Masters Running


Wednesday Shorty's Coming Home Runs and Celebrations! (Read 457 times)


    Woo hoo! Leslie is getting her DH back! Congratulations on your good news, and best wishes to both of you as you go through these first few days of "rediscovering" each other.


    Great pictures Avenger Dog! Be nice to Honey, ok?


    Swim lessons last night went well. My instructor complimented me on my breast stroke Blush Then did some pool running, went home, got up this morning and ran 4 miles outside it what is supposed to be the last nice day before all hell breaks loose. Storm predicted for tomorrow and Friday, first one of the year.  It was 31° at 4:30 with a huge, bright moon. Really pretty.


    Sure miss PBJ and hope he's doing ok....




      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

        Great news for Leslie ..... I wonder how long before we hear from her again.  Wink


        I was your running twin this morning JLynne, altough you probably were a lot faster than me!  I also ran 4 miles this morning.  My right calf was really tight so after 2 miles I stopped to stretch it, then lumbered on.   After 3, tried walking it out a little.  It is still very tight and I am trying to stretch it out , but so far to no avail.     Today I am down 2.2 pounds though!!  Big grin


        Great pictures Avenger  Doggie.    I know you don't want to hear this, but Honey sure is cute .... and I was surprised to see you have snow!?


        MikeE - I think our Timbo is in love.     Maybe he'll stop by and visit us again, some day .....     Sorry about the job, but it sounded like you really didn't want that one anyway, so maybe it is a good thing.


        Michigan is taking it easy on Perch for his first winter here.    Just wait ....   Wink


        Happy Hump Day!!


        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



          Great news, Leslie, and welcome home, Shorty!!


          I wish I could have as much fun with a stick as Avenger Doggie...


          After all the hubub yesterday, there is not a presidential candidate to be found in the state this morning. The silence is delightful.


          3.25 quasi-tempo racewalking miles this morning at 25F, and under that gorgeous moon. I did a variety of glute exercises and stretches last night, and was a little achy in that area this morning. A nice workout this morning helped loosen things up again. I'll see how the day goes, and will do more stretching tonight.


          Enjoy the day!  -  Jay

          Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


          Rose Colored Glasses

            0531. 34F. The rest of the group runs short today and then swims. So I ran 2 miles with them and then 6 on my own. It was really nice. Sometimes my mind just goes to this place and my legs silently carry me around town.




            I thoroughly enjoyed reading the end of yesterday's daily.


            Leslie, I was absent and know not of the details of Shorty's unfortunate time away but, from what I gather, this is a welcome homecoming and I pray for a time of renewal for you both. 

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Good Morning!


              School morning mix-it-up today:


              3 miles outside, with mile #2 @ 8:13


              Then home to wake up DD and 20 minutes of this on the TM:


              (2 min. @ 8:34 - 1 min. @ 10:00 - 1 min. @ 8:13 - 1 min. @ 10:00)            


              5.5 miles total


              One of those runs where I felt AWESOME afterward, energized and happy – I love that!


              Long day at work planned, so I’ll check in tonight to see if we hear from Lesli.


              Orange Mat – working on your race report yet?  We want to hear about it!


              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                Happy for Leslie and Shorty.  Leslie, you are a wonderful spouse and friend to Shorty.  All the Best.


                Jlynne, I need to get back in the swimming pool here soon.  I'm feeling a draw toward trying a tri (pun definitely intended).  But I can't do one of those till I'm pretty sure I won't drown.  Joking


                OM, tapping my fingers impatiently on the desk ...


                This morning was the last workout of any note, before my Naples Half Marathon this Sunday.  Perfect IRC and a taper-induced sproikiness made this one a good one.  2.5 miles warm up, then 3 x 1 mile @ 10K pace; 2 minutes recovery, ended with a 2 mile cool down.  (8 miles total)  7:44, 7:35, and 7:38.  Just about right on my 10K pace.  Approve


                I imagine I'll run the HM somewhere between 1:44 and 1:50.  I'd love to be able to put together 13.1 8 minute miles in a row on Sunday.  But 8 minute miles haven't been feeling all that easy.  I suspect whether I'm successful with that will have more to do with guts and hanging-in-there, rather than anything to do with running comfortably-hard and leg-speed.



                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                Top 'O the World!

                  Congratulations Leslie & Shorty!! Smile *you may now breathe!*


                  Holly -  ref buying gunboats size 16 shoes:   having an NBA team nearby may skew my options! Have seen up to size 23/24 in a very ugly basketball shoe in the local sports shoe store & usually can find something on - not that I am into buying his shoes anymore...but I do giggle & direct his frustrated wife as to where to find them Wink Strangely, in the larger sizes, the hard thing is finding anything BESIDES ugly basketball shoes! Like snowboots, steel-toed workboots, ski boots, etc. And, they're always expensive!


                  Enke - we have an indoor skydiving center just a few blocks from our house....per some TV show, I think it is the 1st one. Was featured with the opening of the 2nd & discussion of lots more branch "stores?"  It seems to be pretty popular. Apparently less $$ & less inherant danger to floating over a giant fan vs. jumping out of a perfectly good airplane at 10K' - or more, since that would put you about at ground level for much of this state........ 


                  Wyoming Marathon....isn't that the one that the Shiba Inu ran with her person a few years back?  & then, I'm sure the embellished story of how she danced about "encouraging" the runners at the finish line! No respect for the distance, I tell ya what! Good price...maybe too close to Ogden..


                  No run yet...watching the wind & snow get with the program out the window....21*F + snow, no problem....21*F + WIND & snow - I'll wait!

                  Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                    I do miss swimming Jlynne. Something I should really try to work back into the schedule.


                    Up until today my winter bike race looked like it was going to be done on dry ground. Normally this race follows snowmobile and ski trails. This lack of snow and or mud was giving me fits trying to pick which bike I was going to race. Well this mornings forecast is calling for 3 - 6" of the white stuff. It looks like I'll be riding the FAT bike after all !


                    Wow the moon this morning was bright. It casted such a shadow of my running self. We had a great conversation.


                    Welcome home Shorty!

                      OM, tapping my fingers impatiently on the desk ...



                      OM, do you find yourself replaying scenes from the marathon like a movie in your head?  Give us the script.  Bill, good luck on the half.


                      I went through a bit of a tough stretch with a cold in addition to my other problem.  I've had pain of 8 on a scale of 1 to 10 in the mornings, walking into the kitchen and making my coffee.  The chiropractor I saw yesterday for an initial exam has me icing my piriformis like crazy and I'm getting some relief.  That's treating the problem, not the symptoms, like I've been doing.  I go back today to learn his findings from the x-rays, etc.  The cold symptoms got a little better yesterday and I wanted to run so Coach said I could do 30 minutes very easy and it went great.


                      mta-Those pics of the Avenger Dawgs yesterday were awesome.

                      "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                        Dirve-by post just to say good luck to Leslie and Shorty!


                        My run was a shorty, too. Easy 5.2.


                        ETA:  Oh yeah, and thanks to lamerunner, I'm now disappointed by Vermin Supreme's showing in the primary yesterday.

                        Be safe. Be kind.



                          .........just finished watching

                           ''Lombardi'' on HBO need Motivation??.......this is the ticket




                          ....currently resisting the Urge to do GrassDrills.....



                          pool running


                          shooting on tap for today


                          .................good running guys.................YAY fatozzig!!!!!!!!!........YAY twocat!!!!!!!!!

                          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                            Drive by posting here too, but wanted to say hooray for Leslie.  I too was absent, but went back and dredged up the thread where Leslie told everyone what had happened.  SO glad to hear that things are working out and that Shorty is coming home!

                            Out fo 9 miles today - medium long run at faster than easy pace.  Kind of overcast and drizzly but not too much wind and temps around 45 degrees made for good running wehather. 

                            Once a runner . . .

                              fatozzig you have my best wishes for what I hope will be the start of a new and wonderful life together with Shorty now that he has returned home.  You have been and are, in my view, a saint.


                              Avenger Doggie even if you find Honey annoying do not bite her even if you want your stick back!


                              wildchild funny that with the toenails.  One reason I like Mizuno is that when I use them I am more likely to keep my toenails.  But, yea, they do seem overrated.  Often I get along just fine without them!


                              I am not sure what is up but I had zero energy today.  You know those "5 Hour Energy" commercials I need something like "Atomic Energy" today.  Dead  In homecoming news, my DW gets back from her trip to the Detroit auto show late tonight.  The way I feel I suspect her welcoming will be me fast asleep.  Oh well.

                              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                                Leslie, I'm so happy to hear the news of Shorty coming home! Enjoy your reunion!


                                Love Avenger Doggie and Honey's pics. Had to chuckle at Honey's version of a stick versus AD's version. My dogs like Avenger's version better. If a stick isn't at least twice as long as their body, it's not even a stick worthy of dragging around. I have small logs they have drug out of the forest into my yard. Roll eyes  Bailey and Bella want that snow though. And I want that snow too! Their feet sure would stay cleaner on our trail runs if it was covered in snow.


                                Hoping to get to the track after work tonight. Lunch hour staff meeting so can't RAL like I'd prefer. Haven't been able to run for almost a week due to low back strain, but it's feeling much better today, so want to pound out a few miles on a the cushy track.

