Masters Running


Wed Dec 10 Runs and Workouts (Read 493 times)


One day at a time

    Tim, so sorry to hear about your injury. My achilles tendonitis was a pain, but I seem to be fully recovered now. I know that's different from a rupture, though. Not to shout or anything, but I FINISHED 1000 MILES FOR THE YEAR this morning! I had to do it on the TM because of the rain, but that's OK! I celebrated by meeting my non-running running parter at a local cafe and ordering the eggs Benedict with tomato and crab. Ymm! I'm so happy. I will aim for 1,250 miles next year. It's very doable unless I get injured again. Smile Smile Smile
      Congrats Teresa...that's a hugh accomplishment...
      Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip
        Too busy to post last nights run so here it is: Tuesday - 6.02 very easy miles - 50:29 - (8:24) - Light Snow and 32 degrees, 8:24 - 8:24 - 8:22 - 8:24 - 8:21 - 8:23 - :11 This morning when I got up to go to work it was 40 degrees warmer than yesterday morning! And right now it is 59 degrees and raining quite heavily I might add. Shocked Tim really sorry to hear your injury is so bad.
          Woops I meant to make a spelling correction but hit "Quote" instead...DUH! Roll eyes

            Way to go THERESA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1000 miles that is a huge VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I am proud of you sistahhhhhhhhh. Billions of Butterfly hugs to TImbo. Hung in there my friend. Where is fatcats Wink Holly, it happens to the best of us. Can't wait to dinner at Franc tomorrow night. PDR..........just come to Seattle RnR..........prurttttttttyyyyyyyyyyy please!!!!!!!!!!!! It was 6:15 am and 34F when I left my house this morning to visit the local track. I took my headlamp with me to make sure I had a source of light to check my time at the end of each segment of my w/o. 8 miles total. A few slow miles as a w/u and c/d and then 5x800 repeats with 1' jog in between them. First 3x800 @ 4:06 was done by feel since I had no way to keep an eye on the pace since it was dark.Then as the sun was rising I did 2x800 @ 4:03. Off to work now. I am so glad I am sitting all day on meetings since my legs are pretty tired right now. I don't think I could stand up interpreting for 12 hours like I did yesterday after my run this morning. Have a great day ya all. DH and I are celebrating today 24 years of monthly anniversary.

            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

              Not to shout or anything, but I FINISHED 1000 MILES FOR THE YEAR this morning!
              Had to come back to see what all the shouting was about. Yay! Congrats. Leslie—now I’m going to have nightmares about giant dancing elf cats with pitchforks; they’re scary! Shocked

              Be safe. Be kind.

              King of PhotoShop

                Tim, we're all in your camp, you know that. You must be patient and follow the medical advice. You don't want to risk stressing the tendon at this point. I wish I knew more about why fatozzig cannot run without her tetsujin socks or whatever they are. As good a runner as she is, if they are critical to success, maybe I need to buy some. Well done teresa. An extra portion of eggs benedict and crab is well-earned. You not only ran well this year but you did it with such enthusiasm. Good for you. Gordon, what is going on Saturday that you are running with the "big dogs." I read your times carefully and you are a big dog in my book. Dicky (and Tramps) and others who are interested, a general comment about days off. First, everyone has to do what works for them, so if 3 days a week of running works, then that's what you should do. And especially if you use the days off to do cross-training, core work and stretching, that is even better. This is especially true for low mileage runners. But for those runners who get into higher mileage, say above 40 mpw and certainly anything over 50 mpw, your performance in racing will often be enhanced by NO days off, but much lighter, easier days when your body needs it. I see many runners work very hard for 5 or 6 days and then take a day or two off each week, and it makes me think that if they would only have a very short, light day of recovery following a hard workout, and by that I mean a 3 miles very slow run, no more, they could run every day and be fresher. When this subject has come up for discussion in the past, several people have responded that it isn't the physical part of it, but the mental, as in, "I just have to take a day off to get away from running as I lose enthusiasm." That may be true but it may also be fatigue. So if you run every day, when do you do this core work or cross-training? You do it on the light days. Again, I am not saying everyone should do this, but I suggest that people experiment with having a very short, slow, light day in place of a day off and do their cross-training or core work on those days. Finally, I acknowledge I have an advantage in that my kind of work allows me very flexible work hours which not everyone enjoys. Well today I must violate my own rules about complaining about the weather because this is certainly the coldest it's been here, high 20's with strong winds making the wind chill factor seem like it's much worse. I plodded through 5 miles just the same, and the only discomfort was my hands. I reflected that when I lived in NY I was okay with thin cotton gloves in all weather, but I think two factors play into why my hands were so cold today: 1) I am slower, so there is probably less circulation, and 2) I am older and I think as you age your extremities are more sensitive to cold. I am going to have to look into different kinds of gloves to wear that do a better job. Spareribs


                  {{{Tim}}} more butterfly hugs Tim! dg will be happy to know that it gets down to 46 degrees here at night, so I am breaking out the thick tights and knitted mittens!! 5 miles at the track. Aren't these workouts supposed to start feeling easier?


                  Runners run

                    Congratulations, Teresa!! Way to go!
                    I wish I knew more about why fatozzig cannot run without her tetsujin socks or whatever they are. As good a runner as she is, if they are critical to success, maybe I need to buy some.
                    They're critical to my lack of blisters, which have been a HUGE problem in the past. I finally found a combination that works - between taping and two pairs of socks, with one pair being the Injinjis - and I rarely, if ever, veer from that tried and true, even for a short run. I was tickled pink that I only got one blister Sunday -on the side of my left big toe. Will be switching trail running shoes for awhile to see if the shoes are adding to that particular problem.

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance



                      I just went and looked at yesterday's posts. Tim, I'm so sorry to hear your news. If you can take any consolation away from this, you're such a strong swimmer that you'll be able to keep your cardio strong. And who knows - you could be the next Michael Phelps! Spareribs - your post was timely. I was thinking this morning (as I've been feeling particularly sore these last few days) about a decent running schedule for someone closing in on age 57. I look forward to running each day - both for the physical and mental aspects of it, but it's hard to log the miles I was running a few years ago. Knowing Tim's situation, I shouldn't be complaining but I think part of the problem is not allowing myself to run the short, easy days you talk about. I always feel like if I'm out there, I should be giving 150% effort, and only running 3 miles isn't enough. I'm going to follow your plan and see if it helps. Hugs to Holly today. Pupplies are just what the doctor ordered!

                      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                        Thanks ziggy. It’s usually just a big-toe variety in Japan but, since the five-finger variety can be used with thongs too (e.g. my sturdy Merrell Trail Bahria), they are even known as Injinji® Flip-Flop antiblister Socks. tim - how many hugs from the goddesses will help now? your wish is our command. happy monthly 'versary posie; see you mañana. hey ribs, how'd'ja know I like injinjis? glad you're doing well in your long, patient recovery. \ at least you don't have tendonitis.

                        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                          It is extremely warm here today too and because I got out running a little late, it was about 65 by the end of the run. I ran in shorts and a singlet! It was either drizzling or raining most of the way, but not actually raining hard. I think this would have been terrific weather for a short run, but not so great for my 12 miler. At my current state of fitness, 12 miles is a long run and takes a fair amount out of me. Anyway, first 5 miles at 7:50 pace, next 5 at 7:30 and last two back at 7:50ish - total time 1:32:15. It seems to take me 5 miles to get going these days. Tim, very sorry to hear about the Dr.'s diagnosis. I know absolutely zero about achilles tendons but had the same thought as Lou - is surgery something that would help? I guess you just need to listen to the doctor, get a second opinion, and do whatever is necessary to heal up. I really feel for you. I have been out of running for 6 months before (due to pelvic fracture) and it was hard. I totally understand if you need to take time away from the forum. I have done that in the past when just too depressed to read about other folks actually running. Hmmm, I am wishing I lived near Franc and could show up for some lasagna tonight! Congratulations Theresa! That's a great accomplishment! I don't run every day, mostly because there are days when it is impossible due to other obligations - be they family or work. I usually try to assess what I have going on in a particular week and plan my workouts around that. I do also think that there is something to be said about the mental break from running. Even three miles easy still requires some mental effort and for those of us hard wired to be competitive, it's often hard to run easy. Better, for me anyway, to elliptical or bike instead. I also feel it's important to get in the weights, particularly for us ladies. Anyway, happy hump day all! Meg

                          Once a runner . . .

                            Okay - I know I just posted, but I just got the results from the race: Distance: 30k (18.41 miles) Time: 3:51:36 OA: 56 out of 102 (runners/walkers) Six of the finishers were early starters Sex: 26/50 Age: 4/9 (actually 10, but the last 2 tied)

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance



                              Tim's news from yesterday is bringing me out of lurkdom. My heart just sank as I read through last night's postings Cry Cry I wish I had words to brighten up your outlook, but I know it's a major downer and someone's "words" can't fix it. I hope you will still consider coming out to Seattle next summer, even if your running is not up to that distance yet. When you consider the number of hours we'll all be together and partying in Seattle, the marathon is really a small percentage of that time. And having been at races before, where I either wasn't running or was running a shorter distance, I must say that the cheering part for me, was the most fun! As far as running for me goes . . . well, there has been none Sad But it's been mostly my own choosing. December is such a busy month for me. My son's 9th bday is tomorrow, so there have been preparations for that. I've been doing my best to get organized and do my shopping early for Christmas, get the house decorated earlier than usual, do some wrapping early and trying to not be stressed or depressed like I usually am in December. So, I realized that I was feeling anxiety and stress trying to figure out where I was going to schedule in some running. Running should be something I enjoy but trying to fit it into my busy schedule was becoming a stressor for me, so I am just letting it go . . . when the running spirit strikes and the time allows, I'll go for it. Otherwise, I'm just going to focus on other things this month. Which means I may not reach my 1000 mile goal this year, but I haven't hit any other goals this year, so I guess it's no biggie.



                                I like the idea of running every day, but I just can't do it. Schedule issues... there are so many things that come up that I have to tell either myself or someone else, "can't do that today, but maybe Friday" whether it's meeting someone, running errands, date night, whatever. Having Friday "free" from running allows me to throw everything that doesn't fit into the rest of the week on that day. Doesn't always work, but I like to think it does. That being said, since I figured out the lunchtime run/workout thing (showers in our basement here for summer runs, new "express club" (no showers) open nearby for winter workouts), I'm finding the 7-day a week thing more attainable. It's all about juggling, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I admire women like Nono who gets out there regularly despite having small kids at home... And Holly with young children and a full time job. Makes my teenagers look pretty low maintenance. [ETA: Holly, sorry about the spat with DH. Been there, done that, way too often recently. It sucks.] Tim, what can I say. I'm so sorry to hear of the extent of your injury. I believe pool running and swimming are still your best bets, just no flip turns or touching bottom. I've had achilles tendinitis, albeit a pretty mild case really, and the pool running was critical for my recovery (IMO). When you feel ready, please share with us what exactly you've got going on, and what the prognosis is... and recovery plan! You know we all care about you and want you back 100% as soon as possible... but not a minute before you're ready. JLynne, where in WI are you? I went to school in River Falls, and I remember some of those winters as being truly awful with the wet snow, wind and ice... Teresa, congratulations! Yes you deserved a treat. And good to increase the goal for next year. I'd planned on 2,000 for the year and was way ahead of the damn pace bunny to get there until I got sidelined most of October and November. Now I'd have to do at least 8 miles per day until New Year's to make it. Ain't gonna happen... 6-8 on tap for tonight, most likely treadmill. I did bring my workout bag with me so maybe some legs/ab stuff at lunchtime, but not much.