Masters Running


Meatloaf Wednesday 12/06/23 (Read 39 times)


    Good morning masters! Tuesday always gets tacos, I felt bad for Wednesday and decided that meatloaf would be a good theme! 


    No recaps, just starting things out. But there were a LOT of interesting posts about doctors, and examining room experiences!


    An hour on the elliptical this morning, 10 minutes on the Matrix bike and 25 minutes of core and lower body weights.


    Off to Candyland. Have a great day everyone!


      Thanks for starting Jeanne. Sell a Lot of candy.


      Almost 5 miles of walking yesterday. Terrible sleep night after attending a fun(d) raiser for the Prez and a terrific show by James Taylor and his band. Needless to say, a rest day today until we go out for dinner with friends this evening.

        Thanks, Jeanne. Are there some foods starting with a W that would go with Wednesday?   Or how about Wine Wednesday?  Smile


        4.2 chilly (for here- cold wind) miles in my new Brooks wear test shoes.  They are SO cushioned and high stack.  I liked them a lot.


        Need to get this sweaty stuff off and get the dog walked.   Have a greta Wednesday.

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          Henry, I’m glad you enjoyed James Taylor.  I watched a pre concert interview with him.  He was very well spoken especially about the need for all of us to participate in the democratic process, especially when we are tired of politics.


          I tried out my silk glove liners today (Marj’s recommendation). The jury is still out.  Probably not cold enough this morning to give them a good test.


          I continue to add on to my original PT exercises and really hope to do some yard cleanup this afternoon.  The city is done with leaf collection but our oak drops through January.  I’d like to get the bulk of the leaves off the grass and into the flowerbeds.


          Rose Colored Glasses


            Back porch temperature

            Rainy, chilly, gloomy


            31 minutes on bike trainer


            My first ride for Roch.

            Actually, the rrs was sick of me complaining about my gut and told me to cycle. I asked "For how long?"

            He replied "I can only stand it for 30 minutes"

            I said "okay I will ride for 30 minutes "

            To which David demanded "No Baba. You have to pedal for 31 minutes"

            So I did.


            Meatloaf Wednesday sounds good. We're having chicken and octopus noodles. (Contains no octopus) just what the grandboys call these kluski noodles.


            Henry, I wish I could've been there! Hope sleep is better tonight.


            Wilma Wonka, hope your shift in Candyland is a good one


            Dawn, I second the silk liners. Idk why but they work.


            Karen, happy dogwalking. That'll be later for us. King Leonidas is currently snoring in his comfy bed.

              Thanks, Jeanne. Are there some foods starting with a W that would go with Wednesday?   Or how about Wine Wednesday?  Smile


              4.2 chilly (for here- cold wind) miles in my new Brooks wear test shoes.  They are SO cushioned and high stack.  I liked them a lot.


              Need to get this sweaty stuff off and get the dog walked.   Have a greta Wednesday.


              did you say "Brooks" and "Cushioned" in the same sentence?! Oh, now I see they are two different sentences, phew!

              60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

                Bill- the latest couple versions of Glycerin are really cushioned, as are the Auroras (my go-to long run shoe).  These things are at least as cushioned as the NB Super Comp and I think they are lighter.  They probably won't be out until 2025, though.

                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                  Mornin' Masters.


                  Thanks for the start, Jlynne. Good well-rounded workout this morning. I always thought that Wednesday was Prince Spaghetti Day. And, in fact, we usually have pasta of some sort or another on Wednesdays.


                  Lotta walking yesterday, Henrun, followed by what sounds like an interesting and entertaining evening.


                  Good chilly running in the new Brooks, KSA.


                  I'm glad you are continuing on the PT path, dnaff. Silk glove weather will come...


                  Good 31 minute ride for Roch, RCG.


                  I got in 55 predawn minutes of stretching, knee exercises, core work, and some weights. Then I was in meetings from 9 till 11:45, and I have one more this afternoon. Maybe some driveway crutching, if time allows.


                  Have a greta Wednesday.



                  Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

                    Thanks for the start, Jlynne. I haven't had meatloaf in years. Now I'm thinking about it.


                    After overnight rain, it was dark, gray, cloudy, windy and in the upper 30s for today's ride. Not ideal. But I guess that's what routines are for. Some days you just get out there, get it done, and be grateful you can still do it. 23+ miles for me.

                    Be safe. Be kind.

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Dnaff and RCG - what type of silk liners do you use (and where did you get them)?


                      I have been headachy for a couple of days.  I wish I could go home and lie down.  BUTT, I am not really sick enough to "call in sick,", just a bit headachy. I think it is coming from the arthritis in my neck, or possibly from my "night-clenching."  It comes and goes.  Oh well.

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        3.2 miles in a bit of mist, 50F I think, no wind. I ran all the way this time, even up 2 short hills, if you can call what I do running.

                        Very dark here still with the dense cloud cover and on and off rain.

                        Zoom meeting in 5 minutes, and I am still red faced and no time for a shower.

                        Then 2 free work lunches and dinners the next 2 days, woot!


                        Not a big fan of meatloaf. Wondering what Thursday's title will be?

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                          How-Do, Folks -


                          It'll be Lasagna for us tonight.  The Hub can't work 'cause it's raining, and since we have lasagna fixings from the weekend that we didn't use, that's what's for dinner.


                          I got in an hour of biking to nowhere this a.m. while watching "The Greatest Showman".  Love the music, but no amount of padding makes that bike seat comfortable.  I also need to change the tube.  Had the bike overhauled last year - year before last? - well, right before we bought our bikes - and the dang tube has been a dud since Day 1.  It's just a PITA to take it off the trainer.


                          So it looks like a secretary working in one of the other departments will be going on a trial run for our department.  I get along with her, but she can be headstrong, so we'll see. Case in Point - she wanted to argue with me about whether to use a colon or comma after a salutation on a business letter. I emphasized that colons are used in professional/business letters, commas are for personal letters.  She said it was old fashioned, just like using 2 spaces after a period. When I asked her if she'd ever taken a professional writing course, she said, no, but she'd taken a creative writing course. I just looked at her and said, "Colons for professional letters, commas for personal letters." As an aside, I don't care what the "new wave" way of doing things is, our department uses colons.  Commas are for personal letters.  Lord, help me. 

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            I use two spaces after periods.  So there.  Call me old fashioned if you want.  Or old.  Whatever.  I just think that one space is not enough separation.  Plus my thumbs just can't help themselves.  Space, space.


                            Enke - the only meatloaf I like is the one I make.  It has ketchup in it (with breadcrumbs, minced onion, egg and salt/pepper), and a layer of ketchup on top.  Heinz, of course.  I'm not a fan of the brown gravy meatloaf.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                              - the only meatloaf I like is the one I make.  It has ketchup in it (with breadcrumbs, minced onion, egg and salt/pepper), and a layer of ketchup on top.  Heinz, of course.  

                              My DW is a wonderful cook and in 20+ years I can remember her having only one culinary disaster and that was of a meatloaf just as you described. Not sure what went wrong, but it was more like a brick than a loaf. Having not been married long at the time, I tried to find something good to say about it and complimented her on how wonderful the sauce on the top tasted ... to be told in no uncertain terms that it was bottled ketchup! We have not had meatloaf since.....

                              Started running at age 60.

                              AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

                              AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


                              Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.


                                mmm, meatloaf - but only if made right!  But I've found freshly made meatloaf at the local butcher we get our meats at that tastes great and since we can just buy the quantity we want that works out better now that it's just DH and I.  And the cost is probably the same, or even less, than if I bought all the stuff myself and made it.  They use a couple different kinds of ground meat - ground chuck and pork.  Then their own secret blend of seasonings. I make my own glaze for the top though - mix up ketchup, some vinegar and brown sugar. Put that on top the last 15 min or so. soooo yum! No gravy on my meatloaf though. 

                                Tonight I'll take advantage of being home alone and get gifts wrapped before DH comes across where they are hidden. At least I'm assuming I'll still be home alone. He's got the monthly car club business meeting to go to. But he did get 3 shots yesterday - flu, covid booster and rsv - and said he felt very blah this morning.


                                No running for me yet this week. I may not even run until Saturday and that'll likely be under 10 miles. and sunday we may have friends over to watch the Niner game, so likely won't run then either.


                                and I must have been channeling DH because he just called me to say he's staying home because he still feel meh from his shots. 

