Masters Running


Monday Monday 3.5 (Read 637 times)


    Some greta long runs yesterday, especially in some trying conditions ('eh, Evanflein?)!


    5.25 RW miles this morning at 4:20 - 27F with a noticeable breeze from the west. I should have taken it easy today, but I wasn't dressed for an easy workout, so I tried to stay relaxed while I kept my turnover rate high and my foot strike light. Pacing was good, but a couple of hours later, my right leg (sciatic nerve) is still letting me know how unhappy it is with how hard I made it work. It'll calm down...


    Enjoy the day and the start to a new week!  - Jay

    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


    Rose Colored Glasses

      Good Morning, Jay!  Nice RW set.


      I hope your pain is diminished by now.

      0532. 35F.


      5 miles pretty easy with Carol. We started out with the group but they split off to go back to swim.  Carol forgot her suit so she asked to run 5 with me. What a gift to me!  Carol is one of my favorite people. She won first in her age group at the Colonial Half. Ran a 1:51. And she is a nurse like me and so our conversation was quite helpful.  I have been trying to solve a problem at work and through discussing it with Carol, I was able to bolster my argument. (Not that my boss will listen to me, it is just good to know that my line of thinking was correct)


      Evanflein, thanks for sharing your long run thoughts. I enjoy reading about your running situation in Alaska. It is so foreign to me and that makes you "evan" more of a hero in my book. 

        Take care of that leg, Jay.

        RCG--sounds like a nice run/talk this morning.  Snow there?


        7.2 miles (8:18) in light snow.  Quite pretty with 5 deer grazing in the backyard when I returned.


        Have a great week.

        Be safe. Be kind.

          Wintry weather here the last few days. Frankly, I blame Holly since she was the one posting "Woohoo" about March meaning Spring was here. Smile


          I hear ya on the sciatic issue, Jay. Nice run for RCG and a slightly longer one for Tramps already today.


          It's funny that when I'm habituated to something like running, it's easy to do every day, but if anything breaks that routine it's also easy to get un-habituated. So after having a few days of bad weather in a row last week, I started doing other things and realized yesterday that it had been a whole week since I've run outside. Time to get back in the habit, so I went out and did 5 miles today on a pleasant, sunny, slightly sub-freezing morning. And I should be able to do the same the next two days.


          One of the places I run by on my regular loop is where they're doing major construction to replace a road bridge over the Clinton River. I don't know if it's a child's old fascination with "steam shovels", as they were still called in my day, but I always take a short break there to observe what they're doing. Today I watched as they were digging some footings, bringing up loads of dirt from down deep. I also saw a lot of good-sized, smoothly-rounded stones and had the thought that those stones had not seen the light of day since they were dumped there by a melting glacier over 10,000 years ago. Just a few years ago on a similar project just a few miles from here, they actually turned up mastodon bones.


          Have a good start to your work week, everyone! And don't trip over any mastodons out there.

          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


          Rose Colored Glasses

            One of the places I run by on my regular loop is where they're doing major construction to replace a road bridge over the Clinton River. I don't know if it's a child's old fascination with "steam shovels", as they were still called in my day, but I always take a short break there to observe what they're doing. Today I watched as they were digging some footings, bringing up loads of dirt from down deep. I also saw a lot of good-sized, smoothly-rounded stones and had the thought that those stones had not seen the light of day since they were dumped there by a melting glacier over 10,000 years ago. Just a few years ago on a similar project just a few miles from here, they actually turned up mastodon bones.




            This is poetry.

            Mike E

            MM #5615

              Good morning!  I have a few minutes before I have to go to an appointment at the dislocated worker thing at the county so I thought I'd drop in for a couple of minutes.


              I hope your leg is okay, Jay.  Take it easy.


              buehrle--it's really cool that you have so many friends to run with.  Good luck with the boss!


              Marathon week for Tramps!  I almost signed up for this one a couple months ago.  But, it's the same weekend of the Indoor National Championships...that Ryan did not qualify for...kind of wish I had signed up for it, now.  (I hear Tramps knows where all the great places to eat are)


              So--my workout, yesterday.  I really did not feel like doing speed work.  And I wasn't feeling all that great so I was trying real hard to come up with a good excuse as to why it would be okay to skip it.  But I couldn't come up with anything so I forced my way out the door.  My goal was to run each mile in 6:25 with about a 3:00 recovery run in between.  I had examined my map more carefully to see "exactly" where each mile marker was so it would be a little more accurate than normal.  This is is how it ended up:

              Warm up mile-7:28--1-6:10--2:55--2-6:23--2:58--3-6:23--2:53--4-6:15--2:53--5-6:19--2:57--6-6:20--2:59--7-6:17--2:52--8-6:23--2:55--9-6:21--3:14--10-6:15--2:56--cool down-7:40.  So--considering how I felt before I went out, I was fairly happy with the workout.


              Since I'm doing a race in place of my last speed workout, that will be it until after my marathon and I don't think I'll really do a whole lot of speed work to get ready for Wyoming--I think I might take some rock climbing lessons instead.


              Oh--great jokes yesterday.  I especially liked Twocats...


              Okay--I guess I'd better get going.  Have a great day!

              Marathon Maniac #3309

                 my right leg (sciatic nerve) is still letting me know how unhappy it is with how hard I made it work. It'll calm down...



                I may have missed it Jay, but do you know what's causing your sciatica problems ? Boy, sure seems like a lot of folk are having this, and it can be a pain in the butt....litterally with me.


                How are you doing Opie ?


                I feel like a lazy slug, as I chose the doing absolutely nothing route this past weekend (but wanted too that's for sure)  It's painful to walk still, so why walk in pain ? - seems counter productive to me. I'm suppose to be walking and doing about anything I want, except run and lift anything over 4 pounds. I figured I would give my back / sciatica nerve the weekend to calm down and then see how I would feel this morning. No change at all, and still feels like there is a knife sticking in the right side of my butt and in my right calve, and my leg goes completely numb when I get up and walk around.


                I'm calling the neurosurgeon pretty soon, and I'm going to be more forceful asking why I still feel this way. If he could give me a reasonable explanation that would be fine, and I would just keep being patient.....I've tried to follow his orders as they where given to me.


                Some very nice long runs over the weekend, which makes me miss running more than ever reading about them....great job in some less than desirable conditions for some. Life sure is full of perspective sometimes. Oh, I have had my fair share of running in crappy weather and have complained about it...just human nature I guess. But then I read of the one's who had some tough runs in cold and windy conditions. As I read some of those I thought......I only wish with all my heart that I could be out there running in any conditions. Cold - wind - ice - pouring rain....any of those conditions sounds delightful to me right now.


                Wishing I had a spring marathon or ultra to look forward to....


                Not trying to belittle anyone for having it rough running because of the weather, but just remember how much it totally sucks when you can't run at all because of injuries and such. Having a short lay off I would be fine with - really. But my not being able to run or workout at all is truly driving me crazy....and it's going to be a long while I can see now.


                One good thing which is something I think about not running, but I'm not necessarily obsessed about it either. But I weighed myself yesterday morning and I was at 159 pounds. I will say that even though I am bummed because of my circumstances right now, that made me very happy that I'm eating right, and that's really easy for me maintaining an "ok" weight for me right now


                Thanks for putting up with me, as I hate all this. But hopefully soon all this will be behind me.....


                Hope everyone has a great day, and remember to cherish the gift of running Smile





                Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                  I just am skimming quick to see if we have heard from SteveP.    His area got dumped on with 20" of snow Saturday and they are in a state of emergency.     Hopefully Avenger Doggie and his side kick Honey can dig them out.  


                  I was out for 5 miles yesterday and without the wind, they felt pretty easy-peasy!!  Wink


                  Gotta get back at it ......


                  "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                  It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                    Mike E snarky editor was my job for a looong time!  Big grin


                    Quick post while I have some data transferring between computers.  No run for me today but there was a trip to my PT.  She said my leg felt fine which was very good news after yesterday's 25k run!  But, as she said upon my departure "Now don't get cocky."  All too true if I want to avoid another multi-year layoff.

                    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                    King of PhotoShop

                      Hang in there Jay.


                      Great post Roach. I too often stop to watch "steam shovels", cranes and other heavy equipment at a construction site.  It's fascinating.


                      2.2 easy recovery miles after yesterday's 21, and still feeling fine.  Did a thorough flex workout at the Y afterwards.


                      At the Dallas Trinity Levee Run on Saturday to inaugurate the new bridge, the mayor got up to speak and he had on a really crummy pair of running shorts, so I took him to task for it in the Dallas Morning News running blog. I hope I don't get in trouble for this:





                        Hang in there Jay.


                        Great post Roach. I too often stop to watch "steam shovels", cranes and other heavy equipment at a construction site.  It's fascinating.


                        2.2 easy recovery miles after yesterday's 21, and still feeling fine.  Did a thorough flex workout at the Y afterwards.


                        At the Dallas Trinity Levee Run on Saturday to inaugurate the new bridge, the mayor got up to speak and he had on a really crummy pair of running shorts, so I took him to task for it in the Dallas Morning News running blog. I hope I don't get in trouble for this:





                        Did he tie his jacket around his waist too?  Wink

                        And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx




                          I just am skimming quick to see if we have heard from SteveP.    His area got dumped on with 20" of snow Saturday and they are in a state of emergency.     Hopefully Avenger Doggie and his side kick Honey can dig them out.  




                          Gotta get back at it ......

                           I just took a break from the snow blower. We'd been with out power from a good part of the weekend. We made it an indoor camping weekend. The house temp did not get below 67F. Keeping buckets of snow helped keep the toilets flushed. We found one gas station opened. While paying for the snow blower's gas, I'm thinking that the rest of the customers stink. Then I remembered that I was over due for a shower too. The people at the counter were happy they had a generator, but they were going through music with drawls as a number of radio stations were down yet. So I started singing for them..."Oh she done and gone away. She kicked the bucket yesterday..." Fresh coffee was a luxury. No drinking water available for sale anywhere. It was not an issue for us. Some neighbors and relatives found that flushing toilets with drinking quality water was more important than having water to drink. I thought I was down to one more plumbing crisis and my boss left a message saying he wants me out to his house to split wood. Because of work related shoulder issues......nope.




                            Funny article, Ribs.  You're such a fashionista...


                            Some good jokes yesterday. I'm sorry I missed the PHC joke show - it's usually great.  I really like lame jokes, even though I can never remember any.


                            I love watching heavy equipment too - especially when the operators are really good, and the equipment moves like an extension of their arm.  I worked at Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant when it was going through decommissioning and demolition, and it was fascinating to watch the buildings come down, piece by piece.   The DOE used to discourage people from standing around watching the demolition and they posted signs saying "demolition is not a spectator sport", but who did they think they were kidding?


                            Still taking time off from running to let my leg get better.  It's tough to take a break, especially because the weather is gorgeous - it's supposed to hit 60° today.    Guess I'll go for a walk. Trying to follow Dove's and Twocat's examples, and get through this break with a minimum of whining.


                            OM, hope the surgery goes well today - thinking of you!

                            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                            The Dovenator

                              My break from running is over and I started training again on March 1st.


                              Whoa, that break was good and I feel terrific.


                              I think I'm going to take a good 3-4 week break every year from here on out. I'm going to write it into my schedule for January and make sure I tell my body it's rest time BEFORE my body tells me.


                              First race is next Sunday: a 15k called Mountain to Fountain in Fountain HIlls AZ (for those of you that know the area, it starts at the Pemberton Trailhead and finishes at the fountain downtown.)

                              "it's just like having fun, but different"

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                Not trying to belittle anyone for having it rough running because of the weather, but just remember how much it totally sucks when you can't run at all because of injuries and such. Having a short lay off I would be fine with - really. But my not being able to run or workout at all is truly driving me crazy....and it's going to be a long while I can see now.  

                                That's almost moving, but not quite, enough to get  me moving too, tim,

                                I'm so sorry for you, opie, pbj, etc. Can I borrow  your 159 pounds though?

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
