Masters Running


Monday 12/4 (Read 38 times)

    40 min of core, mobility, and stretching after work.


    Re egg retrievals, if you listen to podcasts, "The Retrievals" is a 5-part podcast about the Yale fertility clinic that's well worth listening to.


    "At a Yale fertility clinic, dozens of women began their I.V.F. cycles full of expectation and hope. Then a surgical procedure caused them excruciating pain. In the hours that followed, some of the women called the clinic to report their pain — but most of the staff members who fielded the patients’ reports did not know the real reason for the pain, which was that a nurse at the clinic was stealing fentanyl and replacing it with saline. What happened at that clinic? What are the stories we tell about women's pain and what happens when we minimize or dismiss it?"

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance


      Leslie, I will have to watch that someday. Thanks for the link.


      Sorry, TMI for this group, but:


      I remember the prep folks saying I would be given something that would make me think I'd had a couple drinks, maybe 3-4 drinks. I recall them saying it was "ph/f...something", ie, it was probably fentanyl but I really don't know. Perhaps it was a low dose, because I don't remember being more than mildly relaxed (1-2 drinks), and then the pain of the procedure was near unbearable? The only thing that helped was a nurse told me to squeeze her hand while they did the first side/extraction. Then they said, ok, we are going to extract from the other side now, are you ready?  And I said no, I am not ready yet, but they went ahead anyway as they didn't want me to think too much about the pain I just experienced which might have resulted in even more anticipatory anxiety and pain.


      Moebo, so your twins were born via IVF?  My 2 kids were conceived on the same day, but implanted later (2 years apart) from different frozen batches of embryos.  My Dad said to me when my ex moved out when my kids were 10 and 12, "and after all you went through to give him children, he left, unbelievable". I had never thought of it that way, because obviously I had wanted children, but my Dad's old-timey statement of responsibility really stuck with me.


      Anyway, glad all that fertility stuff in is in my past!  Now I just have old person dental work. etc, to deal with!

      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


        Dave59 - This was the view the from Gaylord on the 1st.






        SteveP - I shopped at the Fleet Feet in Traverse City during my last visit. I got pretty good service and bought new shoes, gloves, and water bottle. They had Rabbit stuff there and I thought of KSA, but I didn't get anything. My bill was already high enough by the time I saw it.


        I do have a tendency to cut people slack.  Sometimes I need to be reminded.  A tunnel of lights run sounds wonderful.


        A Bio sighting and two birthday celebrations!!!!



        Rolled Ken out to the gifts fair and our Lessons and Carols service yesterday afternoon/evening.  He got rolling a little too fast on the ramp coming out of church, but he didn't crash.



        Holy Heart Stopping Horror.


        Tammy - The Taco platter sounds perfect.


        Here's to Leslie pacing during the Western States.



        ps - walkers are welcome in RA, . . . I think.


        If not, I'm in a lot of trouble.


        Doug - I'm glad your procedure went well.  I was alert during a vasectomy.  I'd not do it for cheap thrills.


        I got a mile in on the treadmill before my online PT.  I'm ready for the new year and a better option of on hands PT.


        DD#2 went in for an MRI.  Her hip pain has been an issue.  It turns out that she has a tear in some darn thing as well as a list of other.  We got two of her three on Monday AM.



          Enke, my twins were from ivf. Luckily my drug cocktail worked pretty well: I remember that it hurt, but that I absolutely didn't care! Back in those days (31 years ago), the success rates weren't very high, so they routinely implnted multiple embryos with the hope that one would would "stick". I had lots of eggs but only 3 "good quality" embryos, so they implanted all 3. At the time, I was actually kind of hoping for triplets, but thankfully that didn't happen...


          Leslie, I listened to that podcast when it was released. I live in CT and know people associated with that clinic. The first few episodes kind of upset me because I felt like they were giving a very skewed point of view, almost as if the people working at the clinic were uncaring monsters, when I know this is not the case. As Leslie points out, the procedure is extremely painful for many women, so the fact that the women were in pain probably wasn't  as shocking as it seems it should have been. I think the clinic's real mistakes were not having a better anethesia protocol in place, and not having proper oversight of the people allowed to handle the drugs.


          Off in a few minutes, ttyl!
