Masters Running


Turkey Trots and Thankfulness (Read 44 times)

    Happy Thanksgiving, friends!  Thanks, Bio, and what an adorable kiddo!    Dave- I think that is a really good 5K time, especially with a crowded start (which tends to be an issue with Turkey Trots).  Great to hear from everyone about their runs and cooking plans.  I'm impressed with the turkey preparations.  If you never hear from me again, it's because the frozen year old turkey breast from Cracker Barrel wasn't OK after all!


    The thing we discovered this morning is that Ken has no long pants - not sweat pants or anything- that will fit over the giant wrap on his lower leg.  He's in shorts and it was 30 degrees this morning- but not in our house, so he's OK for now.  We're going to have to cut something for him to wear.


    I went to the group run (our informal turkey trot).  We get a decent turnout and don't have to pay!  I did 6.5 miles and then a few of us went to Starbucks to continue socializing for a bit.  It's a chilly but sunny and pretty day.


    Enjoy the eating!

    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


    Centex runner

      Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for welcoming me to the forum!

        Hi hi hi everyone (waving madly) and Happy Thanksgiving (belated for the Canadians)!


        I have not posted in months, but every run I run, I instinctively think about how to describe it in the forum here. One of the main things I want to tell you about is running with my mouth shut. I do that all the time now (except for races), and it has helped me breathe easier at night & get better sleep. At first I had reminders all over my house to breathe only through my nose but now it’s a permanent habit.


        i also want to commiserate with RCG regarding weight. I wish I weren’t hauling around 15 extra pounds (especially during races), but I enjoy eating lots of desserts all day long so whatevs.


        I am beyond thankful (astonished!) how this year turned out. Beat cancer, and got a new job that I love. Same for Herr W — great new job. I think for the first time (ever?), the job market was receptive to older applicants. Good timing for us. 

        I’ve been assigned to bake the apple pie. So that’s my next task. Edited to add: ran 2 pokey slow trail miles at dawn.

          Good to see you, Econo!  I'm happy about the jobs and especially about you beating cancer!

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


            Bio, wow, I can't believe a year has gone by already! Cute baby. The first year birthday is such a big one as so many developmental changes happen in that first year.


            Econo! Congrats on beating cancer, and all the other good things with the job and Herr W.

            Nice turkey trots!


            I did my own trot. It was slow, but I ran 3.1 miles without stopping (haven't done that in a long time), except for about 20 seconds to check who was phoning me. About 4 miles total with a warm-up and cool down. A bit more wind than I expected which was blowing at me during the uphill mile. Got chilly when I stopped running to walk the rest of the way home.


            Will pick up DD soon, then start BBQ'ing some chicken, and make some soup. I made 2 pumpkin pies yesterday and a strawberry pie, just because I had leftover pie crust. One pumpkin pie went into the freezer for Christmas, but still, that is a lot of pie for 2 people. Maybe DD can force it on her roommates.

            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

              Hi Econo//..........good to see you checking in..........




              40s, sunny, cold wind


              .....40-min of basically Meandering at soccerfields.......


              Back started to niggle me,,,,,,,bagged it

              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....



                I'm thankful for all of you RA Masters!  What a supportive group we have here.  And all the grandkids are above average!


                Bio, Nate sure is a cute little guy!  Good to see you here again.


                Econo!  Hiya!  Glad to hear your good news!


                Sounds like lots of folks did turkey trots, both official and unofficial.  I did the latter - 5 miles around my neighborhood in screw shoes.  I definitely didn't run the whole thing.  I never do.  Plus, I stopped to make a birthday card for Tammy when I saw some fresh turkey tracks!  Happy birthday, Tamster!


                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                  bioguy,it's been a long time; I am impressed, a second Master's degree.  You do need to make time for yourself however, as it is crucial for your wellbeing. Your grandson is a fine looking young fellow. Keep up the good fight!

                  RCG, being happy  is the key. After that, everything else is gravy...

                  rochrunner, 15 miles is a very healthy distance. I commend you for the effort.

                  Mike E, family makes things better when they are there, and the memories are also nice to have.

                  Dave, you got the 5K done and the Garmin will probably be close, very close.

                  Karen, 6.5 is almost my favorite number, congrats on the run!

                  Econo, things are going well for you, just keep at what you're doing cause it's working. And beating cancer is huge!

                  Wildchild we twinned! Good 5 miler!


                  This morning was cold, -4 F with 12- 18 mph winds. Dang, winter is knocking on the door. Ran a 5 miler fairly quickly cause the cold was getting away on me. Time to dress warmer if I want to keep running outdoors. Sheesh, the Sunday run might be nasty cold. Happy Thanksgiving my southern neighbors! Have a greight day!!

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    Carolyn - I love that!


                    Econo - what awesome news!


                    The guests have gone and we cleaned up (actually DH did almost all the cleanup, since I cooked).  Now it's time to have a cup of coffee and put my feet up.


                    Tomorrow is our annual tradition of going to a tree farm and cutting down our Christmas tree.  We will pull the small motorcycle trailer so we can fit the trees for our three households.  We are trying a new tree farm this year, since I forgot to make a reservation at the place we would have gone to otherwise.  A lot of them are having you make a reservation to keep the traffic manageable, but I didn't realize they  started taking reservations on 10/1. so they are booked up until mid-December.


                    I was disappointed with my apple pie - too much runny liquid.  Does anyone have a great apple pie recipe to share?

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                      Thanks for the start, bioguy.  Great that you checked in.

                      Happy birthday Tammy!

                      I'm with you Mike on the gratitude focus.

                       I have no idea how many will be here.  I am convinced that a person off the street could come in, eat dinner, mingle a little bit, and nobody would even know they weren't supposed to be there. 

                      Dave--yeah, quite a comeback after a horrible 1st. Hey, they're 8-1-1 in the last 10. We don't ask questions; we're just enjoying it while it lasts.

                      Econo--great to see you check in and congrats on your year

                      being happy  is the key. After that, everything else is gravy...

                      Wait, isn't gravy part of the problem?   Brrrr up there. Stay warm.


                      Food prep this morning and a ~5.5 mile hike (sans Garmin) this afternoon in the wonderful sunshine. Dinner and a movie coming up.


                      Have a good one.

                      Be safe. Be kind.


                        Happy Thanksgiving maters and what a great start bio - cute kiddo.


                        Econo - good to hear that kind of news.


                        Ran my usual 5k. Slower than desired but hey I'm fighting a cold or something (covid was negative) but it reminded me of what blessings I have in my life. I can still run and exercise and I have a wonderful (not perfect) family and great friends. That certainly makes me rich and I'm happy about this.


                        Last of the kiddos arrives tomorrow and we are off to the inlaws for the big dinner. DW was baking and in her words used the wrong pan and splat - no apple pie this time. As good as it is I can probably do without the extra calories.


                        Enjoy and cheers.

                        "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                        "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                          Bioguy - thx for the start and great pic

                          TW - wonderful pic of Claire

                          Tammy - Happy Birthday

                          Econo - great to hear from you

                          Jay - safe and easy travels home


                          Macy's Day Parade - family members have taken part as handlers in the last 3 years. this year they were GOKU


                          We walked some then drove to NH to DD and family along with GD2 who lives close to us.  We were supposed to go to DS, but because of an unexpected death (cancer sucks) they cancelled thanksgiving and we invited ourselves to DD.  Worked out wonderfully, but lots of hugs all around.


                          Yes, we're thankful for all of you, running, walking, biking, swimming, etc.


                            Lookit that Nate thrive!


                            Happy BD Tammy!


                            Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


                            I did my own personal turkey trot just now, in the perfect Bay weather: 25:21

                            Might have been maybe a minute faster if I'd warmed up instead of just starting cold, I tend to pick it up while feeling easier after a half mile.

                            I did not get the trots, but I haven't had turkey yet. We're headed out in an hour and a half. I'm am mentally preparing for the task with mind/body meditation and wishing Jedi mind tricks were real. Except everyone there is Toydarian or Ferengi, so  Jedi mind tricks would be useless, anyway.

                            Shaolin Temple Yunnan - Shaolin Temple Yunnan


                            There are so many tropes of my people, it's flattering!

                            Mind Tricks don't work on me Only Pussy - poonhound watto - quickmeme

                            Star Trek: 10 Crazy Facts About Ferengi

                            Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Goblins at Gringotts. | Harry  potter, The sorcerer's stone, Harry potter movies

                            60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              Surly Bill - you crack me up...good luck!


                              Tammy - Happy Birthday!  Don't you have a birthday twin here?


                              Hey folks - Hulu is running a promotion - 99cents/month for 12 months. I had to try it, because there are a couple of shows there I want to see. i just make sure I put it on my calendar to cancel it in 11 months...

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                                Welcome back Econo!!
                                Happy Birthday Tammy!!
                                Bio - that Nate is adorable!!

                                TW - Claire is a cutie!!


                                Ran 3.5 miles pre-work this morning - listened to an interval run on Peloton app and was pleased with my pick-up paces

                                Food has been abundant and people cheerful today - I'm on the high risk antenatal floor so not delivering babies today.

                                Instead our goal is to keep the pregnant moms pregnant and post-partum care for the ones who have delivered but their babies are in NICU or over at Children's Hospital.

