Trailer Trash


Tantalizing Tuesday (Read 17 times)


    5 miles easy, and a 1 mile walk afterwards. My walking is getting pretty good.


    QOTD: Do you listen to anything while running?


    I always plan to listen to music or a podcast when I run a race, but I have never had an event where I didn't have some sort of technical difficulty or horrific weather that kept me from listening to it. So, once again, I have planned to listen to some podcasts during the night portion of the run. And unless you can run 100 miles in about 6 hours, you will be running in the dark because the race starts at noon. I started following some scary podcasts about ghosts, disappearances, UFO's, etc. that have long ones of 3 hours or more. I love scary stories at night in the woods. But, I am fully expecting some sort of catastrophe that will keep me from listening to anything.


      6 predawn miles with 4 x 30 sec strides.  I can tell that my endurance is getting better and the strides are getting easier.


      QOTD: I listen mostly podcasts on my training runs, but even though I take my iPod with me, I rarely listen to it when in a race.  I don't know why.


      I listen to a lot of different podcasts, but Friday I was listening to "Up and Vanished."  I was running at Headwaters.  Hardly anyone goes past the 3 mile mark because it climbs for 2 miles at that point, you can't take your bike, and dogs aren't allowed.  So I'm climbing along and all of a sudden and for just a nanosecond, I smelled Fritos and immediately felt like I was being watched.  I took out my earbud (I only wear one) and stopped and looked around.  Nothing.  I kept hiking, but kept turning around and looking back down the trail and through the trees.  About 10 min later I hear voices and a dog comes around the corner and almost immediately a guy and gal who was were walking back down.  Since they were coming down from the top, it wouldn't have been them that was making my senses come to attention.  I think it was just the freaking podcast! 

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance




        QOTD: I listen mostly podcasts on my training runs, but even though I take my iPod with me, I rarely listen to it when in a race.  I don't know why.


        I listen to a lot of different podcasts, but Friday I was listening to "Up and Vanished."  I was running at Headwaters.  Hardly anyone goes past the 3 mile mark because it climbs for 2 miles at that point, you can't take your bike, and dogs aren't allowed.  So I'm climbing along and all of a sudden and for just a nanosecond, I smelled Fritos and immediately felt like I was being watched.  I took out my earbud (I only wear one) and stopped and looked around.  Nothing.  I kept hiking, but kept turning around and looking back down the trail and through the trees.  About 10 min later I hear voices and a dog comes around the corner and almost immediately a guy and gal who was were walking back down.  Since they were coming down from the top, it wouldn't have been them that was making my senses come to attention.  I think it was just the freaking podcast! 


        Sometimes, a dog will smell like Fritos. I have also heard that a pronghorn antelope smells like Fritos (never smelled a pronghorn). When I was running Sunday morning, I ran past a part of the trail and got the distinct smell of marijuana. I know there wasn't anyone smoking weed there, but I stopped and looked around. About three feet off the trail was an armadillo carcass that buzzards had basically cleaned out. Apparently, at some point during decomposition, a dead armadillo smells like marijuana.



          An easy 5 miles this morning. It was 70°, kinda warm compared to the last few runs. The squirrels seemed to like the warmth, they were doing all sorts of ‘squirrely things’ out there.


          qotd: I hardly ever run with music, last time was a few years ago when I did a hondo that had 6 loops, I needed the distraction.



            Apparently, at some point during decomposition, a dead armadillo smells like marijuana.


              Thanks for the chuckle!! 


            And does the dog smell like Fritos 'cause it's farting Fritos?  Inquiring minds want to know.

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance



            running under the BigSky

              4 miles (800') with DW and TE yesterday, 4 miles (600') today


              qotdy: saw a rather large covey of Ruffed Grouse the other day-  8-10, don't usually see them in very big groups


              gotd: no music, except at the gym- still rocking a tiny iPod Shuffle, old school baby! 


              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



              running under the BigSky

                dogs feet will sometimes smell like corn chips- it's caused by a common bacteria that gets in between their toes 


                2024 goal 2024 miles

                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                  gotd: no music, except at the gym- still rocking a tiny iPod Shuffle, old school baby! 


                  Same here, I do listen to music at the gym on my old school mini iPod Shuffle.



                  running under the BigSky


                    Same here, I do listen to music at the gym on my old school mini iPod Shuffle.


                    now we're talking! 


                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                      dogs feet will sometimes smell like corn chips- it's caused by a common bacteria that gets in between their toes 


                      Seriously?  That's a hoot!

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance



                        Ended up getting 4.5 miles in Rock  Creek yesterday, plus snagging my AZ rentals for next month's trip. Spent some time on and found a bunch of forest service cabins. I'll try for one near Sedona for a stay pre or post our Dec Grand Canyon trip. Odds are definitely not in our favor, but I'll try. Today was a dog walk this morning.


                        In light of the balloon memes, this is my favorite so far.


                        qotd: Rarely


                          Ended up with another 3.5 miles this afternoon cutting a fire break because I decided to do a controlled burn on the front and back of my property. After that, I started clearing some of the privet hedge that gets extremely brittle when it is burned. If you have a privet hedge problem and you can do it, burn it. This ended up as a super slow burn, which is what you want. It was fun, and it was about as much of a workout as chopping wood, which is good in my opinion.


                          Queen of Nothing


                            Geezzz answered but forgot to hit post here I go again....ran 6.2 miles.  3 were with Jack and I can't say slow because they were pretty comparable to my alone "run".  Could be the mushy snow and kissing an inch with each foot landing.  

                            Qotd:  I listen to podcasts but mostly books.  MY suggestion for you LB2  is to download a book or two so you don't need service.  Two books that were great to listen to (because the reader did an awesome job) are The Golden Finch and An American Marriage ( which had me running and bawling at the same time.  Library has download audio books.

                             05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                             08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






                              7 miles including intervals. 

                              runtrailDC, lol on the red baron and the balloon. 

                              QOTD: no, unless I’m listening to someone chatting nearby.

                              6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                                Qotd:  I listen to podcasts but mostly books.  MY suggestion for you LB2  is to download a book or two so you don't need service.  Two books that were great to listen to (because the reader did an awesome job) are The Golden Finch and An American Marriage ( which had me running and bawling at the same time.  Library has download audio books.


                                That may be a good idea.

