Trailer Trash


Toxic Tuesday (Read 18 times)


    I ran 3 miles this morning in 27 minutes. I saw one deer. After that, I did a couple of sets of lunges that ended up being harder than I expected. I also did some crunches and leg lifts. I need to lighten the load on the lunges until I get stronger. My legs were a little worked from the run, but I don't think they should have been that weakened. I have some work to do.


    QOTD: How much is your electric bill?


    I checked mine yesterday. It is $617 this month, which is outrageous!!



      Most of the storms missed us last night. Supposed to be warm, low 90's today, but there was a refreshing breeze for the morning dog walk. Plan is for 5 or 6 on the hills of Coventry Woods tonight.


      QOTD: About $225 in the summer for electric. AC and pool pump consume much of that I suppose. In the deep of the winter, my gas bill is about the same, while electric goes down to around $100. In the summer gas bill is pretty much nil as we just use it for tankless hot water and occasional pool/spa heating.


      LB - Yowzers. Is your hvac system very old?

      In dog beers, I've only had one.

        I got in an hour of core/ST this a.m.  I contemplated riding my bike to work, but I just didn't feel like it.  My short haircut is too long right now to not induce severe helmet head.  Not a good look in a professional setting. . . . although I will admit I'm contemplating having a hairdryer here so I can deal with said helmet hair when needed.


        QOTD: PG&E has a balanced bill program (for lack of a better way to say it) that averages your use over a 3-month period and then bills accordingly.  My bill for the last 3 months has been $243.  My guess is next month it will go down to about $180 a month for 3 months since my use for April, May, and June should have been lower.  I don't want to think how high it would be if we didn't do the balance program.

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance




          LB - Yowzers. Is your hvac system very old?


          Yes. It they are old. I have two units, but that is not the issue according to the HVAC guy. The issue, according to the power company, is that the wholesale cost of energy to them is much higher than anticipated. Everyone down here is getting hammered with high costs of electricity now. Last year, my bills were in the same range as yours. Additionally, you could hang meat in the house. So, some of it is my own fault, but $617 is ridiculous.



            Hi all. Did not do anything yesterday and not sure about today. See a running theme? I'm in phase II of the cold, with a lot of congestion and low energy. I think this is the last hold of it and I'll be up for running tomorrow. And it's hot! Ugh


            NH-- thanks for the Pictured Rocks advice. I looked up a couple of Hiawatha camping options.


            qotd: $120. We didn't use our AC as much as usual in June. We also usually have it set around 78 degrees, not LB's meat cooler temps. I think our clothes dryer is the biggest energy hog (beyond the AC).


              Yesterday just ended up being a day of weight lifting. Hot with some big t-storms that moved in.  So far today I've just been working on a canoe and so far that's looking great. Planning on getting out on my mt. bike pretty soon as another muggy day and supposed to get some more t-storms rolling thru a little later.


              runtrail--not sure if you can find it in the archives but Dateline had a show years back on a murder at Pictured Rocks. A guy pushed his wife off a cliff maybe a mile west of Miners Castle. Interesting show. Everytime I've passed that spot it gives me a little pause.


              QOTD--our electric bill averages about $100. We have an electric water heater as the main culprit though in the winter we'll often run a small electric heater in our lower family room and occasionally run the A/C like today. Conversly our heating bill for an entire year will be only about $500. Burn a lot of wood and when we head to Florida we set the temp at about 54F


              Are we there, yet?

                Not being a morning person, I'm suffering from the heat when I run after a leisurely breakfast. Still in an extended break from following a training schedule.  Managed 5.9 at a good effort, close to being a tempo run, before fatigue and the heat prompted me to stop.


                qotd:  Electric runs about $30 per month year round for my little apartment. All other utilities are included in the rent.

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                running under the BigSky

                  DW and I got up early and decided to hit Red Mountain and bring breakfast with us.  Probably low 50's at the trailhead- felt scrumptious!  Had to put jackets on at the top; 5 miles out and back- ~ 2000' gain in 2.5 miles = steep!


                  qotd: our bill is electric and natural gas- $82 last month (roughly half is electric)- ask the same question in the winter 



                  2024 goal 2024 miles

                  2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                  2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                  2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                    Well, this is what I wrote on Saturday afternoon. . .


                    Quote from Sandy-2 on 7/16/2022 at 4:58 PM:

                    Yeah, I actually missed the cutoff at Animus Forks (abt mile 60) I was trying to make it but my climbing just sucked all day. Legs hurting  and heart rate spiking. I’ve done the same training in the past, but this was different.  I figure it’s due to my advanced age. 

                    I felt really good otherwise, well considering that I had climbed over 5 mountain passes of 12k and 13k and gone 60 miles.


                    Then late Sunday I start feeling a sore throat and like I had the beginnings of a cold. Figured it was all the dry air I was sucking in over those 30 hours. Felt about the same cruddyness on Monday for the flight home. Note DD and I wore masks all the time in the airports and planes both up and back as we didn’t want to take any chances.


                    Today I woke up with the same slight cold symptoms.


                    Just tested positive for COVID.



                    running under the BigSky

                      That certainly wouldn’t help your effort for a 100 miles and 30k of climbing!  Get well soon Sir.


                      2024 goal 2024 miles

                      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                      2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                        Sandy - Yikes. Running hard rock with covid? It wasn't your age. FU Covid. Feel better soon.

                        In dog beers, I've only had one.


                          I'll look it up. Might even have made it into one of the 'National Park after Dark' podcasts.


                          And Sandy-- yikes. Hope you are feeling better soon.



                          runtrail--not sure if you can find it in the archives but Dateline had a show years back on a murder at Pictured Rocks. A guy pushed his wife off a cliff maybe a mile west of Miners Castle. Interesting show. Everytime I've passed that spot it gives me a little pause.


                          Queen of Nothing


                            No run but full body work out in lifting  post and 16 foot boards for the seconvstory deck.   

                            qotd:  Last bill was $30 ..which blows my mind.  But I do not have AC and until a week ago I did not have a dryer in the house.  

                            tuntraildc:  I do not know much about Picture Rocks so take NH advice.   I am planning a 4 day backpack trip in August....solo so glad to hear they have a lot of murders there. 

                            sandy:  Well that sucks!  But you still got a lot of miles over beautiful country.







