Masters Running


It's Monday again, 2.22.16 (Read 36 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    I do the grocery shopping, and I always have the list on my phone. If it isn't on the list, chances are good it will stay at the store.


    I have a Garmin 220 that I really like: It gives me everything I want (including cadence info); it is easy to use, and the big screen is easy to read.


    I hope TSelbes gets permission to run today, even though it means we'll be losing another budding competitive walker.


    I'm sorry to see that Deeze is still in rehab, and that the vertigo won't letgo. Thank  you for volunteering in spite of it all.


    Tet, those emails from your DD are terrific. When is she (or are you) going to publish them in a book?


    The cooking class last night had kind of a Spanish theme. There were fried oysters, a flatbread with smoked trout and anchovies, citrus salmon over risotto, and a flourless chocolate cake with Sambuca. Cooking was fun. Eating was more fun! We met some nice people too.


    SRD today, so I slept a little late, then got up and read for a while before getting my day started.


    Have a greta Monday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.




      The cooking class last night had kind of a Spanish theme. There were fried oysters, a flatbread with smoked trout and anchovies, citrus salmon over risotto, and a flourless chocolate cake with Sambuca. Cooking was fun. Eating was more fun! We met some nice people too.




      I was going to brag about the dinner I prepared for DH, DS#1 and 2 and all of my grandsons but it would pale in comparison! Did you get any of the recipes Jay?


      Sorry you're still on the DL Deez - I hope things get better soon.


      Tet - well, you just make me smile


      Happy taper Mariposai!


      I ran 7 miles on Saturday and 5 yesterday, and was going to run again this morning. But it was dark and snowing and I just didn't feel like going through the process of getting all the gear on so I went to the Y and did an hour on the elliptical and 30 minutes of weights and core stuff.


      My DS#1 and DIL close on their house this Friday and are looking for help painting, packing and watching kids. I think my weekend has already been planned for me...


      Trails are hard!




        My DS#1 and DIL close on their house this Friday and are looking for help painting, packing and watching kids. I think my weekend has already been planned for me...


        Nice to have the weekend planned already on Monday.

        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


          ...tet//......loved the emails.......

          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


            Sunday after church is our primary trip to get groceries. We see the same faces and can almost predict what aisle you will see them in. It's the same lady every week stocking the dairy case and we always have the same checkout lady.


            We rarely go with a list but do have an a general idea what is on the menu for week.


            5+ moon lit miles with some bounding hill repeats at the end.


              Jay - i've been spoiled by minimal cooking for 2 weeks - those recipes make me want to cook again

              ((deez, twocat))


              5+ miles on a bike path that leads to st pete. yesterday we were on a different bike path - florida or at least this part has lots of running places and many with water and bathrooms.  debating between beach and Dali museum - life is tough...


              happy runs/walks/bike rides/hops/skips/swims, etc.



              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                oysters, . .  did somebody say oysters?

                New Orleans, pompano en Papillote, all-you-can-eat oysters,

                did somebody say New Orleans?



                too warm for ice skating, too many meetings for skiing but maybe a walk through the start of one of the dozens of hiking trails starting from downtown.  I hope.


                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                  or you can get all you can eat oysters in Newport - you just have to do a bit running to get them.


                    Loved the emails. 


                    Jay's dinner sounds marvelous!


                    If it ain't on the list, it more than likely ain't comin' back to the house.  On the other hand, other items that weren't on the list and weren't considered for the list will more than likely be contemplated and purchased.


                    {{{Deez}}}  You have a great attitude, tho.


                    I love the small oysters, BBQ'd and drowning in garlic butter.  Humboldt County is the largest oyster producer in the state:


                    "Humboldt Bay's clean water, its tides and its moderate climate make it the biggest producer of oysters in the state: About 70 percent of the state's oysters are grown in Humboldt Bay. The oyster industry here recently made a major transition that makes it gentler on the bay and more likely to remain as an anchor industry for years to come." (Times-Standard 2009)


                    MikeE - I have to concur with the other voices are you injury rate.  May be time to give your running, and how/how much you're running, a good hard review.


                    My talk to myself yesterday to get back into the groove didn't translate into me getting up this morning.  I was awake off and on (more off than on) from about 2:30 to 4:30, and around 4:30 I thought, "Just an extra hour of sleep and I'll be fine."  Well, I should've just gotten up.  That "extra hour" translated into 2 extra hours.  And not exactly restful either, since I dreamt I was working out.   Oh well.  There's always tomorrow.


                    The Hub took me to see "The Lady in the Van" on Friday.  First, I was speechless that he wanted to go to the movies.  I'm tellin' ya, that NEVER happens.  Second, I'd never heard of the movie, but he had and wanted to see it.  It was great!  Maggie Smith - one of my all-time favorite actresses - was incredible.  I highly recommend it.


                    Okay - Work calls.  Have a good week, friends ~

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Jay - I love those kind of cooking classes, although I admit I have never had an oyster.  Comes from being land-locked, I guess.


                      Tet - which of you is the parent again?


                      Jlynne - tell them you will help them move OR you will watch the grandkids.  Trying to do both at the same time may be detrimental to your health.


                      I bought a Firestick and paid a coworker $20 to load the Kodi app on it and program it.  Technically this was DH's Valentines present, but it didn't arrive until today.  The coworker showed me how to use it on the big flat-screen TV in the conference room and we started to watch The Revenant.  I think DH will really like the new toy, to go with the 75" TV he bought with our tax refund.  He may never leave the house again.


                      No run for me today, just 20 minutes of light weights and core.  I would like to get back to more weights exercises, but with my back still a little sore I am being extra careful so as not to aggravate it again.


                      One more week till March!

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."





                        ..50's here storms start tonite


                        .....45-min HHW



                        recovered from last week,

                        spent 5 out of 7 days in Other Places


                        .....................good running guys

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....



                          Chilly here, and starting to snow.  I went out for 6 easy miles, and felt like I could run all day!  I've been at over 50 miles per week for 4 weeks now, and for me that seems to be the point in my training when I feel strong.   Not fast, but strong.

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                            This morning, I walked 3 miles outside at a 13:41 pace.  This afternoon, I saw my doctor and was cleared to run.  As soon as I got home, I hopped on the TM and did 2 miles at an 11:05 pace.   It felt pretty good.  The doctor said we ought to schedule my other eye and March 22 was suggested.  I asked if it could be put off for another week so I could run in a race the next weekend.  It looks like the surgery will take place the 29th of March or the 4th of April.


                            A good day and good runs for all.



                              Wild, I think if I tried to run 50 miles a week for four weeks I might end up in the hospital!


                              Tet, your daughter's emails gave me a good laugh this morning. Thanks.


                              4.15 extra-slow miles this morning under a gorgeous the full moon.

                                Another day - another run. So happy about this! Also happy that I ent when it was warm and sunny - now I am practically hugging the wood burning stove. Brrrrrr


                                My favorite ...


                                5. Subject: eating in the car
                                In order to keep the car clean, we don’t eat in it.
                                Please don’t get (GS) ice cream cones to eat
                                in the back seat. It ends up all over the place.
                                Thank u
                                Love u


                                Although eating in the car this is a close second


                                7. Subject: car lights
                                Be sure the dome light on the car
                                is off when you get out.
                                Thank u.
                                Love u.



                                Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.

                                Groucho Marx
