Masters Running


Saturday November 2 Runs and Mischief (Read 48 times)

Maniac 505

    Thanks Tom,  I've taken 10 MG Benazepril for a few years,  The ER doc told me to up it to 20 MG per day,  Yesterday, my doc said if it is still high Monday,  up it to 30 MG/day.  I will see him Thursday and see where we are at.  He says if needed, he knows what the next step will be.  I didn't ask him what's next.

    MM #7877

      Indianapolis Monumental Marathon - 3:49.00  Not my best effort, but still am OK run.

      Philippians 4:13.

        Indianapolis Monumental Marathon - 3:49.00  Not my best effort, but still am OK run.

        Nice job.


        Another maniac?

        Be safe. Be kind.

        MM #7877

          Nice job.


          Another maniac?


          Yes - I qualified today and submitted application. Smile

          Philippians 4:13.

            Hi all,

            CNY, sorry to hear about the diagnosis, I read an article about CMT a few years ago, now of course I can't remember anything except the variability of it, and the many genetic causes.  It is wonderful that the kiddo is so active.

            Dive, weird, I almost was going to suggest an inner ear thing based on something you had said earlier.....having lived that for 9 months - it is an invisible illness, feeling off, dizzy and faint on and off all day.  I hope your symptoms go away quickly.


            It is brutally windy outside, so I hopped on the TM, and did 8, yes 8 miles!  I was only going to do 6, but I was grooving to the music....just had to keep going.


            Met Door#5 yesterday....turns out, another surgeon!!!  You'd think that would be appealing, but it isn't, it really really isn't.  He clearly had worked extremely hard all his life, had never really done anything else, and surgery was pretty much all he could talk about, although very excitedly.  He was a bit quirky, which was endearing, but basically, nope, a little too weird.

            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

            mustang sally

            Bad faerie

              Positively foul and disgusting day out there, perfect for mountain biking.


              So The Boy and I gathered a couple of friends and we had a splendid time until he rode his knee into a tree that jumped out into the middle of the trail and attacked him when nobody was looking.  I had to go get the car and drive back to pick him up... and then to the ER.  We didn't really think about it as we squelched in there, but the triage nurse burst out laughing when she saw our mud-spattered, filthy selves.


              "Having a good time today?"  she asked.  "Yep.  Until we weren't," said The Boy.  (who is, these days, actually a hulking young man 6'3" tall and 200#).  As we sat waiting, a puddle of mud accumulated beneath his wheelchair.  ("Can I try to bunnyhop this thing?"  he asked.)  (Shades of, "Do you think this [11-passenger Ford van] can jump the DITCH?!" from Del Sol '08).


              So, he's home with ice and ibu and instructions to check in with a physio in a few days when the critical inflammation is down to see whether he's done any serious damage.  I think I'll bake bread or something.  If you can't go sploosh around in a rainy day, might as well hibernate.


                Yes - I qualified today and submitted application. Smile


                Nice Job!!


                Met lamerunner at the Expo today -- silly me went by her at first then realized -- hey I know her!!!  So nice to meet in person!!  The Expo was great and I am so looking forward to the relay and cheering on our marathoners tomorrow!!


                ((Karin))  Hope to see you before the start to give you a real hug!!

                MS - hope your "boy" heals quickly!!

                Dive - hope that blood pressure gets under control soon!!




                  Karin, sorry to hear about your kiddo, but glad he's still racing.  Have fun tomorrow!

                  Blue, congrats on your new maniac status!  Welcome to the asylum!

                  Moab was amazing, as always, and everyone finished upright and smiling!  I finished in 5:40, and was only 4th in my AG, so no podium finish this year, but still really fun!   Holly came limping in later with a bloody knee, and all wet because she tripped on the last creek crossing, so she looked like a real trail runner!    I'll post pictures later.   Going out to dinner soon with Cindy and her DH, and Holly and her friends.

                  I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    Okay, who puts an obstacle course in the last 3 miles od a tough marathon?


                    But it was an amazingly beautiful course - VERY tough though, but absolutely stunning.  I bloodied one knee and twisted the other, so there may be some repercussions, but we'll see how tomorrow feels.  My friend Renee had a bad time of it though, starting out this morning with a fever, so her day was very tough on her, but she and Tara finished!


                    Off to see Carolyn and Cindy...

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      The kiddo was diagnosed with a neuromuscular degenerative disease in the fall of 2012 (Charcot Marie-Tooth syndrome or CMT). So far the disease hasn't held him back too much, he just has to run with a brace on his right foot as he has foot drop. That he can be athletic and fully participate helps balance the anxiety we have about his future as the disease progresses.  I can't say more or I'll get something in my eyes, but I am just grateful for every step he takes now.


                      Oh Karin - I am so sorry to hear this.  {{{hugs}}} to you and your family.

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        Good evening!  Manchester Marathon expo went pretty well; Kathrine Switzer was fabulous; she gave a great talk last evening at the VIP reception and was busy all afternoon at the expo. Class act. I was very impressed. We have had interesting  VIPs before but she connected with people in a way I have not seen much.   I was busy in the registration/ trouble shooting department today,  and could not totally hear her talk,  but she did not sit all  afternoon. I did sneak out and buy her book and some socks.


                        My DH   showed up right at the end of the expo, clever lad he is, with about 1/4 of a cookie he bought for me... and it was bitten, not cut. Turned out just then we needed help hauling some stuff across the street to athletes village. DH and DS got pressed into service.  I had cash to haul away...


                        I did sneak out at almost first light ( like 7:15 these days) to run about 8 miles on the rail trail. It was nice. Tomorrow  will be very short and dark run if I can get up. Then off to the races...


                        Great race at Moab for Holly and Carolyn!


                        Good luck to everyone  tomorrow........


                          saving the rest....((((( Karin & kiddo.... )))))


                            ...(Shades of, "Do you think this [11-passenger Ford van] can jump the DITCH?!" from Del Sol '08)....


                            Noooooooooooooo!  Heh, thanks for the memory of THAT night! What a crazy time! Sure hope your DS didn't do anything seriously damaging to his knee. What did you end up baking?


                            Enke, might be time to change your profile to add "surgeons need not respond" or something. And weird can be endearing, ya know. Nice job on the TM today.


                            I was thinking Moab was tomorrow, but obviously not! I still can't get the mental image of Carolyn cooking spaghetti on a camp stove in the parking lot out of my mind... Glad to hear everyone finished, bloody knees, fevers and all. I sure hope there are pictures forthcoming! I did check the web site and saw pictures from last year. It truly is beautiful country.


                            Yay for Deez and Lamerunner meeting up today! Manchester Marathon tomorrow should be great!


                            I ran 7 miles this afternoon, in my trail shoes. And yes, they're great on snow, but not any good on ice. We had some light freezing rain last night and the sidewalks are glazed in ice. Yowza! No falls though, and managed to keep a pretty good pace to finish in 59 minutes almost exactly.


                              Divechief, great to hear that you got this one under control.

                              Mustang Sally, sorry to hear about your son's mishap. Those relay days were fantastic, weren't day?

                              Glad to hear that the Moab-girls did finish and had a great time. I can't wait to see pictures.

                              Welcome to the Marathon Maniac world Ibleedunionblue!


                              Well, the sun finally did come to the valley in the afternoon and I did go for a 14 miler.




                              Nite folks.


                              Go racers goo!!

                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
