Masters Running


Monday, July 18th runs 'n such (Read 586 times)

     and remember

    you get a butterfly hug when you rest!

    Hey, no fair.  I rested on Sunday and I didn't get a hug.


    6 miles easy this morning.



    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

    Mike E

    MM #5615

      I've been resting for over a week...what do I get?

        Holly, pretty good pace there on that 20-miler!

        PBJ - and then the spoon goes back in your mouth?  Eeeeew.

        Skip, I thought you were talking immunology for some reason with your T-cell.

        Mike, that sounds like what my DD9 would do.  But she is 9!


        In Seattle they are saying "isn't it nice that our 3 days of summer landed on a long weekend this year".


        I went to a Mariner's game Saturday night.  We had a suite reserved for our organization, and food and drinks.  It sure was nice.  Plus super clean bathrooms every 20 paces along the corridor.  It didn't matter that we got slaughtered.  By Texas.


        Yesterday I went to visit a girlfriend I hadn't seen in about 5 years.  Someone showed up in an all electric Nissan Leaf they had just got that day.   Weird not to see an exhaust pipe on a car I tell ya.


        Much warmer today and I need to get out there, I skipped a lot of runs last week, I had my DD stomach virus one or two days, didn't puke but it was close.

        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

          I've been resting for over a week...what do I get?


          ...2nd Place.......

          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

          Avenger Doggie

          protector of my dad

            The dogs shouldn't have to share ice cream PBJ. Where they bad?


            When Hudson gets to roll in stuff, a bath will make him sad. When me and Noah and Dad saw two bears and their mom, Dad didn't let me make them run run run! He gets scared. In the last 100 years, there have been 63 fatal black bears attacks. Most of them were from hungry boy bears in Canada and Alaska. So it's OK to make them run run run!


            MikeE, you are a good boy!  Running with kids is fun fun fun..


            When all the cloths are ripe and Mom makes them have a bath, she wears a RAGBRAI around the house. Dad wears it  too sometimes when Mom isn't home. Mom gets loud because Dad's back hair gets caught in the hooks and he blames it on me.


            I will lick your Hubs face Leslie. Send the cats over here and I can babysit them.



            I've been resting for over a week...what do I get?




            It's good you didn't barf Enke!!


            Yesterday, me and Mom and Dad went run run run on  trails. Dad kept stopping to try and show Mom berries. There are raspberries and even gooseberries. Most of them are not ripe. We have to go back. Then we had breakfast and when it got hot, we got ice cream. Mom made Dad sit at the table with me and she got to see the pretty girls who give us ice cream. I think Dad was crying. Big Baby.


            Today, when Dad got home, we went run run run up to the place where pretty girls give him money and I get treats! Then we went run run run some more. Then Dad gave the pretty girls at the ice cream store some money and I got more treats! I promise not to tell Mom. Then we went run run run back home and Dad let me splash in the creek! It was good fun fun fun! We went three miles today and I'm ready for a snack.

            Sniffing Butts, Tag

              Avenger Doggie: Your Dad has a gift, and doesn't  know it!   He makes me LOL.    That does not mean what your tongue does when you are tired after a long run.


              I found a new bark dust (Avenger Doggie, that does not mean what you do when the sun goes down) trail about half a mile long that I can incorporate into my town runs.   Slow, but easy on the feet.  Tried that out today.  Just ran less than 2 miles, though. 


              Econo is back running. Yea!


              MM #6177

                Easy come, easy go. I was told today that I was being let go from the running store. I'm trying really hard not to be bummed about that, and so far, I'm mostly OK. It was purely a numbers thing, too many employees, so I was a LIFO victim. But really, it's OK, because I was happy in my life before I had that job, so why should I be unhappy now that I don't have it?




                Glad you're feeling better, Enke.


                Avenger Doggie, I've been resting since Wednesday, so I'm the BIGGEST winner! Wink


                Hopefully the one drain I have will come out tomorrow. Hardly on any meds anymore; last time I took anything was some extra-strength Tylenol yesterday afternoon, so yeah, I'm doing pretty well.


                Too oppressively hot for me to walk today, and thunderstorms are expected tonight. Hopefully I'll get out for some walking tomorrow though.

                  I think this thread is going to the dogs!!Big grinRoll eyes


                  ((resting RA friends))  - that's for all of you resting yesterday, today or all week!Wink


                  today was my "fake" day off .... meaning i worked saturday and sunday nights, off tonight but had to sleep at least 4 hours to recover from the weekend shfits, then work again tomorrow and wednesday nights .... hence the "fake" in my night off but then ....13 NIGHTS OFF - i am just a wee bit excited for that!!!Big grinBig grin


                  12.4 mile bike followed by a

                  5 mile SLOW run with some walking

                  stretching and core work .... now time to jump in the pool and relax!!


                  HAPPY MONDAY friends!!Cool



                    . now time to jump in the pool and relax!!


                    HAPPY MONDAY friends!!Cool


                      Hi OM.  Sorry to hear about the job.  Glad you are recovering so well.


                      Rest up, Enke.


                      6 miles total, with 4 recovery miles of trail late this afternoon in 90°F+ temps, plus another 2 miles of walk/run on the road to get home. Had to stop at a neighbour's to top up the water bottle, or else phone for a ride with only one mile to go.  That's officially overdoing it after yesterday's 9.


                      The forecast had us at 37°C (99°F) by Thursday, without the humidex (45°C).  Think I'm headed for the treadmill.Joking

                      .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!

                        Avenger Doggie - Your post made me smile, smile, smile!  Although I think I'll pass on the offer to babysit the cats.


                        {{{OM}}} Sorry to hear about the job.  I know you were enjoying yourself.  Will you look for another one?  Very good to hear you are healing well!  Yea!!


                        Got some crappy news this afternoon, which makes me think Wednesday isn't going to go so well.  It's the ole hoping for the best but preparing for the worst . . . but you can't really be completely prepared, can you?  Anyway, I just couldn't handle being at work the rest of the day so I went home.  After phone calls w/Shorty and a couple of friends who called to see if I was okay, I threw on my running clothes and headed for the Community Forest for a power walk.  Putting on my trail shoes was like saying hello to an old friend.  6.43 head-clearing miles in 1:49:17.  Man, it felt good!  I would've stayed out longer, but I had told Karen I'd only be about an hour, and by the time I got back to the car it had been almost 2 hours (I called her 'cause I wanted someone to know where I was), and boy did those two hours fly by!


                        The foot is barking at me a bit, but not as much as it could be, and right now I don't really care.  I needed to work off some anger and frustration, and the stationary bike or pool just weren't gonna cut it.  Honestly, if I had had to go to the pool, I might've tried to down somebody.  It felt absolutely wonderful to be out in the Forest!  Lordy, I miss running trails!

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance




                          Heme, I love the quote at the bottom of your post - " The road to hell is paved..... run trails!"   I couldn't agree more.


                          OM, sorry about the job. Sad 


                          Hot in Denver this week, too. It was 96° today.  I am soooo lucky I live 4,000 ft higher and have the option to run trails in the mountains on the way home.  Today I ran 5 miles in just over an hour. It was 75° and sunny when I started, and cooler and completely overcast when I finished.  The wildflowers are really spectacular, and ever changing. A few weeks ago the high meadow was full of wild iris, and now the columbine are in bloom.


                          Hi Denise!  What are you doing with your 13 days off?  Enjoy!  How's Justin?

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                            Greetings. Lots of animal commentary... someday cynical kitty will appear...


                            No run today. Planned a swim but time/schedule did not cooperate. Long hike yesterday in the northern presidentials. 5 hilly miles plus light swimming on Saturday.  Friday was 8 mile run in the morning plus farily fast 7.5 mile hike up Mt Chocurua in the afternoon, by a completely different route than I had ever done. I got a very late start so I gave myself a deadline to turn back. Summit is very scrambly but I made it.   Anyway, a bit tired today and needed to work.


                            Ds having a great time at camp. One short letter so far. 


                            nice running for  Tramps, Karin and Erika.  Others too I am sure but i am behind a few days.


                             {{leslie}}.  I hope whatever is going on Wednesday turns out ok.  Great you got out in the forest today!


                            Mike, great encouragement for the grandaughters and my they are competitive.  How is the heel?


                            Wildchild, i love columbine. I spent a summer in Colorado in college..

                              I had a great workout at the track!  Yes, it's in the 90's and I've been doing my quality runs on the treadmill, but I wanted to get a real feel for mile race pace, in case I do one Friday.  Warmup, then 12 x 200m with 200m recoveries.  I ran by effort and focused on being fluid.  Now that I've got the data, I'm very pleased with that also.  I expected the heat to slow me down but apparently it didn't.  You can see the splits on my log, but I'll summarize: they were all under a minute and pretty consistent, except for #5 which was 59 seconds.  The last two were especially strong at 52 and 53 so I'm especially pleased with that!  Cooldown and chocolate milk back here.  6 miles as planned.

                              "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                              Marathon Maniac #957


                                Skip, I thought you were talking immunology for some reason with your T-cell.


                                 I thought the same thing!  I had to read it three times before I figured out what he was talking about.  Big grin  S' what I get for trying to skim during my lunch break.


                                OM - sorry about the job, although I just admit, I'm a bit envious of anyone with some time off from work.  The only time I have ever not worked has been a panicky "oh my gosh how will I make ends meet better find something quick" time. I would love to just have a month or two with no job but with no panick.  Time to relax and catch up on things and who knows what.  A sabbatical if you will.  You were not working for a time before that job, so I assume that you are financially able to take time off without too much distress, so maybe not as scary a thing as it might be.  This is a good time for you to continue to heal anyway, get yourself back to optimal health, then look around and see if there is something you like.



                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
