Masters Running


Thankful Thursday (Read 38 times)

    Good Morning Masters!! 
    Crazy New England weather - went from 80F on Friday to 28F this morning!! Thankful for crazy running friends who run in all kinds of weather!!


    1 solo mile then 4 miles with the SoleSister crew!! Send off for our friends running NYC!!


    Have a great Thursday!!



      Mornin' Masters.


      Thanks for the start, Deeze, and a good run with the SoleSisters who are heading to NYC.


      Nice job of sleeping in, Leslie. We only get a handful of kids on Halloween, so we get candy that we like. This year, it was Dove and Lindt dark chocolate.


      Good not-quite 24 mile ride in some windage, Tramps. As people say: there is no bad weather - only poor clothing choices. I'm glad you chose well


      Good HR ride, and an all-out ride in brisk 27° temps, and a Mia walk too, anneb.


      Good 4.7 miles after a struggle with the door, KSA, and a candy score too. Nope, we don't have a leaf sucker like that, but it would be nice to have one. Thanks for providing some history about Bobby Knight - sad about his passing.


      Good 5-miler after the weather warmed a bit, Deeze, plus intervals and arms on the Peloton, and some core strengthening and stretching.


      Half a$$ed weights and ore work still counts, Holly. Yes, it is tough to make the transition to chillier weather.


      Thanks for the candy essay, Dave. It's good to know we have a Reese's expert on hand. Being too lazy (which I really doubt that you are) to get stressed over work enough to get sick may be a good survival approach.


      Good luck to your DW, Doug. I'm glad she is doing enough research to be a well-informed surgical patient.


      Nice 3.5 almost leafless miles, Tet.


      Nice 2.5 snowy miles, Wildchild.


      Good 4.4 miles in some chill, moebo. And nice chocolate mice too.


      Can't even hide behind a mask, eh, Mike??


      It is so good that the 2 Halloween girls watched out for the 3rd, RCG, and that you caught on to it right away. I've neever seen anyone dress as a garbage truck.


      Good workout in a shared lane, BTY. Sounds like a good quasi-political Open House. Who is Tom Seaver anyway?? Happy Anniversary to you and your DW! I hope you have a good celebration, when you get around to it.


      Good 7-miler to kick off November, Tammy.


      Nice work by the NICU nurse, Steve. and good PT work plus 1.1 miles. Enjoy your time at SVD.


      I got in my walks the last 2 days, but didn't have time to report in. There is just a lot going on this week, including final prep for a significant presentation at an annual conference on Saturday. One of DW's brothers arrives on Saturday afternoon for a 5-day visit. He's got some intellectual challenges, so we'll work hard to keep him entertained. I have my knee surgery next Tuesday, in the middle of his visit, just to add to the fun. Oh, and I have a cold too - why not?


      I did get out on time this morning for 4.4 EZ RW miles in 32° temps. I have to dress a little warmer now that I am moving slower and not generating the body heat that I am used to in this kind of weather. There's always something, isn't there?


      Have a greta Thursday.



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

        Thanks, Denise.  Geez, Jay, how do you do it all?  Good luck with the presentation.


        It's SO COLD (I mean- I live in the South...)  27 degrees and clear.  I got out there- my legs felt like logs for 2 miles and then I did a little better.  4 miles done.  Off to church group.  Ken isn't riding in this weather (and the E-Bike is in the shop), so he can walk Robert Earl.  I saw a lone piece of candy corn in the street.  I did not pick it up.


        Steve- have a good camping trip!

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          Good morning Deez and Jay. Thank you both for the start and recap. Jay - you have the best attitude - you have a cold, you've got surgery pending, AND a house guest to boot! Good luck with everything.


          Steve - have fun camping. Hope your trailer has a heater! And that is so cool about the nurse making costumes for all of the babies.


          Moebo - those are some expensive mice! 


          RCG - your grandkids are so cute!


          Holly - I just got the book "Holly" by Stephen King. I'm going to start it today.


          5.21 miles this morning, 31 degrees and no wind. Finished with 20 minutes of stretching and core stuff.


          Off to the Salvation Army. Have a great Thursday everyone.


            I guess we should all get the "Holly" book and have a forum book club. 


            I slept great last night. I was basically unconscious for seven and half hours. Garmin gave me a sleep score of 84 out of 100.


            27° this morning felt great. I went to the park and did a short tempo run. After a warm-up I did 2 miles at a pace that was 15-20 seconds slower than 5k pace.  The cool-down was cut short because I slept too long.




              Good Morning!

              I have a few minutes to down my coffee before going to my eye appt. 

              Got a text from my dad last night, while I was running, that my mom fell and broke her humerus yesterday morning while on her usual morning walk. And she had just had her bone density test the day prior that showed her bones were stronger than the usual 70+ yr old.   I haven't had a chance to talk her to yet, but I'm sure she's very much NOT happy about this. She's so active and extremely independent that I bet she is not liking having to have my dad do normal easy things for her. So now we've had DS, me and my mom all with shoulder breaks/injuries. oy!

              Heard the heavy rain starting overnight and it's still going strong. Brought my running gear anyways just incase it stops by the afternoon. Still debating on the Lithia Loop Trail Marathon/HM this Saturday.  It's going to be another fun one, like Rogue Gorge was, with all the local peeps I know showing up. How badly do I want to run in rain on the mountain?

              I'll contemplate that while I finish my coffee. . . .


              Marathon Maniac #957



                Holly - I just got the book "Holly" by Stephen King. I'm going to start it today.



                I had not seen that one.  Since I enjoyed the "Mr. Mercedes" series, I definitely want to read it.  I just put it on reserve at the library.  I have liked his recent books, which seem much less like horror books.  I read "Billy Summers" last year and liked it, and particularly liked "Fairy Tale."  Have you read "Gwendy's Button Box?"  I just checked that one out.


                No workout today since I had an early morning dental cleaning.  No cavities, at least.


                Tammy - bummer about your mom's fall!

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Good run deez4boyz, specially in that temp.

                  coastwalker, you are a consistent fellow, 4.4 miles in 32 F temps. Ow! I save that for my Sunday runs with the boys & girls from the FOGGs. It's the only time I run any kind of distance.

                  Karen, it's so cold, 27 F oh man... You toughed it out and got 4 miles, so a great run in my book.

                  Jlynne, nice 5.21 miler in cool runnins (31 is getting there)!

                  Tammy, sorry to hear about your mom. That injury is a disaster for active people, I hope she gets well quick.


                  Today, a new first for me, running on a vulcanized indoor track with my racing partner. We had a limited amount of time as he had things to do so we hit the track for a 5 miler at pace. It felt strange running on a rubberish track but it's decent to run on. We ran a 38'34" on our first time out so I'm pleased with the feel of the track although I think they could keep the temp a little lower because dang it got hot! With that kind of bounce I wouldn't venture out with my carbon plated MetaSpeeds however. Have a greight day!!

                    Jay - you have the best attitude - you have a cold, you've got surgery pending, AND a house guest to boot!




                    Tammy - Your mom!   Is it just casted and not any kind of external fixture?


                    KSA- Nice restraint not picking up the lone piece of candy corn on the road. 


                    Yesterday, I got the green light to go back to my regular core/ST routine while paying attention to how everything's feeling, so I dove in head first after work yesterday.  I was mindful that I hadn't been doing a whole lot the last month, so I'm not completely sore today, but I can tell I did some stuff.  My hamstring/shoulder PT guy was 20 min late for my appt yesterday and sorta tried to rush me through it and wasn't going to address my shoulder, but I made him address it anyway.  The level of tightness I'm still experiencing with some behind the back movements is not acceptable.  It wasn't there before my fall and I'm not going to just live with it.


                    This a.m. I got in an hour and 4.25 miles of power walking with some very short stints of running.  He said so long as over the next 24 hrs the irritation level stays at or below a 3, then I'm good to continue with working the running in little by little.  I'm still foam rolling, using the massage gun, stretching, etc.  Cripes, I feel like during my waking hours I'm constantly doing some sort of PT work.

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                      Steve - Sleeping Bear Dunes!  I remember when TSelbs used to post pictures and hope you can too. However, have you ever taken all or some of your GK's to play there too or is it too dangerous?


                      BTY - if your Tom Seaver's a limited edition with his signature, it's $2,000, not free.

                      ps - I can't believe anyone, especially who lives out in the East Coast would not know who the Mets' World Series hero Tom Seaver is. 


                      Thankful for crazy running friends who run in all kinds of weather!!

                       1 solo mile then 4 miles with the SoleSister crew!

                      Deez - nice you have fellow runners to join you. Though I'm a solo, RA makes me feel like Mulder and Scully that I am not alone anymore. Thanks. 


                      I have to dress a little warmer now that I am moving slower and not generating the body heat that I am used to in this kind of weather. There's always something, isn't there?

                      Jay - one of the advantages of slowing down in our later years is it's much easier to keep warm and comfortable with the reduced, if any, uncomfortable sweating that chills the skin from the inside even if modern weather proofed attire keeps the rain out.


                      I saw a lone piece of candy corn in the street.  I did not pick it up.

                      KSA - whew. Don't ask me how i know but there was this really slow ultra runner who was fading badly way out in the middle of nowhere once when, viola!, out of nowhere in the middle of the trail appeared a used packet of gel with a little bit enough to get him to the finish so, . . .  . . . . . .


                      Heard the heavy rain starting overnight and it's still going strong. Brought my running gear anyways just incase it stops by the afternoon. Still debating on the Lithia Loop Trail Marathon/HM this Saturday.  It's going to be another fun one, like Rogue Gorge was, with all the local peeps I know showing up. How badly do I want to run in rain on the mountain?

                      Tammy - I love all the trail race options you have and hope the rain lets up enough that even the hm would be fun.


                      As people say: there is no bad weather - only poor clothing choices.

                      JAY!  - sssshhh. Don't let the cat out of the bag. Next thing you know, Twocat and others won't be in such awe of those of those of us they think are so macho by running outside rain or shine we don't care.


                      At average 6.54 inches, befitting November being the rainiest month of the Seattle rainy season that starts now through March or April, if not June and July, I figured I might as well go out and start getting used to it again as yesterday's clouds started producing a steady doze of it overnight  Even came across a half dozen deezie-like runners heading down for the park too and noticed an new donut shop down the street and around the corner from Whole Foods joining five or six other specialty ones already in business and called "the Hole Shop."  When I checked Whole Foods, Central Coop, PCC Community Market, Trader Joe's and the two Safeways, Grocery Outlet and QFC last week for some candy stuffers in GS's Halloween CARE package, the first four didn't have any so I made sure to avoid this morning's routing by the others in case I might be tempted to stop in and get some of the discounted Halloween candy I used to but now eschew and, for some reason, except for Dave, Jeanne and others, I don't know why, I'm getting kind of hungry for recently. whew.

                      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                        Thanks for the start, deez. That weather's not just in New England. Upper 20s here, too, after are tropical stretch.


                         I had not seen that one. 

                        Hey, you must have missed Sunday's thread.

                        Tammy--oh, that's a hard situation for your mom. I hope she heals up well.


                        Busy day, quick post.  I got a 5+ mile run in at lunch.

                        Be safe. Be kind.


                          Talked with my mom this morning. They just have her in a sling and keeping it immobilized. She's still waiting on the referral to an orthopedist but the doc she saw in urgent care that went over the xrays with her, said it's a clean break in the humeral neck and they don't typically do surgery on that - it just takes time for the bone to re-knit. So that is likely the plan.


                          I have until 11:59 tonight to decide about the HM on Saturday.  The fee is $60 but it's $90 if I sign up the morning of. yikes!  It really is a fun race and I guess I can make good clothing choices.



                            Just throwing this out here and will check back later to see what's going on. But I did see about Tammy's mom... so sorry to hear that but sounds like the best possible type of break for healing well.


                            Riley's Halloween costume. Love how his winter boots look like part of the outfit. I was never that lucky! His preschool group wore their costumes around campus yesterday.


                              Awww, Erika, he's a cutie!

                              And RCG, your 3 GS were adorable, too.

                              Your crew, too, Steve!


                              Tammy, so sorry about your mom. Hopefully she'll heal quickly.

                              And I get the feeling you want to do that race despite the rainy forecast. I say go for it.


                              Jlynne, the mice were pricey but he appreciated them! I had sent the same ones to my daughter when she was working on her qualifying exams, and she still talks about how much she enjoyed them. I think I earned some future MIL goodwill points Smile


                              It was in the low 30s this morning when I woke up, so I wasn't sure I wanted to go out. Glad I did! Nothing like some chilly temps to encourage a little quicker-than-usual pace.

                                Riley looks like he's ready to break a few female hearts when he gets to school!  Great looking kid.


                                Sorry about your mom, Tammy. I hope she gets healed up and back to her usual activities.


                                I had my volunteer stint at the library today but took care of some overdue car maintenance while I was at it, dropping the Outback off early and walking to the library and later back to pick it up. I took different routes but both were exactly 1.0 miles. Next week I'll do the same for DW's Mazda. It must have been warmer here than in Ohio or Tennessee because my walk in was chilly but invigorating: somewhere in the low 30s but above freezing.

                                Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                                "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"
