Masters Running


Super Sunshine Sunday! 29 October 2023 (Read 38 times)


Rose Colored Glasses

    Hey!  Should we start a Sunday Thread?


    Be back with more!  Watch this space!

      Thanks, RCG.


      Dave- it is incredibly confusing (Medicare).  I'm an employment lawyer and I couldn't figure it out.  It depends on your employer's plan whether or not you get kicked off for Medicare once you are eligible.  I did NOT have to stop using my company plan.  When you turn 65 you are automatically eligible for Part A- all that covers is hospitalization.  Make sure you get enrolled, but if you still have corporate coverage, that's all you need to do until you lose your corporate coverage in retirement etc.    The mistake I almost made was that when I retired at 69 I continued my coverage through COBRA, but it turns out COBRA is not considered "credible insurance" by Medicare and you only have 8 months or something like that to get on the rest of Medicare (Part B (medical)) etc and start paying them.  If you miss that deadline there is a penalty.  I used a consultant (you don't pay them- they get their kickback from the supplemental plans) and he was terrific.  He had the goods on the best drug plans (they look at your prescriptions to figure it out) etc.     So- in your case you have to get an answer from HR as to whether you can continue your company coverage and if you can, don't worry about it for now except for signing up for Part A, which you have to do.


      4.3 miles this morning and I have a lot going on today, so off I go!


      Steve- great pictures, as always.

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



      Rose Colored Glasses




        5.42 miles of plodding running-esque forward motion


        The moon provided moon shadows moon shadows


        Saturday Review


        Holly:   How did the isolation float tank experience go?


        Dawn: Prepping for winter while I'm wearing shorts!


        Tramps:  Happy warm late October 5 miler!  I always think of Tribee when I am kayaking out there with the many pterodactyls (I mean herons) Why do I think of her when I see herons?


        Surly Bill: What a neat idea!  El Dia de Muertes por mis perros!


        Jeanne: Nice frigid mileage!  And farewell farmers market!  Florida folks had a brisk welcome home


        Karen:  Thanks for sharing the happy dog photos!


        Brian: Just keep swimming swimming swimming Just keep swimming


        Dave: Way to stick to the plan!


        Carolyn: Et tu?  Snow!  5.3  flurry miles!


        Deez:  Nice cheerful running and good judgement


        Doug: Cross raking!  And hope your tootsies improve.  I find soaking my feet in a warm epsom salts basin and massaging is helpful


        Tammy: nice fall garden clean up


        Tet:  I saw a beautiful photo of the full wolf moon above Mt Rainier.  Did you see it?


        Leslie:  Pretty photo of Karen and Courtney!


        Erika: Good consistent biking in place for you.  I admire your dedication


        Nancy: Your 8 miles sound superb


        Steve: Fun breakfast with the grands!


        Rose Colored Glasses

          Karen, nice 4+ miles this morning.


          I forgot to mention some details of my run this morning!  It wasn't until I was halfway down John Rolfe Road when I remembered there was a 24 hours run (1.8 miles per loop!) in the swamp. Started Saturday at 0800 and finished at 0800 this morning.


          Anyway. It was weird seeing people on the trail I usually have to myself in the predawn hours.  The first person I saw was on the side of the trail and I thought they were puking.  I said, "Are you okay? I usually don't see folks out here during my run"  They replied, "It's a 24 hours event. I'm just stretching."  To which I repeated, "So you are okay?" And they said, "Yes"


          I shuffled along and eventually saw another person walking and I greeted them. And I kept going and I came upon another person walking. And she said as I passed, "I think this is going to be my last lap"  I asked her if she was going to be okay and she said yes. I hope she was.


          I waddled on and left the proper loop and went into the farmers field. The mackerel sky filtered the moonlight. The screech owls and hoot owls cheered me along my route.


          As I exited the Powhatan watershed trail and back into my neighborhood, my hip was griping about the effort it exerted thus far. Home was over a mile away!


          I chugged along and thought I might start to slow down a bit when I heard bats in the trees near the road.  My friend told me of folks complaining about bats flying into their heads in our neighborhood.


          Instead of slowing down, I picked up the pace and made it home sans bat encounter.

          So with the moon and the Halloween inflatables and lights and owls and bats, I had a thoroughly exhilarating outing this morning

            RCG - great recap and morning run today!!

            KSA - everyone really should at least enroll in Medicare before turning 65 right, is there a penalty if you don't? Is it supposed to be a certain number of months before turning 65?


            Yesterday was Matt Wilper's first 120 minute Peloton ride live in the studio for his 40th bday. I didn't want to miss my group run so I skipped the ride which had over 7,000 riders. I did it this morning with over 300 riders by the time I finished. It was a great PowerZone endurance ride with lots of good tips. Finished with 32 miles!!


            Have a great Sunday friends 



              Good morning ladies. All of the guys must be off doing "stuff."   Thanks for the start and nice recap RCG. I'm glad the bats stayed out of your way on your run today!


              Sounds like a busy day Karen.


              Nice Peloton ride this morning Deez!


              3.2 run/walk miles this morning, 34 degrees, overcast, windy and feeling too much like winter, way too early. I finished with 20 minutes of stretching.


              There's a great story in the NYT today about a gentleman who carves pumpkins for big bucks. The pics of some of his creations were really cool! Who knew that you were supposed to carve your hole in the back of the pumpkin to get the "guts" out, instead of the top or bottom. He takes the tough outer orange skin off and carves the soft, fleshy stuff. I'm not sure I'd have the patience, though if someone was willing to pay me $700 to do one, I might take my time!


              Have a great Sunday everyone.

                Thanks for the start, RCG. Not sure why TriBee conjures up herons for you. Watch out for those bats!

                KSA--love the dog pics. Some happy pups there.

                Carolyn--hope the snowfall wasn't too bad.

                Steve--Owen is one mischievous-looking kid. He's gonna be trouble...just like grandpa.

                Holly--I see you're ready for Halloween!


                Cloudy start to the day and even some light showers for a while during our ride. But we did get a splash of brilliant color at sunrise.


                It's Marine Corps Marathon day just up the road and I assume one local woman was doing her first because we came across a series of huge chalked messages in the road: "Let's go, Lisa!"  "You can do it!" "You're ready!" "Run it!" "See you at Mile 5!" ending with an elaborate stick-figure runner with a smiley face that must have been 15-feet tall..Quite a bit of effort went into all that. It was cute to see.


                Anyway...41+ miles for us on another unusually warm late-October morning.


                Enjoy your Sunday!

                Be safe. Be kind.

                  Beautiful sunrise photo!  And how fun re the chalk markings.


                  Deez - I don't know much about Medicare (yet), but I do know there is a penalty for not signing for some portion before you turn 65.  You have to have everything in place.  If you have something like Area 1 Agency on Aging or a Senior Resource Center, contact them and see if they can refer you to a consultant.  A few years back, a consultant talked at one of our local continuing ed programs and my boss used her to help him and his wife get their paperwork in place and he said it was really helpful.  I'll be contacting her the closer The Hub gets to turning 65 (he'll be 63 in January).


                  My buddy, Teonna, is struggling at Javelina. Karen said she's slowed to a 29:30 finish. I guess, per her coach, she's been heavily relying on Spring Energy Gels and Tailwind and had a loop of stomach issues, causing diarrhea and nausea.  I had wondered about that when we were at WS and talking and she told me she wasn't eating much real food on her training runs.  Fingers crossed she can push on this last loop and get it done.


                  I need to get my butt in gear, eat some breakfast, get some housework done, and after it dries mow the lawn.  The Hub is working since it's supposed to rain later this week, so I can't sit on my butt all day.


                  MTA: Teonna doesn't know it yet, but she won the Butt Award!!!! 

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance




                    Thanks for the Medicare answers. I'll continue to look into it. I am pretty sure there is a certain number of months before and after you turn 65 to make your decision. I also have to consider my current HSA coverage which I would have to drop if I signed up for Medicare. And technically I would have to drop it 6 months before signing up for Medicare. Not sure what happens if I don't. Maybe I have to pay taxes on anything I put into me.


                    Today is a much needed rest day.


                    I joke about how boring watching an ultra is, but I have watched quite a bit of the Javelina Jundred. I believe the winner set a course record. He had a drone following his final miles but I went to bed when he was still 7 miles out so I didn't see it. He was flying by the folks he was lapping. It actually looks like a fun thing to do, but I can't run that far. And running in the desert when it is sunny and mid-80s doesn't sound like anything I could do.


                    This morning, in addition to the Javelina, YouTube had live coverage of the Frankfurt and Dublin Marathons. Frankfurt has a really cool looking indoor finish. Runners come into an arena on red carpet, with colored lights and people cheering.  Coverage of Frankfurt only lasted until the first German woman finished, but Dublin kept the camera running at the finish for a long time so you could watch lots of folks finish.


                    It looked like it was raining at both of those races.




                      Dave, you just have to stop contributing to the HSA before that. You can keep your HSA, and your other health plan right up till you're on Medicare. In fact, you can maybe keep both but you just can't contribute to the HSA. Did you know you can use your HSA to pay your Medicare premiums? The HSA is a really great plan.


                      Tet, remember that for your DVA premium (which is $131 per month, so $1,572) is for the two of you to each have $2,000 per year of coverage. And vision coverage. And audio for hearing exams and hearing aids and such. It's not just dental. And the $150 deductible is for your health plan, which is a separate plan.


                      You have 3 months before the month you turn 65, the month you turn 65, and 3 months after to sign up with no penalty, with coverage going back to your birthday month.


                      What's amazing to me is how bad the Social Security/Medicare folks are at explaining this stuff.


                      Tramps, that's pretty cool about the chalk drawings. I hope the runner went that way! And I've had that Stephen King in my hold list at the library for ages. Looks like 3 more weeks to wait.


                      Nothing for me yet, we're still drinking coffee.


                        Dave, just chiming in here since you know you and I are only a couple weeks apart in age.


                        I have a similar circumstance in that I don't need the coverage yet as I can stay on Lee's.  But you still have to sign up for Part a to avoid the penalty.


                        The most difficulty I had was finding how to sign up for Medicare without signing up for Social Security.   My local SSA office sent me a link via email.  The sign up is then all done on line.  It took 5 weeks as it starts at a federal office, then is sent out to your local office.  At that point they can do a personal phone call interview before stamping it approved and sending it back to the main office.  From there it was another 2 weeks for the card to arrive.


                        You can track it on your SSA portal, but really, they emailed me every 5 days or so letting me know where my application was in the system.


                        Of course, your results may vary.



                        Just dog walking again today but I met an old high school friend totally by accident.  She is in town visiting her dad and always travels with her dog.  Whenever she's in town we seem to find each other on the same route with our dogs.  Which reminds me, Robert Earl is a great looking pup.  He is so lucky to have found you KSA, thanks for the pictures!


                          Thanks for the start and recap, RCG. Glad the bats didn't get you!


                          Speaking of Medicare, my SO just found out that, in addition to all kinds of freebies, including a gym membership and $75 of OTC pharmacy supplies every quarter, his plan will reimburse $1200 worth of exercise-related stuff, including ski lift tickets. Good incentive to get a season pass to a mountain near our place in NH. He's pretty happy about it.


                          I ran 8.25 yesterday in perfect weather. The whole time I was running I thought about how lucky I am to still be able to run on such a beautiful day. I would have liked to go farther, but I had plans to drive a couple of hours to visit with college friends in VT and didn't want to be late. The friend who was hosting lives in Germany and has just bought a house in VT, where she grew up, so she can visit family as often as possible while she can still travel. She has had MS for nearly 30 years and is now so disabled that she can't use her arms or legs at all, and even speaking and swallowing are becoming more and more difficult. Sometimes life seems terribly unfair.


                          So today, when the weather was not so great, I went out again for 9.6 miles just because I could.



                            Speaking of Medicare, my SO just found out that, in addition to all kinds of freebies, including a gym membership and $75 of OTC pharmacy supplies every quarter, his plan will reimburse $1200 worth of exercise-related stuff, including ski lift tickets. Good incentive to get a season pass to a mountain near our place in NH. He's pretty happy about it.


                            Just to clarify, this is a Medicare Advantage plan, not traditional Medicare.

                            Fun Fact: there are no Medicare Advantage plans in the state of Alaska. The retirees on the state retiree plan call in to the monthly "town hall" meeting frequently ask about these benefits and why they can't have them. Well... because you live in Alaska!

                              Just to clarify, this is a Medicare Advantage plan, not traditional Medicare.


                              I don't want to start an argument or question anyone's choices, but one thing about Medicare Advantage plans are that they're great as long as you remain healthy. Then, it can be difficult to get a referral to a specialist or approval for tests and procedure until you've exhausted "all other options". And many of the best specialists don't take Advantage insurance because it doesn't pay them enough. This is how they can have such low premiums and give so many "freebies" (and afford to hire old celebrities to do the TV ads). I've got friends on these plans now in their late 70s who have to wait months to get into a specialist, can't get an MRI that they might need, and similar situations.


                              A real caveat is that once you're on an Advantage plan, you can't switch back to traditional Medicare without being medically qualified by the insurer. That is, if you have a serious condition and want to get the better coverage of a Medicare Supplement plan, they can and will deny you coverage because of your pre-existing condition! Another disadvantage is in getting coverage outside your home state.


                              I'm on a traditional Medicare plan with supplemental insurance through AARP/United Health. I pay about $180 a month now but can go to any doctor who takes Medicare (almost all do) and can generally go without a referral (dermatologist, ophthalmologist, urologist, spinal specialist, etc.). MRIs, X-rays, no problems. No vision or dental, but I do get a nice gym membership. My meds are on a separate Part D plan and since I take just a few cheap generics I managed to find a plan with a very low premium that should cover it.



                              Still cold and getting colder around here today. I rode 18.9 miles on the bike trainer with a simulated 1000ft of climbing. I rode at a pretty intense pace (for me) and got my HR into a range that I rarely hit any longer. I'm still hoping to get one more good outside ride in this year, but not unless it's at least in the high 40s or 50s. Maybe Friday...

                              Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                              "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"
