Masters Running


Wednesday Shorty's Coming Home Runs and Celebrations! (Read 457 times)



    Leslie, so happy for you!  You've had to deal with more crap this past year than a lot of people have to deal with in a lifetime, and you've been amazingly positive the whole time.  I really really hope you and Shorty can enjoy your new and improved life together with no more drama.


    The cycling discussion today was funny.  I also had to look up MAMIL on urban dictionary. Big grin  I wish I lived close enough to work to bike commute.


    I never knew garage doors were so heavy.  Our garage doors swing out sideways on hinges - but the garage is so full of lumber and other stuff that we have never parked a car inside, in the 18 years we have lived there.


    I ran 10 miles today along the shores of Lake Arenal.  The dirt roads are very rocky here, so my feet feel kind of beat up.  But reading that it was 10 degrees and snowing back in Colorado made the heat and humidity much easier to take, and I enjoyed the run.  I saw a couple of howler monkeys up in a tree, with a whole tour bus of people gawking up at them.  Pretty funny. 


    Here's a picture of Lake Arenal with Arenal volcano in the background. 


    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


      creative day

      recovery day

      brief run at a low effort 50 minutes

      cuban food for sup


      Cuban food? tell us more. One thing we love to talk about around here is food.


      Short and sweet post here to give a some mariposai  hugs to Leslie and Shorty! You guys are in our prayers and thoughts.


      Many of you know that I am an avid reader. After gym tonight (I ran 6 miles of my favorite hills mix) I went around the house to gather books that need to be returned to the library, and I was surprised at how many books I can read in a month. A minute here, two minutes there, a lunch break or by taking the time for a break at work to walk to the river, which is only across the main road from the office, to sit on my favorite rock and read a few pages. I am so grateful for a good library system! We are so spoiled in this country!


      OrangeMat, take your time to write your RR. The longer you wait, the sweeter the memory will be.

      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

        Hurray for Leslie and Shorty!


        Quick post---in CA for work since Monday---70 minutes---fartlek run at 4:45 am


          love & congratulations to Leslie & Shorty!    

            Leslie, so happy for you!  You've had to deal with more crap this past year than a lot of people have to deal with in a lifetime, and you've been amazingly positive the whole time.  I really really hope you and Shorty can enjoy your new and improved life together with no more drama.


            Me too!  Hugs Leslie.


            Great pic and run Carolyn.


            Posie - do you keep a list of the books you read?  I started one back in May when I retired and was surprised at how many I read in the last 7 months.  Most were just fun fiction like Cussler and Clancy but a few heavier ones like The Kite Runner and The Alchemist.





              Posie - do you keep a list of the books you read?  I started one back in May when I retired and was surprised at how many I read in the last 7 months.  Most were just fun fiction like Cussler and Clancy but a few heavier ones like The Kite Runner and The Alchemist.



               Of course I do,


              I am addictive at journaling my reading...blame it to my minor in lteretaure

              Big grin,,,and don't ask me about the analyzes I make about the different genres I read...or the plots...ohhh you don't want to got there... believe me... because if you do...I will turn you into a reading pervert ....



              but then again...if you do...I think we are many in this fori who could keep you company...



              BTW, I was gifted with the Kite Runner by the gorgeous Miss Twocat . I read the book on the way back from the RRFC relay in Setp. and I have re-read it  once since then, and I really enjoyed the book. Is it so inspiring, isn't it?

              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                {{{{Leslie}}}}.............. just because Smile

