Masters Running


Stormy Tuesday, 1.27.15 (Read 39 times)


    Mornin' everyone!


    As of 8:30 this morning, it is still snowing and blowing in coastal NH. Because of all the drifting, it's hard to tell how much snow has fallen so far, but something slightly over a foot seems a reasonable guess. It'll be good to get out there to assess and start the clean-up, but it doesn't make any sense to do that till the wind dies down, otherwise the cleared areas will just fill in again. Since the storm is predicted to stick around all day, it'll be a while till we get outside. Fortunately, we haven't lost power, but that remains a possibility as long as the winds keep up. It looks like today will be a good day to start to clean up the basement...


    Stay safe if you're in eastern New England. Have fun otherwise!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


    Trails are hard!

      Guess I won't make it out for a run this morning.   Not even the gym .  Well, I have a feeling that there will be shoveling XT at some point later in the day.  Work was canceled last night, so I slept in and am enjoying a leisurely cup of coffee.  A couple of downers--I don't think the paper arrived, or if it did, I'm not finding it for a while.   And I should have gotten out and filled the bird feeders last night--getting accusing looks from the birds that are stopping on the empty window feeder.

      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


        Hang in there.  I know you New Englanders are a hardy bunch.


        Just a dusting down here but it was sitting on a nice layer of ice, which made the footing tricky.

        Out for 7.

        Be safe. Be kind.


          I love a good storm...just seems like I'm never in the right place.


          5 and some change on the treadmill this morning. Should be back on the road again tomorrow.


          Let the madness begin. The Pound Patrol weight loss challenge begins today. Part of my strategy is to never have more than 2 cold beers in the fridge. That ought to be good for  175 - 350 calorie per day reduction right there. Took my before photo, we'll see where we can go in 9 weeks.


          Enjoy Y'all !

          Sayhey! MM#130

            Mornin' y' the storm was sort of a Dustzilla for NYC, so it seems.  Politicians all crazy.


            One of my NE friends reminded folks to be sure to grind enough coffee in case the power goes out.  This means she must have a gas stove, no?

            (And yes, she's a coffee connoisseur, hence the daily grind).


            So I almost tried twocat's mashed potato recipe last night, as I was making salmon patties and mps, but I only had prepared horserasdish (raise your hand if you happen to have a hunk of fresh hanging about your home).  I might have used it, just to get the general idea, but DH isn't as big a fan of hr as I am.  Next time, after I get to the market.


            I'm reading Kitchen Daughter, about a young woman with Asperger's who loves to cook and can bring back people she's known by cooking recipes she has that are in their own handwriting.


            Still giddy just to run.  Only 5 this am, but not on ice or snow.  We had pretty strong winds yesterday and it's only 54 at 10 am still.  Sympathy pains for the snowbound?


            Oh, I checked out Mustang Sally's schedule for today  (wonder if we'll hear from her??):

            Stage 4: Tue, 27 Jan: Nine Hammers*
            Duration: 1hr
            <The United Nations Has Removed Descriptive Content as it Violates Ethical Human Treatment Standards.> But you still have to do the stage.


            Anyone been to see "Whiplash" yet?  It's funny; since the nominations have come out, I've seen J.K. Simmons in several movies we watched on netflix/got from the library.


            yes, MikeE, I must agree with my chum Kevin, that was pretty good.  Now we can stop with the jokes and talking about it .




    (for a piece or two of my mind)

            Sayhey! MM#130

              Hang in there.  I know you New Englanders are a hardy bunch.



              Sayhey Hardy Virginian......why not come run the Runners of Reston marathon or half March 29th?

      (for a piece or two of my mind)

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Good Morning!


                Good luck to all of you up in the path of snowmagedden...


                {{{{Mike}}}} - although January in Minnesota seems like a great time and place to take a short running break.


                Count me as another one who didn't know what celery root was....


                Slo - did you push your belly out to make it look fatter?


                5.35 easy-paced miles for me on the TM today at 10:10, followed by 5-7 minutes of gentle stretching.


                Happy Tuesday!

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                  we're with the cross-training group - watching the 18" or so that we have right now and still coming down strong.  looks like no loss of power because it's cold and the snow is light.  chili is in the crockpot, computers are working, books to be read (boys in the boat for me), etc.



                    What is celery root asks StarrRuns and Holly S.?  You all have been missing out!


                    Celery Root

                    Yes it look hideous!  But cut off all that ugly outside stuff and inside is a very versatile root vegetable. It not only makes for a great addition to mashed potatoes but also turns into a super slaw.  Here is my personal favorite variant.  It is easy and best of all tastes way better than some of the complex ones I have tried:


                    AamosY I made my batch according to the directions with the raw horseradish root.  But I found that it did not have enough of that oomph you want from the horseradish.  I guess boiling it down takes quite a bit of the bite out of it.  So, I added prepared horseradish to the finished dish.  My guess is that you can make the potatoes sans horseradish, then add the prepared stuff before serving and let everyone adjust the amount to taste.


                    Here in CT we have about a foot of snow I would guess.  We have power so all is good!  I thought about going out in my YakTraxs.  But a foot seems like too much to give that a shot.  Freezing feet in wet sneakers are not part of what I view as a great run.  Instead I think I will head down to the basement for a TM lobotomy run later on today.


                    Speaking of the unspeakable, meaning a TM, stumpy77  Ditch the gym TM.  EBay!  When gyms get rid of their old equipment or just go bankrupt their TMs end up with trucking companies.  The trucking companies then cobble together rebuilt TMs from the old ones and sell them on EBay.  You get a gym quality TM that new would run 7 grand plus for under a thousand!  Best of all, since it is just your family using it the thing will last pretty much forever.

                    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                      Speaking of the unspeakable, meaning a TM, stumpy77  Ditch the gym TM.  EBay!  When gyms get rid of their old equipment or just go bankrupt their TMs end up with trucking companies.  The trucking companies then cobble together rebuilt TMs from the old ones and sell them on EBay.  You get a gym quality TM that new would run 7 grand plus for under a thousand!  Best of all, since it is just your family using it the thing will last pretty much forever.


                      With trucking companies???  I'll have to give that a gander.  Weather doesn't keep me from the roads, but I think hopping on a TM now and then for some speed work could help me.  Now if I can just find someone to buy the Blowflex that's gathering cobwebs in my workout room . . . .


                      I knew what celery root was, but I've never used it.  May have to give it a try one of these days.  And I like horseradish to a certain extent.


                      Slo - Sounds like a solid plan to keep the junk calories to a lower level.


                      I didn't get up this a.m. for my 4.  I didn't want to - plain and simple.  Not sure when I'll get it in, but oh well.  The Hub is on Round 3 of the crud that's going around here.  He was just getting to where he was feeling good and - WHAM!  This one is worse than the other two and in the middle of the night he was probably running a fever.  I am praying fervently that I don't get it.

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance


                      New skirt in town

                        We closed the office today, so I slept late and then in an attempt to stave off the cabin-fever munchies, I did a long full-body resistance workout, followed by 7.5 miles on the treadmill.  Thank goodness for the basement gym!


                        We have about 24 inches out there now.  There is still some significant snowfall coming down, but we're going to try to make a first pass on the snow removal.  Mmmm, hot chockky!  And I love celery root.



                        NO  MO MELANOMA! Help me run 26.2 miles and raise $5000 for the Melanoma Foundation of NE.  Visit this page to learn more:

                          ...hi guys//...........Slacker Tom checking in again.......


                          to roch//.........nope, that's EXACTLY why you have insurance, Good Thinking,,,and may all your co-pays be Little Ones......






                          ..............may actually post a work-out tomorrow,,,,,,,,,



                          good running guys

                          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                            Jay talks about "eastern New England" as if there were a western New England. How's that possible? Vermont too far west for ya? Glad to hear that all of you in the northeast still have power and are otherwise doing OK. The network news people were hyperventilating yesterday as if they'd never seen snow before, showing one shot of a "snow covered side street" that looked like my street looks pretty much all winter, that is, 90% cleared. They also were helpful in informing us that "In a Nor'easter the winds come from the northeast and that's why it's called a Nor'easter." Duh.


                            Anyway, like many others of you, I depended on a TM today for a workout and did some of the weight machines at the gym even though there's zero fresh snow outside. I actually wish we'd gotten a bit of your snow.

                            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                              {{{{Mike}}}} - although January in Minnesota seems like a great time and place to take a short running break.



                              I saw a newspaper carrier at 6:45 her in Minnesota wearing shorts!  It is 34° after all, almost spring!

                              “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich


                                The photos that I've seen Robin posting on FB are pretty spectacular in terms of amount of snow.  They do all seem to be taken from the inside warmth of her home while her husband is outside plowing though . .  .hmmmm... 


                                i haven't seen much news coverage yet since i've been working but has there been huge power outages, or not as bad as predicted?


                                5 mile RAL. a bit of a chill in the air, but still good enough for shorts today. didn't take long to warm up.

