Masters Running


Humpdaily, 8.23.23 (Read 40 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    I'm glad you got home OK, KSA. Good 4.5 H&H miles on the home turf. Thanks for the update on Stella and the Fellas.


    Interesting stats from the fitness eval, bioguy. Good for you for getting the student letters out. Too bad their parents weren't responsive.


    Thanks for starting the interesting discussion about passwords, Dave. I use a password manager (1Password) so I only have to remember my master password for that app.


    Welcome back, Henry! Sounds like a nice walk with Marj - aren't all walks with her nice? I'm glad you're doing well, even with whatever challenges come your way.


    Yeah - that should have been .83-.88, Tet. Good catch. Good morning foray under the regular clouds.


    I'm glad the PF is fading, Surly Bill. Keep up the good work.


    We went to Kauai many decades ago, Tammy, and loved it. We found some great local restaurants, and some surprising/amazing vistas.


    Another good workout, BTY.  I hope you had fun at the winged 75th birthday party. Happy coming 101st birthday to your aunt, and 59th to you.


    Good work at the park, Tomwhite, despite the high heat index.


    Good 10-mile, Twocat. You're making great progress.


    Good 3-miler, Holly, and congrats on a good 2nd interview. How could the company not love you?


    Nice pre-work miles despite the stomach distress, Deeze. Enjoy your next 6 days off.


    Interesting way to answer the phone, Steve. I'm sure the corporate person loved it - OK, maybe not.


    Our guests (a niece with her DH and 3 year-old DD) arrived a little after 4 yesterday. While they unpacked their car and got settled in at the guest cottage, and DW arrived at home, I made some guac. for us to enjoy before their dinner and my meeting. Unfortunately, I had a meeting last night, and another one tonight, so I'll be missing dinner with them on their first two days here - bummer.


    I got out for an EZ 3.3 miles this morning in breezy and dry 55° temps. It was ideal conditions, but it is way too early in the year for those kind of temps to settle in, so I'll just enjoy it while it lasts.


    Have a greta Wednesday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Thanks, Jay.  Great recap.  I see Hotel Jay and DW is still up and running!  Sorry you have the meetings and will miss the first two dinners.


      Miserable weather here- even for mid-August.  People are making sweat angels on the concrete!  I really didn't see how I could even make half of my goal 8 miles.  Somehow I made 7.  It wasn't pretty.  No walking, but did take rest breaks.  When I had shade, which was a lot of it, it was almost OK, but not in the sun.  I was soaked at the end.


      Crisis here is that our main refrigerator has apparently died.  At first I thought it was just the ice maker in the drawer freezer and that maybe the pet sitter had not gotten it shut (freezer drawer) and things were softening.  As the day wore on, it became apparent that neither the main compartment or the freezer were cooling.  After dinner we frantically moved things into the drink 'fridge and downstairs freezer.  Some stuff was ruined by then, but mainly the stuff that we probably all have that was at the bottom of the freezer and you had forgotten for years that you even had......   It's a LG and 15 years old, so we will probably wind up replacing it, but time is somewhat of the essence, as we say in the law.    We have really good luck with appliances, so I guess we were due.

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


        Jay, good 3.3 miler today. I was hoping to run the Maui next spring alas it is not to be...

        Karen, good 7 mile run in what I'm guessing is scorching heat. Somehow appliances don't seem to last as long these days.


        I got out for a 6.15 miler this morning in mizzling conditions, that is to say rain, but not really, more like a somewhat failed attempt at rain. The sky was very dark, felt like a night time run. Have a greight day Masters!

        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

          Steve - Seattle looked like your Oregon picture on Sunday and Monday but ocean winds cleared it all away so nothing but regular clouds this morning.  Whew.

          ps - speaking of desks, I'm trying to find a skeleton key for the Oakcresk rolltop that inadvertently got locked shut during moving with the key carefully put elsewhere so it woudn't get locked in, still elsewhere.

          pps - you wouldn't have lasted a day for most of my elmployees, . . . but would have been president if I'd been in charge.

          The Return Of Henrun!!!  It may be my new favorite movie. 

          Steve - me too. it'd probably be almost 100 years of running if I could do  one with him, . . . but he'd have to do it walking for me. Coastwalker and KSA too and maybe even Dave, albeit probably barely.


          Jay - I'm kind of stunned that you are a metrics man, at least, with regard to your stride.  Anything else? Maybe you live too close to Canada.  Same as speaking Japanese started to come naturally after living over there for a while, using metrics was a natural adjunct as I could (and still can) visualize distances in metrics with same ease as in the English Imperial system of feet and yards, especially 26.2 mile marathons of  42.195K over there having 16 more distance markers along the way to judge pace in the days when there weren't watches to do it for us.  I guess that's why I always liked the Vancouver and Victoria marathons' metrics too. I wonder if you're are our only metrics runner?  Do you do it for anything other than stride?  Since feet would give you whole number strides instead of decimals, why do you do prefer it?


          As I'm hitting the hay more and more earlier and earlier than the 8:00 pm that'd become the norm in the last couple of years instead of 9:00 pm (and 10:00 pm before that most of my life but never could make it to 11:00 pm), it's kind of strange not only to wake up in what seems like the middle of the night but with the bedside LED indicating only 11:12 pm the other night or, worse yet, last night''s 9:15 pm but also to wake up at j-o'clock or even before with a full seven or eight hours of sleep already under my belt so, still not quite sure how to avoid the homeless enclaves that move around here and there in the parks and sidewalks with druggies screaming and yeiling profanities at each other all night, I took advantage the other day, er, morning, er, middle of the night, to make blackberry jam from the five big ziplocks DW thought were taking up too much room in the fridge.


          That's okay, even though it's still getting sunny and warm to the seventies by afternoon, at 55F in the morning and breezy it was already starting to feel like fall so I made up for it last night with hitting the hay just after 7:00 pm and zz'ing away to my heart's content that, with one nature call interruption around 2:00 am, continued until after 6:00 am and another ten hours I used to be happy if I could've run the 50 milers I used to like in but never could.  I may need to change my focus as, the older I get, the better I seem to be getting at sleeping.

          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

            Hey, All - I'm back after a weekend of company, then catching up at home.  I'm not caught up in here and, honestly, don't plan to.


            KSA - That stinks about the fridge.  Ours is 25 years old and keeps chugging along.  It sounds like Darth Vader every now and then, but that's okay.  Our dishwasher, on the other hand, is getting a visit from the repairman tomorrow.  We realized on Sunday that half the controls felt warm to the touch even though it wasn't running.  Turned it off at the breaker so the house wouldn't burn down until we could get a diagnosis.


            Got in my miles Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, along with a lot of sitting and chatting.  The lady friends who come to town each year, plus the 2 who live local, are all quite a bit older than me, so not a lot of adventuring.  The youngest is I think 70 (maybe 68 or 69?) and the oldest is 77. I'm 57. One needs a knee replacement, so she's not very mobile, which hampers our ability to do much walking around.


            Monday was an SRD day, yesterday was 5 miles in the a.m. and core/ST after work.  Today I was supposed to get an hour bike ride in, but it didn't happen.  Yesterday was a $hit-show at work and I was mentally and physically exhausted. I'll do that or more core/ST when I get home.


            Work - Over the last few days, things finally came to a head with regard to our dept secretary and another staff member arriving and leaving when they want as opposed to working the hours they're supposed to, issues with secretary staffing hours (the partners' mistake) that left me to open the office on Monday and answer phones until a secretary arrived at 9:00 (I couldn't do my work/bill during that time), and a completely botched filing that happened while I was gone to the wedding that I finally was able to look at at the clerk's office yesterday that was the final straw for me.  And when I say final straw - well, I walked into one of the paralegal's office and completely lost my stuff.  She very kindly obliged me and I apologized later.  I haven't been that mad in a very long time. I was absolutely furious.


            I had 2 long talks with one of the partners on Monday and Tuesday, and he also talked with the long-time Estate Department attorney regarding our secretary's work performance.  When she gets back tomorrow from her few days' of vacation, the partners are going to have a meeting with her.  I don't know what's going to happen, but at this point, I'm over it.  Personally, I really like her.  She's a kick in the pants and we get along great.  Work-wise, she's just not getting it done.


            Thanks for letting me rant.

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance


            Marathon Maniac #957

              Leslie - sure wish you lived close and I could apply to work at YOUR firm.  At the least, I show up every day, and early to boot.


              I was really hoping I would hear something back by the end of the day yesterday on that job.  When I spoke to the owner last week, he REALLY liked me.  Unfortunately, I don't have much experience in the practice areas (criminal and immigration) that they really need, so I have been biting my nails wondering whether my stellar personality and witty repartee (sarcasm here) were enough to get me in the door.  They sure seem like they would be nice people to work for/with.


              So, as I was typing this, my phone rang, and I GOT THE JOB!  The pay is slightly more, with 3 weeks of PTO instead of 2, and they have a 401K and match - so, cool!


              3.25 miles for me today in 68 degrees.

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                  Ok, I must be getting/looking old, because at a work lunch social yesterday, a woman who herself is not that young, asked me if I would just retire when I get laid off from this company within the next year. It chafed me a bit. No, I need to work for about 5 more years, maybe save for retirement. And, how old do I look?


                  Overnight rain was a nice surprise. I was worried my dry grass was going to spontaneously combust.


                  Software - went to mail my DD's Canadian passport application at the post office. The nice man behind the counter was entering the address (for tracking). The address is just the name of the passport office, city, country, and postal code. There is no street address. Well, his system obviously had edit checks saying there had to be an entry for street or it couldn't move forward. I told him to make something up. It will still get there.


                  MBE was on a trail work trip this past weekend. He got stung 5 times by wasps/yellow jackets. No reaction whatsoever. I'm jealous.


                  About to head out for a 3 miler (walk or jog, I dunno).

                  "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                    Thanks for the start, Jay. A "guest cottage" always sounds so civilized.


                    Good to see Henry pop in!

                    Dave--an old trick I used to use was the first letter of each word in the first line (or favorate line) of a song. "To" becomes 2, "and" become & etc. as needed.

                    KSA--good luck with the fridge replacement. Hopefully supply chain issues have cleared up.

                    Leslie-hope the workplace drama gets resolved to your satisfaction.

                    Holly--congrats!  Hope this one works out for you.


                    Monday was my usual rest day. I got distracted and forgot to post my 5-miler yesterday. Today is was just shy of 25 miles on the bike. Now I'm caught up. Our unseasonably nice weather continues.

                    Be safe. Be kind.


                      I am at work so can't spend much time here (except to say congrats to Holly!), but I had to check in to say I just checked my personal email and...


                      I WON A BIB FOR THE PARIS OLYMPICS MARATHON!!!!!!

                      Je suis MEGA CONTENTE !!!!


                      In other news, I ran 8.5 today before work.

                        Congratulations, Holly!  That's perfect.

                        Way to go, moebo!  Paris!


                        We ordered a new refrigerator from Lowe's and it will be delivered tomorrow.  Very similar to what we have.  The old one will be taken away for $50.  It was very unlikely that this could be repaired.  The new one is only a couple hundred dollars more than we paid 15 years ago.  Go figure.  Now to get all the condiments etc out of this one.  Ugh.   Sounds like the compressor crapped out.

                        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                          Congratulations Holly!


                          Congratulations MoeBo!


                            Congratulations, Holly!!!


                            Congratulations, Moebo!!!


                            I just got done with an 1.75 hr meeting with a probate client.  First time I'd met her in person.  As soon as we saw each other we knew we know each other from somewhere, but danged if we can figure out. 

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance



                              Congratulations Holly!

                              Congratulatios Moebo!


                              I spent the morning on a follow thru report for some grant money the food pantry received.  Must confess that I have another pot of coffee brewing to inspire me for some sort of workout.  Heat index around 105 and no treadmill so it’ll be some sort of free weights/yoga combo.


                              Leslie, hope your work place takes some positive action on the going’s on in your office.  It is good that you put the word out.

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Moebo - that's awesome!


                                Karen - bummer about the fridge. Hopefully you don't lose too much food.  DH and I have a freezer in the garage (an upright) and we try to load new foods in on the bottom and move the older foods up so we rotate (usually works okay for us).


                                Enke and all you other smart folk who might know about such things - DD, who gets way too much information from social media, tells me that in other countries it is customary to do a parasite cleanse and a heavy metal detox once per year.  Is this a thing?  Should we do it?  This is in connection to our conversations speculating about what might be going on with DH.

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
