Trailer Trash


Taco Tuesday (Read 11 times)


    I was bargaining about mileage and effort this morning. I didn't want to run. I wanted to go back to sleep. I reluctantly walked outside, and from the first step, I knew there might be something great in my legs today. I ran the 3 mile loop in 21:53, which is definitely a tempo run. I don't know where that came from, but it sure did feel great.


    QOTD: Extreme's photos inspired me to think about vacation destination. What has been your favorite vacation destination?


    I have two kinds of vacations: family and hunting.

    • Colorado is definitely my favorite place to visit on a family vacation.
    • Oddly, I think Florida may be my favorite hunting vacation. I never would have thought that would be the case considering some of the other places I have been, but we had such a wonderful time on our hunting trip to Florida this past spring.

    Bonus QOTD:

    Name three things you hated as a child and continue to hate today:

    • Sesame Street
    • The Muppets
    • Beets




      Qotd: Sebastian Inlet, FL, even though I grew up around there I still enjoy going back. It's been a great family vacation spot.  Loret del Mar, Spain was my favorite when I was in the Army stationed in Germany.


      The only thing I can think I hated as a child and still do is Liver and Onions and Hitler (my mom is German and lived through it).  I can't really say I "hated" anything as a child, it was a learned emotion and this past few years it's gotten worse.


        I had a good 5 with Baker out at the lake last night. It was a great fall evening, warm and mild, calm with no wind, the trails were dry, and some color was popping in the trees. Dusky and twilight like now by 6pm. Glad to have a run like this as the dark season is fast approaching.


        Run today TBD. We had rain overnight, stopped now, but I think more rain and wind later. Maybe a few miles locally or a rest day. I do need to do a weight session as well today. Always slack on that stuff when I am away from home.


        QOTD: I tend to have 2 types of vacations as well. One's with the missus and one's with my trail running friend. Favorite destination for the missus and I is St. John USVI but we have not been there in many years. Lately though we've done shorter "long weekend" type trips and taken the dogs with us. No favorite place, but some place dog friendly. Dogs are natural conversation starters with people in new locales and that s fun. It seems everyone we meet or talk to knows someone who has gsp's.


        Bonus QOTD:


        Coconut (coconut cremes, flaked coconut on cakes, mounds bars, etc.)

        Cranberry sauce from a can


        LB2 - Great run. Love those days when I used to have them.


        DHuffman - My 3rd worst thing should have beem the smell of liver and onions. I am not sure that offal is prepared but as a kid I'd get home from school and the stench of the liver being cooked already filled the house and I knew it was going to be a bad night at the dinner table.

        In dog beers, I've only had one.


        running under the BigSky

          Our backpack hunting trip was pretty good. My took a pretty nice bull on the last morning we were there. While a 100 lb pack is never pleasurable, there is a lot of satisfaction dumping your pack at the trailhead with a load of elk meat 


          I was pretty sore yesterday, but got a nice 3 mile hike in with Tiny Elvis that definitely helped- much less sore today. 

          Going to get a few miles in after work today. 

          qotd: DW and I like backpacking vacations- when I plan a trip with her I make sure the mileage is reasonable, the views great, food is good and her pack isn’t too heavy.  She likes to be able to lounge around camp in the evening and morning, no rushing. 

          My ideal vacation would be a nice backpack hunting trip, which I have a couple of more planned Smile


          bonus qotd: Liver would be on my list- I’ve tried a lot of different ways and none have been too appealing. I’m not crazy about brussel sprouts either. I was never overly enthusiastic about sitting in church with a bunch of people I don’t know, that still holds true.




          2024 goal 2024 miles

          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √



            Warden: Congratulations on a successful hunt!!



            running under the BigSky

              Warden: Congratulations on a successful hunt!!


              My buddy’s bull, still have my tag- but I’ll at least have some elk meat in the freezer regardless Smile


              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                Nice pics yesterday.  Thanks for sharing.


                MT - Congrats to your buddy on getting his bull. Your turn next!


                I took the weekend off due to a slight strain in the side of my left ankle, right behind the ankle bone.  Did icing, ibu, and massaging of the entire lower half of my leg and it all seems to  have worked.


                Got in 20 min of core/ST on Sunday.


                Got in 30 min of core/ST yesterday after work.


                Got in 5.30 predawn miles in a steady drizzle this morning.  It wasn't cold, so not uncomfortable, just nothing dry to wipe my runny nose on.  No uncomfortableness in the ankle, so I think I'm back on track.


                QOTD 1: Once in a lifetime vacations - Prague, Czech Republic, and Zimbabwe in Africa.  The first, we scored 2 RT tickets and 10 days at a nice little hotel for $2,000.  The second, our friend is in the Army and was stationed in Zimbabwe as the military attache to Zim and Malawi.  Because we were able to stay with them half the time, we spent 3 weeks in Zimbabwe.  I felt like I was in a Natl Geo dream.


                QOTD 2: Liver  and processed coconut.


                LOTS to do at work, so I'm outta here ~~

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance



                  I plan to do 5 mi after work today. Now that we have finished the mileage relay I think I've lost my focus   .  I do have that 50 miler off on the horizon, but it's a little too far off to worry about yet.


                  mt - congrats on the hunt, I'm guessing you'll share with your friend if you get one later (I'm also guessing the deal is he has to help you lug the meat out as well).  When does the season end?


                  qotd: wow that's hard to choose, either New Zealand or Phuket, Thailand.  In the states we really liked the Grand Canyon and Sedona. . . and Sanibel Island. . . . and Lahaina. . . .


                  Bonus qotd: liver, tuna casserole.  I can't really think of anything else, but I'll agree with mt on going to church.



                  Are we there, yet?

                    12 miles in cool, damp weather, but at least the rain and wind held off.


                    QOTD:  Favorite vacation destination is a tough one, especially because some of the destinations are so different.  How do you compare Colonial Williamsburg with the Swiss Alps or Alaska?  Overall I'd have to go with the Swiss Alps that included stays in Zermatt near the Matterhorn and in Mürren in the Bernese Oberland.


                    Bonus QOTD:

                    Liver and onion

                    Brussell sprouts


                     2024 Races:

                          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                    running under the BigSky

                      Sandy- yes, if you help haul elk meat , you receive elk meat  


                      it’s a five week general season, the longest elk season in the US I’m pretty sure- I’ve got the first and last weeks of November scheduled for vacation so I’ll definitely be giving it hell!


                      2024 goal 2024 miles

                      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                      2021 goal- 2021 miles √




                        My buddy’s bull, still have my tag- but I’ll at least have some elk meat in the freezer regardless Smile

                        I knew it was his, but we get just as excited on our trips when anyone in the group gets one. If one of us gets something, we were all successful.



                        running under the BigSky

                          I knew it was his, but we get just as excited on our trips when anyone in the group gets one. If one of us gets something, we were all successful.


                          definitely exciting when everyone works so hard and someone in your group harvests an animal! Smile


                          2024 goal 2024 miles

                          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                          2021 goal- 2021 miles √