Masters Running

Two's-Day Nov. 25th Runs and Rests (Read 794 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Egret/Aija! Hello! Please come over more often... Smile Mary - that guy does have a dreamy accent, though, doesn't he? Since I live on a (to me) pretty challenging hill, I might also try some walking lunges up the last 1/3 mile of hill at the end of my run a couple times a week and see how that feels. See what you've started, Mary?

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

    Renee the dog

      Well I got my miles in and when I returned a mini-party was happening in my house! Foreman from building the house was doing second-to-last-thing on the punchlist and stayed for a were up....babysitter stopped by to deliver a lemon merangue pie I bought to support something Confused and a neighbor was over too. Oh yeah, my run: 7 miles in 1:00:54. Knee as usual didn't hurt while running. I'll see what tonight brings. It was worth the wait to run. Sunny & windy. Did I mention sunny? Big grin I guess I should run more often with a cold, as that was a pretty speedy 7 miler for me. As for losing weight, when I was down to about 127 earlier this year, my daughter complained regularly that I was becoming all "hard parts" and no fun to snuggle while ideally I'd like to weigh 120 lbs., I'm in no hurry to get there.


      GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

        Wow, WRFB, I had no idea your OCD was that bad! I must be lucky with the eating thing. Perhaps contrary to some people here, I think MOVING around has a much bigger impact than DIET, unless of course you are always ravenous and packing it away. I'm also just one of those weird people that has my appeitite suppressed when I'm active and shoot up when I am inactive. I lost 25 pounds three years ago (with the goal being to lose 10). 162 high down to 137 average now. It took about 6 months. At first I did 3 x a week cardio, (45 min on the TM). Back then I was slow and not burning a lot of calories in those 45 minutes. I actually put on 2 pounds the first month. When I went to 4x a week and increased the length of my long run, bingo, the weight started to fall off. I had to build that muscle base too (that burns more calories at rest than a pound of fat) before I started to see results. I had a bowl of Doritos yesterday (sorry Lynden!). I do eat junk, I just don't eat a whole lot of stomach just doesn't like it. People just sit too much, in their cars, at work. I get really hungry sitting all day. I really believe the obesity epidemic will disappear as soon as cars do. 6 miles, nice 50F temps, slow and enjoyable nearly 11:00 pace, but I ran up all the hills. Smile

        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

          Just watched the TM lunge video. If doing those will make my lower half - especially my butt - look like hers, sign me up! Holly - I have some good size hills around my house, too. Hmmm . . . .

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance


            I think there are some people who really do have hormonal imbalances that impede their ability to successfully lose weight. I don't think that's the case for everyone though - but for some, yes,
            Just want to point out, I never denied this. Hormonal imbalances, metabolism, heredity, laziness, TV-watching habits, trick knees, addiction to Snickers bars, etc., etc., are among the million and one factors that impede ability to successfully lose weight. However, they are all just excuses. The fact remains, everyone can lose weight by eating fewer calories. Dark Horse
            I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

              I had to take prednisone (and other corticosteroids) for awhile. Ballooned up like staypuft marshmellow michelin man. That was hard weight to lose. At no point did I view it as an 'excuse'. Everybody and Every body are different.


                So Lou, how stupid would it be of me to ask Santa for one of those starter kits to making Beer? I have absolutely no idea what I want for Christmas (that must mean I have everything) and that might be an interesting experiment/adventure. Bill

                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                  So Lou, how stupid would it be of me to ask Santa for one of those starter kits to making Beer?
                  It wouldn't be stupid at all. Don't buy a Mr. Beer, please. Shoot me an email at lking at pobox dot com and I will give you some pointers and options. Send me your home city, too, so I can see if there are any local beer stores there.

                  Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |



                    The video Mary posted of the walking lunges looks pretty do-able - I might give it a try next time I'm at the rec center. Aija, nice of you to come out of lurker-dom, but do you really think these lunges are FUN? That might be stretching the definition of fun a bit... I had a great 6 mile trail run at lunchtime in IRC, overcast and 55 degrees. The middle couple of miles was on a single track dirt trail through the woods, and it was really peaceful. I didn't start dragging at the end like I usually do. Splits were 10:50, 10:22, 10:54, 10:59, 10:45, 10:39. I took a "shortcut" through a swampy place and had to wade - I got my feet soaked, but it was OK except for some slight squishing for the rest of the run. Cool

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                      Is Prudence your new trainer? Smile
                      No, she is my imaginary friend and I gave her a break so I could skip the gym. It was too nice to go there. I did exercise restraint, however, and just ran 2 miles real easy, 9:25 pace, then 3 with walk breaks for an 11:07 pace. It hit 60 while I was out there! grins, A
                      Masters 2000 miles
                        I had to take prednisone (and other corticosteroids) for awhile. Ballooned up like staypuft marshmellow michelin man. That was hard weight to lose. At no point did I view it as an 'excuse'. Everybody and Every body are different.
                        Your health issues, serious though they may have been, are largely irrelevant to a discussion of weight loss. We are not talking about people who have ballooned up because of corticosteroids. Nor are we talking about people who have 30-pound stomach tumors. People with 30-pound stomach tumors cannot lose that weight by dieting. Just as someone with a wooden leg which weighs 15 pounds will not be able to lose that 15 pounds no matter how much he diets. Do not muddy the water with issues such as these. You will only give aid and comfort to the people who have no such excuses. Dark Horse
                        I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                          Ah well. It isn't worth it (I had a wholly different response out here, but I do not feel like arguing). I responded to what you wrote in which you called EVERYTHING an 'excuse'. I think medications fit into the bucket you intended. A wooden leg or a tumor with sizable mass are two things you (not me... YOU) have added for reasons that are your own. You said that everything is an excuse. Own that comment or don't, that's your deal. You don't know everything and you are not correct about everything. When I needed to lose weight and had a hella hard time, my issues were HIGHLY relevant to me.



                            Dark Horse, I am offended by your confrontational attitude towards people. You don't always have to be right. Knock it off!!!

                              stevie ray - I saw your comment before you modified it. You were correct Wink


                                eatin' popcorn watchin' the fun Cool