Need to get going with the rest of the day.  Happy Tuesday.

              Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


              Marathon Maniac #957

                (TMI warning)


                Tramps - wow, and, well, pretty cool!  "Engineered by female engineers and urologists" makes me trust it a lot more, to be honest.  Female sexual wellness just hasn't been a priority in the male-dominated medical world, or at least you don't hear much about it, beyond of course providing pleasure to men.  I know, I know, that sounds sexist, but (from the article).."research is scant on how clitoral tumescence affects health; compare this to how much time, effort and research money has been poured into penile health and erectile dysfunction."

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Thanks for the start, Jay.  And it's already been 4 weeks?  Time flies when you're crutching around. 


                  Interesting article, Tramps.


                  Pretty pics, Holly.  How does she deal with those fingernails??


                  Got in 40 min of core/mobility/stretching after work yesterday.


                  Today was 5 predawn miles.  I was supposed to a little bit of speedwork, but as soon as I picked up the pace, my hamstrings rebelled.  I don't know what the *bleep* is going on, but it's very frustrating.  I think I need a solid massage, and on top of regular PT, I need to go back to my MAT guy and see what he says.  I need to get them under control!


                  And with that, I'm off to do prep some estate planning documents.

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance



                    I have had a male PCP for over 15 years.  He has always listened to me and my issues.  I think there’s been some generalizations - perhaps it would be better to say there are docs who communicate better than others.  

                    walked the local reservoir this morning and off to a fun evening that we’ll discuss tomorrow




                      In the spirit of yesterday's thread's journey through the nether regions (you've been warned)....I wonder how long until Garmin works this technology into its lineup?


                      Where do you FIND these articles?!  All kidding aside, a very interesting read.


                      Keep up the good work Jay, and thanks for the start. Congrats on being over halfway to your recovery goal!


                      Holly - those pictures are fantastic! Is this the Christmas Sarah gets a ring?!


                      Steve - I was looking for the Northern Lights but it was too cloudy here. Beautiful photo!


                      Karen - you need to go to your running closet right now, and count the pairs of shoes you have in there. It seems like you're always getting a new pair to try out. Your options of which ones to run in every day must be huge!


                      5.5 run/walk miles this morning, Faster over the clear parts, slow on the ice covered stretches. I finished with 20 minutes of stretching. Today is my only day off this week, so I loaded up my car with 3 big boxes of stuff that's been sitting in our basement for a couple of years and I'm heading over to Habitat For Humanity Restore to drop it off. Then go to Costco to pick up my new glasses and sunglasses (it didn't even take them a week to finish my order!), bake a birthday cake for DS#2's fiancé and finish decorating the tree.


                      Have a great Tuesday people.


                      Rose Colored Glasses

                        We tend to view life through the lense of our personal experiences.

                        Each our own experiment of one.

                        Then. There are fields of study which include large data sets.

                        If one is so inclined to investigate.  One can make certain personal decisions based on those large studies.

                        Or. One can make decisions based on their personal experiences.

                        The beauty in all of this is we get to decide for ourselves.

                          Jeanne-  I have 15 pairs of shoes listed on my RunningAhead log-  with today's arrival that will be 16.  However, some are near the end of life, some I don't love and/or use only on the treadmill, and some are for shorter races.  Right now I have a LOT that I really love, though, and it IS a choice every day!  I am loving the really cushioned Topo Atmos and ON CloudEclipse, but some days I don't want the marshmallows and I'll go with a firmer shoe like NB 880 or TOPO Phantom.  Of course, Brooks abounds on my shelfs, with Aurora still my long run and long race shoe but loving Ghost Max, too.

                          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                            Steve--is that Northern Lights? Unfiltered? Beautiful.


                            Tramps - good observation that, having only seen such purely rose red ones without any greens in the mix when I was nearly 150 miles north of erika-land along the Arctic Circle, it did not register on my brain that it could have been in Michigan too.  In those days, when they came out like that, we'd take our cots and sleeping bags outside the sleeping tents and go to sleep watching their colorful and sometimes frantic  dancings overhead, . . . and wake up in the morning with frosty beards.

                            Quote from SteveP on 12/5/2023 at 12:36 AM:

                            Dave59 - This was the view the from Gaylord on the 1st.


                            KSA - I haven't bought a pair of running shoes since 1990 but, if I did, Aurora and Eclipse sound good.

                            ps - the way I went through the four I've had since 1977, it'd take me until 2184 to go through yours. Have fun.


                            pps tramps - however, I think I'll pass on your other observation,

                            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                              We tend to view life through the lense of our personal experiences.

                              Each our own experiment of one.

                              Then. There are fields of study which include large data sets.

                              If one is so inclined to investigate.  One can make certain personal decisions based on those large studies.

                              Or. One can make decisions based on their personal experiences.

                              The beauty in all of this is we get to decide for ourselves.


                              In my psychiatric practice I attempted to empathize with all my patients. It really comes down to your relationship with each individual rather than dealing with a large data base.


                              Rose Colored Glasses

                                True, Henry. I guess there is no evidence that one gender is better at treating women patients.
