Trailer Trash


Full Moon Weekender (Read 18 times)


    Did 10 mi this morning. Then went to the woods to help my DD with some wedding photos. Sounds strange that she’d need help, right? But with my DD ya never know...  as in...  trail, woods, river, beach, horse and wedding dress - what could possibly go wrong?


    qotd: where is everyone?



      Ho-hum, another year, another Canyon de Chelly drawing, and another year relegated to the waiting list. Don't know where on the list yet but I think last year I was around 400th or so.  Oh well....


      Just got in from 22 miles on the road. Slow pace but comfortable, could have just kept on going at that pace. All my speed left me along with my youth. Now I'm just an old curmudgeon plodding along. 


      QOTD--McFarland Wi. Madison is a suburb. Is that what you meant?


      running under the BigSky

        good mileage NH!


        qotd: I'm home sick, nothing today but watching a little tv; I definitely made a good choice bagging my trip- I would have been one miserable sob


        2024 goal 2024 miles

        2023 goal 2023 miles  √

        2022 goal- 2022 miles √

        2021 goal- 2021 miles √


          NH, I bet that race is harder to get into than States, since being written up in the NY Times a few years ago.


          I did 10.2 fast-ish miles today then spent the rest of the day volunteering at a trail race.


          QOTD: today, I was at the Tennessee Valley aid station for the Golden Gate Trail Run. Tomorrow, I’ll do 60 minutes easy run around here and then go into SF, to the office to catch up on work.

          6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


            Saw the moon this morning as it was getting low in the sky before sunrise. Absolutely spectacular, very bright and very large. We were on our way to a swim meet, during which I planned to run, but it was too exciting to leave. And the trails were closed due to excessive mud, so there was that. Then came home and took a nap. Managed a long dog walk with Chowder at dusk, just to say I did something today. Oh well, tomorrow's another day.


            qotd: see above. Funny thing was, with all the driving around town, traffic was unusually light for a Saturday, especially the beltway. Everyone else must be gone and doing more exciting stuff than me.


              I’m back to answer my question, actually I meant as is, why hasn’t anyone started the daily?  But where you are today woks too.


              Today I was in the woods along Spring Creek in Spring, TX.  It’s a little upstream of Lake Houston near where I live.


              Queen of Nothing


                No run today. 

                qotd:  I am in Puerta Vallarta MX..with my Mom who is really having a hard time mental and my father who listen to Fox News a full volume most waking hours.  Not really complaining...mostly a nice time but I am seriously practicing patients.  My sister arrives tomorrow and looking forward to having someone to have conversations with.  

                Northern: Sorry you didn’t get in.  I thought about throwing my name in.  

                sandy: I was running a trail and came on a bride who had her wedding dress laying on a sheet on the grass by the trail....both her and I were a bit nervous about my dogs passing without taking a leak on them. 

                runtrail:  I’m trying to catch the moon as it sets on the ocean idea what time to observe

                 05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                 08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






                  Queen, your dad and my dad should hang out together. 

                  6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                  7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                  9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                    sandy: I was running a trail and came on a bride who had her wedding dress laying on a sheet on the grass by the trail....both her and I were a bit nervous about my dogs passing without taking a leak on them. 


                    runtrail:  I’m trying to catch the moon as it sets on the ocean idea what time to observe

                    I looked it up for you, next moonset there is Sunday morning at 8:00am.


                    Funny, we had our DD put her dress on near the creek. We laid out a tarp and a sheet. It worked out great.  We got a few sample pics from the photographer and they are unreal, but can’t show them until after the wedding. You all will just have to wait a few weeks.



                      My dad could round out the room. Every night I am forced to listen to The Five while I eat dinner...I have all I can do not to shout at those morons. Sometimes I fail.


                      Queen, your dad and my dad should hang out together. 

                      January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


                        Nothing for me today. Spent half of the day today waiting for delivery of our new refrigerator. I did make some awesome white chicken chili and indian fry bread.


                        Tomorrow I plan a swim after I drop mom and dad off at church. My run/hike buddy and I will embark on a night hike. The purpose is intended to enjoy moon viewing with a snowy landscape. Looking at the may only be snow viewing . I hope if I cant see the moon that it will be snowing as we hike.


                        Sandy: wow...sounds like great photos!


                        Harrier: 22 miles at any pace is amazing g at any age.

                        Warden: feel better. Tiny E will just have to curl up next to you to help the healing.


                        Gatsby: I envy you your consistent training.


                        Runtrail: nice miles with a busy life.


                        Queen: enjoy the warmth!

                        January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k



                          Logging road run yesterday.  First 2 miles climb 890' and then levels out on a ridge. On the way back, the last 2 miles are really fast ones.  Ended up with 14 (was planning 16, but we both had things to get done).  Today hopefully will try the trails if not too wet.


                          Sandy - sounds nice. I'm not allowed to see the dress before the wedding. Not fair since I paid for the darn thing. DD#1 is a Daddy's Girl, so I'm sure I'll cry when I see it.


                          NH - sounds like my lottery luck.  Nice mileage.


                          Warden - good call on staying home. Hope you feel better soon. DD#2's in her last semester of her BS RN program and they cancelled a test the other day because most of the class has the flu. Supposedly the first time the nursing program has had to do that.  She's fine, so far.


                          Gatsby - Golden Gate Trail Run sounds like a beautiful run. Was your AS in the woods, or did you have a nice view?


                          Queen - sound like my In-laws house. Fox TV, high volume and forgetful MIL. My 85 year old FIL does not think he has a hearing problem, so won't wear his hearing aids.  We'll see them in 6 weeks. Enjoy your family time, especially with your sister. Sorry to hear about your Mom's memory issues. DW works in a nursing home, and you are never supposed to say things like "Mom, I told you that already." That only confuses them more.


                          DC - light traffic on the Beltway. That used to only happens during a Redskins game. If you got the same rain we did, your trails might take a while to dry out. Our rocky trails drain a bit quicker.


                          Moon - White chicken chili is a winter staple at our house.


                          QOTD: run, shopping, Tiny House work.

                          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

                          Queen of Nothing


                            I attend a class where they just told you to go along with whatever they say or just stir them into a different direction.


                            Logging road run yesterday.  First 2 miles climb 890' and then levels out on a ridge. On the way back, the last 2 miles are really fast ones.  Ended up with 14 (was planning 16, but we both had things to get done).  Today hopefully will try the trails if not too wet.


                            Sandy - sounds nice. I'm not allowed to see the dress before the wedding. Not fair since I paid for the darn thing. DD#1 is a Daddy's Girl, so I'm sure I'll cry when I see it.


                            NH - sounds like my lottery luck.  Nice mileage.


                            Warden - good call on staying home. Hope you feel better soon. DD#2's in her last semester of her BS RN program and they cancelled a test the other day because most of the class has the flu. Supposedly the first time the nursing program has had to do that.  She's fine, so far.


                            Gatsby - Golden Gate Trail Run sounds like a beautiful run. Was your AS in the woods, or did you have a nice view?


                            Queen - sound like my In-laws house. Fox TV, high volume and forgetful MIL. My 85 year old FIL does not think he has a hearing problem, so won't wear his hearing aids.  We'll see them in 6 weeks. Enjoy your family time, especially with your sister. Sorry to hear about your Mom's memory issues. DW works in a nursing home, and you are never supposed to say things like "Mom, I told you that already." That only confuses them more.


                            DC - light traffic on the Beltway. That used to only happens during a Redskins game. If you got the same rain we did, your trails might take a while to dry out. Our rocky trails drain a bit quicker.


                            Moon - White chicken chili is a winter staple at our house.


                            QOTD: run, shopping, Tiny House work.

                             05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                             08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






                            Queen of Nothing


                              You actually live with your father!  At least I know there’s and end soon.  He can’t go a day without it.


                              My dad could round out the room. Every night I am forced to listen to The Five while I eat dinner...I have all I can do not to shout at those morons. Sometimes I fail.


                               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






                              Queen of Nothing


                                Thanks Sandy. I also looked it up.  But than woke in the middle of the night and read for a few hours, so when my alarm went off I didn’t get up  such is retired life.


                                I looked it up for you, next moonset there is Sunday morning at 8:00am.


                                Funny, we had our DD put her dress on near the creek. We laid out a tarp and a sheet. It worked out great.  We got a few sample pics from the photographer and they are unreal, but can’t show them until after the wedding. You all will just have to wait a few weeks.

                                 05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                                 08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄





