Trailer Trash


The Thursdaily (Read 20 times)


    Good morning! Nothin' to report for activity today. No swimming no hiking done or planned. Going to dinner with a friend after work.


    I was looking at organized running adventures...the kind where you run from hut to hut over a number of days or something like that...? .leading to


    Qotd: have you ever run one of those adventures or would you like to? I looked at some and I would love to do one. I am just uncertain about my ability to run with the pack. I would prefer an unguided, but very well marked option. I am giving thought to the loosely organized RA adventure in August.


    Everyone have a great day!

    January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k



      Trying to decide if I run in the deep woods or play it safe since the wind is blowing at 20 mph right now.  Think I'll drive up and decide on the way. Really don't want another road run.


      QOTD:  DW and I did the Grand Circle Trailfest in Utah a few years ago with Queen.  It's 3 days of running and 4 nights of camping (at the same spot) and runs in 3 different locations. I've looked at the Trans Rockies Run a few times, but dates never work out for us. What runs are you looking at?

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



        Moon I was thinking of something like that but not running just hiking.  I'd love to go on adventures still but really don't want to go alone...I want to look at stuff and turn to another person and say "wow, how cool is that".  DH doesn't like hiking or going more than 3 miles.  Perhaps when my "adult" responsibilities relax some I'll sign up for a guided something maybe one of those REI adventures.  You only live once right.


        I did the rower last night.  I'm sore


          Normal loop this morning. We are just stuck under a cloud of nasty weather right now. It should break some time this weekend.


          QOTD: I think those are interesting. I'd like to do the Bob Marshal, but the timing is not good for me.


          Gator eye

            Moon do you bike?


            me and a friend are looking at P.A.L.M 

            Peddle Across Lower Michigan

            last week of June, you peddle about 50 a day and they set up camping usually at schools. 



            Oh yeah I jogged 6 or so this am. 


              Managed a total of 10 miles yesterday in various runs. Main run was lunchtime tempo type run up on the local trail. I did not make my break 50 goal for the 6 mile route but was close and it was an good, honest effort. Sometimes when I see that I am on behind on that goal I shag it.


              Today, I have the same wind as AT. I think the plan will be weights at the gym and then a few windy road miles with the dogs late afternoon.


              QOTD: Nope. Never done one of those runs. I might enjoy if the hut was warm, the food hot, and cold beer flowed for post run. Mostly for adventures I've traveled places with my running friend (Colorado, Oregon, Icleand) and we plan runs or hikes in the 3-4 hour range and then see other things in the area.

              In dog beers, I've only had one.


              Are we there, yet?

                Completely unrelated to running, but I've been seeing a lot of ads for Come From Away, the musical about Gander and 9/11.  I haven't seen it because the tickets in Philly were outrageously priced as I'm sure they are on Broadway, but there is a touring company.  From what I've heard from friends who have seen it, including some Newfies, it's a must see production if it's near you and tickets are reasonable.  Here's the link to the tour dates and sites.  Mandy, it's coming to Madison in August.  I'll add that I have visited Newfoundland multiple times, even been to Gander, and it's the friendliest place I've ever been to.


                QOTD:  I keep looking at those running adventures, but like Diane, I wonder if I'd be able to keep up with the group or end up running/hiking solo the entire time which kind of negates the reason for doing one.

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                Refurbished Hip

                  Good morning and happy Thursday!  I have my second lead climbing class tonight.  Looking forward to more practice falls and actually leading without a back up!  Yikes. 


                  QOTD:  I have never done one and probably wouldn't.  I would just prefer to backpack it myself.  But I think it's a really neat option for people who don't have camping gear or are worried about navigating alone.

                  Running is dumb.


                    Been fighting a nasty cold for about 12 days so far and it still lingers. Managing to do some lighter activities(running, weights, elliptical) but keeping it a little short on time and intensity until things improve. Hopefully I can get after it by the weekend.


                    QOTD--I don't do group stuff. A trailer trash outing is pretty much the extent of any organized stuff for me.  I do enjoy travelling to do epic stuff but I like to set up a base camp and work out from that.


                    Moon--ever try backpacking? Or fastpacking type adventure?


                      Normal loop this morning. We are just stuck under a cloud of nasty weather right now. It should break some time this weekend.


                      Yup, stuck under the same bad cloud over here.  I did 3 mi this morning and it was so humid and foggy that I couldn't see thru my glasses after a half mile. Then it was clean and repeat every half mile after that. Blah.  However if the forecasts hold, it should be ok for my marathon on Sunday morning. Temps between 45 and 55, lowish humidity for these parts, and cloudy.  It'll be a little windy, abt 10 mph from the NNE, but that's ok because the course doesn't ever really head in that direction.


                      qotd: I haven't, but my DD has suggested we do one a few times (she sends me links).  Who knows, it might happen. I might be able to be convinced if I knew someone else who was doing it.



                        Hi all. Yesterday was another no-run day, but got in yoga. Today had a rough start (proverbial 'woke up on the wrong side' and it seems everyone else did, too), but I managed 4 slow slogging miles with Chowder and a friend. First mile with Chowder takes a lot of upper body strength and control. We need to work on that or running with him seriously won't work long-term.  He was running fast, my friend was running slow and I was getting sore from the pull between fast-slow.  The wind was seriously picking up here as the front is arriving.


                        qotd: Maybe. I haven't seriously looked into any, but I probably could be convinced, as long as it is not a huge crowd (noise). I need the tour where everyone goes to be early to read.  


                          I actually was looking at the Grand Circle Trailfest. It sounded fun...but a bunch of people...which is good I guess because I get lost so easily.  Did you have a good time?


                          This is one I found that would be awesome...though it is billed for "Under 40"




                          If I win big at the casino next week I might look into it further.


                          Gator: I dont bike...though my doctor thinks I should. I heard there is a new bike trail that runs east to west now...connecting from Lake Michigan to Lake Huron.

                          Xt: i saw one for sounds like a great place to go.

                          Harrier: i would like to fast pack around part of Lake Superior. With the lake there and all, less chance of getting lost. I think it would be something i could do by myself.


                          Dhuff: let's do a fast pack around iui and Superior. I have no problem hiking!


                          Trying to decide if I run in the deep woods or play it safe since the wind is blowing at 20 mph right now.  Think I'll drive up and decide on the way. Really don't want another road run.


                          QOTD:  DW and I did the Grand Circle Trailfest in Utah a few years ago with Queen.  It's 3 days of running and 4 nights of camping (at the same spot) and runs in 3 different locations. I've looked at the Trans Rockies Run a few times, but dates never work out for us. What runs are you looking at?

                          January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k



                            Ended up on the trails in the wind. Some really eerie sounds with the branches rubbing together.  Lots of fallen branches and a few trees, but nothing falling anywhere near me.  Ended up with 8 miles and I was pretty beat by the end. Just haven't felt great running in a while.


                            I actually was looking at the Grand Circle Trailfest. It sounded fun...but a bunch of people...which is good I guess because I get lost so easily.  Did you have a good time?



                            Yes, we had a great time. Meeting up with Sue helped .  Nice people and hanging out by the campfire every night was fun. All paces, including walkers, were represented, and courses were well marked. We combined the trip with a stops in Vegas (nothing special), Sedona (always beautiful) and DW's first trip to the Grand Canyon.


                            Here's a link to my RR Thread. Most pictures are gone now since they were from Photobucket and they don't link here anymore.

                            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

                            Queen of Nothing


                              it’s sunny, it’s raining , it’s sunny oh now hailing.  Should ho for a run but like Northern have a cold...not bad but between that and weather using as an excuse to maybe sit out the day.   Will let you know tomorrow...hope you aren’t up late in suspense.  


                              Qotd:  I went to Trailfest and loved it.  I couldn’t get anyone to go because they said it was too expensive  our favorite porto potty runner gave me a discount but still 3 trail runs, lodging (tents) and breakfast, snack, and dinner I thought it was cheap.  I hooked up with three other people who we shared car rental with from Vegas.  We also hung out together when I wasn’t with AT and the misses.....who were much mire fun.  Would I do something like that again? Hell yes!!!


                              Gator:  my cousin runs something like PALM but it’s around the Traverse city area.


                              Rntraildc:  Good luck with the pulling.  Earl still’s just part of the running now  hope you don’t give up on Chowder.

                               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                              Refurbished Hip

                                Been fighting a nasty cold for about 12 days so far and it still lingers


                                You must have sneezed in my direction and it passed across town, because I've been progressively feeling worse all day.    DAMMIT.

                                Running is dumb.
