Masters Running


Friday April 11 Boomer/Masters Runs and whatever ... (Read 567 times)


    BtB I saw that water picture and immediately thought Connecticutt. Seriously, I stayed on Enders Island near Mystic for a week. That place is mystically beautiful to say the least. On that calorie thing this weekend, Im taking a pizza with me just in case. jjj
    Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.
      Cranieum - I have it in my head that you are a Phys. Ed teacher. My best mentors as a teenager were two of my phys ed teachers/coaches. A good teacher is worth his weight in gold, and I am impressed with how you are inspiring those kids. Ok, I FINALLY FOUND MY LEGS. I had looked everywhere this week, under the couch, in the car, in the laundry basket, in the garbage can. Turns out they were attached to my body all along. Smile 12 miles in beautiful sunshine and IRC, 44F start to 48F end. Check out these splits, I am so happy! I wanted to do the last 5 at MP, but it was more like HMP. I couldn't slow my legs down! 10:51 10:50 10:56 (hill) 10:49 (more rollers) 10:29 10:01 10:22 9:50 9:19 9:43 (80 ft hill) 9:07 9:59 (100 ft hill) Pretty please someone tell me how to post pictures! Shouldn't a browesing prompt comeup when I click on the picture icon?

      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


        ! Panic over. Take a deep breath - WE...MUST...ALL...CALM...DOWN. OK - time to start checking multiple weather sites for the (uselessly)long-range Boston forecast... Roll eyes
        Good good good goody good you are good to go--GOOD! Calm down, calm down, must calm down, yes yes, BUT EEK! weather is looking warmer ev'ry time I look. Ribs sez don't look at weather. . . . . . eek! am addicted to checking weather. Bad Tweek! CNY sez she is tapering but is running 15 miles. EEK! Maybe I should run 15. BUT Holly isn't running. Too much pressure, what to do, what do do. Coffee, will take coffee break. eek eek!

        Head Procrastinator

          ETA Hi HallyBarb!
          Hi Deb Smile My wisdom of the day. Don't stress over things out of your control (like the weather in Boston on 4-21)
          ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats
            This place is gonna be totally berserk next week. The Eugenies will be starting to taper too ... add them to the Bostonies and the site might just be a big insane asylum. Oh wait. It already is. Never mind. Bill

            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

            Renee the dog

              Just yoga today with my 4 yr old practicing with me and my 1 yr old son on my back almost the entire time. He did slide off during one of the poses, but he's really good at sliding down me though, so no worries. He landed on his feet. Thanks for sharing all the taper madness. Clowning around

              GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

              GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                Coffee, will take coffee break. eek eek!
                Uh - I'm not sure that coffee is the answer. If only they allowed beer at work. But I don't think the keg will fit in my lunch box anyway. I'm going to go home tonight and funnel my obsessive tendencies into recaulking our shower. If that goes well I might clean the driveway with a toothbrush. Enke - we're so relieved you found your legs.

                aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

                Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

                  .....okay, posting a run now. 15.3 miles with my Longmeadow running buddy. She's doing the Providence, RI marathon on May 4, so our schedules are somewhat similar. I know it seems long, but I am a two week taperer and doing fine---done this before and no twinges to report. The whole deal in 2:17 for 8:59 pace give or take. Rain at the start and just cloudy at the finish---46F, shorts and gloves. I'll take it! I spent the afternoon with my super granny---doctor's appt. all fine. She pops right up on the examining table (lifting her own weight with her arms like she has abs of steel) and makes me smile each time. I go in with her since she doesn't always feel like wearing her hearing aid. I shall be so lucky to be as fit at her age---if I get to that age. We went back to her place and had tea and as always I was in her thrall. She'll be over on Sunday for dinnner and to watch Tiger with an adoring gaze on our larger TV. Craneium---you made me think of when my son was 7 and running next to me (proclaimed that he was going to run several miles with me), we made it maybe 300 yards and he grips his side and says: " Mom, I think my stomach exploded, really it did, I am dying!". of course he went tearing back home and ran all over the place when his buddy came over. Enke---you had me howling....nice leg discovery and nice running! As for my fellow taper madness mates.....can you guess how many times I have watched the Boston course tour video with Dave McGillivray on the Runner's World site? I wonder if my clients will mind if I wear running clothes to every appointmnet next week. Microfiber goes well with slingbacks, yes? Clowning around CNYrunner
                    I chuckle when kids come up to me telling me they need to go to the nurse because they are getting really warm or their side hurts. Welcome to running my young friends.
                    So you'd probably get an even bigger chuckle over the announcement that was made at one of my schools a week or so ago: (slight paraphrase, but the intent is accurate): There WILL be track practice today, however, if you are concerned about your allergies, the condition of the field, or the weather and decide not to attend practice, you will not be penalized. Sheesh! I just wanted to shout "HTFU" at the top of my lungs! I'm so glad you're running with your kids, not letting them over dramatize the fact that, yep, sometimes it's hard, and enjoying it all! Dave - I had my "personal worst" (well, so far) in a 5K last November after I'd barely run at all in Sept. and Oct. It was mortifying, but it reminded me how much I love running and how important it is to me and got me (pardon the pun) back on track. Hope the same happens for you. Teresa - so glad you enjoyed TX so much. I really enjoyed reading your post - almost felt like I was on the Riverwalk, too. Smile Heading out for this week's long run in the 70-something degree sunshine. Eliz


                      Terrible head cold today and came home from work after lunch. After laying on the couch for 3 1/2 hours sneezing and snuffling my head off, I decided to head out for my 5 mile tempo run anyways to see if I could break things up a bit. Not too bad of a time....though it was tough. 5 miles in 38:15 (7:39 pace) Hopefully after a good night's sleep, I'll be through the worst of this by morning! Good luck pounding the pavement everyone! All you marathoners...good luck next week. I'll be thinking about you as I lay on the beach in Aruba! Glenn
                      Personal Records 5K - 21:35
                      mustang sally

                      Bad faerie

                        This place is gonna be totally berserk next week. The Eugenies will be starting to taper too ... add them to the Bostonies and the site might just be a big insane asylum. Oh wait. It already is. Never mind.
                        I have no idea what you could possibly mean.


                          You guys are cracking me up today. Very entertaining! After another week of this, though, I'll be more than ready to read your race reports! I got out for about 6.9 miles at lunchtime, on a new trail I've wanted to run. It was beautiful! It's a dirt road through farmlands east of Boulder with wonderful views of the mountains, and virtually no traffic noise. It passes three or four lakes and there are lots of trees. It's a bit far from the office - took about 20 minutes to drive each way, but I'm not busy at work today so thought I could sneak it in. One of my new favorite running routes! What a treat! Bob, thanks for sharing your pictures. Looks like a pretty place. I really should take a camera with me on some of my runs! And I WILL post pictures from my Japan trip this weekend - DH has been downloading and organizing them, so I think I'll be able to post a few favorites soon.

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                            Friday's run - 5 miles recovery - 42:25 - (8:29) - Avg HR 130 - 42 degrees and a rain shower, what a difference a day makes!
                              cnyrunner - i justs posted that video on a separate thread - not sure if it's already been posted if so, sorry -- it is a very cool video tho - hope everyone enjoys it!! holly - hope you have better dreams tonight me -- i still have a pain in the butt - getting better but soooooooooo slowly -- doesn't feel good walking the labor floor or moving heavy epiduralized patients - can't even imagine trying to run yet, just jogged a few steps to the mailbox and could feel it............. had a massage wed, chiro adjustments thurs and friday.......don't know if i should try a sports med doc as well at this point - it is getting better but feels painstakingly slow to me - it's actually only been a week tho hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!! i will be stuffing runners bags tomorrow!! can't wait to feel the Boston excitement there - most of the volunteers will be runners from my running group Merrimack Valley Striders and the L Street Club from Boston!!



                                watch out, the pink fairy, enkie and the tamster will be tapering in preparation to loosing their marathon virginity...just wait and see...this will be a fun place Just got back home from my workshop. The asthma thingie sort of behaved Sleepy. My primary care provider was there in th e audience so we had a nice chat afterwards about keeping my asthma under control...she suggested moving to SA during the spring months here. Cool. Oh!!! and under no circumstances i should be going out to run while an asthma flair up if I want to ensure that my lungs are in OK condition for my marathon next weekend. Dead

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
