Masters Running


Wed Dec 10 Runs and Workouts (Read 493 times)

    Good morning, everyone! My goodness it got warm here in Maryland -- it was 52°F at the start and 55 when I finished. A light drizzle and relative calm was welcome given the prediction of a downpour with high winds. 5.1 miles, 47:03, 9:14/mi, AHR 133 Good runs!

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      I'll take a little of that weather Lou! Nice run this morning. Skip day. Up in time but the slushy wet snow that came down all yesterday afternoon and evening froze solid overnight. I figured it would be like running on large rocks - plus I just didn't feel like it this morning. Undecided I am going to get on the treadmill tonight ..... there I said it so I must do it now.


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

        Down right balmey here in NC too! Very nice sproinky 8.4 mi HIE run on rolling hills in 1:10:23 (8:23 pace, AHR 159). One downpour in 55F then just wet. Really IRC! (HIE.. I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night!)

        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


          Lou and Perch - your weather sounds pretty darn good. It's down right cold here! 7F at 4:30 when I left the house this morning. Cross training day for me. 5 miles on the eliptical trainer followed by 5 minutes jumping rope and a few arm exercises. Official snow total from yesterdays storm was 9.5 inches, more predicted for Friday... Our mailbox is nearly invisible from the snowpiles. That could be a good thing - no bills until spring! Have a great day, everyone.

          Trails are hard!

            Quite the contrast in temps this morning. No run this morning, but it was 58 F when I left the house today. as much as I would have liked a December run in shorts, I think it might have almost been TOO warm Smile

            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



              Sorry to hear Tim's tough news re: running. Last training cycle I increased my running days to 6 by adding a short run on Wednesdays. It allowed me to do more mileage but it often crowded out time for core/stretch work. This time around, I'm going back to running 5 days and saving Wednesdays for core/stretch work, which is what I did this morning. I need to come up with a standard routine so I stick to it. Today was just a hodge-podge of things but the additional attention to stretching, especially, felt good.

              Be safe. Be kind.

              Renee the dog

                Forgot to set the alarm last night after mapping out a perfect early morning sand run. Angry Possibly have a shot between predicted thunder storms to get it done during low tide this afternoon. Here's hoping! {{{Tim}}}

                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  {{{Tim}}} 37 degrees with strong winds and rain, coupled with a spat with DH put me in a low-mojo mood this morning, and I almost did nothing at all. But I managed to drag myself out to the TM and do an easy-paced 5.3 miles (10:00). I’m supposed to go pick up the new puppy Friday evening, but I think I’ll see if I can get her after work today. I need a puppy lift.

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Hill Runner

                    Good morning all, I'll join the no-run club this morning. Tramps, I only run 4-5 day a week at most. There must be a warm front moving through the mid-atlantic because it's close to 60F here this morning and drizzly. I was going to run this morning but fell back asleep..DW brought home a cache of cookies last night from a cookie exchange & I think I'm suffering from cookie overdose this morning... Big grin Just ordered 2 pairs of Asics GT-2130's last night for $59.00 ea. shipped/ no tax...that should keep me in running shoes for a while. Good runs to all today.

                    Upcoming Races:

                    Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                    Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                    Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                      I just went to read a little of last night's thread. Yikes, Tim -- that sounds awful. Is there anything they can do surgically? Or is that indicated? A while ago I had an ACL tear from indoor soccer which was reconstructed and it is stronger than ever -- it was a long recovery, but you're looking at a long recovery anyway. Having said that I know absolutely nothing about Achilles tendon, so maybe this is way off base.

                      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                        {{Tim}} {{Holly & DH}} 5 miles with T...8:19 pace Runnin' with the Big Dogs on Saturday...
                        Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip
                          {{{Tim}}} I am so sorry to hear that things are worse than anticipated. Please pay close attention to the docs. My mom completely ruptured her Achilles years ago and it was a long hard road back. You definitely don't want to be in that position. Re the strength training, I imagine that any added weight to your lower half puts too much of a strain on that tendon right now. Am keeping my fingers crossed and you in my prayers that things heal without the need of surgery. It was 32 when I went outside to get my running shoes from the truck. However, couldn't find any clean Injinji socks this a.m., so what's a girl to do, except plant her butt on the couch instead of running (I don't run without my Injinjis). But I did start a load of laundry, so I'll have clean socks for tomorrow's scheduled 5-miler. Feeling really good. Almost all residual soreness is gone. Still waiting for the official results, then will do my race report. In the meantime, I leave you with my Christmas card to you: Ames Family Christmas Card

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance



                            American schoolchildren do better than people think in math and science, but Asian students still dominate in math and have gained ground in science, an international study found. Children in the U.S. have made significant gains in math since 1995 and score above average on international fourth and eighth grade tests in the subject. "Certainly, our results do not show the United States trailing the developed world by any stretch of the imagination," said Ina Mullis, a Boston College research professor and co-director of the study. "In fact," Mullis went on to say, "the odds are 70-50 we'll catch up soon." Ribs: As many have already said, your progress has been question about it. A dissenting opinion here about taking days off: I only run 5 days a week and I actually look forward to my "veg days". After a non-running day, I can often find a little more pep in my run or maybe go a bit farther. Lame:
                            I was out of town a few days at a conference in Tucson. 600 bankruptcy lawyers in the desert!
                            There's just got to be a great punchline in there somewhere...just can't think of one. Evryday:
                            3 easy ones for me the late afternoon. Cold, windy and snowy. Had 6 planned, but trecher trechor bad footing had me cut the run short.
                            I think that's spelled "s-l-i-p-p-e-r-y" Holly: Puppy lift...that's a great line...I think we can all relate. Timbo: Well, I'm certainly not a doctor but generally anything involving the Achilles area is painful and doesn't heal all that fast. No great words of wisdom here other than you need to keep your long-term goals in mind..and I'm sure you've already asked about biking, swimming, walking, etc. Please keep us informed... Leslie: The family Christmas THAT's cool! Like many other posters, our weather warmed up must have been about 60 when I went out...good run for me...4.2 miles in 36:47 (8:46)..every mile was under 9:00..ave HR 143 Max 158. Not sure I really understand the HR thing...yesterday I ran a lot slower but my max HR went to 164. I'm getting a bad cold..lots of Zicam, bagging work, getting back in bed... Nite-nite everyone... DickyG

                              Good morning. Warm, windy and rainy. Hope it turns back to snow soon... Tim, very sorry to hear the news. It doesn't sound like this achilles issue was initially diagnosed? Hang in there ! I tried to do some of the warm up with my XC girls yesterday, ran maybe 10 minutes and it was pretty painful. This injury business is frustrating indeed! I have to wait until next Tuesday to find out what is on the MRI. 65 or so minutes this morning on my Spin bike; maybe a little elliptical or swim later if I have time.
                                Leslie-Love the Christmas card... DickyG-Get better soon...think chicken soup Looks like a cold front is coming for the PNW in time for the weekend...hmmm...running a x-country race in the snow in my singlet and shorts doesn't sound like a lot of fun...
                                Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip