Trailer Trash


Insomnia Strikes Again Wednesday!!! (Read 19 times)


    I woke up at 2AM. I worked on correcting a disaster that someone else created until 4:45. I am about to head out the door for 5 miles. I have a busy day that probably won't end until around 4:30.


    QOTD: Inspired by Warden's grizzly encounter:

    What is the craziest animal encounter you have had on a run?


    A few years ago I was running on a new trail that was created as a fire break for a controlled burn. It was before daylight, and I was running with a headlamp. I rounded a sharp turn in the trail and was immediately smack dab in the middle of a group of about 6 to 8 wild hogs. I don't know how I managed not to trip over some of them. They initially scattered in every direction, grunting and squealing (or was I the one squealing?), and a few of them stopped immediately and went back to foraging for acorns, roots, or whatever. They didn't really take off for good until I stopped for a few seconds to look at them.



    running under the BigSky

      hit the gym yesterday after work to strength train; curious if gyms will remain open as our cases ramp up???


      SRD -getting stuff together for a three day backpacking trip with DW and grandson (and Tiny Elvis!)


      qotd: a couple of winters ago I was running after work on a local trail; dark enough was in a headlamp- about two miles in saw a pair of eyes reflecting- didn't think anything about it as deer encounters are pretty frequent, BUT then I saw a large tail swish.  needless to say I slowly turned around and headed back, with lots of looking over my shoulder Smile


      2024 goal 2024 miles

      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

      2021 goal- 2021 miles √



      Le professeur de trail

        Got in 10 miles this morning.  Was still humid but felt a tad cooler.  Speaking of hot and humid, our A/C stopped working yesterday.  So last night has a tough sleeping night.  We have ceiling fans but they only work so well.  Going to see how bad the damage is this afternoon.  Thinking we may need to replace the whole system.  


        QOTD: I have seen a bunch of black bears over the years but mostly they don't want to play.  This one below wanted to play a staring game with me.  She was pretty big and I suspect was protecting a den not too far away.  I stood there for a good 3-4 minutes, snapped a picture, and took off once she turned her head.  It was exhilarating.  (This was in June 2012)



        My favorite day of the week is RUNday




          Another low motivation day yesterday, only ended up walking just under 4 miles. It's been a low couple of weeks, but still ok for gvrat. I banked miles in the nice weather of May and June, with July in mind. Of course, I could have been like others and worked harder and be all done now. . Oh well, such is life as a procrastinator. I will run today and will report on those committed running miles tomorrow as I cannot embarrass myself further with yet another post such as this.


          Where's Mandy?


          qotd: Hmm, a few but the one that stands out is the cottonmouth encounter in the Outer Banks in NC. Of course, I was running alone. Trail was very narrow, almost stepped on it before it went into defense mode.  Then I had to turn around as the trail was many feet under water and I had to pass it again.  Still there, ready to strike and with barely enough room to get by it again with my big stick.  It was not exhilarating.


            Wogged about as usual with the dogs this morning. Ran 6 miles last night up at the local trail. Was not super motivated, it was still, hot, and muggy, plus I moving about sort of slow and creaky. Felt like I would bail around 3-4 miles during the first loop but after that felt a bit better and did 3 more loops to get in 6 miles. Followed that up with a cooldown soak in the pool floating about with a strawberry daiquiri. I have not had one of those in years, but the missus wanted one and so I mixed up a batch. Added a splash of lemoncello with the rum.


            Not sure of run today. Storms later? I will need to do some radar watching I suppose. A rainy run might feel nice.


            QOTD: A large rattlesnake, a timber rattler I suppose when I was out running alone on the Massanutten trail in VA. Encountered it at a bad spot too, during a narrow climb up a steep trail with the mountain sloping steeply on both sides, and the snake was lounging to warm up smack dab across the trail. Stood there for awhile, contemplating my options. I had to go forward as it was 3-4 miles to the finish of my long run and turning back would have been 10-12 miles. Eventually eased myself through the brush and slope above him and was on my way. I don't like snakes.

            In dog beers, I've only had one.


            Are we there, yet?

              Been running in the evening to avoid the sun, though it hasn't helped any in avoiding the heat.


              QOTD:  Craziest wildlife encounter I had occurred only a quarter mile from my suburban home.  There were still some undeveloped lots in the area so it wasn't unusual to see wildlife, but this surprised us both.  I was running around the last curve, which was lined with brush and trees, toward home and a large stag was running up the road on the same side. There was less than 50 ft separating us when we saw each other.  Both of us were startled but he reacted first bounding across the road and into the trees.  I've had very few crazy wildlife encounters during my national park trips. unless you count the crazy behavior of some of the other tourists.

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                Been running in the evening to avoid the sun, though it hasn't helped any in avoiding the heat.


                QOTD:  Craziest wildlife encounter I had occurred only a quarter mile from my suburban home.  There were still some undeveloped lots in the area so it wasn't unusual to see wildlife, but this surprised us both.  I was running around the last curve, which was lined with brush and trees, toward home and a large stag was running up the road on the same side. There was less than 50 ft separating us when we saw each other.  Both of us were startled but he reacted first bounding across the road and into the trees.  I've had very few crazy wildlife encounters during my national park trips. unless you count the crazy behavior of some of the other tourists.

                By "stag", do you mean a male red deer similar to an elk? If so, is there some sort of high fence game pen in the area? I forgot about my blackbuck antelope encounter from a few weeks back, but he was inside the high fence.




                  qotd: Hmm, a few but the one that stands out is the cottonmouth encounter in the Outer Banks in NC. Of course, I was running alone. Trail was very narrow, almost stepped on it before it went into defense mode.  Then I had to turn around as the trail was many feet under water and I had to pass it again.  Still there, ready to strike and with barely enough room to get by it again with my big stick.  It was not exhilarating.

                  One year, I stepped on a cottonmouth in the middle of a field in February. I never even thought to look for a snake that time of year. I thought I had stepped on a stick, but I felt something hit my pant leg. When I looked down, all I saw was his mouth open about to strike again. I jumped, probably squealed, and ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction. I was lucky because that is a really bad bite to get.




                    qotd: Only one.  I can't wear my glasses on trail runs so my distance vision isn't very good but I was on a rail trail during a race when I thought I saw a large dog approaching me...I went to say Hi doggy but it was a deer and we were both startled.  She/he ran the other way until it could get off the trail.


                    During the Hawk marathon the year I did it with my friend she told me about a snake hanging from a nearby tree and a deer just off the trail but I didn't see either, again no glasses on.

                      QOTD:  I don't really have any run wildlife encounters that would be out of the ordinary.  I mean critters are unpredictable anyway.  Not much surprises me anymore...The most memorable was a night run with friends when a skunk got in the trail ahead of us and ran on the edge of our head lamp beams.  He lead us for about 500 yards and took the left fork in the trail and we took the right.  I just remember telling my buddy "He can't raise his tail if he's running!"


                      Last night I did another ride on Bob my 22 year old Quarter Horse.  We just finished up a 4 week course of Antibiotics for what I assume was a sinus infection.  680 feet of elevation over 3.15 miles was just right for him getting out and stretching his legs.  We brought Bogey the Lab along for company and he really enjoyed the loop as well....





                        I'm running after work today. Like XT, I'll have to check the radar for a window between thunderheads.  Ideally I'll get the rain without the lightening.


                        qotd: I've told this story before....   one of my pre-dawn runs along Lake Raven in Huntsville State Park, my headlamp hit what I thought was a red bike reflector on the side of the trail, between the trail and the lake which is about 4 or 5 feet away in that area.  I stopped and as I started to bend down to reach for the reflector it disappeared, replaced by a fast moving large black shape and instantly followed by a huge splash. Who knew that alligator eyes reflect red in the dark, especially when you are very closely face-to-face.



                        Obviously I don't have a photo, but here's one from the internet (I guess the guy I saw was at an angle so I only saw one eye).


                        P.S. last week when in the park by my house I saw a cute little gator on a log, I guess it was about 3 feet long.



                        running under the BigSky

                          Rocky- nice looking mount!


                          2024 goal 2024 miles

                          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                          2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                          Gator eye

                            I changed things up this morning and ran 11 instead of the usual 10. I’m such a rebel. 

                            qoTd; couple months ago a momma skunk and 5 or 6 little crossed in front of me. It was a nice sunny morning and I told how good she smelled and how cute her babies were. Well it must of pissed her off, she came running at me chopping her teeth. At first I thought it was funny but dang if she didn’t almost catch me. I ended up sprinting almost 100 yards before she broke off the chase. 

                            Sandy- how many finger you sporting on that right hand?

                              Rocky- nice looking mount!


                              Thanks Warden.  I think he would look better packing a big ol' Mule deer.  Have not managed to do my part to make that happen yet.  He needs a younger protege in the wings.  An understudy to take the role soon...





                                Too busy today to get out. I'll try to run tonight and early tomorrow between the thunder storms.


                                QOTD:  1 month ago, saw a nice bear and a rattle snake on the same run.  See them often, but that was a first to get both at 1 time.


                                He wasn't running away like they usually do.


                                This guy was not happy to see us. Coiled right away.

                                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 
