Masters Running


Terrific Tuesday, July 26 runs and stuff..... (Read 487 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Out for 4 with the Brinkster today. It still feels awfully warm out there, but I'll take it over the snow talk yesterday. This morning I have to take Hailey in to get spayed. That makes me sad, but it iis best for her now that she is done having puppies. She can't have water though and is laying right where the water bowl is supposed to be, staring at me. Nothing like a dog making you feel bad.

    Skip's adventures sure do sound like fun!!!


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


      Nice start to the day Mary!  


      Congrats to Mariposai on the BQ..... 


      Just an absolute beautiful morning here... Sunny blue skies 61F w/ low humidity and it is not a run day 


      Yesterday 54 minutes on elliptical & squats then after a light lunch a 21 mile bike ride.  The ride was a out & back and on the way back everything was wet with a lot of fresh sticks on the paved trail.  Apparently the rain blew in & out right behind me....lucky!  Smile


      Have a Great Day!!!!     

      Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


      Marathon Iowa 2014

        Thanks for starting us Mary.  Goood luck to Halley.


        Posie - congrats on the BQ!  Are you  going to run Boston?  Hopefully you don't get shut out during the registration process.  They have new rules this year.  And if you are going - get a hotel now.


        It was 65 degrees this morning, but still humid.  I think I like it better hot and humid.  At least the sweat works that way.  Ran about ten miles.  The blister on the side of my foot said stop.  So I reluctantly listened.

          6.1 easy paced miles this morning.  Felt just okay.  This is a cutback week and I need a few more easy days I think.  The summer slowdown is in full swing right now.


          Dave59, I signed up for the Harbor Springs Half Marathon yesterday.  The registration is open.


          I see where Erika ran 4 miles at just under 10 minute/mile pace.  Watch out everyone.  The end of the world must be near.  Evil



          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


            Work has been a little crazy but in the next 24 hours it will all be over.  Either in a good way, or in total failure.  There is no middle ground.  Should be interesting trying to sleep tonight.


            I'm glad I stopped by to see the news about the Harbor Springs Half.  I was excited about it back when I was setting PR's and losing weight, but now that things are more survival mode I am less interested.  I will probably go sign up with the idea that my mojo will be back by fall.  Running through the tunnel of trees in the fall should be enough to get me going.


            I ran 3 miles this morning and did a little workout at the gym.  Enough to keep me sane.



            Mike E

            MM #5615

              Good morning everybody!  (This is third time I've started this post--I keep getting interrupted)  Anyway--after two weeks of letting my heel rest, I finally said, "screw it", and went on a run, yesterday.  The first five or so steps were the most painful steps I've ever felt.  My neighbors were out watching me, though, so I had to keep going.  After a mile, or so, it loosened up to where it was bearable, so I ended up doing 6.2 miles in 45:01.  I was really worried about how it would feel this morning but it feels no worse than it felt yesterday morning so I'm glad I did it. 


              So, after my run, I was in the kitchen making myself some supper and a neighbor lady came over looking for my DW to get a catalog from her.  (She sells that Premier Jewelry crap--drives me crazy)  I told her that she wasn't home but I'd go and get her a catalog.  I invited her in and we started talking about this and that--we had a few beers--and 4 1/2 hours later--I walked her back to her house.  I didn't get to bed until midnight!  I'm beat, today! 


              Anyway--that's it from me...for now.


                Good morning. Cool and humid, decent running conditions. I ran about 9 miles at a decent  pace.


                Poor Hailey but it sounds like she is good at the ole guilt trip...I hope she has a speedy recovery from the surgery.



                Mike, be careful with that heel  ( and maybe the neighbor lady too.....)


                Nice running on the AT Skip;sounds like a pretty run.


                Glad to see Erika took it easy yesterday.


                Happy Tuesday!



                  Good morning!  I was too busy yesterday to post but I did read the thread. Congrats to Mariposai on the BQ, and to Erika for the race PR!


                  Skip, I know what you mean about pace on trail runs.   It used to bug me that I was so slow, but that's just how it is on steep trails.  Funny that you met friends of JJJ's so far away.


                  {{{{Hailey}}}}  Mary, is the next litter going to be B'Nellie's?


                  MikeE, glad you got out for a run and the heel wasn't any worse - but too bad it isn't getting better, either.  Dang, you're fast!  Your first run in weeks, with a painful heel, and you ran a 45 minute 10k? 


                  4 mile trail run after work last night, on my favorite mountain meadow trail again.  Avg pace was 11:25 but look at these splits:  11:28, 11:58, 13:19, 8:53.  I feel like I'm getting stronger at running the uphills, and better at running downhill fast, too, although this trail is not as technical as some.  Because it's in a meadow and  not woods, there are fewer rocks and roots, but the heavy rains a few weeks ago caused some erosion that makes deep v's in the trail in places.


                  Good running, gang.

                  I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                    Glad to hear yesterday that I don't have to grow up.  During my run this morning I saw a neighbor lady watering her flowers and I said "hi."  I don't know her but she seemed friendly enough, so I asked her to squirt me down.  "Really?" she said.  "Yes."  It felt great so I gave her a big grin and went on home for a little over the 4 miles planned.

                    "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                      I was gonna save my congrats for the RR but Posai’s BQ deserves multiple kudos!  Great job!

                      Erika—Nice race PR, too!

                      Byll—taking it easy is probably a good idea.  That H&H has got to take a toll, even on you.  I know I’m feeling droopy these days.

                      Mike—maybe a little running will help loosen it up.  Let’s hope.

                      Carolyn—I’m guessing that last mile is downhill?  Wink  Nice!


                      Glad to hear the weather’s improved further north.  They said we’d get thunderstorms overnight and a little cooler temps and drier air today but there was no rain (which we need badly) and the change in temps/humidity is barely noticeable. Oh well...


                      It’s amazing how technology spoils us.  Despite my best efforts, my Garmin is not uploading today so I had to enter my run manually.  It seemed like such a chore!


                      5 miles with striders + 5 plain vanilla easy miles. 

                      Be safe. Be kind.

                        8.2 miles easy at 8:00 am. Rain came through last night and promises to do so again tonight. Partly cloudy and somewhat humid during the run, but no complaints. Nice and sweaty at the finish. I'll run the weekly series 5k on the xc trails tonight for some speed/tempo work. 


                        Hudson sends a hug to his Mama  {{{{{Hailey}}}}}

                        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                          Carolyn - last night I took time to actually sit down and look at the newspaper and saw that there was a trail run in our area last Saturday - dang it!!   It said that it was the "2nd Annual"  trail run and the registration doubled from last year.   I will be looking for it next year so I can participate.    Yes, B'Nellie is next on the puppy thang.  Smile    Very nice trail running last night!


                          Opie - I think you made that ladies day!!    I find myself looking for sprinklers to run through.


                          Our patio portion of the big project is done!!    Now we DH just has to finish a few more rows on the retaining wall for the upper pond, plus run electricity and water over there.


                          That big sandy area will be the lower pond and behind the finished retaining wall on the left will be an upper pond with waterfall.


                          Colorful chairs - just waiting to be used.  Smile


                          Pond work starts Friday ..... no more pictures until it is done, I promise. 


                          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                            Mary--I can't wait to see the finished project...but the ones leading up to it are great, too.


                            Thanks, Carolyn, but I have a feeling you'd kick my butt on the trails you run.

                              Hey All!


                              Mike E. - hope the heel continues to loosen up.  May I suggest you ice it after every run for a while to keep any inflammation in check?


                              Mary - patio project looks great!


                              Opie - your neighbor is going to be telling everyone she hosed down a judge!


                              Urban trail run for me today in Charlotte on the Greenway trail system.  Not sure of the actual mileage - some sections had markers every quarter mile but I switched trails a couple times.  All my splits indicated a pretty consistent 7:40 pace so must have been about 11.5 miles.  Mostly hardpacked crushed stone with a little asphalt and concrete tossed in, even a little single track through the woods.  Temp was about 80F but heat index was 87F - hooomid!


                              Driving up to Raleigh later today.


                              Enjoy the gift!

                              Marathon Maniac #957


                                I see where Erika ran 4 miles at just under 10 minute/mile pace.  Watch out everyone.  The end of the world must be near.  Evil



                                I wondered the same thing….Joking


                                Mariposai – PBJ is right.  If you plan on running Boston, make your reservations now.  Even if you’re not sure you’re going.  You can always cancel them if something comes up.


                                Lamerunner – that 3 day backpack trip your DS went on sounds like a blast…..


                                Mary – lovely pateo!


                                6 easy-paced miles for me this morning in 70° and 86%.

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
