Masters Running


Monday, Monday .... April 11th Daily (Read 545 times)

Mike E

MM #5615

    Whew--just got back from Arkansas and trying to get get caught up. 


    I appreciate everybody's kind words.  It's really nice to have a place to come to and talk about stuff that a lot of people that we deal with on a daily basis just don't understand.  I know you have all suffered through bad races (this sure wasn't my first) and understand where I'm coming from.  But--it was just a race.  We are all so lucky to be able to do what we do--I don't think we realize how lucky we are until we aren't abe to do it....and we've all, probably, been through that, as well.


    Okay--here's something kind of funny--if you're in a race where there are marathoners and half marathoners, and you see little pieces of tape on the ground with H M written on them, what does that mean to you?  Well, knowing that the half marathoners out numbered the marathoners about 3 to 1--and knowing that the half marathoners were turning off the marathoners' course at some point--I assumed that it meant "Half Marathon".  I thought it was really odd that those pieces of tape were still on the ground at mile 15 but just chalked it up as another dumb thing about the whole event.  Nope--come to find out it meant Hogeye Marathon.  Yeah--sometimes I'm an idiot.


    Yeah--I really don't have any hard feelings toward the race director--I'm sure she sent a volunteer to go to that turn and he just didn't get there in time.  And he was there to point me in the right direction on the way back--of course I yelled at him--and he just laughed at me.


    So anyway--it's time to get over it and get ready for the next one.  I was actually thinking about doing the New River Marathon in North Carolina on May 7th to try to redeem myself.  I have a friend driving out there who's picking up his son from college for the summer so I could get a free ride .  But, with that dang double thing in Idaho and Utah in June, I just don't think it would be a good idea.  So, I think I'll just get through those two and treat them as a kind of "novelty/fun" thing and then I'll focus in on a Fall marathon once I get my son's cross country schudule.


    Okay--that's enough from me.  



      Okay--that's enough from me.  


      You forgot to mention you were 10th Overall in the race...

      And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



      Mike E

      MM #5615

        You forgot to mention you were 10th Overall in the race...

        Yeah--I don't even know what to say about that.  With the hills and the heat and the wind--it was a tough day for everybody.  It, definately wasn't an easy one.  But still--to run 3:40 and place 10th--I don't know...

        Marathon Maniac #957

          You forgot to mention you were 10th Overall in the race...


          Yowza!  And this on a BAD day.....awesome!

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            The winds made for poor sleeping up here as well Mary. Ginger, the cat, started freaking out badly. She was growling and hissing because of the windstorm. Because of the way the cat was acting, Tag thought we were surrounded by monsters and kept us safe all night. He was on high alert and growling at each window. 


            LOL Tramps!!!


            You're a good person Nono.


            Bingo Tom White. Reality happens, champs deal with it.



            I wonder how you accidentally dye a samoyed green? Cute cute pic of your grandson from yesterday's thread, Steve.


             See above...things happen that are beyond our control. It used to happen to DD#3's white poodle on St Patrick's Day...Weird     ...Thanks! GS has not been dyed green....yet.


            Party at Lamerunner's house!! I'll bring the movies.


            Two friends of ours had their mom pass away. I went to the funeral. She was 76. Lots of former co workers there. I may have went over the line. I wore running shorts under the suit. When the funeral was over, I skipped lunch and took Avenger Doggie to a pet friendly beach. 38 minuets in sand dunes. Though it was very windy, I worked up a sweat. The dog was complaining because he was thirsty. We were right next to Lake Michigan..But he was not going to get his feet wet today. I reached down, grabbed a stick and tossed it into the lake. Tag bolted after it, until a wave broke, then he came running back. Then he went out to get it. He ran ahead and tried licking the stick dry. He was still thirsty. I threw it out again. Same thing. I finally threw it way over his head. He came back soaked and ran with the stick way up into the dunes...then left it so I could not throw it in the water again. On the way back, there was a pocket of snow. I brushed off the layer of sand and Tag quenched his thirst. He gets that from his mom's side I'm sure.


            BTW, A local church started a running group. I sent an e-mail asking if I could join on Tuesdays. Since it was the middle of their training cycle, I have to jump in with both feet and I'll be expected to run three minutes non stop.



              BTW, A local church started a running group. I sent an e-mail asking if I could join on Tuesdays. Since it was the middle of their training cycle, I have to jump in with both feet and I'll be expected to run three minutes non stop.


              Big grin

                Busy day in a busy week, but all good and nothing too long distance travel wise.


                Being a co-race director was just awesome and I had a fun if not exhausting time yesterday. I loved being the sweep runner and coming in after 82 year-old Ray----he comes to most of the local races and ran an impressive 11:45 pace for this hilly, hilly 8 miler yesterday. No need for a broom though---Ray ran a 1:33:35 and I trotted along with him and didn’t cross the line since it was cool to have him at 100th place exactly. 100 runners all told, sunny, mild and breezy day. Low-key---no chips, socks for all the finishers ando ranges and water as the refreshments. Pretty serious speedsters up front ---1st and 2nd ran at 5:45 pace and the uphills are chin scrapers.


                So sorry Slo_Hand that your experience has been less than stellar---vent all you want or need to---this is the place.. This race yesterday is definitely a race for runners and organized by runners for better or worse. 43 years strong too.


                Oh Mike! How awful and yet you gutted it out and ran admirably given the conditions. Reminds me of the Boston Marathon in 2004 when the temperature at the start (high noon) was 85º….not pretty. 10th overall and race swag though---not sure you need redemption, but I certainly understand wanting to use your fitness and get after it again soon.


                Nonoruns---you have a great heart and yes the woman you met needs to grieve and it can take a long while.


                Great photos yesterday---medal wearing statues on Heartbreak Hill and the Noah shot was fabulous! Looks so much like his Grandma and clearly loves his Grampy. Lucky all around. Jump right in Steve---I am sure the group will love having you join them.


                High fives to Tammy and to Tim for some great weekend racing!


                Oh and today I ran 4.2 miles easy this morning. Roar!


                Joan Benoit Samuelson just announced that she’ll be going for the Olympic Trial Standard at the Boston Marathon. Very cool---one of my idols big time.

                  MikeE - Great job, despite the obstacles.  I can only shake my head at a 3:40 finish.


                  SteveP - Great pic of the GS yesterday!  He's sure one homely kid, though. Wink  (cute little sucker)


                  Rest day for me.  First full day of work since we bottomed out last Thursday, and I'm really drained mentally.  I met with my counselor today and will be meeting with her once a week for awhile.  It helps.  Still working on taking things one hour at a time, one day at a time, although it's really hard.  My brain jumps 6, 10 steps ahead when we haven't even got through Step 1.  I know all this doesn't make sense, but that's all I can say.  Just know your continued support means a lot to me.


                  Have a great evening ~

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance



                  MM #6177


                    Oh and today I ran 4.2 miles easy this morning. Roar!

                    I ran the same amount today, but mine was more of a whimper. Wink


                    Congrats to all the weekend's racers! You all continue to inspire me, regardless of how you might feel about your races yourselves. Don't ever sell yourselves short, ya hear?


                    Had my second opinion appointment this afternoon. Heard what I was hoping to hear, i.e. the same things the first surgeon told me, but this one suggested I do one more test, a breast MRI. So still no date is set for my surgery. sigh. I'll keep breathing, I know.


                    Hang in there Leslie. I'm breathing for you as well.


                    Happy tapers and runs for all!



                      I've been away too long to get all caught up, but I did see Mike did a really nice race under not so nice circumstances.  Congrats!


                      I had a really carpy LR on Saturday... should have bailed early, but gutted it out and finished the 14 miles that was supposed to be a cutback run.  6 miles today were a major grind and I've got friends (a cyclist and triathlete) trying to tell me I'm overtraining.  They could be right, so I'm going to start cutting back the weekday runs a bit for the next couple, especially since the big LR's in the cycle are looming pretty large.

                      .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!

                        HI ALL

                        Nothing but lifting today, I am going to try to double dip tomorrow, run and lift, knowing I cannot exercise for couple days after biopsy Wed.  I might try to sneak on the recumbent bike in the basement Thursday evening, just don't tell DW.  I met a guy at the trainer this week who is 6 foot 8 and when he started working out was over 560 pounds, in 60 days he is down over 60 pounds!!!!  You can see the weight melting off this guy.  So far I am down alittle over 20 pounds now in 28 days,  I figure it is going to take me 4 more months to get down to my best running weight 185, though my dear mother thinks I look sickly anything under 200 pounds.  Have a nice day all and run well.
