Masters Running


Taco Tuesdaily, 12.19.23 (Read 38 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    How heavy can a credit card be to where you'd notice it? Seems like it could weigh 10x as much and still weigh next to nothing.



    We have a postage scale here at the office, and my American Airlines Mastercard does not even register a weight on it, my driver's license weighs 0.2 oz., but the Capital One card weighs a whopping 0.6 oz and is noticeably thicker than my other credit cards.  This is because it is a metal card, not a plastic one.  Not sure why they do that.


    Tet - so far each card we have gotten in order to take advantage of a frequent flyer mile promotion has been a card offered by/partnered with a specific airline.  However, the Capital One is not affiliated with a specific airline, and the miles can be used for a number of different airlines as long as you use their Capital One travel site to book the flights.  I am still thinking about how I will utilize this.  We have already used FF miles to get free flights for our upcoming Jamaica trip in February and our long weekend at Panama City Beach in April, so we have no trips to book at the moment.  I will probably use the Capital One miles to book round trip flights for my MIL so she can come out to see DS get married in June.


    Leslie - wouldn't it be cheaper just to get cans of tuna for the kitties?  Or is there some reason that is not a good idea?


    DH's brain scan results are normal, according to MyChart, but we are meeting with the doc at 2:15 today to talk about what to do now.

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      Jay - thx for the start

      deeze - good news

      Dave - Rory about your friend.

      erika - hope you can go drug free soon


      we had that venture card but have given it up - and it was a pain because you can’t cut or shred it


      two walks so far, one to the library and one to meet a friend at a coffee shop. Still doing lots of laundry left over from our trip.


        Glad you're feeling better, Erika.


        Twocat, good luck getting rid of your mice. We have lots of experience with the little critters! The key seems to be to make sure they don't find their way inside during late fall/early winter, when they're looking for a place to set up shop for the winter. It sounds like you may have missed that window, so getting rid of them now might be tough. I understand your concerns about using poison, but ever since my hairdresser's house BURNED DOWN two years ago due to mice chewing on wires in the ceiling, I have decided that the mice have to stay out, no matter what. We have plugged every hole we can find, but sometimes they get in anyway. I am sorry to say we have resorted to some undesirable methods on occasion, but we are currently mouse-free.


        After yesterday's storm (and accompanying coastal flooding), I decided to run down to the beach this morning to see the aftermath. Yikes! The storm wall at the public beach and a big chunk of the parking lot got washed away. And lots of houses lost big chunks of their property to the waves. For the first time I can imagine some of the more vulnerable homes tumbling into the bay, despite having done considerable work to raise the buildings high above sea level.


        4.3 slow miles for me.

          Jay it sounds as if you are steadily improving. Continue with the good work!

          Twocat, I only wish I knew how to use my phone like you do. I even need help from my daughter and son-in-law to set up my new Garmin properly as some of the functions are not working correctly.

          rochrunner, I know I'm old now cause I instantly knew who the old guy  with the Tele or Strat is... sheesh...

          Dave, that's 3 miles to the good. Sorry to hear about your friend, that's a tough road to be on.

          Karen, great 7.1 miler in what I would consider "balmy" conditions! I'm hoping for that on Sunday coming up.

          Leslie, I never met a mushroom I didn't love sauteed in butter with garlic and onions!


          Today I ran at the Fieldhouse track with a friend who is training diligently for the Boston next year, his 5th time. We have been running regularly since we met up again at the Manitoba Marathon this year.  We ran a 6.55 miler with quick laps every 4th and 8th lap (8 laps/mile) and he was very happy with the pace. I then hit the Elliptical for a hard 20 minute grind then went home. Have a greight day Masters!

            4 miles jog while the rain was just a drizzle. It's coming down heavier now, so I timed that well. At about 50 F, I was too warm in my 'winter' running jacket and should have worn a light shell.


            Ordered some Hokas for Christmas...


            My company's office is in the process of moving. So right now, there is no office. Which is weird but fine as I never went in that often anyway.


            My DD had an interview a couple weeks ago for an internship this summer with a large insurance company - you know, one of the ones with annoying commercials on TV. She found out yesterday she got the job. The job has something to do with data analytics/programming. She is SO happy! I'm happy too. Nice to see kids becoming more and more independent.

            Dave, sorry to hear about your friend. Although there are lots of fancy treatments these days for solid tumors, they don't usually change the outcome by much.

            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

              Erika - neat about your Wein connections. It was a bitter pill when they left SE to Alaska without a competitor to keep prices down to say nothing of their neat PFD promotions.

              ps - I'm hoping today will be the last of the PK's the nights have been warranting . . . I don't want to give them credit for the five pounds down so far. However, the walker'll probably be my friend well into next month.


              Moebo - nice beach check. Nice to be close enough but not too close.

              ps - oh, the joy of finding one in the trap, . . . and the disappointment when the cheese or peanut butter had been successfully stolen or, worse yet, the trap outside next to the garage wall where they were burrowing in in through the tell tale insulation bits that caused me to thereafter put the traps in an open ended, covered shoebox, under a plank like a snow shed or something so only the little crawling critters could wriggle in to be trapped by the attraction of the bait.

              It's probably like my knee: after I'd tried the live traps too without success (except one squirrel),  you only put up with so much before going all the way.

              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                Erika- sounds like you are doing well.  Can you mix some Advil in with the Tylenol?   Enke- which Hokas did you order?   Holly- I think the metal cards are harder to counterfeit.

                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                Marathon Maniac #957

                  The problem with the Capital One card is that the FF miles are only good as long as we have that card.  With the other ones, we get actual airline miles that stay with our airline FF number even after we cancel the card.


                  Nothing to be discovered at DH's dr appt.  We seem to have ruled everything out.  The doc wants us to try one more visit with the ENT guy.  After that, I guess we give up unless or until some other symptom shows up.


                  Moebo - what beach do you live near?


                  Enke - nice for your DD!


                  Speaking of DDs, mine called me to ask to borrow $100 so she could pay their maid.  Their maid?  Wha???  She said they pay for maid service once a month for a deep clean.  For their 2-bedroom apartment!   


                  HEY!  I could use maid service!  A once per month deep clean would be awesome!  But every time I get tempted I find I'm too much of a tightwad to fork out the $$...

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    I wonder if those thicker metal cards are because so many cards now you can just do the tap with them to pay for things and maybe the metal provides better protection/security for whatever is in the card that allows the tap and pay function. I dunno.


                    hmmmm, inquiring minds want to know if you actually gave her $100 to pay for her maid service??? 


                    having a monthly deep clean would sure be a nice little luxury to have but I've never been able to justify that for a small 1200 sq ft home, even when David was little and it would have been even more helpful back then. But DH and I have always been neat people and DS even when he was little was real good about cleaning up his toys, etc.   At any given time, any unannounced person could stop in at our house and I would never be embarassed by the state of things. So a monthly housecleaner never made it to the priority list. 

                    Okay, this time I think I really have finished up Cmas shopping. David needed help getting a clothing item for my mom that was on her wish list and David wouldn't know style/sizing, etc. for her, so I told him I would find something and he can just buy it from me to give to her. 

                    Did I ever mention it here in this group, maybe a couple weeks ago, that a new neighbor on the backside of my property put up a No Trepassing sign on this one short out-n-back stretch that I've been running for years to get my *1 mile loop* on my property? I don't recall if I mentioned that here or not.anyways, I have a resolution to that story, but if I never brought up the story in the first place, then no point in mentioning the resolution. lol


                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      hmmmm, inquiring minds want to know if you actually gave her $100 to pay for her maid service??? 


                      Hmm, yes I did, but only because she is giving me the cash after work (she has actually been pretty trustworthy lately for this stuff).  She said her BF was supposed to leave the cash for the maid today but went to work and forgot.


                      A monthly deep clean would be nice, but I don't know what that entails.  Baseboards?  Shower stall?  Mopping the kitchen floor?  Our house is generally pretty tidy, but some occasional help would be nice for the nitty gritty stuff, like bathrooms and baseboards. $100 doesn't seem like that much.  I don't know....I always talk myself out of it.


                      Tammy- I am curious - what is your resolution?


                      Erika - you always comment on DD's nails claws, so here's a look at her Christmas ones.  She goes over to this guy's house and he paints them by hand.  He is very talented.


                      No photo description available.

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        Did I ever mention it here in this group, maybe a couple weeks ago, that a new neighbor on the backside of my property put up a No Trepassing sign on this one short out-n-back stretch that I've been running for years to get my *1 mile loop* on my property? I don't recall if I mentioned that here or not.anyways, I have a resolution to that story, but if I never brought up the story in the first place, then no point in mentioning the resolution. lol


                        What??   And curious minds want to know what the resolution is.


                        Housecleaners. Because The Hub is self-employed, we could actually write off a percentage of a housecleaner, but he still won't do it.  Given how much I hate cleaning bathrooms and mopping floors, I'd love to hire someone just to do those 2 things.


                        Had a meeting this a.m. with the secretary who might become our new Est Dept secretary.  Right now she's the litigation secretary for the attorney who's taking over the Est Dept.  I told her what would be expected of her, what I would be hoping to turn over to her that I'd never been able to give the other secretaries, etc.  She was honest and said she was kind of enjoying learning something new with litigation (litigation is new to her), but also enjoyed the personal side of EP (which she did for 2.5 years at her prior job).  I told her to take the next 2 weeks and really think about which direction she wanted her career to go because whatever she decided she would be in that position for the long haul and we would be hiring a secretary for the other position. And then she said something interesting: "I never thought about this as a career.  I just thought about it as me working for someone else."  I told her she could make it whatever she wanted it to be, and that's why the office supported continuing ed (which she hasn't taken advantage of to date).


                        Anyway, we'll see.  In the meantime, she'll be pulling double duty helping with EP and continuing with litigation, so she'll have her hands full.

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance



                          Got my 22-miler done just before the sun set. Brrrr....chilly and windy out there now.  Fields were still covered in water and the ditches along much of my route were filled to brim with rain from the storm. The road was fine, though.


                          Erika--sounds like good progress for the first week!

                          Willie himself never looked older to me

                          Doug—pretty sure that’s how aging works. . (Love the Keith photo; LOL) Of course, at 90, Willie’s there as the legend, not the performer. It was the good performances and the clear affection shown by other artists that I found charming, warts and all.  Cheryl Crow was obviously generous doing her best with Willie (even moreso when Roseanne Cash brought out 87-year-old Chris Kristofferson—clearly in his last days.  ).  In fact, the occasional mistakes and imperfections were part of what I liked; a genuine party atmosphere not choreographed, overdubbed, and auto-tuned to death. I’d expect nothing else from Willie and his friends. BTW, this was just a sampling of a two-day event, favoring more mainstream “stars.” The mostly younger—and often better—artists who also performed can be heard on the album that was released, "Long Story Short," including Charley Crockett, Margo Price, The Avett Brothers. Tyler Childers and Sturgill Simpson. Some good stuff there.

                          moebo—you’re on the ocean, right? Tidal surge damage there?  Our local flooding was just sheer rainfall and the damage more modest, it sounds like.

                          Holly--I'm the cleaner in our house but my mother worked as a maid in her youth, so I could never hire a maid service. I'd probably go ahead and clean up out of respect before they arrived  I tidy up hotel rooms, too.

                          Tammy--I'm on the edge of my seat. How was it resolved? (Remind me to tell you the story of our recent crazy neighbor experience when I have more time.)

                          Be safe. Be kind.

                            Well, speaking of independent daughters, I am doing her laundry right now - 3 loads worth. 

                            Holly, are those real?  Or glued on?

                            I'm also too cheap to pay for cleaners, and too lazy to ever get the place as clean as I would like. It just seems like a lot of effort when I could be doing other, more enjoyable things. I know it can be satisfying for some people (like MBE), but not for me.

                            Yes Tammy, we want to know the full story...


                            ETA, for KSA: HOKA Arahi 6

                            They were on clearance and had my size.

                            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                              Jay - sounds like a great overall strength routine you are doing!!

                              Erika - nice job for POD 7

                              Moebo/Jay/all east coasters - that was a crazy storm yesterday!!


                              I am definitely going to take it easy on the running for now - have to say it's hard being here and my regular running group too. The desire to "keep up" and go for more and more miles is tempting, but I have to remember we are not all made for long distance or fast paces. I really need to focus on the strength routines more altho I don't know that I could do as much as our star Jay gets in every day!! I do think I should commit to a strength program or challenge on the Peloton app tho - maybe that will keep me consistent!!


                              Today 2.7 mile run with a little walking before work plus the .9 mile walk from the garage to the hospital

                              Ordered a knee brace recommended by the orthopedic and will hopefully try it out on the next run.



                                I must not have mentioned it here. Kind of a long story, so I guess I was telling my running partner, Barb, about it.


                                Anywhoo, resolution wasn't the right word. More like "the conclusion to the story". . .


                                So on my property, which is 13 acres, I have one large circular loop trail and 2 short out-n-backs. So it's like a lollipop with two sticks on opposite ends. One of those "sticks" is my driveway (almost 1/4 mile long) and the other stick is about the same length and extends out into the forest, on the opposite end of my other "driveway" stick (if you can visualize this?).  I always had a feeling that part was not my property but I'm in the woods and except for one part where there's a peekaboo view of a house about 60 yds away, no one can see me. 
                                I ran this lollipop loop twice on Thanksgiving morning as my turkey trot with my dogs. I ran it again a week later and I noticed a bunch of large branches and sticks lying across the start of my out-n-back that goes out in the woods and that I knew probably wasn't my property. But honestly, after 17+ yrs of running this, it was not something that ever even crossed my mind anymore - that I was technically "trespassing".  and right in the middle of the path was a sign erected with a "private property. No trespassing" sign.  Honestly, I was shocked to see that. It was clearly meant for me, as my property backs up to this property and I'm the only one to ever use that short trail. So, the homeowner must have seen me and didn't want me on his property anymore. I would have welcomed a conversation about it instead of going to the work of erecting a sign. It was just such a blatant "get offa my lawn" type statement.


                                It sat with me. And it bothered me for the last couple weeks.  But after I let it settle in, I realized it was rather presumptuous of me to assume I had any privilege to run on a trail that was on someone else's private property. And people that live rural like their privacy.


                                So last night, I drove to their house. They just bought the house a few mos ago after the house being vacant the last 7 yrs. I didn't even know it was vacant - that's how little of the house I can see that I never noticed there were never any people nor cars there.  They are an older couple in their 70's and he's been out walking his property a lot and saw me running one day. He didn't know me from Adam (or Eve) and of course, in the country, you never know what people might be like, so he put up a sign not knowing why I was on his property or what my intent was. He said when he bought the property (he has 20 acres) he could see that someone had been cutting about 10 large tress that were on his property and it was probably done while the house was vacant for so long. So he was just wanting to protect his property rights from anyone coming on to it. 

                                They are a very nice couple, and he said he has no issue with me running that little section. And they have a rescue dog so we had that common ground to relate to each other as well and actually had a nice conversation. So, the long of the short (guess there's nothing short about this though) of this is that I went to apologize for trespassing, told him I did not know the house had sold and because I had been running that stretch for so many years, it really wasn't even on my radar any longer that I was trespassing. And we've exchanged phone numbers and I'll probably invite them over some time 

