Masters Running


Sundaily, 9.24.23 (Read 39 times)

    Late evening check in.


    I had a great time running with Tammy yesterday.  First time I've run with another person all training season.  Made the time go by a lot faster.  Although, I think if she'd been on her own, she would've finished about an hour faster!  My goodness, but that girl was cruising and it was fun to watch!  I, on the other hand, hit the struggle bus about halfway through.  Not sure why as I made sure I was eating, but it happened.  I looked back and my heart rate was regularly hitting in the 150's and 160's.  I'm sure it's a culmination of things, but - bleck!


    Like she said, we ran into some elk, which derailed our loop plans.  Started seeing signs about 3/4 of the way down Miner's Ridge Trail.  It was like a Hansel & Gretel thing - follow all the elk poop and pee and you're bound to find elk.  Thankfully, we found them on the road and not the trail this time.


    Today I did 5 EZ in the late afternoon.  Once again, I was surprised at how good my legs felt for most of it.  I just don't get how things can get so hard for me at the end of a long run, then I turn around and have a decent EZ run the next day.  Drives me crazy.


    Well, I need to get to bed, but I wanted to at least pop in and say, "How-do".  Nite all ~~

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