Trailer Trash


Take Down Tuesday (Read 13 times)


    I feel like this semester is about to "take me down" between hurricanes, Covid, students, but mostly instructors. Anyway, I ran 3.25 this morning. The .25 was checking on an early scrape a buck made behind my house. We have a strange rut here in this area with a bunch of overlaps. It is confusing. The main rut here is mid to late December.


    QOTD: I know this question has been asked before, but what other outdoor activities do you participate in other than trail running? AND How long have you been trail running?


    I hunt deer and turkeys, sometimes other game, but the only things I get excited about are deer and turkeys. A few times a year I will try to catch a few fish on the river, but I never keep them. I have been running on trails since I was a kid, but it was mostly in conjunction with running a trap line or checking potholes and creeks for wood ducks. I had a little circuit I would "run" after school and sometimes in the dark before school to run a trap line. As a "trail runner" I think I have been doing that for about 12 years.


      Nothing yet, but I plan to run after work.  I laid awake until almost 1:00 a.m. then slept fitfully after that, so getting up at 4:30 was not happening.  It sucks because Sunday night I slept great! Probably because I was in my own bed for the first time in over a week. Oh well.  I guess back to the schedule of crappy sleep that I've been enduring.


      QOTD: I started running a little over 15 yrs ago. I've never been athletic, so me running was a huge surprise to just about everyone who knew me. I met a woman - who is now my best friend - at Bunko and she kept talking about trail running so I decided to try running in general.  I'd been doing "The Firm" aerobics in my living room for a few years and was getting bored.  Once I was able to "run" 3 miles, I decided to go on a trail run with her in the Arcata Community Forest.  Little did I know (1) there's a BIG difference between running on the road and running on trails and (2) there's nothing flat about the Forest.  Nothing. At one point near the end of our 5-mile run, we came around a corner and my brain just about exploded.  All I could think was, "It's another *&%$-ing hill!"  I was seriously wondering how much it would cost to have someone come out and rescue me on an ATV.  Something about it clicked, though, and I've been running trails ever since. 

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



        Nothing yet, but I plan to run after work.  I laid awake until almost 1:00 a.m. then slept fitfully after that, so getting up at 4:30 was not happening.  It sucks because Sunday night I slept great! Probably because I was in my own bed for the first time in over a week. Oh well.  I guess back to the schedule of crappy sleep that I've been enduring.


        QOTD: I started running a little over 15 yrs ago. I've never been athletic, so me running was a huge surprise to just about everyone who knew me. I met a woman - who is now my best friend - at Bunko and she kept talking about trail running so I decided to try running in general.  I'd been doing "The Firm" aerobics in my living room for a few years and was getting bored.  Once I was able to "run" 3 miles, I decided to go on a trail run with her in the Arcata Community Forest.  Little did I know (1) there's a BIG difference between running on the road and running on trails and (2) there's nothing flat about the Forest.  Nothing. At one point near the end of our 5-mile run, we came around a corner and my brain just about exploded.  All I could think was, "It's another *&%$-ing hill!"  I was seriously wondering how much it would cost to have someone come out and rescue me on an ATV.  Something about it clicked, though, and I've been running trails ever since. 


        It is interesting about the "flat" part. Before I ran my first, and only, road race, I had already gone to the trails. I remember someone during that road race complaining about a hill that was literally about a foot of elevation change in 100 yards. It was a fun run, but I never ran another road race and rarely ran on pavement after that day.



        running under the BigSky

          Was in the upper 20’s here this morning; between the snow and cold, I think we’re out of the fire season- it’s been a long one. 

          Will get out after work with Tiny Elvis for a few miles; will strap on the heavy pack as elk season approaches quickly. 

          qotd: Almost anything that involves being outside- fish, hunting, backpacking, snowshoeing, the list goes on. I’ve always been active outdoors, trail running was a fairly recent endeavor- about 10 years ago. My trail running has been mostly replaced by trail walking the last couple of years  Smile


          2024 goal 2024 miles

          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √



            Had a good 5 last night out at the lake. Creakiness was at a low level and cruised along somewhat well for me these days. About 5 minutes faster than a sort of average run last week on the same route. Weights today plus Baker and I will try to attack the hills at CW tonight and hope they do not bite back too hard.


            QOTD: Golf. I've been a golfer since I was 11 or 12. Started hacking it around in the fields behind the house where I grew up with niblicks and hickory shafted woods I found in the basement. Trail runner since 2003. While I did not run the trails we always took our dogs to the woods, rustic places where we could have them off leash. My first trail race was the Evansburg Challenge 10 miler which was loads of fun with mud and deep creek crossings.

            In dog beers, I've only had one.


            Are we there, yet?

              Gradually working my way back to normal. 5.2 miles today.


              QOTD:  I do some tame hiking in state and national parks.  Never really been a trail runner, more a runner who occasionally runs on trails. Been doing that since I was a grad student at UConn where I'd do long runs on the Nipmuck Trail.


              QOTD (yesterday):  For much of my running career it was the challenge and thrill of the competition and setting personal bests.  Now there's still the challenge of seeing how well I can perform, but the real attraction is the atmosphere and camaraderie.

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                Did 6 mi after work today.  It was hot, about 89 deg, the parts in the full sun felt brutal. 

                qotd: I just did the math and the first trail runs I ever did was as a high school sophomore running cross country. That was 49 years ago!!  The two famous courses were Sunken Meadows Park on Long Island and Van Courtlandt Park in the Bronx. 

                Outdoor stuff includes day hiking, camping, MTB, etc. don’t do any hunting. When I was young I did a lot of small one design sailboat racing.




                  qotd: Until the last year when my allergies got bad enough to keep me indoors I spent as much time outdoors as possible...when we lived up north we'd go sledding, when in FL I rode my horse and surfed, during the Army almost all waking time was outdoors doing stuff, took up endurance riding with my horse, then the trail races on foot. Kayaking is a favorite too. I'd rather be outdoors than indoors but living here in OK has my allergies going nuts and I just can't breathe if I spend any time outdoors.