Masters Running


Thursday's Dilly Daily, 2.18.16 (Read 36 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Laurie, I agree that you should find the cause of the hip problem, and then treat it accordingly. The worst part of any injury is not knowing what the cause is, and only being able to guess what the best treatment plan is. Good luck!


    Thanks for all your thoughts about online race calendar sites. I checked 5 area running club websites: All have calendars, but none are actively posting races. There's an opportunity for someone.


    At 3:55 this morning, I thought how nice it would be to roll over and sleep in. Then I got up and headed out for 7.55 RW miles in 28F temps with a modest westerly breeze, and under clear, moonless skies. Just for fun, I wore one of my first pair of racewalking shoes, now well over a decade old. They felt heavy, but otherwise good. They are from back when NB made shoes specifically for racewalking, which they stopped doing in about '05 or '06.


    Gotta go - yep, another meeting this morning.


    Have a greta Thursday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Good morning Jay and all my virtual friends yet to post. Nice job swinging those legs over the side of the bed at 4:00 AM - now don't fall asleep at your meeting!


      Sorry about the hip issues Laurie, especially with that marathon 5 weeks out. It seems you're getting some good advice from some very smart people. I hope you find a solution.


      It was 6° when I left the house at 5:15 this morning. I knew a mile into my run I wasn't dressed properly. I have real problems with circulation in my hands and even with a double layer of mittens I was cold. Cut it short at 4 miles and called it a day. A bunch of running friends are going to pool run this afternoon so I think I'll join them, just to loosen things up.


      "Better Call Saul" started back up this week! I don't know if anyone watches this, but I can see Jimmy is on his way to trouble


      Have a great Thursday everyone!

        Just to prove It Can Always Be Worse-


        from DD1 who's in Ankara, Turkey

        ,,,,,,,,she had driven

        past the place where the bomb exploded 30-min before it went off,

        it shook the windows in their house..............scary




        ..........40-min PoolRun


        taking Pickles

        to the Oncologist tomorrow,


        can get in another work-out today

        or tomorrow, I've only gotten 3-times this week



        ............good running guys.............Count Your Blessings (there will be more than you think)

        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


        Rose Colored Glasses


          34F but felt like 30F (my feelings)


          same moonless sky with brilliant stars on a velvet blanket

          8 miles


          Today's route? Hornsby Loop! Yep, more Country Road and golf course hill. Carol is running the Colonial Half on the 28th so she is making us all get really friendly with the course. Ralph and I are still on the fence about the half.


          So, Carol, Ralph, Jane, Sonya, and Billy and I ran this morning. Billy had to cut out at 5 miles, so Jane took advantage to bail out at that time. Sonya (Billy's wife), Carol, Ralph and I ran on. We ran the last couple miles of the Colonial Half and then toward Sonya's house so she could go home. Carol turned right into the parking lot while Ralph and I continued to the Governor's Palace and then to the Courthouse. And finished 8 miles on Duke of Gloucester (DOG) Street.  Ralph's schedule called for 10 miles today but, he has meetings this morning. Had to get to work.


          Ralph and I finished the run at 0650. So I changed my shirts at the car and made it to 0700 mass! My hair was a little matted down but nobody seemed to mind.


          TomWhite, I hope Pickles appointment goes well. (I will include her in my prayers at daily mass). And, WOW. Wow. My goodness. I am grateful to know that your DD1 is safe. We never know, do we?


          Late to reply to  Mariposai's weekend with Enke and Mr. Blue Eyes!  Looked like a fabulous time.


          JLynne, nope. I don't watch much television but I did listen to an interview with an actor from that show on "Fresh Air" earlier this week.


          I finished Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner last week. It was a good book albeit a tad pretentious. Great story about friendship and family relationships.


          Now I am reading Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant by Daniel Tammet.

          "Anytime you see the word "inflation" in the news, replace it with "record-breaking corporate profits" and you'll get what's happening."

          Marathon Maniac #957

            Howdy folks!


            Too busy at work and after the past few days to do more than skim, but I did run 6 Tuesday, 4 Wednesday, and 5 today.


            I am reading Sworn to Silence, by Linda Castillo.  Nothing at all profound, just a fairly grisly murder mystery, but the interesting part is the protagonist - a female, formerly-Amish  police chief.  You don't see those every day.

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

              Day Two of running – a cold, but sunny day – love it


              Good leg swinging Jay

              Counting my blessings and sending blessings to Pickles

              I love “Better Call Saul"



              Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.

              Groucho Marx


                I'm currently reading the Thursday's Dilly Daily. Easy read, light on the suspense.


                7 something miles this morning. Passed the Pace bunny for my yearly goal...shooting for the 300 YTD for the week.

                  To get some circulation going in your hands during a run, and burn additional calories, try running 'Rocky' style and throwing some punches while running. I throw punches and open and close my hands as I am going. Might help.


                  Good morning Jay and all my virtual friends yet to post. Nice job swinging those legs over the side of the bed at 4:00 AM - now don't fall asleep at your meeting!


                  Sorry about the hip issues Laurie, especially with that marathon 5 weeks out. It seems you're getting some good advice from some very smart people. I hope you find a solution.


                  It was 6° when I left the house at 5:15 this morning. I knew a mile into my run I wasn't dressed properly. I have real problems with circulation in my hands and even with a double layer of mittens I was cold. Cut it short at 4 miles and called it a day. A bunch of running friends are going to pool run this afternoon so I think I'll join them, just to loosen things up.


                  "Better Call Saul" started back up this week! I don't know if anyone watches this, but I can see Jimmy is on his way to trouble


                  Have a great Thursday everyone!

                  Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.

                    Eek. Is she living there or just there temporarily?


                    Just to prove It Can Always Be Worse-



                    from DD1 who's in Ankara, Turkey

                    ,,,,,,,,she had driven

                    past the place where the bomb exploded 30-min before it went off,

                    it shook the windows in their house..............scary


                    Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.

                      I am reading It Starts with Food by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig about the WHOLE30 food program. I am almost done with Good Night, Mr. Wodehouse by Faith Sullivan. It is set in a Minnesota town on the prairie. I like it a lot so far. I have Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life by Henry Cloud and John Townsend on reserve to pick up today. That should be beneficial to go through now with DD living with us.


                      Holy cow, tomWhite, what a close call for your daughter. Rosie, you are lucky to have such a nice group of running friends. There is a group of women that run around the lake in the wee hours of the morning but I am afraid that they are all faster than me. I prefer the daylight, but will try to convert to a morning runner by the time I retire! Hi LaT, you are on a roll now, define what “cold” is for you. Erika, your warmup on the TM is about my max, 2 miles. How do you focus? Good progress on the pace bunny, Slo. Jay, you must have a big closet for shoes if you still have those from before 2005!


                      Laurie, I too would recommend getting the hip checked out. I have bursitis have an exercise to do 3 times a day but do get complacent about doing them. My doctor is not a fan of running, so would rather have me stop. After having cortisone injections he said not to run for 1 - 2 weeks. It helped some but I won't be going back to him.  I would rather see a sports doctor next time.


                      We are experiencing spring-like temperatures, even near 50° tomorrow, although I could do without the 25-35 mph, (and 45 mph gusts). Saturday looks to be sunny and lovely though. We had one of our big trees trimmed and there is a hugh mess to clean up so will get some cross-training along with a long run. Tonight is weight training and some more indoor biking.

                      “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich


                      Trails are hard!

                        Present for Amy.  Non-BB fans may begin ignoring.




                        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                          Would it be nice if running injuries just never happened?  That's my fantasy for the for day.


                          Mr. Blue Eyes and I had a fabulous time last weekend with Mariposai and the Easy Pacer.  MBE is every bit as terrific as Posie said and I'm absolutely one lucky gal.  We went out to a great Italian restaurant last night for date night.  Yummm, but my gut, whom I call Mr. Gutsky, just has to go.  I slept in again today, so unfortunately no run - the kids are off school this week and so I don't have get up early to prod them and make their lunches.  Kind of a vacation for me actually!


                          I did however ride Gigi to work - my butt bones are still adjusting to the hard seat.  Smile  I may ride all the way home (one hour and 15 minutes) if it isn't raining later.

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                            the photos were marvelous the other day of your ski outing, Enke!

                            busy day for me. Had an on-air radio interview this morning, then going to National Honor Society Induction this evening, plus lots of work to do this week, so have literally had no time for running and yet I'm running a 5K on Saturday. I guess it's just a good thing I didn't have lofty goals of actually training and sign up for the half marathon. <eyeroll>



                              I just started the first season of "Better Call Saul " last weekend. I like it, too!

                              I have also just started reading Pnin  by Vladimir Nabokov. I ordered the book after hearing the first chapter in a podcast. Iam really looking forward to it.


                              4.1 miles this morning, 27 degrees and quite breezy.

                                Hi, Everyone - I have no idea what's going on in here as this is the first chance I've had to poke my head in here since last Friday.  However, I see just about everyone has shown up and is accounted for!


                                Hagg Lake 50k Mud Run - I survived!!  The  mud was absolutely EPIC - like nothing I've experienced before.  Slipping sliding, shoe-sucking, soul-sucking mud.  The first loop around the lake was bad, but by the time I came through the second time, things were so chewed up, there was hardly any ground on which your foot did not slip in some fashion.  Running a flat section, you'd put your foot down and have it squirm out to the side.  Any kind of incline, you'd take a step and slide back 3, 4, 5 inches.  Declines - just plant your feet, pretend you're skiing and hope your toe doesn't hit a hidden rock or root.  A few ankle-deep puddles and quite a bit of calf-high mud holes.  The one at the every end - The Pigpen - you have absolutely no chance of running through that thing.  Just try to stay upright and keep your shoe on as you drag your foot out of the quagmire.


                                I had some mental trouble the 1st loop, but rallied back after a few miles into the 2nd loop.  I made sure I ate every 20 minutes no matter what, and my stomach did really well.  I finished in 8:22:57, but I have no doubt I could've finished under 8 hrs if it weren't for the mud.


                                So now at least I know the course for the 24 hr race in July.  It's my understanding the ground is really hard once it dries, so that should add some interest to things during that race.


                                I spent the next day volunteering all day (and spent about 6 hrs the day before helping Karen and one other person set up - but that's another story ) and drove home Monday.  I think, as far as tired goes, I'm finally bouncing back today.  The rest of me feels fine.


                                So my goal is go back next year and run the double - 50k on Saturday, 25k on Sunday.  If you run the double, you get a growler of beer at the end.  I don't drink, but I want that jug!


                                Okay - I gotta get back to work.  Later, friends ~



                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

